Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 299 Cursed Ghost Face

Chapter 299 Cursed Ghost Face

Overcast sky.

The blurred outlines of mountains undulate in the distance.

Yan Jing, who had just left the military plane, stomped on the air, and carried Yu Zhen and the shrunken Hu Ying through the sky above the mountains and forests.

The spiritual energy barrier unfolded, blocking out all the wind and snow.

"Our direction is correct, the coordinate point given by Miao Yingshi is not far ahead!"

Yu Zhen put her arms around Yan Jing's waist, picked up the satellite locator with her free hand, and the red line representing them moved between the latitude and longitude nets on the screen.

Hu Ying, who was squatting on Yan Jing's shoulder, suddenly let out a muffled growl, and jumped out.

In a blink of an eye, he changed back to the appearance of a zerg, spread out two pairs of insect wings behind him, looked back at Yan Jing, and then dived straight down.

The tiger firefly with the characteristic of [Swarm] can easily sense other zergs in the surrounding area, and the one Miao Yingshi cultivated has been with them before, so he remembers it very clearly.

About 5 minutes later, Tiger Firefly began to land.

Stepping on the thick snow, Yan Jing looked up at the coniferous pine bent by the snow, half-closed his eyes, and felt the unfolding.

The location of Miao Yingshi was not found.

At this time, several hours have passed since the message was received.

Even if Miao Yingshi had stayed here, his traces had already been covered by wind and snow.

The tiger firefly on the side leaned forward, with two paws supporting the trunk, and a tentacle extended from the back of its neck, piercing somewhere between the branches.

Not long after, a firefly green light gradually appeared in front of Yan Jing's eyes.

It was the zerg that Miao Yingshi cultivated that could provide vitality. After being replenished by Hu Ying, it had returned to its normal state. When it woke up, it sensed the existence of Yan Jing, and immediately buzzed anxiously.

Yan Jing couldn't communicate with it, so she could only use Huying as an interpreter, and learned that it was Miao Yingshi who left it here on purpose, in order to guide Yan Jing in the direction and not be discovered by the pursuers.

"Enemy, strong, be careful!"

This was the last message from the Zerg, and to some extent it was Miao Yingshi's reminder.

"Yan Jing, come and take a look."

After landing, Yu Zhen, who was surveying the surroundings, suddenly spoke.

At this time she was squatting next to the coniferous pine.

The palm of the right hand faces the snow in front of him, the bracelet with exquisite patterns on the wrist unfolds a magic circle, and the palm rotates.

Yan Jing took two steps forward and found that Yu Zhen had already cleared away part of the snow, and the situation underneath was revealed in front of their eyes.

It was a series of blackened footprints, not only the snow, even the withered grass on the ground showed a frightening state of lifeless,
Needless to think, this is definitely not the trace left by Miao Yingshi, but the footprints of those pursuers.

"Judging from the shape and size of these footprints, the tracker should be a monster with a height of about three meters, walking upright, releasing some kind of dark energy with every gesture."

Taking out the phone to take a photo, Yu Zhen said in a deep voice.

"Come with me, now is not the time to track down the enemy, as long as Miao Yingshi is rescued, he has fought against those guys and knows better."

Patting Yu Zhen on the shoulder, Yan Jing signaled her to follow her.

Rather than looking for clues covered by the wind and snow here, the key is to find Miao Yingshi first.

Just like the relationship between Yanjing and Huying, Miao Yingshi also has a blood bond with this zerg, as long as they are not too far apart, they have telepathy with each other.

Zerg led the way, and the two rode on Huying followed closely behind.

The Zerg did not stop flying until it reached a steep mountain wall.

"He went up the mountain?"

Yu Zhen looked around, not aware of the aura of strangers, so she couldn't help asking.

"No, he's around here, back off."

Knowing the general situation through Hu Ying's translation, Yan Jing pulled Yu Zhen back a few steps.

The Zerg crawled among the rocks, its wings rubbed against each other and made a high-pitched buzzing sound, and the fluorescent green light cluster on its abdomen flickered on and off.

A few seconds later, the steep mountain wall began to tremble violently, and a large number of rocks collapsed and fell.

Yan Jing controlled the two boulders of Shuofeng Sword, and cast her eyes forward.

Dozens of thick vines protruded from the cracks in the mountain wall and rushed straight to Yan Jing. Yu Zhen subconsciously stood beside him to defend, but he raised his hand to stop him.

The Zerg that had been close to the mountain wall before flew back, flying up and down in front of these vines.

Soon these vines shrank back to the inside of the mountain wall, and a flower bone was lifted out of the mountain by them, and placed smoothly on the ground.

When Yan Jing approached, the flower bud gradually bloomed.

A smell mixed with rancid and strong blood smelt along with the wind and snow.

