Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 293 Flesh and Flesh Light Pillar

Chaos, madness.

It's like a group of eternally hungry, vicious dogs carrying a cursed virus, chasing all life in the Shenzhou world.

This is the unified impression of the chaotic monsters of the survivors in the Shenzhou world.

However, Yan Jing encountered a special individual in this terrifying group in the wave of dark disasters.

The figure that was planning to look for the gap in the different space first came to a standstill.

A strange tone sounded in the wave, like a prayer to a certain existence, or like a distorted syllable of some kind of vicious curse.

Looking back hastily, Yan Jing saw a large number of pustules appearing everywhere on the creased skin of the monster's skull.

It still only showed the head, no longer caring about Yan Jing's actions, and the two rows of dark green eyes suddenly closed.

Blind and ignorant!
Suddenly, fin-shaped periosteum spread out on both sides of the monster's head, and its surface was full of weird lines.

With this action, pustules rupture one after another.

Pipers, who had been seen once in the Skywatcher laboratory, emerged from the dirty pus. They held flutes made of tentacles and played indescribable music, echoing the strange spell chanted by the monster itself.

Yan Jing could clearly feel that the surrounding chaotic energy was boiling!
A strong sense of crisis came to me.

Realizing that the situation was wrong, Yan Jing maintained the state of "climbing the dragon's gate", and stabbed down, heading straight for the monster's head.

Shuofeng Sword, whose body is wrapped in dragon and tiger aura, shot out first, followed by Yanyue Dao.

Yan Jing tried to stop the ongoing ritual of the chaotic monster, but when he tried to get closer, he realized that the pipers were not just chanting spells in cooperation with the latter.

The Shuofeng sword was forcibly stopped by the barrier made by the Piper about five meters away from the chaotic monster, and the Yanyue knife was hit by the chaotic energy one after another.

The light green jelly suspended in the waves can not only mutate other Chaos monsters, but also act as an corrosive agent for the ubiquitous dark disasters, making the originally solid weapons gradually thinner.

Dragon and Tiger Qi tried to break through forcefully, but the damage caused was quite limited. Often just a few wounds were created, and these jelly bodies would immediately fill them up. It was impossible to directly threaten the monster, and naturally it was impossible to interrupt its spellcasting. .

This is an unprecedented situation!
Yan Jing has always relied on the weapon formed by the Red Devil Armor to deal with most of the battles, and the effect is indeed good, but this also made him ignore a key issue.

After all, whether it is Yanyue Dao, Long Dao or Finger Tiger, they are all made of energy after all.

The suppression of this kind of psychic weapons in this recruitment mission is extremely eye-catching, not to mention that this is the depths of the wave of dark disasters!

Even if Yan Jing wanted to change the situation urgently, he had to admit that his strength had been weakened even under the current environment, and this wave of hidden disasters was also the home field of the monster in front of him.

With that in mind, Yan Jing, who sensed the changes in the surrounding environment, immediately changed his action plan.

The psionic wings behind him vibrated, leading him to quickly evacuate from the scene.

This round of confrontation made Yan Jing realize that it is extremely difficult to kill the chaotic monster in front of him in this wave of dark disasters.

Even with the strengthening of the holy curse seal [Dragon Gate], it is still difficult for him to carry out a sufficiently deadly attack.

It must be dragged to another battlefield!
The wave of dark disasters seems to cover the sky, but in fact there is a limit. After all, the world of China has not yet been completely captured by chaos.

It is different from the storm that affects the entire Shenzhou world.

The wave of dark disasters is likely to only remain near the floating island, and what Yan Jing has to do is to drag this monster away from the wave.

As for how to achieve this goal, he already had a plan in mind.

But on the way to evacuate to the outside world, Yan Jing soon discovered that piercing music and strange tones were always surrounding him, and dozens of dark green phosphor beams emerged from the waves around him, entangled towards him.

In order to get rid of this offensive with unknown intentions, Yan Jing chose to explode with all her strength, relying on the special effects brought by the domineering flow, to shuttle through the waves.

Only ten seconds later.

Yan Jing forcibly dodged the surrounding low-level chaos monsters and tentacles, and rushed out of the wave.

Dark sky, heavy rain.

The sound of wind and rain came to my ears again.

Luangkong floated under his feet, using the changes in the gravitational field to allow it to temporarily support his body.

Yan Jing looked down at the area where the floating island was located, and observed the surrounding area with the light of the lighthouse.

