A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 861: Bring my team of lawyers out for a walk!

Chapter 861: Bring my team of lawyers out for a walk! (Please order in full!)

On the way to the manor villa, the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz was stopped by two vans on a remote section. Several strong men opened the door and got out.

Chen Guilin, who drove Hua Twelve, did not panic at all. He put his hand into his arms and cursed:

"It's closer to the north. Don't the little cubs now know how to live or die?"

Hua Twelve patted his shoulder from behind:

"Don't mess around, there are children here!"

Chen Guilin then took out his hand again, lowered the electric window and shouted outside: "Get out of the way, or I will call the police!"

At this time, someone's phone suddenly rang among those strong men. A bearded man wearing a fitness vest and a gold chain answered the phone, and then said to Chen Guilin: "Sorry, I got the wrong person!"

After saying that, he said to his companions: "I admitted the wrong person, let's go back!"

Then several people got into the car and left happily. How did the two vans come and why did they quickly disappear in front of the Mercedes-Benz.

Chen Guilin was confused by some Zhang Er monks: "It's inexplicable!"

Hua Twelve was also a little confused. He originally believed that the other party was coming for them, but with his superhuman hearing just now, he did hear from the other party's phone that the caller said that they had mistakenly admitted the wrong person and asked them to go back.

"Did you really admit the wrong person?"

Seeing that the other party left quickly, Hua Twelve didn't say anything to ask Chen Guilin to drive away.

Back home, little Meimei immediately became the favorite of the group and was unanimously welcomed by the three women in the family. All kinds of snacks and ice cream were piled in front of Meimei, which made the little girl quickly get rid of her uneasy mentality and her eyes were filled with tears. Curved into a crescent moon.

Huang Huotu made a phone call: "Brother Hua, how is Meimei doing?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "Don't worry, aren't you still worried about me being here?"

Huang Huotu was not very good at joking, so he said seriously: "No, I feel relieved with you here. You know that thing, it's beyond our common sense!"

Hua Twelve knew that what he was worried about was the evil spirit and the master behind it, so he said:

"I've thought about it. Let's call the person behind it a human being. After all, I don't know what it is yet. Anyway, that's what it means. He may not be malicious, otherwise he wouldn't save Meimei's life at the gunpoint of your brother-in-law. Well, you two should thank him for this!"

Huang Huotu said helplessly: "I'm even more scared when you say we call him a human being, but you're right. No matter what it is, we husband and wife should really thank him!"

At this time, Xiaoman was playing hide-and-seek with Meimei, and the little girl's cheerful laughter filled the villa.

Hua Twelve greeted Meimei: "Meimei, your father has called. Do you want to answer it?"

Meimei was having fun, and she shouted casually: "Uncle, the little sister is waiting for me to find her!"

Huang Huotu was in a good mood on the phone: "Let her play, I haven't heard her laughter for a long time. It seems that Meimei is very happy at your place!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "Yes, do I have anyone here to play with her?"

He took the phone and walked away a little, and then asked: "By the way, how are you and your wife?"

"What happened?" Huang Huotu spoke a little unnaturally.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "You forgot, I told you, women are easy to coax. You carry her into the bedroom and wear her clothes during the day. If you do this to her a few more times, you two will be able to reach a higher level." floor!”

Huang Huotu's voice was weak: "I'm on speakerphone, brother."

Song Qingfang's voice came from the other side of the phone: "Huang Huotu, what kind of friends have you made? Let me tell him."

Hua Twelve hung up the phone with a smirk on his face. He knew Song Qingfang was around from the moment Huang Huotu called him 'Brother Hua', so he deliberately said this to push Huang Huotu.

Anyway, this push pushed him away. Whether Huang Huotu succeeded in cultivating the right path or failed to overcome the tribulation, it all depends on him.

On the other side of the phone, Song Qingfang looked at Huang Huotu with a red face: "Don't imitate him, I'm afraid you'll learn it badly!"

Huang Huotu threw away the phone and breathed heavily: "I've learned bad things!"

After saying that, amidst Song Qingfang's screams, he picked up the other party and strode into the bedroom. After one, two, three or four times, he finally successfully saved his marriage on the edge of the impending divorce. .

Hua Twelve talked to Long Jianfei about Meimei's situation. After all, Long Daxia was also a person who once broke the void. He could help take care of little Meimei when he was away or went into the training room.

