Starting from the recovery of Shanhaijing

Chapter 300: Ying Zhao entrusts dreams!

Chapter 300: Ying Zhao entrusts dreams!

Even with the [Watch] barrier with the Holy Ember spell to delay time.

Miao Yingshi's physical condition is still slowly deteriorating.

Therefore, after the preliminary inspection was completed, the Special Affairs Bureau immediately organized a curse removal ceremony.

Wearing a black Taoist robe and a goatee, a middle-aged Taoist priest walked into a ward full of high-tech equipment.

Take out a few talismans from the ember space.

One was pasted on Miao Yingshi's forehead, and the rest was used to seal his facial features.

"This is one of the special advisers at the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau. He happened to be practicing in the Kunlun Mountains recently, and he is an expert in the arts."

On the side of the ward, Yu Zhen stood beside Yan Jing and introduced softly.

"It doesn't look like someone who just recently became an Ember Apostle."

Yan Jing looked at the skillful movements of this special consultant, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He could feel that the aura of the other party's body seemed not strong, but he had strong confidence when facing the curse, and seemed calm and unhurried.

"He was a transcendent before the appearance of the torch, a skill passed down from his ancestors."

Yu Zhen, who joined the Special Affairs Bureau a long time ago, obviously knows the internal situation of the Special Affairs Bureau better than Yan Jing.

Since the tide of spiritual energy in the past can give birth to organizations like the Black Bamboo Society.

Naturally, there will also be corresponding extraordinary organizations at the national level. This is something Yan Jing had expected.

Yan Jing's gaze suddenly turned to the door of the ward, and there were several auras approaching from outside.

After a while, a burly and strong man appeared at the door. After seeing the ceremony in the ward, he immediately stopped and turned around to signal the people behind him to silence.

A woman wearing traditional clothing from the Tibetan region walked up to the strong man and whispered a few words.

The eyes of the two turned to Yan Jing and Yu Zhen, especially staying on the former, they hurriedly stroked their chests with their hands, and bowed in greeting.

Yan Jing still maintains the appearance of Rajah at this time, and anyone who is a senior member of the Special Affairs Bureau knows what this identity means.

Rescuing the crisis of Undead Island by himself, even descending from the real world to a different space, and then returning smoothly when destroying the cracks in the different space, this experience alone is enough to make most ember apostles stand in awe when they see him.

It was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise for the two people at the door to get his help.

"The person in charge of the Special Affairs Bureau on their side, I will communicate with them, you stay here to take care of Miao Yingshi."

Yu Zhen, who was in charge of communication, recognized the other party's identity, stood up and said.

As Yu Zhen walked out with them, the healing ceremony in the ward had already begun.

The middle-aged Taoist took out another palm-sized straw figurine from the ember space, threw it beside the hospital bed and began to practice.

The scarecrow expanded rapidly, growing to the size of an adult in just a few seconds.

Yan Jing noticed that its figure was almost exactly the same as that of Miao Yingshi on the hospital bed.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, I need you to remove this layer of protection."

Yan Jing's status within the Special Affairs Bureau is still a Taoist priest of the Qing Dynasty, so the middle-aged Taoist called him a Taoist friend.

"Once the barrier is removed, his injuries will deteriorate rapidly."

After getting up and walking to the side of the hospital bed, Yan Jing reminded her.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist, I am sure to solve this curse."

With his right hand pinching out the formula, the middle-aged Taoist looked calm.

Glancing at the other party, Yan Jing raised his hand to retract the [Watch] barrier, but the Holy Ember's curse seal has not faded, and he is ready to release it again at any time.

Almost at the same time when the barrier disappeared, the curse of the ghost face on the wound on Miao Yingshi's right arm screamed and cursed again.

But it stopped abruptly after a few seconds.

The scarecrow's left arm was connected to Miao Yingshi's at some point, and the latter's body soon took on the texture and texture of a scarecrow, while the appearance of the former began to approach humans.

"If you want to clear the curse of symbiosis, relying on brute force alone will only cause more serious secondary damage, but if you find the right method, it is not difficult to clear it."

While speaking, the middle-aged Taoist figured out the magic formula one after another. With the connection and "exchange" between Miao Yingshi and the scarecrow, the ghost face curse that had been parasitic on the wound actually pulled away by itself, and instead crawled towards the scarecrow like a worm.
"As long as the subject's vital signs are briefly replaced with the scarecrow, the problem will be solved!"

After the words fell, the middle-aged Taoist suddenly raised his hand.

The left hand swung down with the palm of a knife, cutting off the straw connecting Miao Yingshi's torso, and everything was back on track.

The cursed ghost face who had just changed places realized that he had been cheated, and immediately left the scarecrow, wanting to return to Miao Yingshi.

It's just that it has only just flown into the air, and the net pocket formed by black and white dragon and tiger aura is already waiting for it.

Losing the object of symbiosis, this ghost face curse is no longer qualified to compete with Yan Jing, and it was completely crushed by dragon and tiger energy in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Miao Yingshi, who had been in a coma on the hospital bed until now, suddenly opened his eyes.