In the center of the flower bone lay Miao Yingshi, who was seriously injured and unconscious. There were many vines emitting light green light all over his body, apparently sending him life energy and extending his life in this way.

Going forward to check his physical condition, Yan Jing's brows could not help but frown.

Trauma to the face, chest, and even the back came next.

The large area of ​​rot on Miao Yingshi's right arm and the dark aura released from his body all the time are the real troubles.

"No wonder you have to bury yourself in the mountain, otherwise it would be impossible to escape tracking in this state. What kind of organization is it that can hurt him to such an extent?"

Although Yu Zhen and Miao Yingshi are not familiar with each other, she has also seen the latter's attack state in the worm's nest before, coupled with the description in the Special Affairs Bureau of the inheritor of the mountain and sea heritage, he can be forced to such a desperate situation The group of people here are by no means waiting for nothing!

At this time, Yan Jing was not in the mood to think about these things.

"Pay attention to the surroundings, he is in this state, and he must be dealt with urgently, otherwise he will die immediately when he leaves these vines!"

Instructing Yu Zhen, Yan Jing took a few steps forward, raised his hand, and started with Chongming Feather Cloak, directly putting it on Miao Yingshi.

Accompanied by the sound of Qingyue Fengming, a large mass of filthy energy was discharged from Miao Yingshi's body immediately.

Immediately, he took out the excellent healing item he had just obtained from the Ember Space and the healing medicine that he spent hundreds of fire points on the way to buy from the special page of the Torch Bazaar.

The brass box was suspended in front of Miao Yingshi's chest. Scalpels, scissors, needles and threads appeared one after another. An operation without a surgeon was performed in this deep mountain.

The bright silver scalpel approached Miao Yingshi's rotten and festered wound, and removed the flesh that had been severely eroded by the dark energy. The scissors shuttled back and forth, piercing the needle and thread into the open wound, and suturing at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing that the worsening injury was contained, Yan Jing picked up the medicine powder and was about to pour it on for temporary treatment.

But at the moment of his action, his eyes suddenly froze and his face changed suddenly.

The wound on Miao Yingshi's body that had just been stitched up suddenly collapsed.

The wound, which was stable a second ago, deteriorated in just a few seconds, and the dark red flesh was somehow distorted into a smirking face, screaming strangely!

Yan Jing was quite surprised by the sudden change.

You must know that since getting the Chongming Feather Cloak, the special effect of [Fengming] has been tried and tested, and it has indeed dispelled quite a lot of dark energy accumulated in Miao Yingshi's body before.

No matter what, Yan Jing never thought that there would be Dong XZ inside.

The message left by Miao Yingshi through the Zerg appeared subconsciously in his mind, which specifically mentioned the ferocity of the enemy this time, and at this time Yan Jing had also seen their insidious means.

"Oops, it's not a poisonous injury, but a curse injury. Miao Yingshi lost his defense mechanism against the curse because of his severe injury. You must get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise your treatment will have no effect."

Yu Zhen quickly realized the problem and hurriedly reminded her.

In fact, at the same time as she was speaking, the black and white dragon and tiger energy had poured into the wound, like several sharp knives and forks, piercing through the cursed grimace covering the entire wound, smashing it up and trying to pull it out.

It has to be said that Dragon and Tiger Qi is particularly effective in dealing with this kind of curse, but Yan Jing is not at ease right now.

Because when Dragon and Tiger Qi stripped the cursed grimace from the wound, its bottom was actually directly connected with Miao Yingshi's blood vessels and collaterals, and those colorful dark energies entangled the blood vessels and collaterals.

Yan Jing can be sure that if he is ruthless, Miao Yingshi will be severely injured while pulling out the curse.

"Useless! Useless! Useless!"

"I didn't expect there to be a helper, I found you!"

"There is a way to heaven, but there is no way to go, and there is no way to hell!"

Stimulated by energy, the cursed grimace, which could only make vague and strange screams, not only did not fall into a weak state, but became more restless, and the mouth made of flesh and blood continued to curse.

What's more troublesome is that this curse seems to have a tracking function after being activated, directly exposing the positions of Yan Jing and the others.

"There are experts on curses in the Special Affairs Bureau. I suggest going back first. If you want to undo this kind of insidious spell, brute force alone is likely to cause a chain reaction, which will cause secondary damage to Miao Yingshi."

"I understand, let's go back and talk about it first."

The [Watch] barrier of the Holy Ember Curse Seal wraps Miao Yingshi inside, shielding him from the erosion of the outside wind and snow, and at the same time enhances his recovery ability, temporarily delaying the outbreak of the curse.

Although I really want to meet someone who can kill Miao Yingshi into such a appearance, the current situation obviously does not allow Yan Jing to be willful.

No matter what, Miao Yingshi must be rescued first.

