Chapter 213: The Demon King! (Please subscribe!)
The enemies of Asgard City have never been just monsters.

Yan Jing had seen Void Beasts in the scientific research center of monsters. Their horror is unquestionable. In the past, they were the ones that forced human beings to abandon the vast continents and build super cities that could be called fortresses.

Chiwen sealed the void by sacrificing himself and won a piece of pure land for human beings, but because of this, the monsters took advantage of it.

This group of bastards has only invaded and destroyed from the very beginning, and nothing has changed until now.

Standing on the edge of the square outside the palace, the ultimate power brought by the Tiger Flood Transformation dissipated from the body. Yan Jing squeezed the recovery medicine in his hand and poured it into his mouth continuously. Regardless of the aftereffects of taking a large amount of medicine in a short period of time, his eyes locked on the sky above the palace.

A purple-black void vortex is forming, and Yan Jing doesn't understand why the self-destruction of the golden-winged roc will arouse the void.

It wasn't until he saw purple-black thunder falling from the sky, falling all over the palace, and connecting with the magic circle buried underground in the palace, that Yan Jing realized that unlike humans' seals on the void, demons always want to gain the power of the void!
The most direct evidence is the equipment in the scientific research center that can temporarily open the different space channel.

Just think about it.

The information heard in the scientific research center quickly appeared in Yan Jing's mind.

The red-topped monkey, the demon general, is in charge of it. After years of preparation, the goal of the experiment is to strip the void power from the body, and then integrate it into the body of other creatures, so that it can achieve a perfect balance.

Are they purely for creating ghosts?
Do not!
The real target of this technology is obviously in this palace!

The magic circle was destroyed, void abilities poured into the palace, and a colossal phantom loomed in the purple-black thunder.

Its body is like a snake, with wings on its back and long curved horns on its forehead.

Void abilities continue to flow into it.

The terrifying aura overwhelmed the palace, and Yan Jing noticed that the monsters gathered from all directions did not dare to set foot on the square at all, and only knelt outside the square, trembling, not daring to make even the slightest sound.

Yan Jing successfully intercepted Jin Chipeng and prevented it from entering the palace, but even so, the latter's intention was clearly achieved.

A strong sense of crisis urged Yan Jing to leave, but he knew that if he retreated now, the last hope of Immortal Palace City would be completely extinguished.

Chi kiss's energy is still pouring into the body, and the completion of the task of [Dawn] has exceeded two-thirds.

Just the last step!
The gate of the palace opened at this moment.

The purple-gold robe embroidered with dragon patterns shone with spiritual energy in the thunder light, which was exceptionally clear. Behind the bead curtain hanging from the front of the crown, the dark red pupils radiating scorching temperature rotated back and forth.

Yan Jing frowned, adjusted her state to the peak, and tried her best to absorb the energy transmitted by Chi kiss.

But the moment he blinked, the figure that was still in front of the palace gate tens of meters away flashed in front of his eyes.

Yan Jing saw the long and narrow snake head wearing a crown, the left half of the pupil was like a crater, continuously spilling hot molten lava, the gully was all over the left face, but the right half was filled with void power.

Even if it was just a brief gaze, Yan Jing still felt the sting in his eyes, and the shouts of the surrounding demons sounded in his ears.

Demon King, 虺!

Gritting her teeth, without the slightest hesitation, Yan Jing punched him head-on.

"Chi kiss. Kill!"

Sensing the aura that belonged to the former guardian of Asgard City, Xi's monstrous killing intent rushed towards Yan Jing.

As soon as the two sides met, the battle broke out instantly.

Under heaven.

Jin Chipeng fled, and Heisha Xiong was besieged.

The three monsters guarding the heaven will be hit hard one after another.

Unsurprisingly, the combined fleet that lost its command fell into chaos. Tens of thousands of monsters and blood purifiers could not cooperate, so they could only continue to fight the revolutionary army at the junction of the two major cities under the leadership of their respective officers.

Reinforcements from the gray mist area are coming in continuously, especially when Yan Jing broke out, first suppressing the black evil bear, and then transforming into a new guardian in front of the live broadcast camera, after defeating the golden-winged roc, the revolutionary army and the resistance forces gained momentum !
If we say that it was just the spontaneous resistance of the people in the gray fog area before, then as the situation changed, the humans serving in the local governments in the major urban areas of the gray fog began to launch a counterattack against the blood purifiers, and pulled up a huge army at an extremely fast speed. reinforcements.

