A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 862 This is a poison, a poison that confuses the mind!

Chapter 862 This is a poison, a poison that confuses the mind! (Please order in full!)

The cheap cousin Xiaohei seems to be really interested in Xiaoman. After handling the gang affairs, he has been running to Hua Twelve for the past two days.

It's a pity that Luohua is intentional and flowing water is ruthless. Everyone can see that Xiaoman now only wants to be a dowry girl, and all his eyes are on Hua Twelve. He is waiting for Princess Yunluo and Hua Twelve to achieve good things, so she can be a dowry girl in a logical way. Come here.

For Hua Twelve, this is terrible.

If Yunluo's appearance is more than 90%, Xiaoman's appearance is only 40% in Hua Twelve's eyes. This is more because of her good figure. It can be said that this girl is perfect. It just didn't stick with his aesthetics.

So Hua Twelve decided that he must find a way to solve this matter.

It happened that Haitang was discussing with Hua Twelve and wanted to go back to Bennan. She planned to stay in Benbei forever. The Donghu Gang in Bennan might not be able to take care of her. She wanted to merge into Sanlian like the Seven Sages Gang who learned steel ball. Gang became a branch of Sanlian Group, which not only facilitated management, but also kept the wealth from going to outsiders.

I want to go back to Wannan this time just to deal with this matter.

Naturally, Hua Twelve refused. At the same time, he turned his eyes and thought of a clever plan. He simply took advantage of Meimei's work at school to help him take a few days off, and the whole family went to Bennan for vacation.

During this process, you can find a way to operate it to cut off Xiaoman's thoughts and find an opportunity to eat Yunluo into your mouth.

I haven’t seen Zhang Zhenniang for a long time, and I still miss those long legs!

Call Huang Huotu and his wife to explain the situation and invite them to go together.

Huang Huotu had no objection to Hua Twelve's desire to take Meimei on vacation. He also felt that his daughter should go out for a change and relax, so as not to leave any psychological shadow. However, neither he nor Song Qingfang had time to go together, and he still had to accompany her. That foreign expert from Chou Country is handling the case.

Hua Twelve did not insist on this. He asked the private jet to apply for a route that day, and then flew to Tainan with his whole family, including Long Jianfei and Xiao Hei.

Seeing Haitang again, the boy seemed to have grown taller. He called his sister and brother-in-law when they met. Haitang introduced him to Meimei and said that he planned to transfer him to Benbei to go to school with Meimei.

When Hai Hai heard about Huang Meimei being bullied in class, she patted her chest like an adult;

"You are my brother-in-law's goddaughter and my niece. From now on, I will protect you in school. If anyone dares to bully you, I will beat him until he doesn't even recognize him!"

Before he could finish his words, Haitang slapped him on the back of the head: "You brat, if I know you're fighting in school, you'll be dead!"

Hua Twelve was amused when he saw his cheap brother-in-law holding his head and being angry but afraid to speak.

The next day Hua Twelve went to the beach. When he got there, he saw men and women wearing cool swimsuits. Yun Luo was better, but Xiao Man almost went crazy. He pointed at a woman wearing a bikini and shouted:

"Ah, Silver Woman!"

Then he pointed at a man wearing swimming trunks and cursed: "Ah, silver thief!"

Then Xiaoman glanced at the beach full of silver thieves and silver women. The excitement was so great that he almost fainted.

Hua Twelve looked on in amusement. He had long known that Xiaoman had serious stereotypes, so he wanted to get Xiaohei to pair up with him based on this.

After setting up the tent, Hua Twelve asked Haitang and Yunluo to go in and change into swimsuits. After a while, Haitang and Yunluo came out together, and only Xiaoman was still in the tent.

"Does it look good?"

Haitang pulled Yunluo and spun around in front of Hua Twelve, dazzling with flowers.

Needless to say, Haitang and Shuzhen are pure and lusty.

Yun Luo is also quite receptive to new things, but she is still more conservative. She chose a dark blue one-piece four-corner swimsuit. This kind of swimsuit is generally worn by people and looks old-fashioned. His legs were shaking so much that people around him were dizzy.


Hua Twelve raised his thumb at the two of them, and then asked: "Where's Xiaoman, why don't you come out?"

Haitang smiled and said: "That little girl is not big, but she is very conservative. After putting on her swimsuit, she refused to come out!"

Knowing that the opportunity had come, Hua Twelve pushed Xiao Hei behind: "Cousin, go in and see how Xiao Man is doing!"

While speaking, he pushed Xiao Hei from behind. The latter couldn't stand at all and stumbled into the tent.

Then I heard Xiaoman’s scream: “I’ll beat you to death, you silver thief!”

