Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 249 The Winged Serpent

Chapter 249 The Winged Serpent
The area where the fighting broke out was not just around the house where the magic circle was located.

Before Shen Qiong rushed out of the room, continuous gunshots and strange roars came from all directions.

It's just that at this time, he obviously doesn't have time to care about the battle situation in other areas.

As the captain of the guard, he must hold the last line of defense and kill any distracted demons who intervene.

The saliva in his mouth dripped to the ground, and the Demon of Lost Mind suddenly burst into flames.

The sharp bone claws slid across the deck of the dragon boat.

Several gullies were left.

The chainsaw sword was wrapped in crystal flames, chopping and falling vertically.

There was an ear-piercing sound at the moment of the collision.

Sparks splashed from the point of contact, and the corners of the robe blown by the air waves rattled.

The muscles in the right arm were knotted, and the burst of strength resisted the frontal impact. Shen Qiong's eyes locked on the lost heart demon in front of him.

Compared with the monsters that were intercepted by the guards before, although the guy in front of him still maintains a human body shape, his skin is wrapped by a monster-like exoskeleton, and the joints are full of sticky and festering flesh.

The sound of breaking through the air rang in my ears.

Without hesitation, he pulled out the large-caliber pistol at his waist, the scale at the end of the gun body turned, and the muzzle gleamed with blood.

Aim the gun behind you and pull the trigger.

The almost instinctive fighting intuition made Shen Qiong easily smash the conical long tail that flew towards him.

At the same time, the pupils in front of Shen Qiong's forehead finally completed charging.

The dark purple light seemed to burst out in the next second.

"Captain, save me"

The sudden cry for help made Shen Qiong's expression froze, and his eyes turned to the head of the demon, facing the distorted face covered by the beast's head. His crooked left eye seemed to break away from the animal nature at this time, and shed tears of pain.

Insanity Demon, a monster mutated from a sane human being!

The figure froze at the moment when the eyes crossed. Shen Qiong lowered her eyes and caught a glimpse of the "Jing'an" bronze medal hanging on the waist of the lost heart. A struggle flashed in her eyes, and she immediately resolutely continued to attack.

He knew that the only thing he could do now was to let his companion in front of him gain eternal peace.

However, his hesitation still gave the Lost Mind Demon a chance.

The rationality that had returned temporarily was finally defeated by the erosion of chaos. Just as Shen Qiong launched an offensive again, the Lost Mind Demon lay on the ground like a gecko, bypassing Shen Qiong in a distorted posture, and went straight to the altar of the method behind. house.


Shen Qiong was annoyed by her momentary weakness, and hurriedly wanted to make up for it, but she couldn't catch up with this special individual in the heart-wrenching demon.

Affected by Chaos, the Lost Mind Demon has already noticed the strangeness in the house.

A certain will is urging them to destroy the existence in the house.

At this moment, the Wrecking Demon, who was dressed in the animal carcass, seemed to be a fierce beast that exploded with all its strength, crashing into the steel defense line formed by the shield guards with all four limbs.

The thick exoskeleton is like a battering ram, easily opening a gap.

The magic circle was right in front, the old Taoist priest and the girl who were fully absorbed did not notice that the defense line had been breached.

The will of chaos descends.

The Lost Mind Demon who rushed into the house went straight to the nearest old Taoist priest behind the altar.

The bone claws thrust forward, and in the next second they were going to penetrate the back of the old Taoist priest's head and strangle him completely.

However, at the moment when it was about to achieve its goal, a well-knit palm protruded from the darkness, and pressed it on top of its head, forcibly blocking its forward momentum, followed by a powerful knee bump!

There was no accident, accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracking.

The Wrecking Demon, who finally managed to break through the line of defense, completely lost his combat power and collapsed to the ground.

"The descendant of the gods finally succeeded, God Li Huo has not abandoned us!"

The old Taoist knelt down on the ground with a full face of excitement, looked at the man who still had some flames around him, and shouted in a trembling voice.

Li Huo Shangshen?

Yan Jing, who had just descended through the torch, looked at the old Taoist priest in surprise, lowered his head and glanced at the strange shape beside him, and quickly shifted his gaze to the statue of the god on the altar and the torch.

A way to descend like never before.

The identity given by the torch this time seems a bit special?

What's more, the previous mission prompts have also been reduced, which is really weird.

Because it is a recruiting task, so many places are different
Without much time to think about it, the shouts of killing ahead drew Yan Jing's attention back to the battlefield.

First scan the surrounding environment at an extremely fast speed, and check the situation of both sides of the battle.

