Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 199 The War Is Coming

Chapter 199 The War Is Coming (Subscribe)

Tianting, the scientific research center.

The siege of the Void Beast has been going on for some time.

Before Yan Jing left, she commanded the demon puppet to destroy the console, with the intention of restraining the demon army.

Unexpectedly, the execution of the latter far exceeded expectations.

Taking advantage of the chaos on the scene, the demon puppet not only opened the experimental cabin, but also re-activated the previously closed channel of different space!

At first, in order to chase and kill Yan Jing, the first batch of demon troops who arrived at the beginning followed. When the follow-up support troops arrived, the original guard troops in the scientific research center were on the verge of collapse.

The entire scientific research center has completely become the territory of the Void Beast.

The beholder that appeared at the very beginning was entrenched in front of the window, venting the imprisoned anger to its heart's content, the light from the single eye in the center of the head turned into scorched earth, and behind it were void beasts with various shapes and shapes. Outflow through the channel of different space.

"Rush forward and close the passage at all costs. It must not be left open for a long time. It will cause you to get out of here. I will do it myself!"

As the heroic saint who once appeared on the huge holographic projection of Asgard City, with a blood-colored cloak hanging behind him, the fully armed tiger demon pushed away the subordinates beside him, grabbed the mechanical hammer at his side and stood up. out.

It's just that he was only halfway through the rush, but several golden feathers flew down from the night sky, bringing a vortex of spiritual energy into the scientific research center.

The tiger demon who was about to step forward stopped immediately, with an excited look on his face.

In the next second, the eyes occupying the gap in the laboratory sprayed out a large amount of flesh and blood under Jin Yu's scrape, screaming endlessly.

Before it could summon other Void Beasts to launch a counterattack, a slender figure in a golden feather coat and a bird-shaped mask flashed through the gap in the laboratory.

The invisible aura spread, and the bright golden lines of light formed a halo at the back of its head, as if a fairy god was alive.

Rao, these monsters that invaded from the void showed a state of fear in the face of this figure, this is the fear brought by biological instinct!
The energy storm formed by the golden feather not only did not end, but became more and more violent, sweeping the void beasts in the entire laboratory.

In a flash, that figure appeared in front of the monsters outside the scientific research center again.

I couldn't see clearly from the high place just now, but now that the two sides are on the same level, this figure stands out from the crowd. Even without using any strength, its height still exceeds three meters.

In the light of the divine light at the back of the head, it looks more and more sacred and inviolable.

"Congratulations, Lord Garuda."

The demon "Hulala~" knelt all over the ground and crawled at the opponent's feet.

"Send people up to restore the laboratory, reorganize the unfinished experiments, at all costs, and be sure to achieve results in the near future."

The sonorous tone like the clash of gold and iron, Garuda, that is, the Golden Winged Peng also attaches great importance to the experiment, paused, and asked again,

"Have you found the human who attacked and killed the red crown?"

"There is no news from the front, and we have sent more people. According to the information provided by the survivors, the identity of the other party can now be determined. It is the person who destroyed the war game last night. He is not hiding in the gray fog area, but Infiltrated into the Heavenly Court through the convoy transporting experimental equipment."

Up to now, not to mention catching the murderer, they have not even been able to find the murderer anywhere. The tiger demon can only report the existing information to Jin Chipeng, and then said,

"We suspect that he is related to the remnants of the Revolutionary Army. This operation is to seize the holy relic!"

"A group of ants-like guys in the revolutionary army dare to try to take back the holy relic and fight against us?"

The sarcasm in Jin Chipeng's words was not concealed, as if he had noticed something suddenly, he turned sideways to look at another burly figure approaching not far away.

The black bear covered with bristles and lingering blood evil aura is wearing a pitch-black armor, with a string of scarlet jade beads hanging from its neck, each of which is the size of an adult's fist, vaguely showing a distorted face, while its left and right hands are respectively Carrying the corpse and head of the red-topped monkey.

As a demon general, it obviously didn't have any respect for its dead companions. It casually carried the corpse of the red-topped monkey in its hands. Because of the huge difference in size between the two, it looked like it was carrying two pieces of meat.

