Chapter 250
Everywhere in the tower.

The "army" gathers here.

If you take a closer look, you will find that the people above are all middle-aged and elderly people who are over fifty years old, and soldiers are in the minority.

They had guns, torches, and lamps in their hands.

Without exception, they lowered their heads, only looking at the items in their hands and the area under their feet to identify their positions.

'Never look up! ''Don't look at them!Do not think! ''Give up thinking! '

Someone was shouting, the voice was hoarse and intermittent, like the coughing and whining of a dying person.

The others didn't find it strange, as if they were used to this kind of thing long ago, they just obeyed the order, lowered their heads, and fired their guns into the sky.

Not only the soldiers, but even these middle-aged and elderly people, who are evenly divided between men and women, are very familiar with the use of firearms. They have obviously received professional training in advance. just calm.

The peace of seeing death as home.
The sound of guns and guns continued, and everything that could emit light was turned on.

The entire inner city square was illuminated translucently.

But even so, compared to the gloomy night covering the entire sky, the light that these humans have managed to maintain is like a weak candle in a snowy night, which may be swallowed by darkness at any time.

The explosion of the mechanical airship was just the beginning.

The terrifying monster named Winged Serpent has no intention of retreating.

It, or they are lurking in the darkness around the Xuntian dragon boat, and their black bodies are the best protective color.

Only the revealing of their criss-crossed teeth as they strike is the only way to realize that terror is at their side.

The shattered shell of the airship fell, and the life and death of the driver inside was unknown. As one of the top predators at an altitude of [-] meters, the Winged Snake played with its prey with ease.

Faced with such a tragic situation, the rest of the airships are still doing their best to release light through artillery fire, like moths pounced on the flames, even if they want to be destroyed for this, they must bloom for a moment of brilliance, trying to drive them away in this way. these monsters.

"These chaotic monsters cannot be killed by ordinary means. Only strong light can damage them and force them to retreat."

Due to the attack on the airship unit, Shen Qiong took Yan Jing and ran to the location of the tower instead.

On the way, explain to Yan Jing why their counterattack methods are so weird.

However, while he was speaking, the Winged Snake had already launched a new round of attacks
The strong light brought by the artillery and searchlights stimulated them all the time, and the mechanical airship flying above the Sky Surveyor became a thorn in the side of these monsters, a thorn in their flesh.

Seeing that the claws covered with black mucus protruded, grabbed a mechanical airship in the air, and was about to hit the turret on the side of the tower immediately. They couldn't directly approach the turret that was constantly emitting strong light, so they used this method to Destroy these unsightly existences.

"No, they must not be allowed to succeed, this is the last line of defense!"

Shen Qiong rushed to the tower, trying to stop all this from happening. The Sky Surveyor has now reached the edge of the cliff, and the city wall is the last guardrail
If even it completely collapses, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, someone rushed out ahead of Shen Qiong.

Huying was summoned and came to the world.

In order to prevent misunderstandings, Yan Jing specially made it look like a white tiger, and received the former's order the moment it landed,

"Tiger Ying, fly up!"

Without the slightest hesitation.

While running, Huying shook her shoulders, and a pair of wings spread out from her back.

Yan Jingteng jumped up and landed on Huying's back, using its strength to rise into the air.

In the blink of an eye, it rose to a height of tens of meters above the dragon boat.

Taiqing Treasures Curse Formation!

Facing the dark night, Yan Jing raised his right arm high, and transformed all the talismans in the Taiqing treasure into the same attribute.

Shining Talisman!

Although elemental spirits are inevitably suppressed in this world, Taiqing Baolu is a rare item after all.

Now that the eight talismans have been exhausted and exploded with all their strength, even if they are weakened, they still have a power that cannot be ignored.

I saw a dazzling light cluster bursting out instantly over the Xuntian dragon boat.

The night was torn apart, and the clouds and mist shrouded in darkness at an altitude of [-] meters were like a movie curtain at this moment.

