Chapter 289
Surveying the sky, Jinglei's two flying dragon boats became barriers on the left and right sides of the floating island.

With a huge hull.

The outer positions are almost isolated from the chaotic monsters in the east and west directions.

However, this does not mean that the floating island is safe.

Although Shen Qiong and the others intercepted a large number of Chaos monsters, they would not only attack from two directions.

They move around as the dark disaster spreads, attacking all creatures in the Shenzhou world.

However, the floating island itself has no natural barriers at all, and there are smooth roads around the lighthouse.

It seems to be aware that the existence of the lighthouse will pose a threat to them.

A considerable number of Chaos monsters launched raids from the front and rear of the floating island, and the number may be much smaller than that faced by Shen Qiong and others, but it still put a lot of pressure on the lighthouse.

The asylum plan has been tested successfully, and a considerable amount of power of faith has been accumulated just now, and now we only need to wait for the magic circle on the dome to be repaired. For this reason, Wu Chaoxian has also led a team to the dome to assist Fu Shudao.

The operation of Jingzhu was temporarily suspended, and the boat people had a period of free activities.

They gathered on the edge of the fort, watching the situation on the front of the fort through the windows of the fort.

The defensive positions that had been repaired earlier were now fully fired.

Not only the guns attached to the lighthouse fortress went into battle immediately, but also all the fighters who stayed behind went up.

Unlike the defense line of the flying dragon boat, the defensive position of the floating island does not have a large number of turrets. In addition, the hidden disaster has already eroded a considerable part of the floating island, making the battle situation quickly become short-handed.

"That's... the mount of the envoy?"

The lighthouse itself is a huge light source, so the boat people standing by the window can vaguely see the situation below, and their attention is naturally attracted to the ferocious zerg that is killing the crowd of chaos monsters.

In order to protect the lighthouse, the remaining combat troops will basically not leave the preset defensive position. On the other hand, Huying has no scruples in this regard at all. Yanjing only asks it to kill any chaotic monsters that dare to approach the lighthouse.

Huying, who is no longer limited, rampages among a group of low-level chaotic monsters. As a creature in a different space, it doesn't care about the spiritual impact of these monsters on it, and its strong body and endless attack methods make it even more powerful. have the upper hand.

More importantly, under the premise of having a large supply of flesh and blood, Huying's physical strength can be sustained in battle, and even using the creep learned in this world, even if injured under siege, it may recover quickly.

Relying on Hu Ying to absorb the attention of the Chaos monsters, the pressure on the front of the Lighthouse Fortress was much reduced, and the remaining combat troops barely stabilized the front to ensure that the Lighthouse Fortress would not be attacked by Chaos monsters.

It's just that soon some boat people noticed the abnormality.

"The combat troops are here. What about the rest?"

The front of the lighthouse fortress has assembled all the defense forces, how to defend the rear from the erosion of Chaos monsters?

With this doubt, the boat people turned to the rear in unison.

What I saw was the quiet appearance of the boat people standing at the window behind the lighthouse fortress.

When they leaned over to check the situation, the scene outside the window also made them fall into silence.

Behind the lighthouse fortress, the beams of the searchlights erected on the huge open space are all concentrated in one place, even if affected by the dark disaster, it still allows a small area to have a stable brightness.

There was only one person in that area.

Lord Yan, the envoy sent by God Li Huo to rescue the two dragon boats Xun Tian and Jing Lei!
The dark blue sword light flashed by his side, Yan Jing was holding the crimson Crescent Moon Saber, guarding the rear of the lighthouse fortress alone, and around him, the corpses of Chaos monsters were already lying on the ground.

No need for any protective equipment, the chaotic energy brought by the dark disasters can't advance an inch in the face of dragons and tigers.

Although both the Shuofeng Sword and the Scarlet Nightmare Armor were suppressed, Yan Jing already had a way to deal with it.

Chaos monsters rushed forward in the darkness. They sensed the danger of the human in front of them. Even though they had lost their minds, their instincts still drove them to stay away from the latter and destroy the lighthouse behind it first.

However, in the process of running, the chaotic monsters that clearly wanted to avoid Yan Jing began to gather towards him uncontrollably.

Seed of Chaos Nebula!

At this moment, Yan Jing felt more and more that the previous transformation was extremely correct.