The barrier formed by [Watch] is enough to block the other party's perception, Yan Jing is not afraid of the other party's pursuit, and takes Miao Yingshi directly into the sky, heading straight for the military plane parked outside the mountain range.

There is no cover up of whereabouts along the way.

Returning from the Kunlun Mountains, I came to the nearest branch of the Special Affairs Bureau.

Yan Jing took careful precautions along the way, but he still couldn't wait for the group of extraordinary people who came to attack Miao Yingshi.

Huan Shi screamed at the cursed ghost, but did not actually act.

I don't know if it was because the other party sensed Yan Jing's strength and chose to go dormant temporarily, or they took other actions.

Because Yu Zhen had already contacted the Special Affairs Bureau on the way back.

Her and Yan Jing's identities, plus Miao Yingshi probably knew the key clues to this incident.

The Special Affairs Bureau also paid special attention to it, and organized a medical team to conduct consultations as soon as possible.

As soon as Miao Yingshi hit the ground, he was treated.

Five in the morning.

The Special Affairs Bureau's branch in Tibet, outside the clinic.

Yan Jing stood in front of the French windows, looking at the gust of wind and rain outside, and the flashing thunder among the dark clouds, with a solemn expression.

When they came, it was still full of wind and snow, but just after returning here from the Kunlun Mountains, the weather suddenly changed.

The natural disasters caused by the disorder of the four seasons are vividly displayed in front of Yan Jing.

At the same time, hoarse cries and muffled thunder reached Yan Jing's ears, making him return his attention.

What can be seen through the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows is not only the scene outside the window, it also reflects other people in the hall.

At this time, it is not only Yan Jing and Yu Zhen who are waiting for the result, but also many family members. Judging from their state, it is obvious that their family members are not in good condition. There are even a few old people who fainted and were helped by nurses. Check aside.

Needless to say, these people must be the family members of the Special Affairs Bureau team that suffered heavy casualties not long ago.

The scene in front of him gave Yan Jing a new understanding of the enemy's cruelty, and he couldn't help but start to adjust his state.

Since becoming Ember Apostle, Yan Jing has experienced many battles, and the intensity is not low.

This time, however, the situation is different.

Fighting against other extraordinary beings in this world is an experience that Yan Jing has never had before, let alone this kind of underground force that has assembled a group of apostles and harbors an evil goal.

Unlike those zerg or monsters who only know destruction and slaughter.

These are people who understand human frailty and how it can pose a threat enough to a region to use it for their own gain.

Their methods are endless and extremely vicious.

To fight these people, Yan Jing must be prepared in advance, otherwise, just like the accident that happened when dealing with Miao Yingshi's wound not long ago, a little carelessness may lead to bad consequences.

"Yan Jing, the results are out!"

Yu Zhen came out of the consultation room quickly, and said repeatedly,

"There are more than one curse on Miao Yingshi, and the ghost face comes from the symbiotic curse. It will only be activated after the symbiotic curse is removed. It devours healing energy to strengthen itself, not only will the cursed person suffer It will destroy all of his healing, and it will deepen his injuries. Fortunately, you used props to stabilize Miao Yingshi's situation, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Can it be cured?"

Recalling the scene at that time in her mind, Yan Jing pursed her lips and asked.

"Yes, the Special Affairs Bureau has props specifically for this type of curse, but it will take a little time."

In order to be able to find out what happened in the Kunlun Mountains, the Special Affairs Bureau also went all out this time, and took the initiative to rescue Miao Yingshi without Yan Jing's special reminder.

Neither Yan Jing nor Yu Zhen are experts in this field, so they can only wait outside.

"The enemy we are facing this time is more difficult than we imagined."

After a brief silence, Yu Zhen looked at the family members not far away, and said in a deep voice,

"When I was inside just now, I learned about the casualties during the last operation. More than ten superhumans alone were lost, and nearly a hundred ordinary soldiers. The most troublesome thing is that there is no such underground force inside the Special Affairs Bureau. Relevant clues!"

"No clues?"

Yan Jing turned around abruptly, and asked in surprise.

"That's right, this group of people seems to have popped up out of nowhere. The abilities they use, the actions of the members of the organization, and the means of committing the crime, we can't find any matching existence in our database."

Yu Zhen, who had just learned the news, couldn't accept it either, so she paused before saying,
"This group of people seems to have appeared out of nowhere, and the organization they belong to is tighter than imagined. What is certain now is that this group of people is by no means a temporary alliance, but more like a secret organization like the Black Bamboo Society! "

With the intelligence network of the Special Affairs Bureau, this kind of underground force that gathers a large number of extraordinary people, if you have never seen it before, you don't know it. Now that you have fought against each other and lost so many members, you still don't know anything.

This situation is really incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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