Chapter 524

In a sense, Ling Su cannot be regarded as Shen Yi's confidant.

Because he had never been promoted by Shen Yi.

All the generals in the Anti-Japanese Army were basically promoted by Shen Yi, especially Xue Wei, who was promoted from a small soldier to a thousand households by Shen Yi. It is worth paying with your life.

But Ling Su was different.

Because when Shen Yi arrived in Taizhou, Ling Su was already the head of a thousand households in Linhaiwei, and he was a hereditary thousand households.

Up to now, although he is actually the person in charge of the Anti-Japanese Army, he has not been promoted to a commander, not even a deputy commander, and is still in charge of the Anti-Japanese Army as a thousand households.

You know, Xue Wei has already tried thousands of households.

In one year, the anti-Japanese army fought several battles and killed a lot of Japanese pirates. The credit is naturally not small, but until now, Ling Su has only changed from a thousand households of Linhaiwei to a thousand households of the anti-Japanese army. In terms of grade, there is no change at all.

This has led to the fact that Ling Su and Shen Yi are more of a colleague, not a deep subordinate relationship. Until now, Xue Wei has always called himself a "subordinate" in front of Shen Yi, while Ling Su Qianhu never claimed to be one of his subordinates.

The direct manifestation of this kind of colleague relationship is that Ling Su sometimes doesn't agree with Master Shen's strict military philosophy. This person has grown up in Linhaiwei, and he treats his subordinates too much, and his old habits are hard to change.

The biggest reason for Linhaiwei's weak combat effectiveness to that point is of course the accumulated disadvantages, but it may not have nothing to do with Lingsu, a thousand households.

Of course, the reason for the formation of this relationship is not all because of Ling Su's arrogance, but more because of having nowhere to go.

In other words, Ling Su is actually willing to worship Master Shen, but Master Shen is not willing to accept him.

In comparison, Shen Yi paid more attention to Xue Wei, a newcomer who grew up in the Anti-Japanese Army. As for Ling Qianhu, it was because he had no professional military talents that he was recruited into the Anti-Japanese Army.

And the "meeting" held by Shen Yi and the hundreds of households of the anti-Japanese army at the beginning of this year also indirectly showed that Shen Yi and Ling Su had some differences in philosophy.

This kind of disagreement was not to the point where Shen Yi kicked Ling Su out of the Anti-Japanese Army, but from Shen Yi's point of view, it was time for Ling Su's position in the Anti-Japanese Army to be marginalized.

And this trip to Wusha Island, Shen Yi deliberately transferred Ling Su away, which was the beginning of Ling Qianhu's marginalization among the anti-Japanese army.

Of course, Ling Su must have contributed to the anti-Japanese army last year. If the anti-Japanese army prospers in the future, Ling Su's benefits will not be lost.

After receiving Shen Yi's instructions, Xue Wei immediately went back full of energy to prepare.

He is not very able to understand the map.

Therefore, he deliberately found two people from the coast of Taizhou in the anti-Japanese army, and surrounded them all night to study the map of Wusha Island.

On the other hand, Shen Yi is already preparing a specific plan for the next Japanese suppression.

Because Wang Xian's troops are the largest Japanese pirates along the coast of Taizhou Prefecture, but there are not many Japanese pirates. At present, it is about five or six hundred people. As long as the anti-Japanese army can successfully land on Wusha Island in this battle, in fact There is not much suspense.

Three days later, when Xue Wei was still actively preparing to go to sea, Master Shen Yi got up early, because the weather was getting warmer, he changed into a slightly thinner clothes.

After wandering around Yueqing, Mr. Shen, accompanied by Jiang Sheng, came to the North Gate of Yueqing.

At this time, at the north gate of Yueqing, a large number of officials were already waiting at the gate, all looking at the official road from a distance, waiting for the arrival of the new magistrate.

It was a coincidence that Shen Yi came here, he only waited for a stick of incense, and saw two carriages appearing one after the other on the official road.