Although the number of armed airships is still small, the number of fighters is increasing rapidly.

The cross-city train connecting Asgard City and the gray mist area is already operating at full capacity, sending thousands of combatants to the battlefield.

At this time, the order about the Heavenly Court's desire to destroy the gray fog area has already been transmitted through broadcasts throughout the gray fog area. Facing the catastrophe of extinction, people in the gray fog area are forced to gather together if they want to survive.

At the same time, the human forces in Asgard City quickly took action.

Not only took the initiative to block the blood purifier forces trying to come to help in various urban areas, but also allocated a considerable number of people to join the battlefield.

After all, there is a huge gap between the number of blood purifiers in Asgard City and real humans, and the latter have also been oppressed over the years.

As Yan Jing said before, these forces will only help the winning side, and the former's record and demonstrated strength gave them confidence.

If you can become the master of this city, then no one wants to let a group of bastards ride on their heads to do their best!
In the past, the blood purifiers used the "blood lineage theory" to suppress ordinary people.

The result in exchange now is that every blood purifier has to face guns that are several times its size.

No matter how noble the lineage of the blood purifier is in the propaganda of these years.

When the 155MM caliber howitzer blasted past, all that was left was a pool of rotten meat!

"Hold it and hold your ground, our reinforcements are coming."

On the front deck of the battleship, Zheng Qin held a mechanical long knife and cut off the elite monsters who came to slaughter. He was more excited when he received the information about the battle situation in Xiangong City from the intelligence personnel of the Revolutionary Army, and immediately jumped onto the side of the deck. Shouted to the surrounding.

Not far ahead, the Heisha Bear has been covered by the high-voltage power grid launched by several airships, and there is a team beside it that is responsible for continuously injecting ultra-high concentration anesthetic needles into its wounds.

There is no doubt that the situation is developing in the direction they expected.

Just waiting for Yan Jing to kill Jin Chipeng and return, the revolutionary army will win across the board, and then will launch a further counterattack against the Heavenly Court.

At this time, Zheng Qin is full of confidence in the future of this operation.

Until Zhou Linwen's communication entered Zheng Qin's private channel, the former's panicked tone made Zheng Qin's forward movement freeze suddenly,

"Leader, get out of there, Tianting. Look at the sky!"


Zheng Qin knew that Zhou Linwen had previously driven Yan Jing to the Heavenly Court to hunt down Jin Chipeng, now that he received the latter's message, he hurriedly looked up.

The first thing that came into view was the wind and rain-shrouded heaven, and there was nothing unusual about it.

But just a few seconds later, Zheng Qin noticed that the night sky above the heaven suddenly shone with purple light.

As a family member of Chiwen, the scene in front of him once again stirred up the nightmare in Zheng Qin's memory.

Zhou Linwen's shouts on the communication channel gradually faded away.

The surrounding environment no longer matters.

Zheng Qin, who was in the center of the battlefield, looked blankly at the night sky, and a dark purple vortex with a diameter of hundreds of meters was gradually taking shape.

She had seen such a scene when she was a child, and even after more than ten years, she still remembered what her father called this phenomenon at that time.

Void Fissure!

Zheng Qin wasn't the only one who noticed the change in the night sky. People in the entire Immortal Palace City could see the doomsday scene as long as they looked up.

They don't know what this means, but they can clearly feel the danger.

The sky is falling!

"Haha~ The king is here, everyone must die, everyone."

The Heisha Bear, who was struggling frantically before, roared in a muffled voice, but at the end of the sentence, he fell straight back and lay on his back on the deck, without any intention of fighting back, and there was a little despair hidden in his words.

It knows what it means for the king to appear with the void rift at this time.

In order to win and keep the heaven, Jin Chipeng chooses a gamble.

It won and successfully awakened the true king of heaven, but it also lost, because the king is no longer just a demon.

At this moment, a cloud of dark purple thunder suddenly exploded on the edge of the heavenly court.

The roar even overwhelmed the artillery fire on the battlefield.

Everyone, including Zheng Qin, saw a collapse on the side of the heaven, and a figure was falling rapidly from a height of a thousand meters.

The rainwater condensed into a water net, trying to hold him up, and the splendor representing the chi kiss energy defended him, but was completely annihilated by the thunder on his body surface.

The figure shrank into a ball because of the pain, the blood from the wound splashed in the air and evaporated in an instant,
Zheng Qin's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly picked up the telescope hanging on his waist to look at it.

All the blood faded from his face.

