A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 863 He wants to become an immortal!

Chapter 863 He wants to become an immortal! (Please order in full!)


Huang Huotu showed a black question mark face: "I have read few books, please don't lie to me. You said this is a poison. Is it the kind of poison in the legend?"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Don't you already suspect that this case is a supernatural event? Compared to ghosts and gods, isn't it easier for people to believe in Gu!"

Kevin Wright reminded from the side: "Hey gentlemen, please speak in English. This Mr. Hua seems to have found some clues!"

Huang Huotu quickly explained the meaning of 'gu' to Kevin Wright in English, and said that Hua Twelve said that the mold was a poisonous insect.

Kevin Wright heard this with only half-understanding, and shook his head repeatedly: "No, Benbei Police Department commissioned the FBI to test this mold, and it was scientifically proven that this is an insect-growing mold, not a poisonous insect!"

Hua Twelve spread his hands to Huang Huotu: "Look, worms breed mold, so what if it's not Gu!"

Huang Huotu explained to Kevin Wright that in Chinese legends, Gu are also called Gu insects. Most of them are cultivated from worms or microorganisms. The big ones include snakes, insects and ants, and the small ones are indispensable. If you think about it this way, these few things The insect-derived mold in the case has almost no difference in characteristics from the Gu insect.

After hearing this, Kevin Wright still shook his head. He didn't believe in ghosts and gods. He never believed in any supernatural cases, let alone the theory of Gu.

He waved his hand, seeming a little impatient: "Huang, it's getting late. I have other things to do, so I'll leave first!"

Huang Huotu knew that his foreigner partner was a little impatient, so he immediately nodded with a wry smile: "Okay Kevin, go back and get some rest early, call me if you have anything to do!"

Kevin Wright waved his hand, turned around and left.

Huang Huotu turned to Hua Twelve and said, "He is an atheist. He probably doesn't even believe in Chinese medicine, let alone Gu worms!"

"I'm just telling you what I know. Why does he want to have nothing to do with me!"

Hua Twelve shrugged indifferently. In fact, he didn't lie. There were five poison sect secret books in his storage space. Among them, the secret book for refining Gu worms clearly recorded this kind of thing that can make people hallucinate. Confused mind.

He chuckled and changed the topic: "But if you give this kind of poisonous bug to the FBI to study, it will be a disaster for the world rather than a blessing!"

Huang Huotu said helplessly: "I'm just a little policeman. I can't decide many things. By the way, since you know the hook spell and you know it's a poison, do you know what the murderer wants to do? They spend so much money Zhou Zhang, I don’t think it’s as simple as killing someone!”

Hua Twelve nodded: "Yes, it seems to me that this is some kind of ritual, but there is no similar form in the Taoist rituals that I know about, so I can't be sure for the time being. Can you tell me about this confusing mind?" Show me all the cases, I want to find the connection between the victims!"

Huang Huotu's eyes moved: "Boss Hua, why do I feel that you are very professional in criminal investigation?"

"How can we do this without studying our opponents? Besides, I've read Sherlock Holmes!"

Hua Twelve laughed and said to himself, "Can I tell your brother that he really worked as a criminal police officer?"

Huang Huotu shook his head and laughed: "If a gang leader doesn't study killing people or solving crimes, our job as a police officer will become increasingly difficult!"

After saying that, he took Hua Twelve and left here, went to the office of his foreign affairs team, and showed the latter several recent case files related to 'Insect-Growing Mold'.

The experience of Green Island Prison has long erased Huang Huotu's persistence in his profession, and Hua Twelve is a brother who has shared hardships together, so although it is against the rules to show the case to outsiders, this person is Hua Twelve, so then No problem.

Hua Twelve was not polite, took the case and started to read it.

The first victim was Liao Zhenfu, chairman of Taifeng Group. The forensic examination report stated that the cause of death was drowning and freezing. Note: The outdoor temperature was 40 degrees Celsius that day. The victim never left the office. When he was found dead, he was wrapped in a blanket and the air conditioner was not turned on. The indoor temperature was high, and the victim’s nasal mucosa showed signs of freezing.

The forensic examination report of the second victim, Qiu Miaofang, the mistress of a legislator, stated that the cause of death was dehydration and burning. Note: The deceased died in her own home. There was no sign of fire in her home at the time.

The third victim was Father Chouguo. The forensic examination report stated that the cause of death was disembowelment. No fingerprints were left at the scene. After the disembowelment, the wound was completely sutured and a 'talisman' was drawn on the wound. Note: The deceased died of excessive blood loss two hours after his intestines were removed and sutured. His face was calm when he died.

The fourth victim, Chen Liangwang, was the body found in the van today. The forensic examination report stated that the cause of death was a broken back and heart gouging, and there were Taoist charms attached to the wound on his back. Note: The talisman is the same as the third victim's talisman. The difference is that this time it is drawn on yellow paper, and the third victim is drawn directly on the body.

