A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 856: Kill with one palm!

Chapter 856: Kill with one palm! (Please order in full!)

Wu Dehui and Li Chi fell to the ground, shook their heads and came back to their senses. They were startled when they saw someone sitting cross-legged under the night pearl:

"Hey, there's someone here!"

The two of them approached Hua Twelve and looked at the man carefully. They saw that the man sitting cross-legged was in his fifties, dressed in ancient clothes, with his hands raised to the sky, and his body was covered with spider webs.

Li Chi saw the ancient man's appearance clearly and said in surprise: "This man looks like my father!"

Wu Dehui thought he was joking: "Stop joking!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a hole in the stone wall next to it, and there was a line of small words next to it. He took out his flashlight and shined it: "Put in a copper coin, and it will shine brightly!"

He took out a steel coin and threw it in directly: "I don't know if Hong Kong dollars will work!"

The next moment, many bright lights lit up on the walls of the entire underground space, illuminating everything in the hero's tomb.

I saw that there was a pool in front of the stone platform and an open space behind it. In the open space, four skeletons were entangled with a corpse covered with spider webs and stood motionless. The strange thing was that the corpse entangled by the four skeletons was also entangled with each other. Just like the man sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, his body is not rotten, just like a living person.

On the other side of the stone platform, there was an agate-shaped object the size of two people hugging each other, which glowed red and yellow under the firelight.

Hua Twelve saw the surroundings light up, and looked up, knowing that the person entangled by the four skulls must be Tiancan, and the person inside the huge agate was probably the princess of the Yuan Dynasty.

At this time, Wu Dehui discovered that Hua Twelve was holding a brocade box and asked curiously:

"Boss Hua, did you find any treasure?"

When the light shone just now, Li Chi gave up studying his 'dad' and looked around. When he heard Wu Dehui's words, he quickly came over:

"Where is the baby?"

Hua Twelve did not hide it, and showed the things to the two of them:

"The tablet next to it records that the person sitting cross-legged should be the hero Long Jianfei from the Yuan Dynasty. These two books should be the martial arts secrets left by Long Jianfei!"

As long as you are a Chinese man, who doesn’t have a martial arts dream? Their eyes lit up when they heard this.

Li Chi gestured happily: "After you master it, will you be able to fly around like you did just now, Boss Hua?"

He found that there were strips of objects wrapped in brocade in the brocade box, and he reached out and picked them up:

"Then this one is the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!"

Wu Dehui said angrily: "This is the hero's tomb. Do you think the Sun Wukong buried there is still a golden cudgel?"

"Hehe, I'm just kidding, but this must be some kind of treasure!"

Li Chi opened the satin as he spoke, revealing a brown strip about fifteen centimeters long inside. His expression froze:

"I'm just superficial, this should be the daddy made by the hero!"

Hua Twelve took it over and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be the legendary Shaolin Great Return Pill!"

He said and handed it to the two of them: "If you don't believe me, just smell it!"

Wu Dehui and Li Chi took a step back at the same time: "Stop it, Boss Hua, why don't you smell such disgusting things!"

At this time, Hua Twelve felt something was wrong behind Li Chi and asked, "Achi, what's behind you?"

Li Chi turned around to check, and Wu Dehui also noticed something strange: "Ah Chi, you are going back to your ancestors. Why did you grow a tail, and it is also a tail with scales!"

Hua Twelve kindly reminded: "Could it be a snake?"

Wu Dehui quickly shined a flashlight over it, and sure enough he saw a venomous snake with the thickness of a baby's arms, a triangular head, and huge horns, biting Li Chi's butt with its venomous fangs.

Li Chi screamed, tore off the venomous snake and threw it into the pool below: "When did I bite it? Why didn't I feel it at all?"

Hua Twelve analyzed: "This proves that this snake is so venomous that you can't even feel the pain. I think you will have other symptoms immediately!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Chi's skin turned charcoal black visibly to the naked eye.

Wu Dehui took a breath:

"Ah Chi, now there is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Li Chi almost cried: "I'm so unlucky, so I should just listen first!"

"The good news is that if you play Bao Qingtian, you don't need to put on makeup. If you don't believe me, look at your hands!"

