That's right.

The hardened tentacles are the props used to summon Leviathan!

Previously, Yan Jing helped this guy remove a considerable part of the pustules on the body surface, and the effect obviously satisfied the latter.

Therefore, before Yan Jing left, Leviathan broke off a tentacle and handed it to him.

Although the two sides had no specific communication during this process, and there was no channel for direct dialogue, Yan Jing still roughly guessed the meaning of this tentacle, that is, he could rely on it to summon Leviathan.

Of course, Yan Jing and Leviathan may have different understandings of the "summoning" here.

What Yan Jing wanted was to let Leviathan assist in combat at critical moments, and the latter most likely wanted the next "service".

It was also because of this that Yan Jing told Shudao and the others that this was just an insurance policy when they left the dome.

He wasn't sure if Leviathan would come, so he could only take a gamble.

The results show that Leviathan has an extreme aversion to pustules on the body surface.

Even under the premise of the outbreak of a dark disaster, it did not back down.

He even forcibly resisted the chaotic monster's attack and rescued Yan Jing.

Maybe Leviathan didn't intend to clash with the Chaos monster at first, but it's already here, how can Yan Jing neglect it?

The storm stopped at this moment.

It's not because of the end of the dark disaster, but because Leviathan lies across the sky.

No matter how violent the wind and rain are, it is difficult to get past its giant fortress-like body.

The plans were interrupted one after another, and the chaotic monsters in the wave of dark disasters were furious.

There is no need for Yan Jing to provoke deliberately, it already regards Leviathan as a new enemy.

In the blink of an eye, several tornadoes stirred and rose in the dark disaster wave, condensed into a rapid eddy current, rolled up monstrous water waves, and rushed straight to Leviathan's head under the blessing of the chaotic energy of the pillar of flesh and blood.

Hundreds of low-level chaos monsters were mixed in, trying to ride the waves onto Leviathan's body, causing damage at close range.

However, not everyone can imitate Yan Jing's previous fighting style.

Not to mention that Leviathan, who suffered a loss once, was already on guard!

Hoo ~ Hoo ~
Yan Jing, who was suspended in mid-air, felt that a huge black hole suddenly appeared behind him, and the unparalleled suction appeared out of thin air. Looking back, he saw Leviathan opening a huge mouth with a diameter of more than [-] meters, swallowing those tidal tornadoes in his mouth .

As for the hundreds of chaos monsters mixed in it, they directly became its food!
For this overlord of the sky, such a small amount of chaotic energy erosion is already too many lice for it to be afraid of biting.

Leviathan also didn't intend to just suffer like this after eating a small half full. A large number of tentacles rushed forward, trying to crush the pillar of flesh and blood suspended above the floating island.

At first, it was blocked by the condensed chaotic energy barrier for a while, until the surface of those Leviathan tentacles also began to flash with light of special energy, and immediately completed a forced breakthrough.

To become the overlord of the sky and sky in the Shenzhou world, Leviathan does not rely on its exaggeratedly large body.

These pillars, which cost a lot of Chaos monsters to assist the release of spells, are not much different from chocolate bars in Leviathan's eyes, and they are rolled up and stuffed into their mouths.

The remaining tentacles rushed into the wave of dark disasters, entangled with the tentacles on the lower jaw of the head.

Then came the most direct competition of strength, tug-of-war!
In Yan Jing's view, the Chaos Monster in the Dark Calamity Wave is obviously not an opponent, it is just a head.

However, the result was unexpected, and there was a brief stalemate between the two sides.
You must know that the body shapes of the two are not at the same level at all!

Yan Jing, who had become a bystander at some point, noticed the change, and hastily turned her attention back to the [Death Core · Evil] in her hand.

The curse of will cast by the giant bone dragon wore away in the successive impacts, and Deathcore E finally showed its true colors.

The appearance of the polyhedron remained unchanged, but a strange glare began to appear on its surface.

Even in this dark disaster, it is still bright and bright, vaguely reflecting some strange pictures
Not only that, Yan Jing also saw a burning blue soul fire at its core.

When the torch panel was opened, the updated information appeared, and Yan Jing frowned subconsciously, then opened her eyes and grinned, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

At the same time, the tug-of-war on the other side is happening again!

After all, Leviathan's power overwhelmed the head in the Dark Calamity Wave. Hundreds of tentacles wrapped around the latter, trying to pull it out of the water, forcing it to escape from the Dark Calamity Wave.