Unlike his other abilities, the extraordinary ability brought by the Seed of Chaos remains unaffected even in the dark disaster, and is even enhanced by the rich energy of Chaos.

With Yanjing as the center, within a radius of 30 meters, no matter whether they are running on the ground or flying in the sky, all Chaos monsters that try to approach will be forcibly attracted to him through changes in the gravitational field.

The rest couldn't be easier.


The Yanyue knife rolled up the dragon and tiger spirit, cut off the chaotic monster in front of him, kicked the remnant body away, Yan Jing's eyes split into a second pupil, shifted back and forth in the eye frame, and flickered.

Chongming Feather Cloak's [Double Eyes] is activated, and quickly scans the nearby Chaos monsters to understand their general situation.

The Red Nightmare Armor flickered, the Yanyue Knife turned into a long knife, and the left hand that was free stretched out the sword fingers. The Taiqing Baolu was activated instantly, and a shock wave spread around Yan Jing, clearing away the corpses piled up around, leaving a new " Mortuary".

The Shuofeng sword flashed behind him, and there were several muffled sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground, and blood flowed between the moist soil layers.

Yan Jing seems to be a moat between the lighthouse fortress and the periphery of the floating island!

To deal with these low-level chaotic monsters, Yan Jing didn't even need to think about how to fight. As long as he followed his fighting habits, these monsters would be problematic even if they wanted to get close, let alone harm him.

The current battle is very easy for the current Yan Jing, but he dare not relax in the slightest, and his expression becomes more and more dignified.

The reason is very simple. According to the previous dark disasters recorded by Dragon Boat, the Chaos monsters that appeared in the early stage were almost like cannon fodder. They were like hounds, searching for the existence of the power to resist them in the world of Shenzhou.

Once the prey that must be eliminated is found, the real "hunter" will appear!
The sudden loud noise made Yan Jing stagnate in the battle, and she stood up suddenly and threw herself in the direction of the sound.

Sky Surveyor!
With a distance of hundreds of meters, even with double pupils as an aid, all Yan Jing could see was the aftermath of the explosion.

He knew what the explosion meant.
The collapse of the Sky Surveyor's defense line!

As early as the early preparations, Shen Qiong had discussed with Yan Jing how to retreat from the outer positions.

Once it was a critical moment, facing the outflanking chaotic monsters, if they simply gave up their position and retreated, they would undoubtedly seek their own death. The hundreds of meters between the dragon boat and the lighthouse would become their death path.

Therefore, Shen Qiong installed a large number of bombs inside the tower of the Xuntian long before the arrival of the hidden disaster. When they had to abandon the outer positions, they destroyed the city wall to forcefully delay the time and buy them a chance to escape.

Before Yan Jing could figure out the situation, the Jinglei on the other side also made a similar noise.

Obviously, Shirley also chose to retreat.

At this time, it has not been 10 minutes since the arrival of the dark disaster.

Yan Jing knew that with Shen Qiong and Xue Li's personalities, if they were not in a desperate situation, they would never retreat easily!

"Hey, Shen Qiong, what happened to you... Can you hear me?"

After activating the two talismans to temporarily intercept the attacks of the Chaos monsters, Yan Jing took out the communicator and tried to ask about the situation on the Xuntian.

"My lord, the rivers in the sky are expanding, they are gaining momentum, tsunami, a tsunami condensed by chaotic energy is about to rush into the floating island, and those monsters are even more terrifying!"

Due to the interference of chaotic energy, the voice from the communicator was intermittent, but this did not prevent Yan Jing from understanding what Shen Qiong wanted to express.

As said before.

The hounds have found their prey.

The real hunter, that is, the real horror of the dark disaster, is now about to be revealed in front of them.

Suddenly looking up at the sky, Yan Jing's pupils shrank suddenly.

The river that was condensed by this unprecedented storm once again flashed dark green light, and the accumulated water somehow looked like a large group of viscous colloid, as if it was the shallow water in the previous rain. It is formed by condensation of green jelly.

Under Yan Jing's watchful eyes, the river began to pour down as Shen Qiong said!

He finally understood why Shen Qiong and Shirley chose to evacuate without hesitation.

Because under the impact of this turbulent dark green river, no matter if it is a fort or heavy combat armor, even a defensive position made of steel will be completely crushed.

They are coming from all directions.

To completely destroy the lighthouse fortress!

(End of this chapter)

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