When Li Chi lowered his head, he saw that his hands were darker than black people's because the palms of his hands were all black.

He was shaking all over: "This is good news, but what about the bad news?"

Wu Dehui made the sign of the cross in front of himself: "The bad news is that you are probably suffering from snake venom. May God bless you, Amen!"

Hua Twelve couldn't stop laughing. They were so funny. He reached out and poked Li Chi twice: "Don't worry, I helped you protect your heart. You won't die for a while!"

Li Chi was fine for the time being and he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he seemed to have thought of something and said, "Boss Hua, why are you protecting your heart? You are protecting my kidneys. I am over thirty and I am not married yet. My kidneys are more important." a little!"

Wu Dehui couldn't listen anymore: "If you don't have a heart, you will die. What's the use of kidneys if you are dead? As long as you are alive, it doesn't matter even if your kidneys are not good. Didn't you see that those eunuchs don't even have a lower body? They are still alive and well." !”

Li Chiru mourned his concubine: "The eunuchs can still watch the imperial concubine bathing. How can there be an imperial concubine in this era? If I were like that, it would be better to die and be done with it!"

Hua Twelve couldn't help but stretched out his hand and knocked each of them on the head:

"That's enough. What's going on? You two are so funny and talking about cross talk!"

He took out the sauce-brown Dahuan Dan just now and said: "No, this Shaolin Dahuan Dan, one pill can give you a hundred years of skill, and it can also cure hundreds of poisons. If you have this, you will not die!"

If Six Wings wakes up, he can detoxify in minutes. Even without Six Wings, with Hua Twelve's methods, it is not difficult to detoxify. However, this Great Return Pill is an opportunity for these two people. Even if they are ordinary friends, it is not easy for him to snatch it away.

Well, okay, you should be more honest as a person. The real situation is that these two people are right. This Da Huan Dan looks so much like Daddy that Hua Twelve is a little disgusting just looking at it, not to mention that it has been released for more than seven hundred years. , it has expired a long time ago. He has no intention of eating it, so he might as well let these two guys enjoy it!

Li Chi had a bitter look on his face: "Boss Hua, are you asking me to eat this thing to detoxify you?"

"Otherwise? This is a great return pill, and most people can't even try it!"

Wu Dehui smiled and corrected: "It should be 'one'!"

After saying that, he looked at Li Chi and laughed, obviously imagining how embarrassed he would be when he ate this thing.

Hua Twelve nodded to Li Chi and said: "Yes, although this Great Return Pill has been in storage for seven hundred years and has long since expired, it still has some medicinal properties left. It can at least increase your internal strength for several decades, and it can also relieve your body's pain. Poison, I’ll keep one part for research, and you can eat the rest!”

After saying that, he broke off the five-centimeter large Huan Dan and pretended to put it in his pocket, but actually put it in the storage space to study the ingredients later.

Put the remaining two-thirds into Li Chi's hand: "Eat it while it's hot!"

Li Chi suddenly felt like vomiting when he heard his "hot" description.

Wu Dehui reminded with a bad smile: "Think about your kidney, eat it quickly, it's such a big one, maybe it can complement the shape!"

Li Chi suddenly grabbed Wu Dehui's hand and bit it. The latter shook him off and shouted:

"You're crazy, why did you bite me?"

Li Chi pointed at his wound and said, "I'll pass on a little bit of the poison to you, so that we can get half of it each, so you don't laugh at me for eating daddy in the future!"

As he spoke, he broke the Great Returning Pill in half and handed half to Wu Dehui.

Seeing that his hands were indeed black, Wu Dehui took the Great Return Pill with an unlucky look on his face: "I have never done anything wrong in my life. The only thing I did wrong was making you my friend!"

The two of them stuffed the Great Return Pill into their mouths together.

Not to mention that this elixir is ugly, but the effect is not bad. Li Chi's black skin color has returned to normal with the naked eye. The same is true for the wound on Wu Dehui's hand, and the wound healed quickly. It seems that this great rejuvenating elixir is good for external injuries. It also has magical effects.

At this time, Li Chi noticed that his skin color had returned, and he jumped up excitedly: "I don't have to die, and I don't have to become a eunuch!"

