Chapter 255 Special Zone

Perhaps there is really nothing to do in the past few years.

Most of Fu Shudao's energy is used to study the past observation results of stars.

The description of the changes in the star map in the notes is not without detail.

Although Yan Jing has no research on astronomy and cannot distinguish the starry sky of the Shenzhou world, this does not prevent him from learning about the requirements of the creators of "Nanke" through his notes.

According to Fu Shudao, each dragon boat has its own starry sky that needs to be observed.

In other words, the former 'Nanke' and today's 'Torch' seem to be eager to re-establish contact with this world and determine certain things by observing the stars of this world.

The part that Xuntian is responsible for is named "Qi Ming α Constellation".

"Through long-term regular observations, we noticed that this area of ​​​​the constellation of Kyrgyzstan Alpha changed about 35 years ago, showing a fog-like spread as a whole."

Taking out a sorted briefing from the interlayer of notes, Fu Shudao picked up a pencil and circled several key stages of change.

"How far is the current observatory from us?"

Looking at the hand-painted star map, which gradually transformed from the first few star points to strange-shaped nebulae after decades, Yan Jing wrote down their approximate positions, thinking that after regaining the observatory, he must focus on it, and then said,

"This descent is not without restrictions. After three days, I have to return to the world where God Li Huo lives. Therefore, the operation to regain the observatory must hurry up."

The degree of evolution of the torch is obviously not enough for Yan Jing to stay in the Shenzhou world for a long time.

Three days, this is the limit of the torch.

When the few people standing around the table heard Yan Jing's words, they were startled for a moment, and then fell silent in unison.

"I can only stay for three days and can't it be extended?"

The atmosphere in the room froze for a moment, and finally Fu Shudao took the initiative to ask.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The failure of God Li Huo to respond to you all these years is not due to his unwillingness, but his inability to do so. It is not just this place that has been affected. All the heavens and the world are being invaded by chaotic monsters. , Xie Chong. The observation station is far away from us?"

Unable to disclose the current situation of the torch, Yan Jing could only temporarily make up a reason and divert the topic.

"No, our current location is only half a day away from the observatory, but the current resource reserve of Xuntian is not enough to support our long-distance voyage, and we need to replenish it immediately."

It was Zhao Henian who spoke. As the logistics manager of the Xuntian, he knew exactly how bad the situation had become.

If there is no improvement in a short period of time, let alone going to the observatory, there will be major problems in the operation of the Sky Surveyor.

"Where are your supplies?"

Sailing at an altitude of [-] meters, and with such a huge scale, the supply of airborne dragon boats is undoubtedly the most important thing. Yan Jing remembered what Shen Qiong mentioned before entering the elevator, and said,
"Captain Shen also said that he wanted to obtain the original blood, but he didn't have time to ask. What is the original blood?"

The mainland of the Shenzhou World has sunk, and normal oil or other crystal mineral energy is obviously not enough to power the air dragon boat, not to mention that the boat people are consuming various resources every day.

This is also a question that Yan Jing has been looking for a chance to figure out.

"The nearest supply area is at the Wisteria Terrace. In fact, we have been driving there. If there is no accident, we will arrive tomorrow morning. The origin blood that Captain Shen mentioned has a special source, so he will introduce it. Bar."

Zhao Henian stepped aside and signaled Shen Qiong to step forward.

Flipping through the notes one by one, Yan Jing looked at the content on it while listening to Shen Qiong's explanation, and soon gained a new understanding of the world of Shenzhou.

The land is not completely sunk!

The invasion of chaos caused the original rules of the world to collapse, and in the process, the geology of some areas changed abnormally, and a considerable part of the land was lifted into the air, forming a new high-altitude ecological zone.

Due to the interference and erosion of chaotic energy, the states of these ecological zones can be called strange.

Therefore, Zhao Henian and others also called these regions special regions.

One of them is the Wisteria Terrace, named after the large number of wisterias growing there.

Most of the daily resources needed for flying dragon boats can be obtained from these special areas.

Includes food, water, and some ore metals.

If you are lucky, you can even catch wild animals that can be raised, and transplant fruits and vegetables that can survive in the dragon boat greenhouse.

Of course, the prerequisite for obtaining these things is to have a reliable field force.

