Chapter 516
On the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, Master Shen, who had been on vacation for more than two months, finally left home and was about to leave Beijing for the south.

Last year, he spent more than half a year building the prototype of the anti-Japanese army, and it has already achieved initial results, almost wiped out the Japanese pirates on land, and this year, in the ninth year of Hongde, Shen Yi will quell the sea troubles.

Even if it can't be done, at least the coastal waters must be free from Japanese pirates.

Of course, for Shen Yi and the Anti-Japanese Army, there is one more important thing.

That is the issue of the establishment of the Anti-Japanese Army.

The current anti-Japanese army is composed of one guard and 5000 people, and the commander is Li Mu, the commander of the anti-Japanese army.

If His Majesty the Emperor can make up his mind this year, the Anti-Japanese Army is likely to expand to 3 to [-] people, and then it will no longer be a guard, but a new commanding department will be established to unify the command.

That is, will the capital be established along the coast.

This matter is very important to the collective soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Army, because if the imperial court expands the Anti-Japanese Army, then basically all the existing soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Army can be promoted to a higher level in situ, and some even It may climb several levels in place.

However, upgrading to become a capital is not completely harmless.

The most obvious disadvantage is for Shen Yi.

Once the capital is established along the coast, it will be impossible for Li Mu to serve as the commander of the capital, not even by name.

After Li Mu left office, it was very difficult to say whether the new commander of the capital would respect Shen Yi's opinion.

With Shen Yi's current rank and status, he even needs Li Mu's fake hand to command a guard, let alone command the capital.

That is to say, once the anti-Japanese army is upgraded, it may affect Shen Yi's position in the anti-Japanese army.

More importantly, although the current anti-Japanese army has already entered the eyes of the Zhao family, after all, there are only 5000 people, and no matter how hard they are, they can't make waves. To fight against the Japanese army, Shen Yi was treated as a thorn in the flesh.

From Shen Yi's point of view, he doesn't want the Anti-Japanese Army to expand too quickly. It is best to consider the expansion after the current Yiwei's soldiers and horses have stabilized for two or three years.

But His Majesty the Emperor may not be able to hold his breath.

After all, the emperor was already very displeased with the Zhao Clan, and he urgently needed to cultivate a military force that could replace, even temporarily, the Zhao Clan.

As for the future trend of the Anti-Japanese Army, in fact, it all depends on His Majesty's thoughts.

Because he stayed at home for too long, Shen Yi was a little bit reluctant to leave the house, and the whole family sent him out of the city gate. Before parting, Mrs. Lu stepped forward and handed some books to Shen Yi. The old man looked at his son-in-law who was about to go far away, with a look of joy and worry.

"This is the record of the extermination of pirates by the general of the former dynasty. Part of it is about the extermination of Japanese pirates. I searched for my father in Jiankang for several days before I found this set of books. Take it with you when you go south, although it may not be useful. It’s also good to relieve boredom in your spare time.”

Shen Yi took it with a bow, and said with a smile, "Thank you father-in-law."

He looked at Mrs. Lu, and persuaded softly: "Father-in-law, after my son-in-law leaves Jingkang, you might as well stay in Jiankang for a while. Qingque doesn't have many acquaintances in Jiankang, and she will be in a good mood when you are here with her." Be cheerful."

Master Lu shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "To be honest, I want to take her back to Jiangdu for a while, and it happens that your father also wants to go back to Jiangdu. I discussed it with him, and we will go back together in a few days. See Will Qingque go back with us?"

"We are all from Jiangdu, so we should take Yuan'er back to recognize our hometown."

Shen Yi still has feelings for Jiang Du. Hearing this, he thought about it, and then said: "It's okay, you can discuss it with my father."

"It's just that Qingque gave birth not long ago, and the child is also young, so you and father need to worry about it."

"You don't have to worry about things at home if you work outside for the imperial court. Whether it's me or your father, I will help you take care of their mother and child."

Lu Master stretched out his hand and patted Shen Yi's shoulder, feeling a little emotional: "Compared to Qingque mother and child, I am worried about you."

"I remember when you were in Jiangdu, you told Weifu that you wanted to eliminate the turbid and promote the pure."

"At that time you said the three turbidity."

Master Lu said in a low voice: "In a blink of an eye, Ziheng, you are already sweeping the second turbidity."

When Shen Yi made up his mind in Jiangdu back then, he was indeed very fond of what Master Lu said about the three turbidities.

The first turmoil is naturally the Fan family and Fan Dongcheng, who have basically been cleaned up.

The second is the Japanese pirates along the coast.

And the third turbidity is Hu Qi in the north.

Master Lu said earnestly: "When doing things outside, you must be careful in everything. You must take every step and don't rush for quick success."

Shen Yi bowed to be taught: "My child has written it down."

After Mrs. Lu, the Shen family came forward to bid farewell to Shen Yi one by one, especially Lu Ruoxi, who hugged Shen Yi tightly and burst into tears.

After the family said goodbye one after another, it was almost noon.

In the end, Shen Heng, the youngest of the Shen family, stepped forward, pulled Shen Yi by the sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Brother, you must be careful outside, don't hurt yourself."

Shen Yi didn't speak, but just looked up at Shen Heng.

Brothers unite hearts.

At this glance, Shen Heng knew what his brother meant, and he said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, my little brother will probably be fine this year."

"When you come back at the end of the year, your younger brother will be the Master Juren!"

Shen Yi nodded, and said: "Don't be careless, let alone take it lightly."

Shen Heng lowered his head and said yes.

After the family members of the Shen family bid farewell to Shen Yi, Zhang Jian and several friends of Zhao Jizhou also came to Shen Yi's carriage to bid farewell. Relatives and friends bid farewell one by one, and took Jiang Sheng into the carriage and left.

The carriage left from Jiankang South Gate and went south along the official road.

Because of the simplicity of the light vehicle, the horse-drawn carriage traveled very quickly, and it traveled three to five miles in no time.

On both sides of the official road around Jiankang, there are many pavilions for pedestrians to rest and shelter from the rain. At this time, there are seven or eight people standing under a wooden pavilion on the side of the official road. Among the seven or eight people, they saw Shen Yi with sharp eyes. He immediately turned his head to report, then ran to the middle of the official road and stopped Shen Yi's carriage.

After the carriage was stopped, Shen Yi poked his head out to take a look.

He first glanced at the person blocking the way, and then followed the latter's gaze to look at the pavilion beside him.

Then he greeted Jiang Sheng, jumped out of the carriage lightly, and walked towards the pavilion.

At this time, under the wooden pavilion, stood a middle-aged man who looked about 40 or [-] years old, dressed in brocade clothes, with a white face and no beard.

Shen Yi stepped forward, bowed his hands and said: "I have seen Eunuch Gao, why is Eunuch Gao here?"

Eunuch Gao was surrounded by a group of young eunuchs at the moment, and he stood up after hearing Shen Yi's words. He smiled at Shen Yi and said, "I've been waiting for you for almost an hour."

Shen Yi quickly said: "I really don't know that my father-in-law is waiting here, otherwise..."

Gao Ming shook his head slightly. He walked up to Shen Yi, reached out and patted Shen Yi's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Our family is also on an imperial mission. Your Majesty knows that you are leaving Beijing today, so he ordered our family to send you off on your behalf."

"Master Shen..."

As he spoke, he looked at Shen Yi and said with deep emotion.

"The holy family is flourishing."

(End of this chapter)

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