The terrifying figure that should have been hidden in it was forced to reveal its original shape.

It was not just one, it was a group of nightmarish chaotic monsters, the black wings over ten meters long were vibrating, and the huge body like a poisonous snake writhed painfully under the strong light, constantly breaking and reorganizing.

They can ignore gunfire and gunshots, but they can't hide in the light.

"Is this what the winged snake really looks like?"

In the center of the square, Shen Qiong looked at the scene in the sky with a face full of astonishment. He had fought against this kind of chaotic monsters many times. In the past, he used artillery and strong light to drive them away. He had never faced these monsters in a real sense.

Unlike ordinary people, the transformed Shen Qiong can barely bear the price of facing these chaotic monsters.

His sanity is tough enough!

"It is indeed the divine descendant sent by God Li Huo. I can feel that this divine envoy is even more powerful than those who descended decades ago. He will become our hope. This time the dark disaster has survived, and this envoy is the key."

The old Taoist priest held the wooden sword and looked at the figure in the sky holding up the light ball, his eyes were full of excitement and reverence,
"After so many years of hard work, the dawn finally ushered in. This is really God's mercy."

During the interval between the two of them talking, the strength of the curse circle had reached its peak.

The strong light finally broke through the limit that the winged snakes could bear, forcing these chaotic monsters to stay away from the dragon boat.

Yan Jing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief looking at those figures that were gradually going away.

The hint from the torch sounded in his mind.

"Main task [Aid], current completion progress: 10%!"

The harsh environment greatly reduced the duration of the spell circle, and immediately after the eruption, it ushered in a decline, and the light gradually weakened.

Taking advantage of the rays of light, Yan Jing, standing on Huying's back, had a panoramic view of the deck area of ​​the sky-watching dragon boat.

Overall, the distribution of buildings in the deck area is in the shape of an elongated "back", with the inner city in the middle, bounded by towers and walls, and a larger outer city around the outside.

Yan Jing noticed that there were also a large number of buildings in this area.

Judging from the appearance and layout structure.

It should be buildings like military barracks, factories, and elevators.

That's right, the scale of this dragon boat is large enough to allow these buildings that sound like they will never be small in size to coexist, and it only occupies the outer area of ​​the deck, and that's not counting the mechanical devices that can be seen everywhere.

It's just that these areas now look like they have been abandoned for a long time, and there are no lights for lighting.

Visible dilapidation in some places.

Even so, as far as Yan Jing sees now.

The deck length of the entire dragon boat is definitely more than 1000 meters.

It is simply a giant fortress flying at an altitude of [-] meters!
The outer layer where the deck is located alone has such a scale, what is the situation of the cabin below the deck?
As the energy of the Taiqing Baolu was exhausted, the light cluster dissipated.

The outer city of the deck was swallowed up again by darkness,

Yan Jing didn't intend to continue stepping on Hu Ying as a "light bulb" in the sky, and landed decisively.

At this time, there were too many puzzles in his heart that needed to be answered, and what happened in the short ten minutes told him clearly that the special nature of the recruitment mission was far beyond his imagination.

Here riding a tiger firefly just landed, and Shen Qiong trotted over with the others.

Before Yan Jing could speak, everyone in front of him "Hula~" fell to their knees.

Even though he knew in advance that he was a "God Descendant" this time, the treatment of this standard exceeded Yan Jing's expectations.

Even if the communication with these people has not exceeded five sentences.

Yan Jing could still tell from the expressions on their faces and the information in their eyes that they respected her.

This has never happened in the otherworldly events that Yan Jing has experienced in the past, as if they have been looking forward to their arrival for a long time
"After many years, the envoy came again. God Li Huo did not abandon our remnants after all. I implore the envoy to show mercy and help us through the catastrophe in front of us!"

The old Taoist priest raised his hands above his head in a bow, with an extremely pious attitude.

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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