Chapter 252

The open space in front of the tower.

Yan Jing stood in the middle of the crowd, with the exquisite and mysterious Chongming Feather Cloak wrapping around his shoulders.

The barrier created by 【Fengming】dispels darkness and chaos, and the light golden light shines on the patients who are suffering from arrhythmia.

The bulging veins on the neck were calmed down, and the face that was grim due to pain returned to tranquility.

The ensuing black and white ripples spread around him.

Wherever it passed, the patient's body was filled with mud-like black matter, as if an invisible hand was forcibly stripping the chaotic energy from the patient's body

Originated from the Haoxuan Sutra, it is also blessed by the image of Dragon and Tiger Yama.

Its essence is the power born to target evil, and the chaotic energy is naturally within the range it can resist or even suppress.

The city defenders, who thought their death was a foregone conclusion, felt their bodies gradually returning to normal.

There were moments of crying or cheering.

More people looked at Yan Jing, although they didn't know why a stranger appeared on the boat, but

Such a scene has another meaning in the eyes of Shen Qiong and the others.

"Is this the power of the envoy? It would be great if it could come earlier."

Looking at Yan Jing who was still being helped by God, Shen Qiong picked up the bead string hanging from her waist, with a dazed expression, she murmured in a low voice.

"You can't be wrong, this is the strength that an envoy should have. If we are saved, we are all saved!"

The old Taoist priest, who had exhausted his mind and mind to activate the magic circle before, was now on the verge of collapse, and was supported by the young girl, his expression became more and more excited.

After successfully saving the people defending the city, Yan Jing didn't intend to stay and accept their bows, and simply explained a few words to the soldiers next to him and walked back to the vicinity of Shen Qiong and the others.

"I need to know what's going on here, the sooner the better!"

The expelling of the Winged Snakes came first, and the rescue of the people came after.

The ability displayed is even more eye-catching.

After this battle, Yan Jing's identity as a divine envoy has been completely confirmed, and no one doubts him anymore. Naturally, no one objects to his request.

Several people walked and chatted.

On the way to the house where the magic circle was located, Yan Jing had a general understanding of the situation here.

The information about the recruiting mission given by the Black Bamboo Club at the beginning has been verified again.

This world called "Shenzhou" is now the end of the world.

The chaos invasion decades ago completely destroyed the original order, space, nature, and everything in this world.
The continent where humans originally lived has collapsed. Except for a small part that floated high in the sky due to special circumstances, more areas were directly covered by the sea and completely destroyed.

The flying dragon boat is a mobile city that can sail at an altitude of [-] meters, developed by humans in the Chinese world for self-help.

The dragon boat Yan Jing is currently on is one of them.

It's just that compared to its state when it first took off, today's Xuntian can be said to be dilapidated.

The dragon boat, which could hold nearly [-] people, after decades of development, only one tenth of the people survived, barely able to maintain the operation of the dragon boat, but the situation is still deteriorating.

The large area outside the deck that Yan Jing saw from a high place before is the best proof.

If it hadn't been for Yan Jing's arrival, tonight would probably be the time for them to fall to their deaths.

The group returned to the house again.

Yan Jing looked at the structure of the house, and his eyes finally stopped at the location of the altar and the magic circle.

"Is this how you communicate with God Li Huo?"

Noticing the torch in the arms of the statue of the god placed in the center of the altar, Yan Jing couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and couldn't help asking,

"The source of this method, can you talk about it in detail?"

In the past few other world events, although Yan Jing will also get an identity related to the main task, but more of them will enter in a state of dissociation from the plot, and he needs to actively participate in it.

Things are markedly different this time.

Not only did he become the key person who was summoned, but more importantly, his main mission was actually triggered from these people in front of him, instead of being ready when the torch descended.

Yan Jing was particularly concerned about the difference.

"The magic array arranged here was left to us by the envoys when the dragon boats first took off decades ago. Each dragon boat will have a specific department and personnel to learn how to arrange and use it. The person in charge of Xuntian The person is me."

The old Taoist leader who spoke was named Fu Shudao.

He is not only the master of inheritance of this generation of magic circle, but also one of the three leaders of the Dragon Boat Xuntian.

"The entire magical circle is divided into three parts, the altar, the circle, and the psychic Ah Luo, which is her."