However, when the two sides were pulling, the head seemed to give up resistance, and suddenly relaxed its strength, allowing Leviathan to drag it up.

The moment it breaks through the waves, there is a large group of dark green phosphorescence gathered under it.

The wave of dark disasters around the floating island shrank by nearly half out of thin air.

Among them, the Chaos monsters died in large areas as if their vitality had been drawn.

It is mobilizing the nearby chaotic energy on a large scale, even at the expense of a large number of subordinates
Well, in the eyes of these chaotic monsters, low-level monsters are probably inferior to ants.

Purely consumables only.

Leviathan is still rolling down, it's its fighting instinct.
As long as you meet a guy smaller than yourself, a Taishan pressure is enough to solve most of the situations.

This time it didn't go as smoothly as expected.

Before Leviathan could press down, a thick arm covered with scales and barbs and bony spurs emerged from the wave of dark disasters as the head rose and broke through the water.

The huge fist hit the side of Leviathan's head, with such force that the giant beast's figure deflected a bit, and the other arm of the Chaos Demon also appeared at this time, grabbing Leviathan's tentacles, Tear hard!

The blood splashed on the ferocious monster's face was absorbed by the piper between the folds, and transformed into an increasingly piercing tone.

There is no doubt that this monster hidden in the wave of dark disaster has been completely enraged, and finally showed its original form.

The dark green high crest rushed out of the wave, piercing the rain curtain, and the bloated body tens of meters high stood upright on the floating island, and the remaining half of the body was still soaked in the dark disaster wave emitting chaotic fluorescence.

Compared with Leviathan, this Chaos monster is smaller in stature, but the terrifying power it displays is not lost to the former in the slightest.

The two giant beasts collided with each other, and the most brutal wrestling and fighting made a deafening sound.

In pure physical wrestling, Leviathan still has the upper hand. Even in the face of monsters descending from a different space, this top predator from the world of China has no intention of shrinking back, but becomes more and more excited.

It's a pity that the Chaos Demon obviously didn't intend to just wrestle with Leviathan in such a dark disaster. While barely restraining the latter, it raised its head and chanted obscure spells under the premise of maintaining its current state.

In an instant, the stars that were originally covered by Leviathan reappeared in the sky, and the twisted halos of dark green and dark purple complemented each other.

Compared with before, this time the area is wider, and the chaotic energy gathered is also more majestic.

The Chaos monster stared at Leviathan to prevent it from escaping suddenly, and tried its best to gather new illusory stars. This attack launched at the cost of the entire wave of dark disasters must be achieved.

Not just the vicious beast that disrupted the situation in front of me, but also that human being with special power.
What about people?

With distorted eyes, the child glanced at the place where Yan Jing was before, but found that there was no one there.

Hastily unfolded the perception, searching for the existence of the other party.

Just when the Chaos monster thought that Yan Jing had taken the opportunity to escape, another powerful aura suddenly appeared in his perception.

From the top of Leviathan's head!
Looking up with two rows of dark green fluorescent eyes, the Chaos Monster suddenly roared at the rather small figure.

There was a hint of panic in the roar.

As if he had received some kind of signal, Leviathan rushed towards the Chaos monster crazily, and his thick and long body entangled the latter's body, preventing it from sinking into the wave of dark disaster again.

Yan Jing stood in front of Leviathan's forehead and looked at the starry sky above his head made of chaotic energy.

He raised the death core E in his hand.

The moment the command was issued, the blue soul fire in the central area of ​​Deathcore E was trembling like a heart.

The polyhedral crystal block was unfolded in Yan Jing's hands until he was covered in a layer of space barrier with various grotesque scenes flashing. Immediately, the crystal barrier at the head burst suddenly, showing that Yan Jing was neither sad nor happy. face.

The soul fire danced between Yan Jing's eyebrows, splitting into dozens of faint blue lines of fire, spreading across his entire face and even all over his body.

Just like the terrifying undead that descended on the island of the undead and maintained the existence of rifts in different spaces.

The moment when Death Core E and Yan Jing merged, it finally showed its true appearance.

It's just that with the transformation of the three poisonous stones and the infusion of Yan Jing's will, it is no longer the original bone armor.

An evil ghost mask with deep soul patterns covers Yan Jing's face.

The half-length black hair was dyed gray and white under the influence of undead energy.

The crystal barrier continued to shatter and wither.

Yan Jing is like a carefully crafted sculpture, the invisible force is smashing the rough packaging on his body.

