Chapter 517
It is indeed not a treatment that ordinary people can enjoy for the emperor to personally send the eunuchs in the palace out of the city. Normally, this treatment should only be available when a small group of ministers at the top of the court are out of Beijing for business.

Or if the royal clan's nobles go out of Beijing, they may also be able to enjoy this kind of treatment.

But Shen Yi, a minor official of the sixth rank, can be remembered by the emperor. From this point of view, he is indeed a holy family member.

But Shen Yi was very sober in his heart.

He knew in his heart that His Majesty the emperor sent Gao Ming out of Beijing to see him off, on the surface he gave Shen Yi a great honor, but when he thought about it carefully, it was actually just a small trick to win people's hearts.

Because Gao Ming waited outside the city to send him off.

This great eunuch neither went to Shen's house to see him off, nor did he see him off at the gate of the city, but instead sneaked out of the city to see Shen Yi off...

Let's put it this way, if the chief eunuch of the inner court can send Shen Yi off on behalf of the emperor in front of Shen Yi's relatives and friends, then Master Shen's reputation will spread all over Jiankang immediately, and the entire Jiankang City will know that Master Shen's family is prosperous. At that time, Master Shen will be able to completely put on the emperor's tiger skin, and can look at people with his nostrils in Jiankang City.

But Eunuch Gao came to see him off secretly. Although he also said that he was representing His Majesty, his intentions were much different.

Put it bluntly.

If the leader's praise and appreciation are not brought up during the meeting, but told to you alone in private, then it can basically be regarded as a painting.

Although this kind of metaphor is not appropriate, it makes sense in the current situation.

It's useless to say "Holy family is upright" in private, and the emperor didn't promote Mr. Shen, nor empower him. Sending a eunuch over to give him a gift won't bring any real help to Shen Yi.

It's even better to send a little eunuch from the palace to reward Master Shen with hundreds of taels of silver in front of everyone at the gate of the city.

However, this method is still very effective in winning people's hearts. If Shen Yi was a native scholar in this era, he would have knelt on the ground to thank the emperor for his kindness, weeping bitterly, and made up his mind to do his best for His Majesty in the future.

Of course, it still needs to be installed.

Shen Yi took a deep breath, and bowed deeply to Gao Ming: "Grandpa Gao please report to His Majesty. It is a great honor for His Majesty to be favored by His Majesty. Shen Yi is extremely honored. This trip to the south, I will do my best to share the worries of my father and solve the difficulties of the court!"

Eunuch Gao stepped forward, helped Shen Yi up, and said with a smile: "Without the oracle, our family can't afford the gift of Master Shen."

He made a smiling face towards Shen Yi, and said with a smile: "President Shen has such a bright future, when he ascends to the court to pay homage to the prime minister someday, don't forget about our family."

Shen Yi waved his hands quickly, and said a few words that he didn't dare to take.

Eunuch Gao's face was still full of smiles, he looked at Shen Yi, and continued: "Your Majesty asked our family to ask Master Shen, this time going south, is there anything else that needs help from the palace?"

Shen Yi shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "Elder-in-law, I don't know what difficulties I will encounter before I get started. Only when I get to the south can I know if there are any difficulties..."

Speaking of this, Master Shen paused and sighed: "But since His Majesty asked this sentence, it means that this year's errands are not as easy to handle as last year..."

"Eunuch Gao..."

Shen Yi looked up at Gao Ming.

Eunuch Gao's face was calm: "Master Shen, if you have something to say, you may as well speak it out."

"Please eunuch to report to His Majesty on behalf of the official..."

Shen Yi lowered his head slightly and said: "Your official has already had a son, don't worry about losing the incense, you can work hard for your majesty and the court, but the youngest son in the family is still young, if something happens to the lower official in the south, please..."

"Please also ask the palace to take care of their mother and child..."

Hearing what Shen Yi said, Eunuch Gao was taken aback for a moment, and then said dumbly: "Why did Master Shen say that suddenly?"

Shen Yi looked serious, lowered his head slightly and said: "Last year's anti-Japanese army was not very eye-catching, and it didn't attract much attention, but this year is different."

This sentence is not Shen Yi's misfortune, but the truth.

Last year's Anti-Japanese Army was just established, which may have attracted some people's attention, but not many people took the Anti-Japanese Army to heart, but this year...

At the very least, the Zhao Clan has already taken the anti-Japanese army seriously, and he is very concerned about it.