Everyone saw Xiao Hei flying out of the tent. When Xiao Man, who had changed back to normal clothes, came out, they started to yell at Xiao Hei again, but the latter could only hug his head and skewer:

"Stop it, I didn't see anything!"

"You saw my belly button. How could my pure and pure body be tainted by the evil eyes of a silver thief like you? I don't want to live anymore!"

Hua Twelve snickered while stopping Xiaoman. Finally, he pretended to be a good person and let Xiaoman make the decision, letting Xiaohei marry Xiaoman, which was an explanation to this feudal girl from seven hundred years ago.

Xiaoman also persuaded Haitang and Yunluo, and said with a blushing face: "This is the only way, it will take advantage of this silver thief!"

Although Xiao Hei received a beating, he succeeded in achieving his wish, which was not a loss. He was all smiles when he played afterwards.

While playing, Xiao Hei suddenly received a call from Wan Bei, and then immediately found Hua Twelve:

"Cousin, something happened in the gang. The leader of Beitou was stabbed and sent to the hospital where he died of serious injuries. The driver who was following him was also killed!"

"Let's go back to Wanbei!"

The leader of the hall is killed, which is not a trivial matter in the Sanlian Gang. As a gang leader, you must be present and handle it properly, otherwise no one will fight for you in the future.

No matter what, there has to be an explanation for this.

Haitang wanted to stay here to handle the affairs of the East Lake Gang. Hua Twelve did not dampen everyone's interest and asked Meimei to stay here to play. When he went back with Haitang, he specifically told Dragon Warrior to pay attention to protecting Meimei's safety. Just flew back to Benbei overnight.

In the police station and morgue, Hua Twelve saw the body of the Beitou Hall Master.

Before he could take a closer look, Chen Hui rushed over after hearing the news, accompanied by Huang Huotu and the foreign expert he met before.

Seeing Hua Twelve, Huang Huotu nodded and said nothing. Chen Hui said with a half-smile:

"Your people?"

Hua Twelve was too lazy to pay attention to this guy who knew what he was asking. Instead, he looked directly at Huang Huotu and asked:

"what's the situation?"

Just as Huang Huotu was about to speak, Chen Hui said:

"Are you a policeman? Or a family member? Even if you are a family member, we have to wait until we have the results of the investigation before we notify you. Okay, if you have seen the person, leave quickly!"

Hua Twelve didn't say much to this guy, knowing that he couldn't find out anything from this troublemaker, so he immediately turned around and left with Xiao Hei and Chen Guilin.

After leaving the police station, Hua Twelve found a restaurant, took out his mobile phone and sent Huang Huotu a text message.

Nearly an hour later, Huang Huotu and the foreigner rushed over. When they came in, they said, "I've been waiting for a long time. I just couldn't leave. How about Meimei?"

"I'm very happy. I also took a lot of photos. I will show them to you when they are developed!" Huang Huotu said with a smile: "What do you mean, show them to me? Just give them to me directly!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "No matter what, let's talk about the case now. What's the situation now?"

Kevin Wright, a foreigner on the side, saw the two people chatting enthusiastically and said in English: "Hey, Huang, I think you should communicate in English to be polite, don't make me understand nothing!"

Huang Huotu was a little embarrassed, Hua Twelve said directly in English:

"Mr. Wright, we have met before, but there are still some things you don't know. For example, I am the leader of a gang, and the one who died today was one of my gang leaders. I must understand the situation, do you understand?"

Kevin Wright shrugged to express his understanding, then looked at Huang Huotu and Hua Twelve curiously, seriously suspecting that the two were colluding with the police and criminals.

Huang Huotu ignored Kevin Wright's gaze and introduced:

"When your subordinate was waiting at a red light, he flirted with a betel-nut Xishi on the roadside. When the light changed, he refused to leave, which offended the driver of the car behind him. When the conflict occurred, he was using his bare hands, but the other party took out a sharp weapon and chopped him off. "

Hua Twelve was a little surprised: "Road rage? There's no need to be so cruel. Are you sure it's not a vendetta, or the work of other gangs?"

This is what he has to deal with. If it is a rival gang, he must come back with revenge.

Huang Huotu shook his head: "No relevant clues have been found so far. It must be an emergency!"

"Who did this? Have you caught him?"

"We haven't caught him yet. The car behind is a silver-grey Volkswagen van. According to witnesses, there were two bald men in the car, and they were the ones who did it!"

Hua Twelve frowned slightly: "Silver gray van, bald head?" He vaguely seemed to have grasped some clue.

Huang Huotu continued: "You are not the only victim in this matter. The two bald heads abandoned the car and ran away after injuring people. When the police arrived, there was a wrapped body in the trunk of the van. Obviously that A van is here to dump the body!"