On the one hand, Yan Jing keenly noticed that the architectural style of this world is a bit biased towards the mechanical style of the modern industrial revolution, but it seems to surpass the latter based on the latter. The weapons in the hands of the soldiers are the best proof.

On the other hand, the situation on the human side seems to be a bit harsh, at least the soldiers in front of them are already struggling.

Even with a modified weapon in hand, it still seems powerless to face monsters with weird shapes and fearless death.

Locking on the enemy, Yan Jing, who has long been accustomed to the dangers of the different world, stepped forward.

Just take this opportunity to experiment with the special environment of this world!

To catch a gunman who was knocked into the air by the monster, Yan Jing didn't intend to communicate at this time, but rushed straight to the front line.

Instead of spending time explaining what, it is better to explain everything with practical actions!
The man who suddenly joined the battlefield quickly attracted the attention of the guards including Shen Qiong, and they soon realized that this man was the descendant sent by God Li Huo after many years.

the reason is simple.

The crushing attitude of the man in front of the crowd of demons is enough to prove that he is not an ordinary person.

【Royal Tide】【Chefeng】

The two special effects of Hujiao's Legacy were successively blessed by Yanjing.

However, the two elements of wind and water, which can be easily controlled under normal conditions, have become particularly weak at this moment.

No, not right.

The elemental power still exists, and the wind and water in the environment are not missing, after all, this is the foundation of the world.

It's just that Yan Jing can clearly feel that his communication with the elemental spirits in the environment has been greatly restricted.

An invisible barrier separates the two parties.

It seems that there is a certain will that suppresses the elemental psionic energy of this world, forcibly restrains their vitality, and blocks any spiritual power that wants to connect with them.

Of course, this does not prevent Yan Jing from killing all directions among the monsters.

After passing through the legacy of Hujiao, the Haoxuan Scripture and the body of the dragon and tiger Yanluo have already become real sharp weapons!

A whip kick broke the neck of the bastard-like monster in front of him, turned around and retracted his legs, the scarlet nightmare gauntlets had already emerged on his arms, and crimson energy gathered from his hands.

这 是
Looking at the crimson energy group that had shrunk by half compared to before, Yan Jing couldn't help but frown.

The energy core of the Scarlet Nightmare Gauntlets lies in the built-in soul core. Yan Jing originally thought that this kind of energy should be able to avoid the influence, but the current situation undoubtedly shows that the condition of the Scarlet Nightmare Gauntlets is only better than the elemental psionic power.

With a new understanding of the harshness of the environment, Yan Jing resolutely gave up the Yanyue Saber, which consumes a lot of energy, and turned to gather a pair of knuckles as weapons to avoid direct contact with these monsters.

The fist swung out with the sound of breaking the wind, facing the monster that was rushing head-on, smashing its sharp claws, and blasting it away with another punch.

Yan Jing's figure flickered among the crowd of monsters, every step he took, monsters would overturn him under his feet, and his strong physical fitness was vividly displayed in close combat.

It turned out that the shield guards who were struggling to find the backbone.

Without needing any extra orders, the soldiers gathered around Yan Jing, followed his footsteps, and beheaded some of the Wrecking Demons who were knocked to the ground by him and were still struggling to get up.


Returning Shen Qiong looked at Yan Jing, who was killing all directions, with an excited expression but didn't know what to say, so she could only ask tentatively.

"I am here by the order of God Li Huo to assist you in guarding the Dragon Boat!"

The existence of the torch cannot be exposed at will, but the previous task reminder is somehow wrong, without giving details of the main task, Yan Jing simply made up a temporary identity for himself according to what he heard before,
"I don't know much about the situation here, what's the situation now?"

Torch's language proficiency plays a huge role at this moment.

Yan Jing maintained the rhythm of the battle, easily cleaned up the demons near the door, and used rhetorical questions to take the initiative in the conversation.

Due to the "laziness" of the torch or the special circumstances of the recruiting task.

Yan Jing can only inquire about the information she wants to know in this way.

"We were attacked by winged snakes. They surrounded the dragon boat, constantly releasing chaotic energy, affecting our will, and creating mindless demons trying to disintegrate us from the inside. Soon, the second round of attacks will come!"

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the old Taoist priest and the girl named Ah Luo who had just come out. Seeing the former nodded solemnly to herself, Shen Qiong no longer hesitated, then half-kneeled on the ground, cupped her hands and said,

"I implore the envoys of God to help us get out of the current predicament!"