As a result, the whole person jumped several meters high. Wu Dehui stood up and tried to catch him, but accidentally jumped two meters, as if he had learned Qinggong.

However, it turned out that the two of them had never learned qinggong. It was easy to jump up and even easier to get down. They always landed on their faces.

The two members of the Hua Twelve Gang checked: "Your meridians are full of internal energy. Each of you has improved your skills for at least fifteen years!"

In the original plot, the two of them had improved their cultivation for twenty years. Now that Hua Twelve has taken away five centimeters of the Great Return Pill, the added skills of the two have also been reduced.

"Don't move, I'll help you direct your power to your Dantian to avoid unnecessary waste!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he activated the divine power in his body and channeled the skills of the two of them into their Dantian.

After finishing this, Hua Twelve told the two of them that it was okay, and Li Chi said happily: "Then we have internal strength, can we learn the martial arts in the secret book?"

Hua Twelve opened the secret book and looked at it: "In principle, it is correct!"

He looked at these two secret books. Tathagata Divine Palm was profound and profound, but Seven Spin Slash was easy to understand. There were few words and many pictures. They basically used movements to guide the Qi. No wonder in the original plot, Li Chi was A novice in martial arts can release his true energy by taking two postures.

He handed the Seven Spin Slash to Li Chi: "Try it!"

Li Chi took over and followed the same posture, chopping trees left and right. With a casual chop, a stream of energy was stimulated and hit the huge agate with a bang, then bounced back and knocked the four skeletons that were entangled with Tian Can into pieces.

At this time, no one paid attention to Tiancan, because the eyes of Hua Twelve and others were attracted by the scene after the agate was broken.

After the agate was broken, what was scattered was not crystal stones, but silk-like things. There was still space inside. Once the outer shell was broken, two women sitting and standing inside were revealed.

The two women were both dressed in ancient costumes. They performed hand seals and performed martial arts. The one sitting there was about eighteen or nineteen years old. She was dressed in palace clothes from the Song and Yuan Dynasties. She had a stunning appearance and looked like a fairy.

Although the one standing there is also in palace attire, she is dressed as a maid. She is a bit uglier and a few years younger.

Wu Dehui and Li Chi both stared straight at it. They quickly stepped forward, pointed at the woman sitting cross-legged and doing the exercises and said:

"Oh, this girl is more beautiful than Miss Hong Kong!"

Li Chi looked like a pig and leaned over: "Kiss her first!" Hua Twelve grabbed the girl's hair and pulled it back, directly announcing his ownership: "This girl is mine. If you want to kiss her, just go ahead and kiss her!" Just kiss the one next to you!"

Li Chi was unwilling to give in: "What about Miss Haitang? They are both so beautiful, which one do you choose?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Children only make choices, of course I want them all!"

Pulling Li Chi behind him, Hua Twelve stood in front of the woman, with inexplicable emotions flashing across his face. Wu Dehui noticed this scene and couldn't help but ask:

"Boss Hua, why do I feel like you know her!"

Hua Twelve looked at the woman who was sitting upright, with an appearance that was as unique as Zhang Zhenniang's, with a look of memory in his eyes:

"If I said she is exactly the same as my wife, would you believe me?"

"Bang~!" The two guys said at the same time. If they weren't afraid of his identity as the leader of the Sanlian Gang, they would probably have raised their middle fingers at this moment.

At this moment, Wu Dehui suddenly shouted: "Did you see, she is blinking!"

"No?" Li Chi moved forward, wanting to take a closer look.

Suddenly, the standing maid opened her eyes and shouted at him: "What do you want to do?"

An authentic Northeastern accent.

This sound frightened Li Chi and caused Wu Dehui to jump away quickly.

The two women standing and sitting at this time had opened their eyes, moved their muscles, and actually made the sound of popping beans.

"Xiaoman, how long have I been unconscious?"

A woman with the same appearance as Zhang Zhenniang asked the maid standing behind her, her voice was clear and sweet, very pleasant to the ear.

The maid named Xiaoman replied: "Princess, I think it will be a while!"


Wu Dehui and Li Chi were surprised at the same time!