Walking to the side of the altar, Fu Shudao briefly introduced the structure of the magic circle, and introduced the girl beside him.

Ah Rao.

The necessary psychic medium when the magic circle is activated, and also Fu Shudao's disciple, the next master of Chengshu!
"Decades ago. Didn't you succeed in these years?"

Captured the key information revealed by Fu Shudao's words, Yan Jing asked.


This point of time made Yan Jing immediately think of the experience he had in Jingjiang Guild Town not long ago, and it was also this time.
The time when the apostles cultivated by 'Nanko' became active!
"It was successful in the first few years. According to the instructions of the envoys, whenever the dragon boat in the air encounters a disaster that is difficult to overcome, we will activate the magic circle and seek the help of the envoys."

Although he didn't quite understand why Yan Jing suddenly asked about this matter, Fu Shudao still answered based on the past situation.

"When was the last time?"

Yan Jing, who vaguely sensed the crux of the problem, asked.

"According to the ancient records left by the master, 78 years ago, the last god envoy left us this statue of the god, told us that it was the God of Li Huo, and asked us to use the gods in the next period of time. Instead, pray to this god."

Recalling the situation at that time, Fu Shudao's expression was full of embarrassment, he paused, and then continued,

"Before the envoys left, they said that they couldn't help us in a short period of time because of communication problems. It may take a while before the magic circle can be activated again. I didn't expect that it would take decades."

"I see."

Yan Jing stared at the altar, her expression was still calm, but her heart was full of turmoil!

Yes, this mission was not right from the beginning.

This is not a task that Torch should have in its normal process. To be precise, the real initiator of this task is not Torch at all, but these people in front of us!

With the explanation and various information given by Fu Shudao, Yan Jing quickly sorted out the general context of the matter in his mind.

Based on the source tree, the world of Shenzhou undoubtedly belongs to the dim group of light.

It was undoubtedly 'Nanke' who first discovered it. At that time, they might not be able to prevent the large-scale invasion of Chaos, so they could only take the next best thing, using dragon boats in the air to rescue the people of this world as much as possible and keep the fire.

It's just that with the passage of time, problems appeared in the 'Nanke', and eventually declined, so that the apostles who belonged to it could no longer come here, and the latter obviously anticipated this in advance.

Therefore, before the last batch of Nanke apostles left, they left behind the torch contact node of the same origin, that is, the statue of the god, and urged the Taoist master Chengshu at that time to change the communication object of the magic circle.

As a result, the development of things obviously exceeded their expectations.

The formation of the torch and the cultivation of the ember apostles were put on hold due to the disappearance of the aura tide, and it is only now that a team of ember apostles has been barely formed.

However, the world of Shenzhou at this time has obviously been completely eroded by chaos.

The torch cannot send ember apostles to this world through normal methods.

Just like what Yan Jing inferred when he saw the source tree for the first time.

Torch is still evolving.

It will absorb a certain kind of special energy through the actions of the ember apostles in various otherworldly events to consolidate its existence.

It takes time.

Until now, there are still many worlds that it cannot enter and exit at will, and the Ember Apostle's strength is not enough to enter these worlds for adventure.

But even so, after receiving the contact from the magic circle, Torch still anxiously arranged a recruiting task for Yan Jing, a promoted person, even violating the normal rules of issuing tasks for other world events.

Not to mention releasing the mission ahead of time, the preparation time was reduced to three hours, which made it clear that they wanted to support the flying dragon boat as soon as possible!
That's the problem!

Judging from what Fu Shudao disclosed.

Whether it is 'Torch' or 'Nanke', they are extremely concerned about the world of Shenzhou.

You must know that in other other world events, people living in them don't even know their existence. On the other hand, Fu Shudao not only knows their existence, but also can seek help through the magic circle at any time.

More importantly, they are also responsive, as long as they have the ability, they will definitely help.

It's just that Fu Shudao and others always thought that they were asking for God.

Moreover, the person sent was Yan Jing who was in the first echelon of the Ember Apostles, no, it should be said that they were the top experts among the Ember Apostles.

As the first batch of promotions, Yan Jing's importance to the torch is unquestionable, and the latter also directly entrusted them with the right to release the main task
This treatment is undoubtedly unusual, and this makes Yan Jing even more curious.