Long Daxia also liked children very much and agreed immediately.

Regarding the evil aura, Long Jianfei also had some guesses: "I think the owner of that aura must be trying to get something from this little girl, or waiting for an opportunity."

Hua Twelve humbly asked for advice: "Then what opportunity is he waiting for?"

Long Daxia shrugged: "I don't know either!"

Hua Twelve said with great gratitude: "Old man, didn't you just say nonsense!"

After saying that, he left. Behind him, Daxia Long's face turned black with anger: "Hey, I'll beat you to death, you little son of a bitch!" The accent from his hometown came out again in a hurry.

After a night of silence, Huang Huotu called early the next morning and specifically reminded Hua Twelve to send Meimei to school. Until it was completely confirmed that the girl was not in danger, the job of taking her to and from school every day was his.

Listening to Huang Huotu's voice on the phone, it was no longer as deep and melancholy as in the past, but instead had a relaxed and cheerful feeling. The corners of Hua Twelve's mouth rose, knowing that this guy had successfully taken care of Song Qingfang last night.

There was nothing much to say about sending Meimei to school. When school was over in the afternoon, he was waiting at the school gate in advance. A middle-aged woman with glasses came out and asked, "I saw you came to see Meimei off in the morning. You are my sister's daddy." ?"

Hua Twelve has a black line on his head, and the pronunciation of some words in Wanwan is really uncomfortable. He is clearly talking about dad, but it sounds like daddy. He wants to explain that he is not, and that guy Huang Huotu is daddy. .

But before she could say anything, the middle-aged woman seemed to have identified him and spoke again: "I am Meimei's teacher. Come in and I will talk to you about Meimei's problem. It is very serious!" Turn around and leave.

Hua Twelve suddenly realized that Meimei was not behaving well and the teacher was going to meet the parents.

He deliberately called Huang Huotu and asked him to come over to be criticized, but the woman in front of him didn't give him a chance to explain.

After looking at the time, Huang Huotu estimated that it would be too late to get here, so he thought to himself, forget it, just listen to what the teacher said first, and then tell him later. Stepping into the school, he followed the middle-aged woman into the teacher's office on the first floor. Many teachers were working in the office. Hua Twelve also understood why the teacher saw him, because the window on one side was facing At the school gate.

"Mr. Huang, sit here for a while, and I'll call Meimei over!"

The middle-aged female teacher asked Hua Twelve to sit down on the sofa in the reception room. She turned around and went out. After a while, she came in with Meimei and two other boys.

At this time, Meimei's hair was a little messy. When she saw Hua Twelve, her lips moved, but she finally lowered her head without speaking, as if the happiness yesterday had never appeared, and she returned to the silent look she had seen for the first time.

The female teacher asked Meimei to sit next to Hua Twelve, and she sat on the other side with the two boys.

Among the two boys, one looked at Meimei with a look full of disgust, and the other had a fresh scratch about two centimeters in the corner of his eye.

Hua Twelve understood a little when he saw this. It was probably a fight between children, and Meimei scratched the other party.

He was already ready to apologize for Huang Huotu, when the teacher pointed at the boy with the wound at the corner of his eye and said:

"His name is Su Zhaobin, and he is a classmate of your daughter. During nap today, he used scissors to cut your daughter's hair. As a result, he scratched his eyes!"

The teacher pointed at another boy and said, "This is Huang Chengfeng. Your daughter also had a fight with him last week!"

"Mr. Huang, I'm sorry, I want to take the liberty to ask. I'm wondering if it would be better for your daughter to be sent to a special school?"

The words of apology were on his lips. After hearing what the female teacher said, Hua Twelve swallowed it back. Not only did he swallow it back, he had to pull it out when he got back and flush it into the Pacific Ocean with the toilet, otherwise it would be too much. Disgusting.

Hua Twelve did not pay attention to the teacher's words immediately, but asked the man named Huang Chengfeng:

"This classmate, can you tell me why you want to fight with Meimei?"

Although the classmate was young, his expression was quite rich. He was holding the stick with a look of disdain. Hearing this, he immediately said:

"Don't talk nonsense. It was she who hit me, okay? I just called her a little mute and pulled her braids, and then she started to hit someone!"