With black and white as the main color, the mysterious robe outlined with faint blue lines was the first to manifest, fluttering with the high-altitude wind, making a sound of hunting.

Covered by the robe is a whole set of hideous bone armor.

Its shape is quite different from that of the monster on Undead Island, full of strange beauty.

The Three Poison Stones shining with strange light hang from Yan Jing's chest with the soul fire as the thread.

The evil energy of three colors lingers in it.

Yan Jing at this moment.

It's like Hell Yama!

The dark golden eyes drooped, looking at the chaotic monster that was struggling violently in front of it.

Leap forward.

A faint blue soul fire suddenly rose all over his body.

The phantom of the skeletal dragon behind him flickered, engulfing Yan Jing and crashing into the center of the head of the Chaos monster.

Leviathan helped restrain the chaotic monster, and the latter didn't even have time to respond, and could only watch as Yan Jing smashed the barrier made of chaotic energy in front of his forehead and pierced through its head.

The flesh and blood turned into fly ashes in the burning soul fire and scattered in the wind and rain, and its sharp wailing was the last sound it left in this world.

In an instant, the stars dimmed.

The newly condensed bloated body of the Chaos Monster turned into those light green jelly bodies again, falling into the waves below.

It wasn't until this moment that Yan Jing realized that the chaotic monster that nearly trapped him here was not a real perfect body, but was forced to condense into a shape in response to Leviathan's impact.

Also because of this, the disintegration of its head means that its defeat is an irreversible ending.

Behind it, Yan Jing, who had escaped from the soul fire, floated in the void.

Everywhere is gradually returning to its original state.

The collapse of the chaotic monsters announced that the most dangerous stage of this dark disaster has passed.

Although the storm didn't stop, the tide that engulfed a large group of Chaos monsters was gradually receding.

Leviathan was still suspended in the sky, roaring endlessly, declaring his strength.

It doesn't care if anyone interferes in the battle, as long as it kills the Chaos monster, it will be excited.

Of course, it has not forgotten the purpose of this trip.

Almost as soon as the wave of dark disasters was reduced, a tentacle came to Yan Jing, guiding the latter to the area with the most pustules on its torso.

【Death Core Eh】

Quality: unknown

Special effects:

[Burning Soul] At the cost of burning life, activate the soul fire, get the armor of [Going to the Dead], activate the special talent [Dead Soul] and [Falling Fire]. The duration of the armor depends on the burning time of vitality.

[Greed, hatred and ignorance] Any attack of the holder will be accompanied by three negative special effects of [greed], "anger", and "foolishness", which will cause a continuous mental impact on the target and make a rational judgment. Once the judgment is successful, it will directly cause soul damage to the target !


Look at the data information presented by Deadcore E on the torch panel.

Even though he had glanced at it briefly before, Yan Jing still clicked his tongue subconsciously.

His current state is extremely bad, not to mention dizziness, the whole person seems to have entered a state of collapse after exhaustion of physical strength.

There is no doubt about the power of Deathcore E, but its side effects are also extremely serious.

Even if it was only about ten seconds before and after, it still made Yan Jing pay a big price.

The equipment Yan Jing obtained in the past consumed nothing more than physical or mental power.

What Deadcore E consumes is life!

Every second, Yan Jing is burning her own lifespan to drive this terrifying prop at the cost.

It's normal to think about it. After all, its previous owner was not human at all. For those undead creatures, there is no concept of physical strength or spiritual strength. All they can give is life energy.

It's just that as undead, they have various ways to enhance their vitality, and Yan Jing, as a human being, burning his life means reducing his own lifespan!

Not to mention that what Yan Jing is holding now is the dead core E that has been sublimated by the three poisonous stones.

The strength has improved a lot compared to before.

Therefore, at the first moment when she completed the armor attachment and realized the serious side effects it brought, Yan Jing chose to explode with all her strength without the slightest hesitation, hoping to end the battle in the shortest possible time.

Not only that, Yan Jing originally thought that as long as she wiped out the will of the giant skeleton dragon, she would be able to obtain the complete Death Core E.

It doesn't appear to be the case now.

The quality is unknown, and the [unknown] attribute appears in the special effects. Obviously, this piece of equipment is still not complete, or some of its abilities need to meet other conditions to be successfully triggered.

Hoo ~ Hoo ~
During the interval of thinking, Leviathan let out a dissatisfied growl.

He came all the way and was almost killed by the Chaos monster. Now it's time for him to collect his reward.

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