Eunuch Gao lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "Okay, what Master Shen said, our family will pass it on to His Majesty."

He paused, and continued: "If Your Majesty nods, then our family will select a team of experts from the inner guards to go south to protect the safety of Master Shen."

Shen Yi cupped his hands in thanks.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao."


In Shen Yi's trip to the south, besides himself and Jiang Sheng, he also brought a dozen craftsmen who returned to Jiankang last year to celebrate the New Year.

Last year, more than 20 of them went south with Shen Yi, but seven or eight of them were unwilling to go again, so there were only a dozen or so left.

In addition to these craftsmen, for the safety along the way, Shen Yi also hired a team of martial artists in Dongshi Street to protect the safety of himself and these craftsmen along the way.

It's still the first month of the month, and the weather is still very cold. It will be uncomfortable when you drive sooner or later, so Master Shen is not in a hurry, and basically waits for the sun to rise high before setting off. After the sun sets, Just find a place to rest.

In this way, the group of people walked for half a month after ten days' journey before they arrived in Wenzhou Prefecture.

After arriving in Wenzhou Prefecture, Shen Yi did not go to Yongjia, the capital city of Wenzhou Prefecture, but ran directly towards Yueqing. On the official road to Yueqing, there was another cavalry with Shen Yi and others, which seemed to be a businessman. The team consisted of a dozen or twenty horses and about thirty people.

In this horse team, there is a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old. His skin is a bit dark, but he is very skilled at driving horses. He sits on the shaft of the carriage, looks at Shen Yi who is also sitting on the carriage beside him, blowing the cool breeze, and talks to Shen Yi with a smile. Greeting: "Master, are you also from Jiankang?"

A Jiankang dialect.

As soon as he finished speaking, five or six people around Shen Yi stared at the young man at the same time, making his hair stand on end, and the hand holding the rein trembled.

But Shen Yi didn't have any airs, just looked at this peer with a smile, and said, "I'm from Jiankang, but I'm not from Jiankang."

The young man has a cheerful personality. Although Shen Yi's horse team is a little strange, but because he is bored on the road, he still talks to Shen Yi: "Are you also going to Yueqing to do the goods?"

"We don't sell goods."

Shen Yi looked at this young man who was probably younger than himself, but not too young, and asked, "What are you doing in Yueqing?"

"Do sea goods."

The young man said with a smile: "There used to be Japanese pirates on the sea, and the price of seafood along the coast was high. I heard that the imperial court set up a new army in Yueqing, and there will be no Japanese pirates here. My father said that the seafood here should be cheaper. , so let’s come to Yueqing to get some goods back and sell them near Jiankang.”

The seafood he mentioned should be dried seafood. After all, in this era, there is no fresh-keeping technology to speak of.

Hearing this, Shen Yi smiled dumbly: "It's not just that there are no Japanese pirates in Yueqing, there should be no pirates in the entire coastal area of ​​eastern Zhejiang. You should go to other places to have a look. If everyone hears about the Yueqing garrison, they all run here. The price of the goods will not fall but rise.”

The young man was taken aback, and was about to refute when he suddenly heard a thunderous sound coming from the official road.

The sound shook the earth.

The young man looked up and saw in front of the official road, at the end of his line of sight, a group of about a hundred cavalrymen charging straight towards him.

The young man quickly stood up and shouted to a carriage behind him, "Father, there are officers and soldiers, let's avoid them!"

In this day and age, people who encounter the government have to retreat, let alone people from the government and army. If they really see each other, if there is a little conflict, they may have to eat and die, and they will also be given tea to these government and military masters. money.

After reminding his father, he looked at Shen Yi next to him, and warmly reminded: "This young man should be a cavalry soldier of the official army. You should also avoid it, so as not to cause any collision!"

Shen Yi sat in front of the carriage, squinted at the cavalry in front of him, smiled without saying a word.

The speed of the cavalry was extremely fast, and they rushed to the front soon. This team of cavalry stayed on the horse not far from Shen Yi's carriage, and then these people jumped off the horse one after another.

The two generals walked up to Shen Yi's carriage, one behind the other, and saluted Shen Yi with fists in unison.

"Meet Mr. Shen!"

Behind them, a hundred cavalry pawns clasped their fists together and saluted Master Shen with unisonous voices.

"Meet Mr. Shen!"

 Make up for last night's...

(End of this chapter)

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