His consciousness was still on the way of chasing and killing, so as soon as he recovered, he instinctively mobilized his strength.

There was a loud and clear neigh in the air, the aura of mountains and seas erupted, and various instruments around the hospital bed were blown away. The expression of the middle-aged Taoist beside him changed, and he hurriedly retreated a few steps.

"It's me, you're safe now!"

Yan Jing took out the healing potion and handed it over, saying in a deep voice.

"Cough~ I'm in trouble this time."

Seeing Yan Jing, Miao Yingshi let out a long breath, his tense nerves were finally relieved, and his complexion also improved.

"What happened to you, there are not many apostles who can push you to this point."

The joint action some time ago made Yan Jing fully aware of Miao Yingshi's strength. The battle in the Kunlun Mountains, which is close to the home field, is still so embarrassing, which is enough to show the troubles of the enemy.

"This time the situation"

The conversation stopped abruptly in the middle, and Miao Yingshi turned to look at the middle-aged Taoist behind the hospital bed.

The matter involved his own legacy, and he didn't want to be heard by others.

Yan Jing looked back and paused before speaking,
"Thank you fellow daoist for your help. If it's convenient, we have something to talk about."

The middle-aged Taoist understood what the two meant, nodded in agreement after a brief silence, and turned to leave the ward.

Although it is somewhat uncomfortable to have to leave after healed the other party, the middle-aged Taoist knows who the two people he is facing are very clear, and forcing him to stay is nothing more than making himself unhappy.

"I received a message from Shanhai Relic Ze!"

When the middle-aged Taoist left, Miao Yingshi managed to get up, first gulped down the healing potion, and continued.

"What did you receive?"

Yan Jing didn't understand what Miao Yingshi meant.

"Just before you set off for the island of the undead, I had a dream. Shanhai Yize. Yingzhao sent me a message. It told me that an ancient horror was awakening in the Kunlun Mountains, and asked me to come and stop it."

"Yingzhao sent you a message?"

Subconsciously repeating key information, Yan Jing could understand every word Miao Yingshi said.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

As the inheritor of the legacy of mountains and seas, Yan Jing asked himself that the progress of his awakening should be considered among the best among many inheritors, but he didn't even have a vague sense of it, not to mention receiving a message from Hujiao.

"I know this sounds weird, but it's true. At first I thought it was just a dream, but when I woke up, I received a task reminder from the torch. The location of the Boyinluke Grotto Tomb was given to me by it." !"

Not only Yan Jing, but Miao Yingshi also felt that this matter was unimaginable.

In the past, whether it was a mission in this world or an event in another world, it was the torch that issued the mission.

This time it was Yingzhao who went directly into his dream to give the message.

The most critical question is, if Yingzhao is still alive, where will the legacy of Yingzhao come from?

You must know that according to the Black Bamboo Society, all the remains of mountains and seas come from the consciousness of guardians who have disappeared in the long river of history.

Miao Yingshi was also troubled by the inconsistent situation.

After listening to his description, Yan Jing couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The experience in Shenzhou World not long ago subconsciously emerged in my mind.

It turns out that under certain circumstances, the torch doesn't have to take the initiative
"I have encountered a similar situation. In my opinion, since the torch is a reminder of your task, it means that the torch has acknowledged the message that Yingzhao gave you. More importantly, it also believes that this task is extremely important. That's why I spur you on in this way!"

Yes, Yan Jing regards the torch as a spur, and to some extent a reminder.

Let the Ember Apostle realize the importance of the task, and eagerly want to complete it.

"According to the tips given by the torch and Yingzhao, I came to the Kunlun Mountains to find the grotto tomb. It was not easy. The tomb was protected by mysterious power, until one day, those who chased me broke the balance! "

Frowning tightly, Miao Yingshi tried his best to recall what happened to him in the past few days, and suddenly seemed to think of something, with a difficult tone,

"They are not grave robbers. They have ulterior motives. They are looking for... No, it should be said that they are trying to complete a certain ceremony. Those people are without exception the inheritors of the mountains and seas!"

"Wait, are you sure?"

Miao Yingshi's words made Yan Jing's eyes widen for a moment, and asked,

"Are you sure they are all inheritors of the legacy of mountains and seas?"

"I'm sure! That feeling can't be wrong!"

Miao Yingshi said firmly.

Just like when Yan Jing met Yue Qianren from the Black Bamboo Society, he immediately noticed that there is a special feeling between the inheritors of the mountains and seas, there is no doubt about it.

It was also because of this that Yan Jing could not believe the clues given by Miao Yingshi.

You must know that since the appearance of the torch, although the number of ember apostles is still increasing, Yan Jing knows very well how low the probability of an apostle with mountains and seas will appear through the data of the Special Affairs Bureau.

Whether it is the inheritors of the legacy of mountains and seas, or the inheritors of angels and demons abroad, these people are all the best among them, and they are also talents that the major forces are vying to recruit.

The entire Bureau of Special Affairs probably has no more than 50 inheritors of the legacy of mountains and seas, all of whom are the mainstay of each region.

Now in the Kunlun Mountains.

Is there a team of extraordinary people composed entirely of such people?
 there will be later

(End of this chapter)

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