The horses pulling the two carriages looked like old horses. They walked slowly on the official road and wandered for a long time before reaching the city of Yueqing.

At this time, Yueqing's county magistrate, county lieutenant, and all the officials, big and small, immediately went up to greet him. After confirming the identity of the person who came, they shouted one by one.

The person who came was Mr. Ying Zhaoying. He used to be a teacher of Ganquan Academy.

Facing the flattery of all his subordinates, Ying Xianzun just had a few polite words with them, and then said: "Everyone, I came to Yueqing this time and brought all the family. The old and the young are all going to the city to settle down, and there should be errands in the yamen, so let's go back to their respective posts."

At this time, Master Shen, who was dressed in white, walked over with a smile, greeted Ying Zhao, and bowed his hands: "Mr. Ying."

When Shen Yi was studying at Ganquan Academy, Ying Zhao was the teacher of the academy. I remember that Chen Changming, the head of the government examination at the same time as Shen Yi, was Ying Zhao's student. It's a pity that Chen Changming won the Juren, but not the Jinshi. It is still the same now. Studying in the academy, otherwise it would be a good story for the two masters and apprentices to be Jinshi.

With this level of relationship, there is actually a difference in seniority between the two of them, and Shen Yi should call him Mr. because of emotion and reason.

Mr. Ying glanced at Shen Yi, with a look of surprise on his face, he stepped forward to help Shen Yi up, and asked in astonishment, "Why is Ziheng here?"

Master Shen smiled and said, "I'm here on an imperial mission. Mister may not know that the anti-Japanese army is currently stationed in Yueqing. In the next few years, I'm afraid you and I will meet every day."

Ying Zhao looked Shen Yi up and down a few times, and suddenly realized: "No wonder when I mentioned to Ziheng in Jiankang that I wanted to come to Yueqing to be an official, Ziheng had a strange face, so at that time, Ziheng already knew that there would be today. "

Shen Yi smiled and said nothing, but looked at the two carriages behind Ying Zhao, and said with a smile, "Sir, did you bring any news from your family?"

"Yes... I came here after taking a detour from Jiangdu, otherwise I would have arrived early."

Ying Zhao said softly: "The old mother at home couldn't bear to abandon her in Jiangdu. She also had a married wife and a pair of children, so she simply brought them to Yueqing."

As he said that, he pointed to his gray hair on the temples, and laughed at himself: "Ziheng, you also know my age. I am a Jinshi at my age, and I am still a top three Jinshi. In fact, I don't expect to be a high-ranking official. If it can benefit one party, it will come to the underground in the future, and it will be worthy of the ancient sages and sages, and worthy of the ancestors."

He looked up at Yueqing and exhaled a foul breath.

"I am planning to stay in Yueqing for six years."

The term of magistrate is three years, which means that Ying Zhao plans to serve two full terms in Yueqing.

Shen Yi smiled and said, "I'm afraid that Mister will not be able to fulfill his wish."

Ying Zhao was taken aback, and asked, "Why?"

"In the past in Yueqing, Japanese pirates were rampant and bandits were everywhere. Whether it was ordinary people or the government, life was not easy, and their political achievements were naturally not good, but..."

Shen Yi smiled and said: "Since I came last year, Yueqing has eliminated Japanese pirates. Maybe it will gradually prosper in the future. When the time comes, my husband has made great achievements in politics, and maybe he will be on the same level."

Ying Zhao couldn't help but laugh.

Shen Yi ignored those Yueqing magistrates, but went to the carriage and saluted Mr. Ying's mother and wife, then he looked at Ying Zhao and said with a smile, "Go, sir, I'll invite your family to dinner and greet you. Wash the dust."

Ying Zhao also smiled.

"They invite me, I don't really want to go, but Ziheng invites me, so I must go."

They refer to those local officials in Yueqing.

"Sir, what you said is wrong. You must be the county magistrate in Yueqing, and I need to eat."

Speaking of this, Master Shen glanced at the officials in Yueqing and smiled.

"I'm afraid they have to eat their food."

(End of this chapter)

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