Xiaoman looked at the group of people: "How dare you not kneel down when you see the princess? Looking at you guys in weird clothes, you don't look like good people at first glance."

Hua Twelve said calmly: "Times have changed, and the sea has changed. You two... maybe you were in coma not for a while, but for hundreds of years!"

"Hundreds of years?"

This time it was the two women's turn to be surprised.

When the princess saw Hua Twelve's appearance, her eyes lit up: "This young master, was it you who saved me?"

Wu Dehui and Li Chi quickly pointed at themselves: "There are still us!"

The maid named Xiaoman said: "Then you are lucky, our young lady is Princess Yunluo, who is known as the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Hua Twelve nodded, then shook his head: "We just happened to meet at the right time!"

Princess Yunluo stood up and said to Hua Shishiwanfu: "It was an unintentional act, but for Yunluo, it was actually a life-saving act. Naturally, she has to thank the young master for saving her life. By the way, may I ask, young master, how have you been doing it now?" What year is it Zhiyuan?”

"Zhiyuan?" Wu Dehui and Li Chi both looked confused.

Hua Twelve said: "Zhiyuan is the reign name of Kublai Khan, and it has been more than seven hundred years!"

Yun Luo and Xiao Man were both surprised. The former sighed: "I didn't expect that just by closing my eyes, seven hundred years would pass!"

Li Chi didn't believe it at all: "You two, stop pretending, you can understand when we speak Cantonese, why are you pretending to be ancients!"

Xiaoman pouted at him, and then said with an arrogant look:

"What's Cantonese? It's just Nanman dialect. I'm also a Nanman. Why can't I understand my hometown dialect? But since I entered the palace, I have changed to Mandarin!"

Wu Dehui interjected and asked: "Then how can you live hundreds of years?"

Princess Yunluo sighed: "It's a long story!"

She glanced at Tiancan in the distance and pointed at him:

"That man is Tian Can, the number one master of the evil sect. His unique skill, Tian Can Jiao, is unique in the world. Back then, he stole the thousand-year-old Korean ginseng king and drank it, which increased his life span by a thousand years. Then he found the tomb of the hero Long Jianfei and asked for it. Get the 'Tathagata Divine Palm' secret book!"

"I wanted to stop him, but he caught me unexpectedly. He also forced us to take the Millennium Ginseng King, and then took us here. Fortunately, the four great Shaolin monks caught up in time, and they dueled Tiancan , successfully hit his fatal spot, but he was also shocked to death by the backlash of his internal force. Before Tiancan died, he used the Heavenly Silkworm Magic to wrap us up, making us fall into coma. Unexpectedly, seven days in the middle of the mountain, a thousand years have passed in this world. !”

Li Chi sneered: "It's a pity that you're not a screenwriter, what you said is true!"

Hua Twelve turned to look at Tiancan: "You are not dead, will Tiancan die?"

Princess Yunluo affirmed: "I saw with my own eyes that he was hit by the four great monks."

Before she could finish her words, she saw Tian Can standing motionless in the distance. Suddenly his whole body was shaken and his hand actually moved.

Princess Yunluo's eyes widened: "Tiancan is not dead yet, let's leave quickly!"

The two women suddenly panicked and were looking for a way out. It looked like they had been frightened by Tianzhan seven hundred years ago, and they looked like frightened birds.

Hua Twelve said calmly: "No need to look for it, someone just touched the mechanism, and the exits here have been blocked by the mechanism!"

Wu Dehui glared at Li Chi, who felt guilty. He was the one who triggered the mechanism just now out of greed. He just heard him say:

"Ah Hui and I took the Great Return Pill, and together with you, Boss Hua, we will fight three against one. I don't believe we can't beat that Tiancan!"

Princess Yunluo's eyes lit up: "Have you taken the Great Return Pill? Did you see the secret book left by the Dragon Warrior?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the secret book in Hua Twelve's hand and said quickly: "I will teach you to learn one and a half moves in the secret book, so that you can blast open the stone door at the exit."

At this time, a click was heard, and everyone looked around and saw that although Tiancan hadn't opened his eyes yet, he had taken a step forward.

