marquis of jingan

Chapter 525 A Picture

Chapter 525 Three Pictures

The arrival of Mr. Ying will not bring Shen Yi a particularly big boost, but there is a real benefit.

That is, he will never hold back Shen Yi.

The local government will not hinder this, but it is an extremely important help for Shen Yi now.

In the next two days, Shen Yi took Mr. Ying's family to dinner, paid for some daily necessities for them, and took Mr. Ying to "visit" the dock.

When he saw the two large ships in the dock that were about to be launched and one that was about to be completed, Mr. Ying was stunned for a long time. After asking about the purpose of several large ships, he clapped his hands happily and was quite excited.

Obviously, as a native of Jiangdu, he has also heard of many bad deeds of Japanese pirates.

And two days later in the morning, Shen Yi got up early in the morning, put on his clothes, and rode to the pier in Yueqing.

At this time, a thousand soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Army were already waiting by the pier, ready to go.

Seeing Shen Yi's presence, Xue Wei immediately greeted him, clasped his fists at Shen Yi and said, "Master Shen."

Shen Yi nodded and asked, "Have all the boats arrived?"

"It's all there."

Xue Wei quickly replied: "Last night, my subordinates communicated with these ship owners. There are a total of forty ships of different sizes, but they are enough to carry 1000 people no matter what."


Shen Yi nodded, looked at the ships moored at the pier, and walked towards the flagship: "Let's go, let's set off."

Xue Wei followed behind Shen Yi, hesitated for a moment, then slightly lowered his head and said: "Master Shen, or else you can stay in Yueqing and wait for the news, and let the subordinates lead people out to sea. The subordinates must live up to the high expectations of Master Shen and send those Japanese Kill the thief clean!"

Shen Yi ignored him, and just continued to walk towards the flagship: "I have to go this time, I want to see what the naval battle of our anti-Japanese army looks like."

"When the naval battle is mature in the future, even if you ask me to go, I won't go."

It is said to be a naval battle, but it is actually a landing battle.

After all, the ships of the Japanese pirates are unlikely to fight at sea.

Seeing that Shen Yi insisted, Xue Wei had no choice but to nod and follow behind Shen Yi, boarded the flagship of the fleet, and followed the flagship to raise the flag. More than 40 warships set off from Yueqing in the early morning and headed directly towards Go to Wusha Island in the north.

Yueqing is about [-] to [-] miles away from Wusha Island. If the wind direction is good, the whole day will be over. However, when the approaching fleet is approaching evening, under Shen Yi’s instructions, the fleet’s speed is slow. down.

When it was completely dark, a small boat that could only carry three or four people approached quietly. With Shen Yi arranging someone to pick him up, the small boat quickly approached Shen Yi's flagship, and then a young man on board , was escorted to the flagship, and met Shen Yi in the cabin.

After seeing Shen Yi, the young man knelt down without saying a word, and bowed his head deeply: "Subordinate Ruan Ping, I have seen Si Zheng."

Hearing the title "Si Zheng", Xue Wei, who was standing next to Shen Yi, frowned.

When Shen Yi first arrived in Taizhou Mansion last year, his position was the official of the Dibao Division. Xue Wei knew about this, that is to say, the young man in front of him was a member of the Dibao Division.

Shen Yi glanced at the young man and asked, "Is it from the fourth group?"


The young man lowered his head and said, "This subordinate is under the command of Team Leader Zheng. Last year, he was ordered to sneak under Wang Xian's command..."

"After receiving the news from Si Zheng, the subordinates immediately started to prepare."

As he said that, he took out a map from his pocket and put his hands in front of Shen Yi: "Please look, Si Zheng, this is the detailed topographic map of Wusha Island, and Wang Xian's defense map on Wusha Island. How many people are there?" , are clearly marked."

Shen Yi took the map and looked at it, then handed the map to Xue Wei who was beside him, and said with a surprised smile: "How long has it been since you went to Wang Xian's place, and you can get such a detailed map, it seems that Wang Xian is very trust you."

Ruan Ping quickly shook his head, lowered his head and said, "Sizheng, this subordinate has only been in Wusha Island for half a year, and even Wang...even Wang thief has never met a few times, and he never had the opportunity to get such a detailed terrain It's just that the subordinates got this picture by chance according to Team Leader Zheng's order and contacted some bandits in charge who instigated Wusha Island's rebellion..."

Shen Yi nodded silently, and then said: "Are these Japanese pirates who were instigated by you all Han Chinese?"

"It's Han Chinese."

Ruan Ping lowered his head and said, "My subordinates can't speak Japanese, so I can't communicate with those Japanese people. Besides... Nearly half of Wang Thief's subordinates are Han Chinese."

"it is good…"

Shen Yi waved his hand and said: "I see, you have worked hard during this time, you go down and have a rest, and in the early hours of the morning you will lead the way in a boat and go straight to Wusha Island."

"This matter is done, and you will be credited with a great contribution, and your benefits will be indispensable."

Ruan Ping was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly saluted Shen Yi, and then left with a thousand thanks.

After Ruan Ping left, Xue Wei smiled at Shen Yi and said, "Master Shen is really clever, he arranged these internal responses early."

Holding this map, he said, "Subordinates, let's go down and arrange according to this map. With this defense map, we will be able to achieve immediate success this time and wipe out the Japanese pirates."

Hearing his words, Shen Yi glanced back at him, then shook his head slightly: "Just wait here, don't worry."

Xue Wei scratched his head, a little puzzled: "Master Shen, what are you waiting for...?"

Master Shen narrowed his eyes and said flatly, "Wait for the second picture."

After Shen Yi finished speaking, he ignored Xue Wei and sat back in his seat with his eyes closed. Not long after, another small boat approached Shen Yi's flagship, followed by the second mansion report. The young man boarded the boat, and this young man also knelt in front of Shen Yi.

But relatively speaking, he was worse than Ruan Ping, because he didn't get that kind of detailed defense map, and the map he handed over was drawn after his own observation, and it was relatively rough.

But even so, it can be compared with the first picture.

Up to here, Xue Wei has already admired Shen Yi's five-body body. He put the two topographical defense maps together, and after comparing them, he said: "Master Shen, the two maps are different in many details, but in general It's the same, it should be credible..."

Shen Yi let out a "huh" and continued to close his eyes to rest.

When it was close to midnight, the third small boat approached Shen Yi's big boat, and another young man boarded the boat, knelt in front of Master Shen, and called him Sizheng.

After explaining the situation to Shen Yi, he also handed over a topographic map. The difference between this topographic map and the previous two is that he marked several escape points on Wusha Island.

Shen Yi also said hard work to him, and then let him go down to rest.

Immediately afterwards, Master Shen put the three pictures together for comparison.

Xue Wei stood behind Shen Yi and swallowed: "Master Shen, these three people..."

"Do you know each other?"

Shen Yi glanced back at him, with a helpless tone: "Of course I don't know each other. If I do, what do you want three pictures for?"

"People's hearts are treacherous and unbelievable."

While looking at the picture, Master Shen said calmly: "Get more information to be more accurate. Otherwise, if the pirates trick me, I don't know how many more people will die."

"Don't be dazed, come and watch together."

"After confirming that it is correct, we will attack Wusha Island."

(End of this chapter)

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