In this unrecognizable world that has been destroyed by the chaotic monsters and is about to fall into complete collapse, what is hidden that can make 'Nanke' and 'Torch' care so much?

At this moment, Yan Jing keenly realized that she would have the opportunity to see the secrets of 'Nanke' and 'Torch' with the help of this sudden mission!

"An envoy? Excuse me. Are you okay?"

Seeing that Yan Jing suddenly fell into deep thought, Fu Shudao and others nearby couldn't help asking.

"Uh, it's okay. I was just thinking about the goals that God Li Huo sent me here this time. If I remember correctly, the envoys who came here before had a contract with you?"

After prevaricating, Yan Jing's mind came up with what Fu Shudao mentioned not long ago.

He seems to think that the fact that no envoys have come is because they haven't fulfilled the contract of the year?
"Yes, according to the agreement, all air-traveling dragon boats, including the Xuntian, have their own observatories. God has entrusted us to use the observatories to monitor the stars in a specific area every month on the night when the stars are revealed. The positions of the stars are recorded, and the envoys will take the star charts with them before they leave."

Fu Shudao suddenly fell to his knees and said in a deep voice,

"Forgive me, the envoy of God. The observation station in charge of the Xuntian was occupied by chaos monsters a few years ago. Since then, the observation mission of the stars has come to a standstill."

The moment the voice fell, Yan Jing received a reminder from the torch.

"Conditions met."

"The main mission [Observation Station] has been activated, take back the Observation Station, and obtain the latest map of the positions of the stars."

Another main mission!
"Are there any reservations about the past star maps of the observatory?"

The "Shangshen" mentioned by Fu Shudaokou is 'Nanke' without even thinking about it. Right now, the 'Torch' also regards the observatory as the key point. Yan Jing also doesn't know what is the use of the star position map, so he tries to learn more.

"Every time we draw a star map, we will leave a backup. At present, they are all recorded in the star map room in the cabin. If the envoy wants to check, I will take you there."

"Okay, go now."

Yan Jing thought that she would take this opportunity to see the situation in the cabin, and decisively agreed to Fu Shudao's invitation.

After taking a last look at the magic circle, the group left the house and went to the nearest lifting platform.

There are still a lot of corpses of lost mind demons scattered on the square in the inner city area, and the soldiers who were in charge of guarding before are cleaning up the scene.

In order to save energy, most of the lights on the city wall were turned off.

There are only a few small lights on the city wall left, and the area that can be illuminated is extremely limited.

Darkness enveloped most of the dragon boat deck.

The sound of gunfire dissipated due to the end of the battle, and a group of people walked in the silent and empty square, with only vague outlines of buildings left in the distance.

Although he was not used to the feeling of being surrounded by stars, Yan Jing still passively stood at the core of the team from the moment he left the room. Fu Shudao was the only one walking in front of him, and he deliberately walked diagonally sideways.

He looked up at the night sky.

In the dark sky, there is only a strange dark yellow full moon hanging high. It is clearly not covered by clouds and mist, but it cannot cast even a ray of moonlight. It looks extremely dark and cold.

Like the pupils of giant beasts outside the sky, they just stared at the world indifferently.

"In such a night sky, will there really be stars revealed?"

Yan Jing's staring eyes were sour, and he never saw even a single star.

"My God, No. 17 of every month is the observation day. The night sky that night is different from the present one. The dark clouds cleared and the stars appeared all over the sky, and the star field we need to observe is in the southeast."

Fu Shudao hurriedly bowed and reported respectfully.

"You don't need to be like this. Although I am an envoy of God, I don't care about these red tapes. I am just a human being just like you. Just call me Yan Jing."

The status of an envoy is certainly useful, but it always makes people kneel or bow at every turn, Yan Jing still can't accept it.

"An envoy of God who came to save us deserves enough respect"

"No matter what, it is my order not to kneel down at will."

Taking a deep breath, Yan Jing didn't bother to get entangled in this kind of matter, so she simply emphasized her tone a bit.

"Obey, Lord God Yan!"

Fu Shudao immediately cupped his hands and said.

Several people around followed closely behind, bowing and clapping their hands in greeting.

Called "Yan Zun".

 I rushed back and forth a few times during the Mid-Autumn Festival, coupled with the sudden drop in temperature, I caught a cold.

  The number of updated words in these two days is slightly less, sorry.

  Resume normal updates as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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