After the voice fell, the surrounding soldiers also knelt on the ground.

"Conditions met."

"The main task [Aid] has been activated, assist the Xuntian dragon boat to survive the crisis, the current progress: 5%!"

"The Ember Apostle will return in three days, please pay attention to the time limit, you will be punished if you fail the mission!"

The reminders that sounded in her mind one after another made Yan Jing stunned. The main task was actually activated in this way?
It's not that Yan Jing has never encountered a similar situation, but whether it's [Jingjiang Strange Town] or [Demon City], what Yan Jing activates are all extra tasks, but this time it's the main line.

Obviously, in the recruitment mission, the degree of freedom given by the torch is much stronger than that of normal otherworldly events, and even the main mission has to be excavated by the Ember Apostle himself.

Not only that, the Torch mentioned the punishment for mission failure for the first time in the recruiting mission, but it was not a straightforward obliteration
However, in Yan Jing's view, this is not good news.

Just as the torch allowed the Ember Apostle to return directly in the last period of Jingjiang Town, it was only a penalty for reducing the event score.

This "welfare" itself portends extreme danger!
At this time, because of the change of the location of the battlefield, Yan Jing had already come from the house to the square outside the door, and finally saw the scene outside the door clearly.

Rao was prepared before coming.

Yan Jing, who saw the dragon boat flying in the air for the first time, was still shocked.

Look out.

The first thing that catches the eye is a city tower shrouded in night.

Under the reflection of the flames everywhere, Yan Jing clearly saw a large number of troops mobilizing between the towers, as if he was on guard against something.

Its two sides are also connected into a solid city wall. The large structure is simple, and the building complex is built on the basis of a metal structure. There will be a turret at a certain distance, and the large-caliber heavy guns are pointed diagonally at the sky.

Yan Jing is located in the central area, but this seems to be only the inner area, and there is a larger open space outside the tower.

The high places on the left and right are actually connected with propellers like propellers and huge mechanical wings that are constantly flapping.

He raised his head, but couldn't see the stars, but there was an extraordinarily huge, dark yellow full moon hanging high in the sky.

Here is a giant dragon boat cruising at an altitude of [-] meters!
The roaring cannon pulled back Yan Jing's thoughts, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound. It was the artillery erected on the tower that suddenly fired, but there was no clear target.

All the shells bombarded the dark sky around the dragon boat indiscriminately.

Rather than saying it was a clear attack, it was more like driving away something through the loud noise and light caused by this method.

The troops upstairs in Yan Jingcheng had no intention of coming down to help defend the Lost Heart Demon from just now. Even though the situation here has become a melee, and now it has turned around, they are still as motionless as a mountain.

Obviously in their eyes, guarding the tower is also extremely important.

Yan Jing's conjecture was quickly verified by Shen Qiong.

"The attack of the winged snake has begun. We must stop this group of chaotic monsters from boarding the dragon boat, otherwise the spread of chaotic energy will cause a large-scale spread of insanity. Angel, come with me!"

From the moment the cannon was fired on the tower, Shen Qiong seemed extremely nervous. On the premise of leaving a few people behind to protect the old priest and the girl, she led Yan Jing straight to the right side of the tower.

Although Yan Jing didn't know what the Winged Serpent was, she still chose to keep up with Shen Qiong at a fast pace, and at the same time as they started to move, several airships took off from the building complex in front of them.

Different from the kind of airship that Yan Jing had seen in Xiangong City, the one that was launched on the dragon boat at this time was undoubtedly much simpler.

However, although it does not have the advanced intelligent technology assistance of the former, it has a special mechanical beauty.

Their attacks are the same as the turrets around the tower, purely to release as much light and heat as possible, just like the fires raised by the wilderness travelers, trying to intimidate the terrifying existence in the darkness in this way.

Only this time, it didn't work out that well.

Just as the airship that was the first to rush into the night began to fire indiscriminately towards the surrounding area, the thick darkness was stirred.

The huge black shadow under the moonlight could no longer hold back.

A head that looked like a poisonous snake suddenly appeared, and the blood basin covered with sharp teeth bit the airship over three meters long, like a beast preying on a hare, and easily crushed the entire latter.

Shen Qiong, who was running, stopped, her face turned pale for a moment, and Yan Jing, who sensed the danger, also frowned.

With Lu Wu's golden eyes, he saw the existence in the night.
Flying in the sky is a huge creature like a poisonous snake.

It has a weird and distorted head, and appendages with huge claws. It floats easily in the air with its terrifying huge wings like black rubber!
(End of this chapter)

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