Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 200 Everyone Knows Who Wins

Chapter 200 Everyone Knows Who Wins
Yan Jing was successfully welcomed back.

A group of members of the Revolutionary Army quickly evacuated and returned to the gray fog area.

Facing the heavenly court revenge that may come at any time, there is not much time left for them to prepare.

Now that the holy relic has been obtained, what they need to do next is naturally to organize a fighting force as quickly as possible, and at the same time spread the news of the death of one of the three demon generals, the Red Cap Monkey, and unite all the forces that can be united.

Take the airship and pass through the fog over the gray fog area again.

At this time, due to Yan Jing's commotion in the Heavenly Court, the army that was searching for him in the gray mist area was transferred back to Xiangong City.

Although there are still some left, the search intensity has undoubtedly dropped significantly.

"How do you plan to use the holy relic?"

Seeing that the empty boat was heading straight to the seventh district of gray fog, Yan Jing couldn't help asking.

He knew that both Zheng Qin and Zhou Linwen's power came from the chi kiss, but he didn't know how they would use the holy relic to awaken more people.

You must know that the power of Chi kiss is not something anyone can bear. If it cannot form combat power in a short period of time, it will be meaningless for Yan Jing to hand over the holy relic to Zheng Qin.

"Ceremony, the Revolutionary Army has rescued many people who have shown aptitude in the so-called 'extraordinary' events over the years. Chiwen has already screened them for us in advance. These people are only one ceremony away from awakening!"

Zheng Qin focused on avoiding the patrolling troops and finding a suitable landing point. Zhou Linwen replied from the back seat,
"The next place we are going is the place where the ceremony can be performed."

Every once in a while, the chi kiss remnant souls wandering in Asgard City will follow the instructions to dig out qualified people.

Tianting arrests and hunts down these people through the location of "Yi Cai".

The revolutionary army did the opposite, doing everything in their power to keep them alive.

"How long will the ceremony take?"

Yan Jing asked.

"We have contacted the team members scattered throughout Asgard City, and wait for them to arrive at the location before performing the ceremony. It may take until noon tomorrow. This is a conservative estimate. The awakening ceremony has not been held for a long time, and it will take time to prepare."

The revolutionary army that originally possessed the three holy relics often used awakening rituals to train superhumans to fight against the Void Beasts.

But with the loss of the holy relic, the ceremony was forced to stop.

Now with the help of Yan Jing's power to regain it, Zhou Linwen can only give a vague time.

"At noon tomorrow, we should be able to catch up."

Yan Jing nodded, as long as she didn't have to wait for three or five days, it was within the acceptable range.

After finding a hidden landing point, Zheng Qin immediately operated the airship to descend.

It's just not near the Blue Bell Grass Tavern that Yan Jing had been to before, but on the bank of a river in District [-] of Gray Mist.

The awakening ceremony of the Chi kiss family involves mysterious power, so it is naturally impossible to find a place to complete it. The revolutionary army has been operating in the gray mist area over the years, among other things, a few secret strongholds can still be built after all.

"Get on board, pay attention to your surroundings, make sure no one is following you!"

Parking the empty boat into a warehouse prepared in advance, Zheng Qin led the crowd into two teams, each jumping onto a black-topped boat.

Except for Yan Jing, everyone else has obviously been to that secret stronghold.
The awning boat sailed away from the pier with a familiar hand.

The boat shuttled through the meandering river, getting farther and farther away from the main urban area of ​​the Seventh District of Gray Fog.

Asgard City's continuous search for the whole day made the already desolate Seventh District of Gray Fog look even more desolate.

The demon army, the blood purifiers, and the human servant army of Xiangong City will not show any mercy to the people at the bottom. Along the way, Yan Jing saw burnt shops and uncollected corpses lying on the street more than once. .

The mournful cry that came faintly with the wind and rain made Yan Jing frowned.

"This is just an insignificant part of the crimes committed by those bastards over the years. Don't blame yourself. What you have brought us is hope. Compared with the despair of blunt knives, even if we pay a heavy price, we only want a Jedi counterattack Opportunity!"

Looking around the dilapidated neighborhoods on both sides of the river, Zheng Qin spoke in a low tone.

Yan Jing didn't respond, but turned her head to look at Zheng Qin, rubbed Huying's forehead, and added after a long time,
"The next battle will kill them!"

The black boat sailed until it reached several factories on the edge of District Seven before slowing down.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Yan Jing looked at the dilapidated factory shrouded in rain in front of him. Dim light shone through the windows of the factory building, and people could be vaguely seen coming and going. Can't help frowning,

"The location of the ceremony is inside the factory?"

Yan Jing turned to look at Zheng Qin and asked.

"No, the ceremony requires a relatively quiet environment. Besides, the factory's goal is too big. People come and go every day, so it's hard to hide people. Our base is down here."

