Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 254 The Changes of the Stars

Chapter 254 The Changes of the Stars

Yan Jing has never been keen on enjoying the cheers and admiration from others.

This feeling can be euphoric at first, but soon brings a burden called responsibility.

However, reality never depends on individual will.

The identity of the descendant of the gods meant that Yan Jing was forced to take responsibility from the moment she appeared on the Xuntian Dragon Boat.

On the street outside the window, nearly a hundred people who followed were still standing. They gathered in the lights and watched the small building dedicated to drawing star maps. They did not make too much noise, but followed silently.

For them, as Fu Shudao said, Yan Jing is the bright future of the Xuntian Dragon Boat.

Just like a drowning person will desperately grasp the straw, the cruel reality torments these people makes them look forward to the envoy who represents hope, that is, the "Yan Zun" in Fu Shudao's mouth.

"Can't we really let them go back?"

Yan Jing turned around and looked at Zhao Henian beside him.

As the distance got closer, the fatigue of the middle-aged man in front of him became more and more obvious. His upper body was always in a slightly hunched state, and his shoulders were drooping, as if a huge boulder was pressing on him all the time.

Different from Shen Qiong and Fu Shudao who only need to be responsible for their own part of the task, Zheng Henian, who has to face the boat people every day, undoubtedly bears extremely heavy pressure. Therefore, after seeing Yan Jing, he seems to be in a better state than the other two. All excited.

"I'll send someone to communicate. They just got the news about you suddenly, and they were too excited for a while."

Zhao Henian wanted to bow to answer, but was stopped by Yan Jing.

"Don't be too formal, communicate normally."

For this manager who has carried the heavy pressure to this day, just looking at his current state, Yan Jing still respects him even though he has only met for a short time, and took out a bottle of pre-made juice from the ember space and handed it over.
"I did it myself, maybe it will relax you a bit."

"Thank you, my lord."

Taking the juice with both hands, Zhao Henian just took a sip, and Zhao Henian's eyes widened.

For the Xuntian, which is short of supplies, it is a luxury to be able to drink as much water as you want, not to mention this kind of iced juice made from spiritual fruits.

The fruity fragrance spread out, and soon attracted the attention of several people around, who all cast envious eyes.

Yan Jing is not stingy either, he has a lot of this kind of juice in his space, and with the Pure Spirit Gloves, making it is really not too simple.

"This is for you, how about a taste?"

Handed a bottle of the best quality juice to the girl standing on the edge of the corridor with her head bowed all the time.

Her name should be Ah Luo.

Start by descending onto the Sky Surveyor.

He had never seen this psychic girl who Fu Shudao regarded as the only descendant and also a psychic magic circle speak.

"Thank you, my lord!"

With a hoarse and soft voice, Ah Luo raised her head to thank her.

With the help of the lights in the corridor, Yan Jing finally saw her appearance clearly.

There is nothing special about it, at first glance it looks like an ordinary girl next door, with braids.

If I had to say it, the girl's eyes were extraordinarily round, and the pupils were also a peculiar purple-red color, but there seemed to be a layer of gray inside, which made her look a little weird.

Seemingly aware of Yan Jing's scrutinizing gaze, Ah Luo looked timid.

Yan Jing originally wanted to ask her about her abilities as a psychic medium, but just as he was distributing juice, Fu Shudao had already opened the door to the star atlas room.

Yan Jing's attention was immediately attracted.

"Except for the missing star map in recent years because the observatory was occupied by chaotic monsters, the previously drawn star map and the photos taken at the observatory are all backed up here."

Fu Shudao pushed open the door, pressed the switch on the wall, and the chandelier in the room immediately lit up.

Yan Jing nodded to express her understanding, and stepped straight across the threshold, her eyes already turning around the room.

Since the requirement of "Nanke" is to observe once a month, even if it has stagnated due to accidents in recent years, the accumulation of the previous decades still fills up the two rows placed side by side in this room of about [-] square meters. bookshelf.

Near the door are three cobbled together tables, on which are placed many astronomical instruments, surveying and mapping tools, and a large number of blank rolls of paper.

Even though they have not been used for some years, they are still neatly arranged.

It seems that someone will come to clean it every once in a while.

"Can I take a look?"

Yan Jing walked quickly to the bookshelf facing the door, casually took down the scroll marked "12 years at the end of the disaster, July 7", turned to look at Fu Shudao at the door and asked.

"Of course, these backups are prepared for you, for God Li Huo."

He rushed forward to clear the table in a hurry, and several people outside the door also came in one after another.

Yan Jing untied the string tied in the middle of the scroll, and spread it out on the table, only to find that apart from the large star map drawn by the scroll itself, there were also a few photos of the stars at that time rolled inside.

Different from the dark night sky that Yan Jing saw on the deck just now, the starry sky recorded in the photo is just as Fu Shudao said, it is full of bright stars, and it may be because the shooting location is at an altitude of [-] meters, the sea of ​​stars looks like within reach.

Yan Jing pulled back her seat, flipped through a few photos, and turned her gaze to the hand-painted star map.

Compared with photos, star maps are obviously more detailed and delineated the range.

"The photos are taken according to the range set by God. Due to our limited technology, we cannot enlarge the picture to a specific area. We can only take multiple photos first, and then compare the parts captured by the photos carefully, and then draw them on the stars. on the map."

It is not difficult to lock a specific area of ​​the starry sky through the observatory. The key is that what the gods require is only a part of it, and they must separate it from the complex star map.

"Did you find anything?"

Yan Jing looked at it for a while, rubbed her eyes, and asked with a helpless tone.

He has to admit that he is a "blank slate" in the study of the starry sky, and these photos are no different in his eyes, they are just a bunch of starlight of different colors.

As for the enlarged star map, Yan Jing couldn't even recognize the stars on it.

In fact, Yan Jing tried to find the more famous stars or constellations in this world. If they could find a match, they might be able to determine whether the Shenzhou world and the earth existed in the same universe through their positions.

The result is that not even a similar one was found.

"There are some discoveries, it's just not clear what they mean."

With the accumulation of experience in the observatory these years, plus the study of star maps, Fu Shudao naturally discovered something, paused, turned around and fetched a notebook from the bookshelf, and then said,

"I found that since the end of the disaster, the starry sky will change almost every year. Sometimes there will be some strange colorful lights, and sometimes the stars will explode, spreading out strange star clusters."

Due to the unclear intention of 'Nan Ke'.

Even if Fu Shudao discovered something, he only knew what it was, but he didn't know why.

The situation Yan Jing faced was the same.

After taking the note and looking at the changes in the star map recorded in detail above, I was confused for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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