Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 212 Self-destruction!

Chapter 212 Self-destruction!

He raised his hand and shattered the blood-soaked golden feather oncoming.

Yan Jing, who was in the state of tiger dragon transformation, stared at the golden-winged roc that was still flying high in front, squatted down and knocked on the empty boat,
"Keep speeding up, be sure to stop the Golden Winged Peng before it reaches the Heavenly Court!"

Luang Kong's flight altitude has reached its limit, Yan Jing has no choice but to use the airship to continue chasing and killing.

The duration of the Tiger Flood Transformation is only 5 minutes.

Yan Jing originally planned to deal with Jin Chipeng first, and then go back and kill Hei Shaxiong.

As a result, the three demon generals in the heavenly court will all die, the demon king will disappear, and the combat power of the combined fleet without its leader will be greatly reduced.

It will not be too late for the remaining monsters to slowly encircle and suppress them when the support troops from other human forces arrive.

However, Jin Chipeng's sudden escape undoubtedly exceeded Yan Jing's expectations.

The direction it fled made Yan Jing quickly realize the crisis.

The reason is very simple, it can make the commander abandon the entire fleet, even the goal that even his own life and death are ignored.

In Yan Jing's view, there is only one possibility.

The king of hundreds of thousands of monsters in heaven!
"Your Excellency, I came here to inform you that the major human forces in Asgard City have joined the battlefield, and they have already taken over the broadcasting center. In a short while, reinforcements will arrive on the battlefield to cooperate with us in destroying this alliance. fleet."

Operating the empty boat and increasing the speed to full gear, Zhou Linwen shouted loudly.

Things are going in the direction Yan Jing predicted earlier.

Facts have proved that it is not only the gray mist area that is oppressed and enslaved by demons, there are also many people in Asgard City who harbor resentment towards Heaven.

In the past, due to the strength of the Heavenly Court, they had to endure it. Now that they have stepped forward and gained an advantage on the scene, many people immediately took advantage of this opportunity to take action.

This is good news, but Yan Jing is not in the mood to care about these things at this time, he only has Jin Chi Peng in his eyes.

If it does not die, it must be a disaster.
The tail flame of the propeller sprayed out, and the airship moved forward at full speed, approaching the golden-winged roc in front of it.

Can't catch up!
In the state of demonization plus burning life, Jin Chipeng paid a huge price regardless of the injuries on his body, pouring all the energy into his wings, in exchange for a terrifying speed beyond the limit.

Every time it flaps its wings, a strong airflow will be rolled up around it, carrying it forward for a certain distance.

The airship Zhou Linwen was on was a civilian airship found near the broadcasting center. Although it could carry Yan Jing soaring, it was obviously unrealistic to catch up with Jin Chipeng, barely keeping up was the limit.

And this is because the Golden Winged Peng itself was already seriously injured, and as usual, the Golden Winged Peng would be able to easily throw them away with a few accelerations.

After all, Yan Jing failed to stop Jin Chipeng.

The two sides rushed into the airspace where the Heavenly Court was located, and the golden-winged roc went straight to the magnificent palace in the central area without looking back.

Along the way, there were demons left behind who took to the sky, and after discovering the tragic condition of the Golden Chipeng, they hurriedly called for support.

"Stop the airship behind me, especially the monster above, at all costs!"

Giving instructions to the group of monsters guarding the central palace, Jin Chipeng endured the severe pain all over his body and rushed forward with his head buried.

The height continued to drop, and the main entrance of the palace was in sight.

Behind them were the screams of the monsters one after another. Gold-winged Peng suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, folded his wings, and plunged straight towards the square in front of the palace.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the monster stepping on the silver-white "skateboard" again, and it was also diving downwards, but this time the "skateboard" was surrounded by a layer of flame barrier, and the speed also increased abruptly.

The monsters tried to intercept him, but as soon as they touched him, they would be covered in flames immediately, and they couldn't stop him for even a second longer!

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Jin Chipeng didn't care too much, and didn't slow down at all, but the serious injury made his limbs unable to coordinate, and just rolled down to the square in front of the palace.

Blood dripped all over the ground, Jin Chipeng struggled to get up.

It will never allow Chiwen to see the light of day again, and it will never allow Asgard City to escape the control of Heavenly Court. This city belongs to them, and those who resist must pay the price for their actions!

Stepping on the steps, the gate of the palace was in sight, and as the golden-winged roc approached, the purple-black seal in front of the gate was finally revealed.

That's right, the palace located in the central area of ​​the heaven is under seal, and if you want to enter, you have to go through the front door.

But just as Jin Chipeng stretched its arms to reach the seal with its Chipeng, there was a scalding heat wave behind it!

Activate the special effect of [Liaoyuan], and the sky that exhausted all its energy in a short time fell from the sky and landed on the body of Jin Chipeng.

Yan Jing raised his hand to clasp the back of Jin Chipeng's neck, dragged it up from the ground, and asked in a cold voice,

"What's in this palace, Demon King?"

At this time, the effect of the Tiger Flood Transformation has gradually faded, the scales all over Yan Jing's body have turned into normal skin, and the head has also returned to its original state.

Fortunately, Jin Chipeng's current state is even worse, he has completely lost his ability to fight, and Chi Kiss' energy is still continuously entering Yan Jing's body to repair his injuries.

"Hey~ you want to know?"

There was blood gushing out of his mouth unstoppably, but Jin Chipeng just stared at Yan Jing and said word by word,

"Chi kiss, and you, welcome to despair. Long live the sage!"

As soon as the words fell, the Golden Winged Peng flapped its wings violently. Yan Jing thought it was going to fight back, and subconsciously wanted to defend.

But in the next second.

The golden-colored wings pierced through the Chrysanthemum's chest.


Yan Jing first heard a crisp cracking sound.

Then came the monster energy that surged out of the golden-winged roc's body, and went completely berserk.
Seeing that he couldn't escape Yan Jing's restraint.

It actually chose to explode itself!

Yan Jing, who was the closest, sensed the threat of death in an instant, and without hesitation abandoned the golden-winged peng, and evacuated in the opposite direction at a high speed, and even took an inch of time to rush out a distance of [-] meters in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the tornado with a diameter of more than 20 meters centered on the body of Jin Chipeng, launched a terrifying impact on everything around it, and even Yan Jing was blown away, fell to the ground and rolled out for more than ten meters Only barely stopped.

Due to dodging at the first moment, Yan Jing got up again in just a few seconds after landing, and cast her eyes on the palace ahead.

The pupils of both eyes shrank suddenly.

It can be seen that the theme of the palace that was originally under the seal is still intact, but the ground of the square around it was directly destroyed by the storm formed by the golden-winged roc's self-explosion, revealing the complicated magic circle underneath.

Part of it has been completely darkened.

At this moment, Yan Jing couldn't guess the ultimate purpose of Jin Chipeng's self-destruct.

At the cost of its own life, it forcibly destroyed the seal array of the palace, in this way to remind the existence of the palace!
Yan Jing, who had completely withdrawn from the tiger-flood transformation state, let out a long sigh, and clenched his hands hanging by his sides.

He suddenly raised his eyes to look at the sky above the heavenly court.

A purple-black vortex filled with void abilities is taking shape
(End of this chapter)

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