Hua Twelve thought of the van that stopped him that day, and immediately said, "I want to see that van!"

Huang Huotu opened his handbag, took out a stack of photos, found a photo among them, and placed it in front of Hua Twelve:

"This is it!"

The photo is of a silver-gray van. This was a photo taken by the police when collecting evidence. As an assistant to a foreign expert, Huang Huotu also had such information.

Kevin Wright frowned. He felt that Huang Huotu showed the evidence to an outsider like this, which was very unprofessional.

Just as he was about to speak, Hua Twelve pointed at the stack of photos in Huang Huotu's hand and said, "Show me the top one!"

Huang Huotu took a look, picked up the photo and confirmed, "This one?"

The photo showed a yellow talisman paper stained with blood.

"Yes, that's it!" Hua Twelve confirmed.

This time Kevin Wright became more energetic: "Mr. Hua, do you know what this is?"

Hua Twelve took the photo and looked at the pattern of the talisman carefully, and finally nodded in confirmation: "I know, this is the ultimatum!"

Kevin Wright and Huang Huotu asked at the same time: "How do you know?"

Hua Twelve was a little surprised: "Why can't I know?"

Although he did not learn Taoism or Taoism from other sects in the 'Water Margin World' except for the Ma family's magic, he did learn a lot of Taoism, among which the talisman contained this ultimatum.

Kevin Wright suddenly pointed at Hua Twelve and said to Huang Huotu: "Huang, your friend has a problem. I think he should be arrested and taken back for interrogation!"

Hua Twelve smiled, took out a cigar, and leaned back on the chair. Chen Guilin took out a lighter and lit it for him.

Huang Huotu pulled Kevin Wright: "Kevin, he is the boss of the biggest gang in the entire Benwan. His power is spread all over the bend. If you want to handcuff him and walk out now, I guarantee that neither of us will be able to get out of this place." Street!”

Kevin Wright was startled for a moment, then laughed loudly at Hua Twelve: "Dear friend, I was joking just now, please don't take it to heart!"

Hua Twelve spat: "All foreign devils are so damn good at adapting to the changing circumstances!"

He cursed this sentence in Chinese because he really didn't know how to say "dead foreign devil" in English.

Kevin Wright looked at Huang Huotu: "What is he talking about, isn't he asking someone to kill me? I'm just here to help!"

Huang Huotu looked sincere: "Don't worry, he is praising you!"

Hua Twelve was amused and was too lazy to deal with the foreign Japanese. He asked Huang Huotu curiously: "Why did you two react so much just now?"

Huang Huotu pointed to the charm on the photo and said:

"Several recent murder cases are suspected to be supernatural events. One of the reasons is that this kind of talisman was found on the deceased. I have asked Taoist temples in Quanwanbei and they don't know what this talisman is!"

"Later, I consulted an expert in Chinese studies. The expert said that this talisman is called Gou Liao. This talisman was found in an ancient Taoist temple from the Song Dynasty unearthed in Guangdong a few years ago. Before that, this talisman had been lost for nearly a thousand years! "

Hua Twelve laughed: "What expert are you? Pu Songling mentioned this thing in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio". This thing is what Taoist priests use to cast spells to enchant the underworld!"

After returning the photo to Huang Huotu, he picked up the photo of the van and took a look. Hua Twelve's eyes moved and he took the photo in front of Huang Huotu:

"That day when I took Meimei home, this van appeared and blocked our way. But then it said that we had the wrong person and left directly. The one who spoke was also bald!"

Hua Twelve looked at the shocked Huang Huotu and added another fire:

"Now I have reason to suspect that this car, the bald head, and the ultimatum are closely related to the person behind Meimei's sinister aura!"

The corners of Huang Huotu's eyes twitched. This was because he was nervous. It was about his precious daughter. How could he not be nervous.

He lost his composure and asked, "Boss Hua, what should I do? You have to help me!"

"Don't worry, Meimei is my goddaughter, how can I not help you, but I want to fully understand this case, including all previous cases where collusion occurred!"

It had been a long time since the case had been solved, and Hua Twelve was still a little itchy, especially when he encountered such an interesting thing, and the other party had provoked him, so naturally he had to get involved.

Huang Huotu did not care about keeping secrets and told everything he knew. All the deceased died after inhaling a kind of mold and then hallucinating. Death was not only painless, but also had elevated dopamine, and they died in excitement and climax.

Hua Twelve felt that this thing was very familiar, and immediately said: "Can you take me to see this kind of mold?"

In the forensic examination room, Hua Twelve saw this kind of mold. Under the surprised eyes of others, he sniffed it directly with his nose, and then said with a smile: "It's getting more and more interesting. This thing is a poison, confusing people." insanity!"

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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