Just as he thought.

The scale of the entire dark disaster wave is only a circle larger than that of the floating island, just covering the sky survey and the thunderstorm
It might be difficult to tell if you were in the dark disaster wave before, but now you suddenly come out, and it is clear to the bystanders.

Yan Jing quickly noticed the abnormality.

Yan Jing is very clear about the scale of the floating island, and discussed this information with Fu Shudao and the others on the way here.

The height of the entire dark disaster wave is close to 50 meters, and the radius is about 300 meters.

Plane away the area where the lighthouse light curtain is located and the distance he traveled after leaving the lighthouse just now.

The remaining distance is nothing more than about [-] meters.

The problem is that the head of the chaotic monster lurking in the depths alone is nearly 20 meters long. How big should its body be?

It is impossible for the wave of dark disasters to hide it.

There is only one explanation, its body was not present in the wave at all.

This also explains why it only has the head, and the body is always in the dark.

The crack in the different space is right under it!

His mind turned sharply, and the confusion in his mind was explained one by one, but Yan Jing's eyes locked on the raging waves under his feet.

The head that had been sinking in the depths of the tide had risen at some point, and it didn't even need Yan Jing's lure, it took the initiative to leave the area where it had a great advantage.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Before Yan Jing figured out its intention.

The waves of dark disasters under the feet suddenly rose from everywhere, made of light green jelly, forming giant dark green beams of light.

They are distributed everywhere in a circular array, enclosing Yan Jing in the center.

In the next second, the chaotic monsters who had surrounded the lighthouse suddenly gave up their original target for some reason, and rushed towards these dark green beams of light on a wave, like moths rushing towards a flame, scrambling to come.

It was also at this moment that Yan Jing suddenly noticed that the space around him became stagnant, and his actions were being suppressed.

I can only watch those chaotic monsters come rushing from all directions, crazily rushing into the dark green beam of light, huddling together, biting and rolling each other, even if it makes blood and flesh flying all over the place. , just to make myself a part of the dark green beam of light
That's right, these chaotic monsters are using their bodies to build a pillar of flesh and blood!
Countless Chaos monsters crushed themselves into pieces of flesh and blood, pouring out a giant pillar of flesh that couldn't be more evil and twisted.

Yan Jing saw that these pillars of flesh and blood were forming at an extremely fast speed, and some inscriptions and vulgar inscriptions appeared on the surface, because they were separated by a distance, and only a few hieroglyphs that had never been seen before could be seen.

But one thing is certain, these pillars of flesh and blood must be the key nodes of a certain chaos circle.

However, at this time, Yan Jing seemed to have lost the ability to destroy them.

The elemental psychic energy was languishing, and neither the Shuofeng Sword nor the Scarlet Demon Gauntlet could achieve the effect of remotely destroying these pillars of flesh and blood.

The head submerged in the tide finally opened its eyes, and the disordered eyes full of phosphorescence stared at Yan Jing.

All of a sudden, Yan Jing vaguely heard the sarcasm mixed with the violent wind and rain, and then shivered.

After all, I still underestimated the ability of this chaotic monster.

It started from the moment Yan Jing took the initiative to expose the aura of the dragon and tiger Yama.

Everything that happened until now.

They are all the traps it prepared for Yan Jing!
It wants to destroy the core of the lighthouse's ability to perform, and let this floating island completely fall.

As time passed, the pillar of flesh and blood gradually formed from the bottom up, and Yan Jing's suppression became more and more serious.

At first, it could move a few times, but soon it could only be suspended in mid-air.

Feeling the confinement around her body, Yan Jing frowned.

Suddenly hearing the familiar buzzing sound coming from the wind and rain, he couldn't help raising his brows, and quietly suppressed the dark golden light in his eyes.

Everything is going according to the plan preset by the monster in the tide.

until a certain moment.

Dark green phosphorous beams shot straight into the sky from these pillars of flesh.

The entangled chaos monsters that were previously filled in the pillar roared in unison.

What are they calling for?
A dark green halo bloomed in the sky.

Standing on the sky, Yan Jing seemed to have given up resistance.

Now it is quite difficult for him to take any action, even if there is nothing around him.

In fact, the chain formed by the chaotic energy had already locked Yan Jing in place.

Let the Chaos monster in the wave ridicule wantonly and carry out its evil plan.

Deep purple phantom stars suddenly flashed in the dark sky. They were not real, but illusions caused by halos.