The female teacher said seriously from the side: "Mr. Huang, you have heard that your daughter has violent tendencies. I strongly suggest that you let Meimei go to a special school!"

Hua Twelve even laughed angrily: "Teacher, I would like to ask what the parents of these two students do?"

The teacher had a puzzled expression on his face: "Is this important?"

Hua Twelve leaned on the sofa and touched Meimei's head with his hand: "If it's not important, how could you be so partial that you even lose your face!"

"Are you swearing?"

Hua Twelve's words made the female teacher stand up angrily. The sharp voice alerted other teachers in the teacher's office who were correcting their homework. Everyone looked over.

"How about scolding you? You are such a shameless teacher. I want to slap you when I get angry. I ask you if I cut your hair, will you hit me? Will you call the police? I think these two things It’s all legitimate, right? Then why did Meimei have her hair cut and her parents asked her to drop out of school? Why don’t you call the parents of these two children to give me an explanation?”

"Also, Meimei has gone through some things that have made her not talkative. Shouldn't your school pay more attention to such students? Why do you let her be bullied and ignore her, and let her go to a special school? Are you heartless or are you out of your mind?"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he emphasized: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Now, immediately, find the parents of these two children, and then your school and these two parents will give me an explanation, otherwise this matter will not be finished today!"

He directly picked up the phone and called Xiao Hei: "I encountered something legal, please bring our lawyer team out for a walk!"

After Hua Twelve made the call, he saw the female teacher sitting across from him in a daze, and scolded: "Go quickly, or I will be unhappy and sue your school for bankruptcy!"

An hour later, school was over. Hua Twelve and Meimei were still sitting in their original seats, but there was a row of barristers standing behind him.

Opposite Hua Twelve, the principal, the female teacher, and the parents of the two children stood there covered in sweat, all bent over, feeling like they were groveling.

Hua Twelve has already found out the identities of the two parents. One of them is a civil servant and the other is the management of a large company.

Hua Twelve finally understood that one was powerful and the other was rich. Huang Huotu, the little policeman, and Song Qingfang, the clerk, couldn't compare with them. No wonder this snobbish female teacher was so partial.

"The facts are very clear. You bullied my goddaughter. I'll give you two choices, either apologize or file a lawsuit. I, the legal department of Sanlian Enterprises, have nothing to do all day long. I just want to find some work for them. Move your muscles!”

The row of lawyers behind him didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After saying this, who has nothing to do anymore? How many injury cases does the Sanlian Gang handle in a year? All of them are criminal lawsuits.

As soon as the words "Sanlian Enterprises" came out, the female teacher almost burst into tears. She didn't know that Huang Meimei also had a godfather who was a boss of the Sanlian Gang.

The principal and the parents of the two children lowered their bodies, and the principal quickly said:

"We apologize. It was my inadequate management of the school that led to the emergence of such a teacher and such a black sheep. I will fire her immediately and will never hire her again!"

The two parents were even more frank. While apologizing, they pulled their children over and beat them up and down until their nostrils started to bleed.

Hua Twelve waved his hands quickly: "If you want to beat me home, I can't stand it. Since your parents know the mistake, let your children transfer to another school tomorrow. Remember to discipline them well and don't become a black sheep like this teacher in the future!"

The two parents quickly said: "Yes!"

When things got to this point, Hua Twelve felt that it was boring and stood up: "That's it!"

He picked up Huang Meimei and said, "My godfather will treat you to a big dinner!"

The principal sent her off to the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz. After getting in the car, Huang Meimei finally smiled and kissed Hua Twelve on the face: "Thank you, godfather!" This was considered acknowledgment of the godfather's kiss.

I called Huang Huotu and invited them to have a big dinner together and talk about today's events.

After Huang Huotu answered the phone, he agreed readily and agreed to bring Song Qingfang to the banquet at the appointed time.

When Hua Twelve told what happened today, the couple were very grateful to him for standing up for their daughter, and at the same time they both agreed with the marriage.

During the dinner, when Song Qingfang took Meimei to the bathroom, Huang Huotu talked about a case that happened today. A foreign pastor was killed yesterday and was found to have called the police today. The cause of death seemed to be a supernatural event.

Hua Twelve originally came to listen to it as a joke, but he didn't want to be involved in this case two days later.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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