Carrying a bamboo pole in his hand, he walked to the bow of the boat. As Zheng Qin spoke, he stretched out the bamboo pole and pressed down a few bricks and stones on the water side of the dock in front of him.

With a muffled sound, the passage door disguised as a brick dam of the pier rose.

Take a boat along the secret passage and enter the underground of the factory.

About 3 minutes later, the sound of water in the ears increased, Yan Jing could see the bright lights ahead, and the space suddenly became brighter.

Corridors began to appear on either side of the waterway.

"Decades ago, the Seventh District of Gray Fog was a satellite city in Asgard City. My father was the manager here. The predecessor of this stronghold was originally a sunken building, and now the ground part has been transformed into a factory. As a cover, the underground becomes our main base!"

The above-ground factory is actually the property of the Revolutionary Army, but the workers are recruited normally, and they will not have any contact with the underground main base during operation.

The rope was put on the iron rod on the side of the corridor, and a group of people landed one after another.

Yan Jing hurried a few steps towards the spot where the bright light was, and when she saw the scene ahead, her pupils shrank slightly.

A nearly five-meter-wide waterway drops in front, forming a waterfall, but below the waterfall is a cavernous cave!

The sunken space of hundreds of square meters is divided into inner and outer parts by the water flow in the form of a ring.

In the central area is a large chi kiss stone sculpture with a height of five meters. flower garden.

In this steel forest, even though the garden is not large, people can't help but look at it and feel inexplicably relieved from the bottom of their hearts.

There are scarlet fences and covered bridges on the edge of the flower garden, which are antique.

The outer area of ​​the ring is larger, and it is also the area where the real base of the revolutionary army is located.

Yan Jing looked around and saw the combat command room, the information room and the living area. There were many members of the Revolutionary Army going to and fro, and several children were sleeping on the hammock in the rest area. A soothing lullaby is playing.

Following Zheng Qin down the stairs in front of the corridor, Yan Jing could feel the chi kiss energy flowing in the surrounding environment.

Obviously this is still the pure land it guards.

"Uncle Zhou, you go and contact our members in various urban areas, and contact the major forces as quickly as possible. You must let them know the determination of the revolutionary army to resist, and tell them that the only chance is this time, and it is to continue to be a slave for life. If they are ravaged by others, they should stand up and fight, let them choose!"

Halfway through the walk, Zheng Qin patted Zhou Linwen on the shoulder and said.

"Understood, Fairy Palace City has done a lot to the gray mist area in the past few days, and everyone has accumulated a lot of anger. I think there should be many people responding to us."

Zhou Linwen nodded, and Yan Jing noticed the worry on his face, obviously he had scruples about those forces in the gray fog area.

Yan Jing could probably guess the reason.

Not all forces can be like the revolutionary army.

Some people choose to rise up in anger under oppression, while others will completely succumb to oppression, and even give their all in reverse, just to become a dog beside the oppressor.

In the gray fog area, no one can tell whether the latter is more or the former is more.

The revolutionary army couldn't tell the difference, so Zhou Linwen couldn't either. He could only notify as many forces as possible.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Qin asked another person to gather the Chiwen family members in the revolutionary army, and asked them to come here as quickly as possible to prepare for the awakening ceremony, and then brought others including Yan Jing together in the command room.

In order to avoid being detected by the signal, there are almost no smart products in this base. Even the tactical boards are the most common type. string together.

Yan Jing glanced roughly, and found that the people above were all leaders of some human forces in Xiangong City without exception.

"If nothing else happens, Heavenly Court's revenge will come soon. Since we have made up our minds to resist, what we need to unite is not only the forces in the gray mist area, but also the people in Asgard City."

Holding the table with both hands, Zheng Qin once again mentioned the plan he had told Yan Jing earlier.

In order to fight against Heaven, unite all forces that can be united!


Someone raised their hand.


"The middle and high-level urban area of ​​Xiangong City is different from the gray fog area. We have been oppressed for so many years, and our grievances have accumulated deep, and we have a basis for mobilization. After all, everyone's enemy is the same, but the former has been riding on the heads of the lower-level people these years. The people who are used to domineering us have no contact with them, and looking for them rashly, I'm afraid it's a sheep in the mouth of a tiger."

As mentioned above, even in the gray fog area, there will be dog legs who are willing to crawl at the feet of the heavens, and there is no need to say more about the middle and high urban areas of Xiangong City.

For example, the Yuansaka Machinery Group, they have a large number of armed forces. If they can participate in the team against the Heavenly Court, they will immediately become a force that cannot be ignored. However, the fact is that they are helping the Heavenly Court to encircle and suppress the revolutionary army.

"They'll help."

Before Zheng Qin could speak, Yan Jing answered first.

So all eyes turned to him.

"There is no need to go to them. As long as we win and show them the victory, when the general attack is launched, they will eagerly join in and scramble to attack the Heavenly Court demon army."

Yan Jing looked at the people in front of her, paused, and repeated again,

"The point is to win, and everyone knows you want to win!"

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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