Yun Luo became even more anxious when she saw this, and came to Hua Twelve to ask for the secret book, and the latter handed it to her:

"This is an opportunity for my two friends. You can teach them, but there is no need to escape. After Tiancan recovers later, I will be able to learn the martial arts of the evil master from seven hundred years ago. Look at Tiancan's feet. How powerful!”

Princess Yunluo was startled: "Young master, please don't be impulsive. You must know that the four great monks of Shaolin were all killed by the counterattack of Tiancan Kung Fu!"

However, Hua Twelve ignored her and stepped on her foot. She flew several feet away and landed in front of Tian Can. He looked up and down:

"You don't know how long it will take you to recover like this, let me help you!"

As he spoke, he took out a 'Snow Ginseng Jade Toad Pill' and stuffed it into Tian Can's mouth. The elixir melted in his mouth and nourished Tian Can's body.

At the same time, Hua Twelve began to use his yang finger to tap back and forth on the Tiancan acupuncture point to help him push the uterus through the blood.

Xiao Man was so frightened that he said, "Princess, this man is a madman, let's go quickly!"

Princess Yunluo was also frightened, and was about to persuade Hua Twelve again, but at this moment, Tian Can suddenly opened his eyes, and then there was a series of sounds like firecrackers all over his body, and his muscles and bones rang together.

The muscles and bones that had not moved in seven hundred years were fully opened in an instant, and the energy and blood in his body reached its peak at this moment. He laughed loudly:

"What a wonderful elixir, it can activate the medicinal properties of King Korean Ginseng in my body, allowing me to recover in an instant, and my strength is even higher than the peak!"

He looked at Hua Twelve and said in a condescending tone:

"For the sake of the pill just now and the blood you pushed me through, I can spare your life. Kneel down and thank me!"


Hua Twelve gave Tiancan a big competition bag!

The whole audience was shocked, and then Wu Dehui and Li Chi burst into laughter: "Tiancan? Hahahaha! The number one master of evil? Hahahahaha!"

Tiancan's eyelids jumped: "You dare to hit me?"

Hua Twelve backhanded him with another big mouth slap. This time, Tian Can was prepared. He stepped back and floated back. He was in the air, swept his right foot forward, and shouted: "Tian Can's kick! "

Then he saw a foot-shaped shadow that was like a hill, condensed in an instant, and swept towards Hua Twelve with infinite power.

Standing behind Hua Twelve, several people on the stone platform felt the strong wind blowing against their faces, and their bodies were a little unsteady due to the wind.

Hua Twelve, however, was as calm as a mountain. He just nodded slightly, as if approving, as if affirming, but there was a hint of disapproval in his eyes, which was a very complicated expression, and then he patted it casually.

The next moment, a huge palm formed by blue virtual light was shot out directly. Under the palm, the shadow of Tian Can's feet instantly shattered, and the huge palm continued forward, directly hitting Tian Can's body.

He took Tiancan with him and photographed him on the stone wall.


The earth is shaking!

When the dust settled, a palm several meters tall appeared on the stone wall. In the middle of the palm, Tiancan was embedded in the stone wall!

The four people on the stone platform, whether they were modern Wu Dehui and Li Chi, or Princess Yunluo and Xiao Man from the Yuan Dynasty, were all shocked by this scene.

Hua Twelve said to Tiancan embedded in the stone wall: "Give me the secret book of Tiancan's feet, and I will spare your life!"

Tian Can, who was stuck in the stone wall, was knocked out of breath by a palm, and it took him a long time to breathe out:

"I didn't expect that you have already cultivated to the level of the hero Long Jianfei. I, Tiancan, will admit defeat, but if you want my secret book, can you let me think about it for a few days!"

Hua Twelve raised his right palm and smacked it directly. With a bang, the handprint on the stone wall was three feet larger and three meters deep. Stone powder flew everywhere, and Tiancan had turned into flesh!

"Sorry, I can't wait that long!"

It's just a crippled leg, and it's not any great martial arts. In Hua Twelve's opinion, it's just passable and not worth the few days he has to wait.

And the most important thing is that Hua Twelve just had an idea in his mind. Tiancan was the top master of the evil sect seven hundred years ago and killed countless people. What if he was the third harm in the system mission.

It's a pity that it's not the case, Tiancan's death was in vain!

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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