But that head seemed to have seen something terrible, and it kept trembling. Among the folds on the top of the head, the pipers played hard, responding to the more and more urgent incantations.

The many monsters that were used as fillers on the Pillar of Flesh are also roaring at this moment, completely indifferent to their own miserable state, just calling for a certain existence with all their strength.

Until it meets its gaze.

In the area where the illusory stars are located in the sky, a huge one-eyed full of strange lines slowly opened.

In an instant, in the area intertwined with deep purple and dark green, dozens of distorted light beams descended from the sky, heading straight for the area where Yan Jing was.

Annihilation seems to be a foregone conclusion.

But at the moment when the two sides were about to meet, a pale golden light suddenly emerged from Yan Jing's body.

It's not the usual dragon and tiger spirit, but the power of faith just collected through the dragon and tiger Yama image in his body!

The existence of the lighthouse is enough to prove that this is the optimal solution to fight against chaotic energy.

Although the power of faith collected by Yan Jing is extremely limited, it is not enough to compete with the surrounding pillars of flesh and blood, but the instant burst is enough to help him get out of trouble temporarily.

With a few seconds of free time, what Yan Jing did couldn't be simpler.

Open the remaining space, take out the death core E, and then throw it to the top of his head, facing the distorted light beam coming from the sky.

Yan Jing used it to fight against Leviathan.

Facts have proved that this thing is much more effective than ordinary shields!

The offensive caused by the chaotic monster directly caused Deathcore Erne's skeleton dragon to resist fiercely at the moment of its arrival.

Unlike the previous eruption in Leviathan, the beam carrying a will of existence undoubtedly made the skeleton dragon furious.

In the blink of an eye, a giant undead dragon appeared in the sky, and the dark blue soul fire shook the storm above the floating island.

More importantly, those pillars of flesh and blood are still in operation.

This makes the skeleton dragon also be regarded as the target of attack.

The energy that was originally concentrated on Yan Jing began to relax, and turned to attack the former who seemed more dangerous at first glance.

Yan Jing looked at the giant skeleton dragon roaring above his head.

She curled her lips, hoping that it could last longer than ever before.

I have to admit that the will of the skeleton dragon is far more stubborn than Yan Jing thought.

Even in the face of the current unfavorable environment, he was still able to hold on without collapsing.

However, this stalemate is obviously not what the Chaos monsters in the wave want to see.

The Pillar of Flesh was activated again, majestic chaotic energy soared into the sky, and the eye boy among the stars finally directly locked on to the skeleton dragon.

In an instant, the Pillar of Flesh was like falling into a scorching hell, and the chaos monster inside turned into fly ash at an extremely fast speed.

What followed was a sudden increase in the intensity of the beam!
After all, Deathcore Eshang is only the will of the skeleton dragon, and it has been worn out in previous battles.

When another round of deep purple beams descended, it failed to hold on. Under Yan Jing's gaze, it turned into faint blue light spots from top to bottom, and before disappearing, it deliberately lowered its head to look at Yan The location of Jing.

This glance was full of resentment, and at the same time mixed with a little confusion.

It can't figure out why this human being can find so many helpers, and there are even existences from different worlds among them!
As the skeleton dragon's will completely dissipated, the death core E Lingkong fell into Yan Jing's hands, with a hazy luster shining on its surface.

Yan Jing had to face the attack of Chaos monsters before Yan Jing had time to check the dead core E after the seal was lifted.

The space around him froze again, and Yan Jing no longer had any props at hand that could withstand this wave of offensive, but there was no nervous expression on his face, but a long sigh of relief.

After so long, we finally got reinforcements.
The chaotic monsters in the dark disaster wave stared at Yan Jing, eager to see the latter's complete collapse.

However, the picture it expected did not appear.

Because there is something falling faster than those light beams, that are hundreds of tentacles that are much thicker and longer than those grown on its lower jaw!
They shuttled over Yan Jing's head, forcibly weaving a protective net.

Meanwhile, the storm that had been falling since this morning suddenly stopped
How can it be!

The dark disaster is not over yet, the tide is still raging, and the chaotic energy has no tendency to recede. How can the storm disappear?

The Chaos Daemons of the Waves could not comprehend the sudden situation.

Until the illusory stars reflect the figure that covers the sky and the sun.

Crush the clouds, smash the wind and rain.

What descended on the sky above the floating island was the overlord who ran amok at an altitude of [-] meters in the Shenzhou world.

PS: Remember to read the author's words!

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