Hua Twelve looked at Case Sect, and Huang Huotu introduced:

"The so-called 'gu' as you call it was found in the bodies of these deceased people, but only the victims of the third and fourth cases had the ultimatum spell on their bodies!"

Hua Twelve nodded:

"This is normal. In the first and second murder cases, the victims suffered from hallucinations and thought they were frozen to death or burned to death. This is due to the 'suggestion effect'. Strictly speaking, it is not Even if you die unexpectedly, you are qualified to report to the underworld!"

"But in the third and fourth cases, one had his intestines removed and the other's heart was gouged out. Both of them were killed. They were killed in vain. The underworld will not accept them. That's why they need to use ultimatums!"

Huang Huotu blurted out: "So the murderer's purpose is to let the souls of these victims enter the underworld smoothly after death? Why does it sound so much like a sacrifice to me?"

"It should be about the same. In short, the person who caused all this should have something to ask for. Look here."

Hua Twelve pointed to the investigation information of several victims in the case and said:

"Did you find any common characteristics or connections between these four victims?"

"I was just about to tell you this!"

Huang Huotu took out a copy. There were some irregular words on the copy, as well as the marks of Hetu Luoshu.

"I got this from a scholar!"

"The one who told you about the ultimatum?"

Huang Huotu nodded and said: "Yes, that's him. The scholar said that these words and the hook talismans were found in the ancient Taoist temple of the Song Dynasty unearthed in Guangdong. The words on them were messy and he didn't know what they meant. But that pattern comes from Hetu Luoshu!”

"I separated the pattern and text, then overlapped them to compare, and made an amazing discovery!"

Huang Huotu took out several transparent plastic plates. One plastic plate had text printed on it, and the others had the pattern of Hetu Luoshu printed on it.

He stacked the plastic plates with the Hetu Luoshu pattern on top of the plastic plates with the text printed on them, and then the corresponding writing appeared on the pattern.

"The first word is Fu, which should be Liao Zhenfu, the second word is Miao, which should be Qiu Miaofang, and the third word is Jing. The foreign pastor is a Christian pastor, and when Christianity was first introduced to China, it was called In Nestorianism, the fourth character is "wang". Needless to say, it is Chen Liangwang! "

"There are two more after that, and the compared words are 'disrespecting ghosts and gods' and 'Shaoyang Taiyin'. I think if the murderer commits another crime, it should be related to these two pieces of information!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows, and suddenly an idea flashed:

"It's interesting. I've read a lot of Taoist classics. I still know that Shaoyang belongs to fire and Taiyin belongs to earth. Fire earth, fire earth, aren't you just yellow fire earth? And your foreign devil partner Kevin Wright, he Isn’t that disrespectful to ghosts and gods?”

Hua Twelve grinned: "You two, be careful. I think the next victims will most likely be you two!"

Huang Huotu's throat twitched, he swallowed, obviously a little nervous, and said with a dry smile: "No way, don't scare me!"

Although he said he didn't know how to do it, looking at him, he looked a little weak, and he obviously took it to his heart.

Hua Twelve saw that this guy was very angry and laughed: "Although it may be a coincidence, you should be careful. If you are afraid, just move to my place. I guarantee that no monsters can harm you!" Huang Huotu thought for a while: "talk later!"

Hua Twelve said no more and continued to talk about the case: "The connections and common characteristics I mentioned are not the ones you mentioned. Since there are Taoist elements in the case, we must look at the problem from a Taoist perspective. Come and see them background information"

"The first victim, Liao Zhenfu, dumped mercury waste into the Keelung River in order to save money. The second victim, Qiu Miaofang, acted as a mistress. The fourth victim, because of his unfilial piety, caused his parents to commit suicide. Have you noticed that? According to the Taoist view of good and evil, These are all bad people!”

"If I'm not wrong, the third victim, the foreign priest, must have done something bad, right?"

Huang Huotu shook his head: "You guessed it wrong. The information shows that this pastor is very clean and has never even had a traffic ticket!"

Hua Twelve said doubtfully: "That shouldn't be the case. What background does this foreign devil have besides being a priest?"

Huang Huotu seemed to have thought of something: "By the way, Chen Hui told me that this foreign devil has a very special status. He plays the role of a middleman. You have to go through this guy to buy a bullet from Chou Country!"

Hua Twelve snapped his fingers: "Sure enough, I guessed it right, this is a big evil guy!"

Huang Huotu looked puzzled: "Why is he a villain!"

Hua Twelve did not answer the question directly, but pointed to Liao Zhenfu's name and said: "Ill-gotten gains!"

Then he pointed at Qiu Miaofang's name and said: "The crime of cheating money!"

Then he pointed at Chen Liangwang’s name: “The crime of unfilial piety!”

Finally, pointing to the name of the pastor, he said: "We have all said that we should look at the problem from a Taoist perspective. As a Christian pastor, this pastor acts as a middleman for buying and selling arms. It is obviously against Christian doctrine. For Taoists, it is a crime. The crime of breach of trust!"

