Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 290 Standing in court!

Chapter 290 Standing in court! (Please subscribe!)

The horror of the dark disaster lies in its uncertainty.

Each eruption will trigger different disasters, which is really hard to be prepared for.

This time is no exception.

Even though Xuntian and Jinglei had made preparations in advance, they were still in dire straits.

The outer line of defense was breached one after another.

A disgusting dark green light curtain opened up in the sky, and the river had already formed a siphon effect on the surrounding storm.

At this altitude of [-] meters, a vortex with a diameter of hundreds of meters has already formed, and it is even continuously expanding.

Chaos monsters from a different space have found their prey.

The most suitable hunting ground for their actions is being created!
The tide filled with chaotic energy and monsters poured onto the floating island, and with the help of the rain, it set off a tide head tens of meters high, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The land, rocks, and even vegetation scattered along the way were all broken under the impact of this water flow.

The situation took a turn for the worse in the blink of an eye
Not only the flying dragon boat, but even the defensive positions around the lighthouse fortress had to be abandoned at this time.

Even a transcendent who has been transformed by the seed of chaos cannot survive in this kind of water flow.

Even Yan Jing, who owns the legacy of the tiger dragon, finds it difficult to face this tide. After all, it is not only rainwater, but also filled with the light green jelly that he has seen before.

The Yanyue knife once again cut off a demonic chaotic monster, kicked the corpse away, and Yan Jing looked at the tide that invaded the floating island.

At its height, submerging the lighthouse fortress is not a problem.

At that time, regardless of whether the lighthouse fortress will leak or not, those chaotic monsters who ride the waves will be able to directly attack all parts of the lighthouse fortress, and the magic circle at the outer dome will become the primary target.

Never let it come near!
With that in mind, Yan Jing tried to mobilize the water spirit power in her body.

Even in this rainy day, due to the existence of dark disasters, the activity of elemental psionic energy was still severely suppressed.

Just at this time, the communication from Fu Shudao rang.

At the same time, outside the Xuntian, Shen Qiong, who relied on blasting the city tower to buy time, had already led the team to withdraw from the deck.

Mud and water splashed all over the floor, and the great exhaustion of physical strength caused many people to pant while running.

In order to speed up, the team members even gave up heavy equipment similar to heavy combat armor when retreating, and only kept some important equipment, such as protective clothing and firearms.

Following the light strips laid in advance under her feet, Shen Qiong took the initiative to run at the end of the team and was responsible for breaking the rear.

Looking back from time to time, under the mechanical mask covered with dark green fluorescence, Shen Qiong frowned, with a serious expression.

"Quick! Accelerate! Be sure to run to the lighthouse fortress before the tide catches up with us!"

Loudly urged the team members to go to the lighthouse as quickly as possible, but Shen Qiong, who was shouting, didn't know what to do.

I planned to hold on to the magic circle on the lighthouse dome before evacuating, but was forced to abandon the position due to the arrival of the wave.

He could only hope that Fu Shudao and Wu Chaoxian had already repaired the magic circle on the dome.

Turning around to check again, Shen Qiong only felt a chill down her spine.

The tide has already flowed across the deck of the Sky Patrol, showing no signs of stopping. The Chaos monsters that were still fighting fiercely with them not long ago were mixed with it, moving freely, accumulating strength and preparing for the next attack.

Reminiscent of the corpses she had seen when recovering the floating island, Shen Qiong finally understood why there were so many strange organs on their bodies. It turned out that a hidden disaster had already been brewing, but they hadn't discovered it at the time.

The surging speed of the tide was much faster than the running speed of Shen Qiong and others. It didn't take long for the tide to approach the retreating team, and the heavy rain curtain at the front slapped the guards.

The thunderous sound of the tide roared in my ears.

This time no one looked back.

Because everyone knows what's behind it.

Roaring Chaos monsters occupy the raging dark green waves.

There are a large number of fish monsters, whose size is not much different from that of adults. The high ridges on their backs are swinging back and forth, and their bodies are covered with strange phosphorescent scales; Webbed long tails flicked; and those horse-shaped mongrel monsters, ragged wings folded, shuttled like worms in the river
They were killed a lot by the guards on the deck, and now they ride the waves and use the chaotic energy to strengthen themselves, becoming stronger all the time.

And farther behind the river, another huge black figure squeezed out from the dark green phosphorescent light.

It's just that they are too far apart, and Shen Qiong doesn't have time to check carefully.

Holding the communicator in her hand, Shen Qiong saw the light of the lighthouse shining through the rain curtain ahead, and wanted to contact Yan Jing to report the situation here.

However, all the words were blocked in his throat before he could speak them.

What came into view was the empty defensive position. A large number of Chaos monsters had already surrounded the lighthouse fortress, and a considerable part of them had even climbed up and began to approach the outer aisle.