The man who was the hero of the Revolutionary Army and even the entire gray fog area fell like a meteor.

He lost.
Everyone could only watch helplessly as he fell into the gray mist and disappeared completely.

At the same time, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded in the heavenly court.

A giant snake head with a width of tens of meters sticks out from the edge of the heavenly court. Its left cheek is covered with lava-like crimson lines, but its right side is filled with void thunder. The neon lights projected by the city's buildings are all shrouded.

The sharp claws covered with scales protruded out, rolling over the top floors of the two Asgard City buildings left and right, and the snake's head poked forward again.

It suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and after a short delay, the lava and thunder merged into one ball, spewing out a purple-red flame column.

It starts out as a lava-like liquid that condenses over time.

Finally, it turned into a ray with strong light, passing across Asgard City from left to right.

This steel jungle suddenly turned into a fragile piece of paper, facing the rays, it was even difficult to block them for a short time.

Wherever the ray passes, everything is destroyed!

It's like a natural disaster!

The high-rise buildings on both sides of the street collapsed on a large scale, and large pieces of rubble mixed with burning appliances fell, destroying everything below the heaven.

The joint fleet crowded at the junction, the revolutionary army and the resistance forces became the first victims.

The latter two are easier to say, they are all armed airships or individual actions, and they simply withdrew to the streets on both sides immediately. The combined fleet is tens of meters wide and more than a hundred meters long, and there is no place to hide at all. .

Hundreds of monsters were crushed on the deck, said to be directly smashed into the gray mist by boulders. They howled and begged the demon king who was still venting their power, hoping to escape this disaster.

However, at this time, the demon king 虺 seems to have completely lost his mind. The void power is constantly eroding its body, forcing it to act completely according to its instincts, and it is aware of the existence of chi kiss energy. The idea of ​​its total destruction is nothing more than that.

At this moment, whether it is the battlefield at the junction of the urban areas or other urban areas of Xiangong City, everyone has only one thought left: escape!

They witnessed the failure of the new guardian, and the three demon generals were defeated one after another.

In today's Immortal Palace City, it is impossible to find an existence that can compete with the Demon King.

Despair is spreading!
"Withdraw, everyone temporarily withdraws from the battlefield, and finds a safe area around to avoid another team to search for Yan Jing. He can't die, we must find him!"

Opening the jetpack behind him, Zheng Qin leaped between the ships, dodging the rain of gravel and fire from the sky, his face was gloomy, blood stains oozing from his lips, and he said in a rather difficult tone.

Looking up at the terrifying giant snake that was still destroying the entire Asgard City, Zheng Qin's eyes were full of unwillingness.

It is clearly only one step away, the future of Asgard City should have been changed today!

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Zheng Qin stopped, turned around and rushed towards the black bear who was hit by several boulders due to its huge size, and at the same time tried to contact Zhou Linwen,

"Hey, Uncle Zhou, how are you doing?"

"I, uh, got hurt a little bit, and the situation is not very good. What about Yan Jing, he fell from the heaven, so we must send someone to rescue him quickly."

Even though they were far apart, Zhou Linwen and Zheng Qin still thought of the same place in critical moments.

They knew very well that Yan Jing was the entire hope of the revolutionary army, even if they were defeated this time, they had to rescue Yan Jing!
"I've already sent someone to look for it. By the way, Jin Chipeng. Has Yan Jing killed Jin Chipeng?"

While asking, Zheng Qin stared at the black bear, and waved his hand to signal the surrounding elite teams who wanted to evacuate to stop and go back with him.

"It committed suicide and detonated the magic circle in the palace where the demon king was, which led to the latter's awakening."

"Since it's dead, Uncle Zhou, do you still remember that the three holy relics were kept by the three monster generals, because they couldn't destroy Chiwen's relics, so they could only be suppressed in this way?"

"I understand. I will go back now and find it at all costs. When I arrive, you must ensure that Yan Jing is alive."

"I will hand over the Heisha Bear's piece and the one in my hand to Xiaoye. You will look for her as soon as you come back. I will ask Xiaoqi to lead a team to look for Yanjing. He is favored by Chiwen. , not so easy to die,
The tacit cooperation over the years does not require any extra nonsense. In just a few words, the two have reached a consensus and set a plan for the next step. Zheng Qin finally added,

"It's up to me to delay the time here. It's not yet the time of complete despair. We still have a chance. The fate of Xiangong City should never end today!"

 At the end stage, it is a bit difficult to write, so let’s update it today

(End of this chapter)

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