The more resource-rich the special area, the degree of danger is completely proportional.

The danger rating of the Wisteria Terrace is above average, which is not the level that the current Sky Surveyer can touch, but in the face of the current crisis where supplies are almost exhausted, Zhao Henian and others can't take much care of it.

As for the original blood mentioned by Shen Qiong, it is the blood of some chaotic monsters, which contains a huge amount of energy, and the operation of the flying dragon boat relies on the technology of extracting the energy in these blood.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is bio-oil.

Similarly, if one wants to obtain the original blood, one also needs a strong enough force to support it.

The arrival of Yan Jing undoubtedly made up the most important part.

After a round of discussions, the next action plan for the Xuntian has roughly taken shape. It will first go to the Wisteria Terrace to complete supplies, and then transfer to the Observatory to eliminate the Chaos monsters entrenched there, and complete the latest observation mission.

Zhao Henian quickly left the Star Atlas room after receiving Yan Jing's promise to assist in the operation tomorrow.

He had to start making plans right away.

Now that he has decided to go to the special area, the relevant preparations must not be left behind. It is not easy to collect resources in the special area.

Especially under the premise that Yan Jing can only stay for three days.

This supply is likely to be the only opportunity, and the Xuntian must seize it.

Shen Qiong soon chose to resign.

After all, he had just experienced a battle, and the guards still needed him to finish it off.

Moreover, tomorrow's operation would require the participation of the guards. He had to select the manpower to go to the special area as soon as possible, and at the same time mobilize the preparations that might be used to the deck, which needed inspection and maintenance before the operation.

After coming and going, only Yan Jing and Fu Shudao were left in the star chart room.

It was midnight.

In terms of the star chart, there is no reason for it to be researched for the time being, and Yan Jing has no intention of dragging the old and the young.

The previous magic circle consumed them a lot of energy, but Fu Shudao could barely hold on, and Ah Luo who was by the door was already "nodding" and dozing off at some point.

After thinking about it, he simply expressed that he wanted to rest and asked Fu Shudao to find him a temporary place to live.

The boat people outside the building had retreated under Zhao Henian's persuasion.

The three of them were walking along the street, and the nearby street lights were turned off.

Only the lights in the distance flickered on and off, so that the surrounding houses were covered by darkness, leaving vague outlines.

In order to save energy, the Sky Surveyor has shut down most of the less important energy supply lines since a long time ago.

A Luo was holding a lantern in his hand to guide the two of them.

Every few steps out, I secretly took a sip of iced juice to refresh myself.

He drank very slowly, obviously cherishing this gift from Yan Jing very much.

Yan Jing stepped on the steel-paved street, and when her leather boots landed on the ground, there was a crisp sound. After walking a certain distance, she asked again,
"Apart from Xuntian, do you have any intersect with other air-traveling dragon boats? How many other air-traveling dragon boats are in operation?"

Every air-traveling dragon boat is in charge of an observation station, and Yan Jing wants to know whether the Xuntian has contact with them.

Not only do I want to further clarify what the ultimate goal of the observatory is, but I also want to know whether other air-traveling dragon boats have information about 'Nanke' or 'Torch'.

"Due to the widespread existence of chaotic energy, the original communication facilities have long since failed. Generally speaking, we will use lighthouses that can resist chaotic energy to communicate, or set up a unique channel at the intersection of the fixed routes of the two parties or in a relatively close area. places where we store our messages, leaving messages each time we pass by, like letters."

It is impossible for flying dragon boats to stay in one place for a long time. They need to cruise to maintain their own supplies and to collect various resources. They can only communicate through this backward but practical method. .

"Is there any more now?"

"Sorry, we lost the observation station and failed to hold the lighthouse. In fact, at the beginning, the flying dragon boat had a special airport, which was built in a special area with a low risk rating. Now it is also occupied by chaos monsters. Break through, otherwise we don’t even need the lighthouse, we can go directly to the airport to get information about other flying dragon boats.”

Mentioning these matters, Fu Shudao's mood inevitably sank, and he said in a muffled voice,

"Nowadays, due to the successive loss of airports and lighthouses, we have lost contact with other air-traveling dragon boats. It is difficult to get help when encountering dangers and lack of resources. to a thousand people."

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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