Chapter 251 Rescue
The current situation undoubtedly made Yan Jing quite at a loss.

The [Legendary] special effect of the dragon and tiger Yama statue can indeed give him a special identity when he descends into a different world.

The problem is that the identity of this "God Descendant" is too special.

You must know that in Xiangong City, Yan Jing only obtained the status of a "Fighter", barely better than ordinary people.

It's only been a world, and the situation is completely different?

This is as if Yan Jing was originally just a "worker" sent by the torch.

It turned out that when I got to the place, I found that I had become the contractor here, and he was also the one who was admired.

On the surface, he was silent, but in fact his thoughts turned sharply.

Combined with the various abnormal phenomena when the enlistment mission was released, Yan Jing felt more and more that there was a problem here.

The connection between the torch and the world seems not as simple as imagined.

It's obviously not a good idea to reveal your identity directly.

Now that he has been identified as a descendant of the gods, it is better to use this identity to inquire about information.

"Old man and everyone, please hurry up and Li Huo Shangshen has never given up on you, but in recent years disasters have occurred frequently in all walks of life and the space has been turbulent"

Yan Jing didn't want to be bowed down by these people for nothing, so she hurriedly bowed to help her. Taking advantage of this time, she captured key information from the old Taoist's words, and Yan Jing resolutely followed his words, the emphasis was on half of the words Keep half, and let the other party make up for the rest.

"I understand that the observation station was occupied by Chaos monsters. In the final analysis, we failed to abide by the contract we signed with Li Huo Shangshen. We should have regularly handed over to Li Huo Shangshen to cut off the information, and we should be punished. "

The old Taoist's face was full of shame, and even Shen Qiong and the others seemed to have thought of something, and they were downcast.


Suddenly learning about two new concepts, Yan Jing couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly.

He is now the envoy of the so-called "God Li Huo" who came to assist the Dragon Boat Xun Tian.

I thought this was just a temporary arrangement of the torch.

But now the old Taoist priest's words undoubtedly prove that Li Huo Shangshen once existed, and even signed a contract with them.

what on earth is it?

"Can you take me to the room where I descended earlier?"

Yan Jing couldn't wait to figure out the hidden information, recalling the statue placed on the altar when he first arrived, and asked immediately.

"Of course, I'll take you there."

The old Taoist priest gathered his Taoist robe and turned sideways to signal Yan Jing to follow him.

But just as he was about to leave to return to the house where the magic circle was, the movement behind him caught Yan Jing's attention again.

Turning his head to look, he saw a few soldiers pressing down a dozen people on the other side of the city tower, and the few people who were detained were all shackled, struggling and making low growls that did not resemble human voices.

"This is."

Yan Jing looked at Shen Qiong in confusion.

"An envoy of God, this is a mental disorder. Every time a chaotic monster appears, this kind of disease will erupt. Otherwise, even if the deck guard team deliberately avoids facing the chaotic monster, they will still be taken advantage of by the chaotic energy because of the collapse of sanity." Get in."

While speaking, Shen Qiong motioned for the subordinates who came over to solve the problem.

"Once the disease is terminally ill, they will become heart-lost demons. Therefore, according to the rules on the dragon boat, those who suffer from heart-lost disease must be removed as soon as possible. As for being tortured"

When Shen Qiong said these words, Yan Jing noticed that although his tone was firm, there was a bit of sadness on his face.

It is not difficult to guess what is meant by the so-called "clearing".

The comrades who were fighting side by side a few minutes ago finally won, but they had to be terminated with their own hands. Most of the reasons for terminating them were because these people were extraordinarily brave in battle, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice themselves to face the Chaos monsters.
Every time the city is defended, in addition to the soldiers who need to control the turret and other key equipment, someone must undertake the frontal combat mission.

There is not enough manpower on the Xuntian dragon boat, so ordinary people can only be transferred to take charge of the city defense.

It's just that this sadness and despair is not something everyone can bear.

"Can I go and see them?"

Yan Jing asked suddenly, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going to the room where the magic circle was.

Naturally, Shen Qiong would not refuse Yan Jing's request, even the Winged Snake was chased away by the former, it was obviously impossible for the Lost Mind Demon to hurt him.

A group of people hurried to the direction of the tower.

In just a few minutes from the end of the battle, the dementia has already exploded on a large scale.

Although Yan Jing's curse array expelled the winged snakes, it also exposed their real bodies to everyone.

Even if it's just a brief glimpse.

For these ordinary people, it is unbearable.

"Third brother, I will rely on you to take care of my child in the future. Behind the table next to the wall in my house, there is my private money saved. Ahem~ Buy a new set of clothes for my son."

The middle-aged man knelt down on the ground, allowing his companion to cover his eyes with a black cloth, and said with difficulty.

While he was speaking, half of his cheeks were covered by blue-black meridians, and a fist-sized sarcoma grew on his shoulder, which continued to expand as he breathed, devouring the flesh and blood of the surrounding torso.

There are more than a dozen people in a similar situation to him, half male and half male.

Some people leave last words to acquaintances and explain the funeral when they are dying; some people look up at the clouds and mist in the night sky, and tears fall silently;

Soldiers loaded the cartridges, aimed their guns, and put their fingers on the triggers.

"Don't shoot!"

A sudden order interrupted their actions.

The soldiers looked towards the source of the voice, and when they saw Shen Qiong, they stood at attention and saluted, and then looked at the man walking beside him, with a second pupil appearing in each of his eyes.

Chongming Feather Cloak·Double Eyes!

Focusing on the patient suffering from dementia, Yan Jing stepped forward quickly, and the moment the special effect was activated, information about the other party came to mind.

In Yan Jing's field of vision, he can clearly see that chaos or evil energy is constantly pouring in from these people, and the root cause of this phenomenon lies in their collapsing rationality.

The collapse of the spiritual will gave the chaotic consciousness an opportunity to take advantage of it, crazily eroding the bodies of these ordinary people, and transforming them into the lost mind demons they had encountered before.

Yan Jing may be helpless against the demented demon whose body has been completely eroded, but this does not mean that he is also powerless against these demented patients who have just been affected.

"All the patients are here, right?"

The Chongming feather cloak appeared behind him, and a mysterious bird appeared on his back. Yan Jing looked at the soldiers beside him and asked.

"Yes, it is."

"That's easy to do!"

Looking at the people in front of him, Yan Jing resolutely activated the special effect of Chongming's feather cloak [Fengming].

A brilliant golden light curtain spread around him, driving away all the evil energy within 20 meters!

The patient with arrhythmia who was still deteriorating seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and the condition of the affected area stabilized immediately.

This is not the end.

Yan Jing took a deep breath, and the phantom of the dragon and tiger Yan Luo suddenly descended, directly crushing the will of chaos with a tyrannical gesture.

The black and white dragon and tiger vaporized into a ripple.

Skimming the crowd present.

Eliminate all evil!

(End of this chapter)

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