When he got closer, Heisha Xiong threw the corpse on the ground, grinned, and said with a smile,

"This guy used to be able to fight. After all these years, he played with those bullshit instruments all day long and became a waste. It's not surprising that he was defeated. It's just that I checked the wound just now. The guy who fought with it seems to have mastered Phoebe Ordinary power, not like a chi kiss."

Halfway through the speech, the Heisha Bear frowned, bent down and grabbed the corpse of the red-topped monkey, tore off a piece of meat from the wound and chewed it in his mouth. The bloody water that had not yet cooled down could still be chewed. It didn't mind. Even felt delicious, licked his teeth,

"Yes, it's not Chi kiss, but another kind of existence."

Facing the body of the demon general who was bitten like a snack, no one else dared to object, they could only bury their heads lower, not daring to make the slightest sound.

"Asgard City has only one guardian, it is already dead, there can be no second one, no second is allowed!"

Hearing what Heisha Xiong said, Jin Chipeng's tone finally changed, and he said in a cold voice.

"Understood, the leader is not here, you are the leader, so kill?"

For the guy in the golden feather coat in front of him, Heisha Xiong seemed quite convinced, and without saying anything, he picked up the head of the red-topped monkey and fiddled with it back and forth.


It was a simple word, but it made the monsters kneeling beside them tremble.

"Okay! I've wanted to do that for a long time. I don't have to bother to find any remnants in the gray mist area. If I kill them all, they will be gone, right?"

Heisha Xiong, who received an affirmative answer, seemed very happy. He grabbed the red-topped monkey and gnawed it again. He was about to say something when he suddenly shut his mouth.

A loud thunder exploded in the central area of ​​the heavenly court, and black and purple thunder began to flicker in the night sky.

It is similar to the void tone revealed in the previous different space channel.

Whether it was the Heisha Bear or the Golden Chick, they all looked there in unison and fell silent.

"What's going on, isn't it suppressed?"

After a while, it was Heisha Xiong who spoke first, with a rare sense of panic in his words.

"The different space channel in the laboratory has existed for too long. I am afraid it has aroused resonance. Immediately lead people to strengthen it. The holy relic must be retrieved as soon as possible, and we will act when it is dawn!"

After emphasizing it again, the golden-winged roc disappeared in the same place in a blink of an eye, and the black bear looked left and right, and carried the red-topped monkey's body straight to the palace in the center of Zhongtianting, as if he was anxious to confirm something.

A group of demons who had just recovered were left behind, looking at each other, but the tiger demon who led the team earlier showed excitement,
"The two adults finally decided to attack the gray fog area. Killing is an excellent opportunity for us to improve ourselves. We must not miss this time!"

"Heavenly Court's revenge will not be late, they can't find me, even if it is to vent, they will launch a battle, even a war!"

On the way back from the Heavenly Court to the base camp of the Revolutionary Army, which is the foggy area, Yan Jing looked at Zheng Qin beside him and said,
"Not to mention that I took back a holy relic. They obviously want to use the holy relic to achieve a certain purpose, and they are bound to take it back."

"I know that the revolutionary army has been waiting for this moment all these years. Now that the holy relic has returned to our hands, and after you have killed Chiding, no one can take it away from us!"

Zheng Qin had already prepared for Yan Jing's actions to incur Heavenly Court's revenge, and the members of the Revolutionary Army also had psychological expectations.

No one would think that Yan Jing brought disaster to them.

In fact, they care more about the decline of the revolutionary army and the distorted status quo of Asgard City under the rule of Heaven than Heaven's revenge.

Now Yan Jing helped them kill one of the three demon generals and took back a holy relic.

This is already a situation that they never dared to imagine before.

If they dare not do anything under such circumstances, there will be no need for the revolutionary army to continue to exist.

"Although we haven't developed our own armed forces over the years, the main body of this fairy palace city is after all tens of millions of human beings, not those demons living in the sky."

The palms holding the steering wheel suddenly tightened, Zheng Qin's face was full of determination,
"It's never just the people in the gray mist area who are oppressed by demons. Too many people are waiting for this moment."

"It rains all year round in Asgard City, but the city itself has accumulated a huge amount of 'dry firewood' over the years. All it lacks is a spark. We need a victory, and they need a victory even more."

Zhou Linwen, who was sitting in the back seat, added in a deep voice.

In the darkness, the middle-aged man's eyes seemed to be on fire, shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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