"According to Taoism, these crimes are all punishable by hell. Illegal wealth corresponds to the Hell of Ice, the crime of cheating money corresponds to the Hell of Fire, the crime of unfilial piety corresponds to the Hell of Hearts, and the sin of breach of trust by the foreign devil priest corresponds to the Hell. It’s a gut-wrenching hell!”

When Hua Twelve said this, Huang Huotu immediately reacted: "The murderer's method of killing them corresponds to the hell they deserve to go to!"

"That's it!"

Hua Twelve pointed at the photo of the van:

"I read the information and said that Chen Liangwang committed suicide because he thought his parents still had property without telling him, so he went to find someone to cast the 'Guan Luo Yin' spell to communicate with the deceased. In the end, it was confirmed that he was killed. What he was looking for The person must be a member of the Taoist sect who can cast spells to observe Luo Yin. Combined with the Taoist elements in these cases, the murderer is ready to come out."

"Now as long as we find out where he went to watch Luoyin that day, we should be able to find the murderer behind it!"

Huang Huotu was surprised at first, and then a little depressed: "Chen Hui investigated this that day, but in the Dawan North area, there are only one or two hundred places where you can view the falling shadow. How can they be so easy to find?"

Hua Twelve was speechless: "Is this how your Benbei police handle cases? You should start from Chen Liangwang's social connections. This kind of place must be introduced by an acquaintance. Just ask all his acquaintances to find out. !”

Huang Huotu slapped his head, quickly picked up the phone and called Chen Hui and told him what he had discovered.

Chen Hui said impatiently on the phone: "Huo Tu, please stop talking about superstition. We are already annoyed enough now!"

Huang Huotu scolded: "You are just as stupid as when you were in school. You don't have any good clues anyway. You'll find out after you give it a try!"

The person on the other side reluctantly agreed and said he would go find an acquaintance of Chen Liangwang to inquire. After hanging up the phone, Hua Twelve said curiously:

"You and Chen Hui have a good relationship!"

"We are classmates in the police academy. I have been isolated by my colleagues in the past two years, but Chen Hui is still nice to me!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "That boy is indeed a good person, but his ability is a bit lacking!"

After talking about Chen Hui, Hua Twelve turned his attention to the case: "The next person who disrespects ghosts and gods corresponds to the tongue-pulling prison. Shaoyang Taiyin, I haven't figured it out yet. Huo Tu, you won't do anything harmful to the world. Something about it?”

Huang Huotu recalled the first half of his life, and finally shook his head vigorously: "To say that it is harmful to the world, there are not as many bad things as you did!"

Hua Twelve laughed and scolded: "Fart, I'm a good person!"

After laughing, he pondered again: "Sacrificing a few bad guys to hell, what kind of ritual do the people behind this want to do, and what do they want?"

Huang Huotu pondered: "Perhaps someone will know and is interested in accompanying me to a place?"

He was talking about the scholar who explained the ultimatum to him.

When the two drove from the police station to the old scholar's house, it was already dark. They knocked on the door and Huang Huotu apologized profusely:

"sorry for disturbance!"

The scholar was an old man. After reading the information brought by Huang Huotu and the information analyzed by Hua Twelve, he suddenly slapped his thigh:

"Oh, I understand, this murderer wants to become an immortal!"

Huang Huotu and Hua Twelve were both confused: "Become an immortal?"

"Yes, it means becoming an immortal." Just as the old scholar was about to explain, he heard the sound of glass breaking.

At this moment, Hua Twelve suddenly took action, and he grabbed the old man in front of him as fast as a phantom. When he opened his palm, he saw a steel ball falling into his palm. There was a round hole in the middle of the steel ball, which was quite striking. strangeness.

Huang Huotu's eyes shrank: "Those who use mold to harm people use these steel balls!"

"Wait for me to come back!" Hua Twelve was not polite and just broke the window and went out!

A few dozen meters away, a man holding an air gun squatted on a tree. After firing a shot, he saw someone break out of the window of the target room and jump directly from the second floor.

The gunman quickly got down from the tree and was about to retreat, but as soon as his feet landed on the ground, he saw that the person who was dozens of meters away had already arrived.

"You're here and you still want to leave?" Hua Twelve looked at this man and sneered.

Unexpectedly, this man threw away his air gun, pulled out a dagger and rushed forward.

Hua Twelve raised his foot and kicked the opponent more than ten meters away. He fell to the ground unable to move.

But he didn't expect that he was also a ruthless man. He sat on the ground, turned his back to Hua Twelve, and wiped his neck with a dagger.

Hua Twelve did not expect that the other party would commit suicide, because his sight was blocked by his turning around. When he reacted, it was too late to save him, but if he died, he would die, and there was no regrets.

Suddenly he slapped his forehead, and the steel ball just shot into the room. Although he caught it, the mind-bewildering poison in it was inevitably leaked. If so, Huang Huotu and the old scholar should have been poisoned by now. Thinking of this, he hurriedly Turn around and go back to save people.

Thanks to: 08a, Brother Xiao Xiaohu in the Demon World for the reward, and thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you very much.

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