"Don't stop, kill the past, and expel the monsters outside the lighthouse!"

At this time, Shen Qiong didn't have time to think about why the lighthouse, which was in the rear and Yan Jing was in charge, became like this.

He only knew that these chaotic monsters must not be allowed to rush into the lighthouse, so he raised his chainsaw sword without hesitation and rushed towards the lighthouse.

However, as they launched an attack, the Chaos monsters who were still hacking at the wall immediately noticed the movement behind them, and a large group of monsters rushed back.

This made the guard who wanted to seek asylum suddenly become the side that was double-teamed.

There was a group of chaotic monsters in the front, and a wave of dark disasters in the back. Shen Qiong in the middle only felt that she was in a desperate situation, and she tightly grasped the chainsaw sword in her hand, determined to die on the way to charge.

But just when he was determined to live and die, an ethereal music suddenly sounded in his ears.

It's like the sound of nature.

Overwhelming the surging tide behind him, the roar of monsters and even the wind and rain directly reached his mind.

The tired body is like the earth that has been dry for a long time, and the moment the music sounds, there is a rain of nourishment.

Light golden light spots poured into the body, soothing the sore muscles.

With a steady stream of power pouring out of his body, the chaotic monster in front of him seemed to retreat in panic like encountering a natural enemy.

The sudden change made Shen Qiong quickly realize that the turning point had come.

The lighthouse is doing what it should.

Suddenly looking up at the dome of the lighthouse, brilliant golden light lines, like blooming flowers, surged from all over the dome, piercing the surrounding dark fog, that is the brilliance that the dark disaster cannot conceal!
The chaotic monsters gathered around the lighthouse were no longer as crazy as before.

Not only did they give up encircling the lighthouse, they even failed to keep encircling Shen Qiong and others.

At this time, Shen Qiong had already run to the bottom of the lighthouse, and first saw Xue Li and the others who had just retreated here on the other side, and then saw the wave of pursuit.

The chaotic monsters around the lighthouse fled to the dark green wave and immediately turned around, attacking the former again.

The wave of dark disasters, which is almost like a natural disaster, rushes with countless monsters.

Whether it is Shen Qiong or Xueli, facing a hidden disaster of this scale, there is no room for resistance, even though their states are recovering rapidly under the light of the lighthouse.

Shen Qiong was very grateful that they recovered the floating island at any cost, otherwise, if they encountered such an attack directly at an altitude of [-] meters, the collapse of the Dragon Boat Xun Tian would be inevitable.

Of course, it is unknown whether the floating island can escape this catastrophe.

The strength that Venerable Yan had shown recently emerged in his mind, and Shen Qiong's expression suddenly became firmer.

Lighthouse dome.

Standing in the center of the magic circle, Yan Jing looked at the wave of dark disasters that were only tens of meters away from the lighthouse fortress. The chaotic energy in the surrounding environment was already so strong that it was beyond imagination, and the oncoming wind and rain were even more overwhelming. stench.

A scene close to hell unfolded in front of Yan Jing. He knew exactly what would happen if the wave flooded the lighthouse, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

"My lord, the magic circle is ready!"

Fu Shudao and Wu Chaoxian put down the last half of the ceremony with their own hands, got up and looked at Yan Jing.

"Then let's get started."

With both arms stretched, Yan Jing's movements seemed to be embracing the storm.

In the next second, from his feet. No, it should be said that it was the dome of the entire lighthouse, with dazzling golden light blooming.

A phantom figure with a height of more than ten meters took shape above the lighthouse.

Inside the lighthouse and fortress, the scriptures have already been in operation again. All the boat people prayed in the music, and the light patterns transformed by the power of faith surged, spread over the entire statue, and then rose to the dome.

A huge magic circle with a diameter of more than 30 meters unfolded instantly.

The torch was given to the world of Shenzhou, and the technology dedicated to fighting against dark disasters finally showed its true power at this moment.

Countless gold threads sketched out various delicate patterns in the sky, and pieced them together again.

all of a sudden.

A statue of Yama, a dragon and tiger, completely condensed by the power of faith stands in the center of this wave of dark disasters.

Surrounded by a terrifying wave of black-green fluorescence that covered the sky and covered the sun, it was difficult to discern the number and shape of the chaotic monsters with their teeth and claws open, as if they would come to kill them in the next second.

Roar!hold head high!
The roar of dragons and tigers was like thunder and explosions.

The dragon and tiger Yan Luo Zhenjun left the tiger under his seat, floated up, and stretched out his sword fingers with his right hand, pointing straight ahead.

The dragon and tiger beside him received the decree, rushed out with the power of faith, and patrolled the periphery of the lighthouse.

Where the dragon and the tiger have passed.

When the wind and rain stopped, the Chaos monster was directly crushed.

Even the seemingly unstoppable wave of hidden disasters is stagnant in the distance, no matter how hard it is to advance!

 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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