Chapter 534

Since the emperor gave Shen Yi a lot of face and let Shen Yi not have to work for others in the future, but for himself, then Master Shen will naturally face work more seriously.

In fact, Shen Yi's condition is still very good now.

Mainly because of two points.

The first point is that the boss is willing to delegate power to let him do it freely, and does not restrict him by some messy restrictions.

The more important point is naturally because fighting Japanese pirates is also Master Shen's hobby, or one of his life goals.

In his whole life, it is impossible for him to get along with Japanese pirates.

The current suppression of the Japanese is only the first stage of his suppression of the Japanese. Even if there is no way to go to Dongying Island at this stage, one day in the future, Master Shen will be strong enough and his arms will be thick enough. As long as he can free his hands, he will definitely go. On Dongying Island, they are "intimate" with the Japanese people.

After all, it's impolite to come and not to go.

Now that he has a work goal, a passion for work, and sufficient working conditions, Master Shen will naturally slowly advance his plan to suppress the Japanese.

First of all, the Japanese pirates in eastern Zhejiang were eliminated.

Then, starting from eastern Zhejiang, we will wipe out all the Japanese pirates in the north and south.

The pirates of today are different from the pirates of the past.

Because the Japanese pirates in the past more or less secretly had some connections with some big households on the shore, so the first is that it is not easy to wipe out, and the second is that even after they are wiped out, it may take another year or two to revive. .

However, now Li Mu has cleaned up all the big households on the shore who communicate with Japanese and even raised Japanese. Then the remaining Japanese pirates on the sea will become rootless duckweed. As long as they are cleaned up, it is conservatively estimated that at least five It will not develop on a large scale in ten years.

Last year, before Shen Yi went south, he sent Zheng Hu from the fourth group of the Mansion News Agency to the south to establish a "branch" of the Mansion News Agency in Taizhou. Out of function.

The Dibao Division has a lot of credit for the downfall of Wang Xian on Wusha Island.

Then the next work is very clear. As the coordinator of the intelligence agency and military agency, Shen Yi only needs to sort out the intelligence of the Dibao Division, and then formulate a corresponding combat plan and hand it over to the Anti-Japanese Army to execute. That's it.

Among the Japanese pirates in eastern Zhejiang, Wang Xian belonged to a medium-to-large group. During the two months after Wang Xian was wiped out, Shen Yi formulated five combat missions successively while training the anti-Japanese army's sea combat. Su and Xue Wei went to execute it.

In just two months, more than 1000 Japanese pirates in eastern Zhejiang were wiped out, and more than [-] people who were kidnapped by Japanese pirates were also rescued.

The anti-Japanese army became famous in eastern Zhejiang for a while.

On this day, Master Shen stayed in the anti-Japanese army camp for a whole day, and after arranging the next step of the anti-Japanese army's training and specific combat missions, he waited until it was getting late before returning from the anti-Japanese army camp.

By the time we got back to our residence, it was completely dark.

At this time, it was already summer. After Jiang Sheng helped Shen Yi out of the carriage, Shen Yi took a step to the door and opened the door. Then he looked back at Shen Yi and asked, "My lord, do you want to take a bath? I'll prepare hot water for you." go?"

Master Shen stretched his waist, but felt that his body was sticky, so he nodded, and soon Jiang Sheng prepared hot water for Shen Yi, and Master Shen felt much more comfortable after washing up.

With a comfortable body, sleepiness followed. Shen Yi didn't go to deal with the paperwork sent by the mansion office. After yawning a few times, he went back to his bedroom to rest.

For some reason, he was extremely sleepy today. Not long after he went to bed, he couldn't open his eyes anymore. Fortunately, there was no other important business, so Master Shen yawned, closed his eyes, and fell asleep deeply.

After this sleep, he slept until the second half of the night.

In the middle of the night, for some reason, the weather that was supposed to cool down became hotter and hotter. Even Shen Yi, who was sleeping, was so hot that he was sweating all over. He even dreamed that he had returned to his hometown in Jiangdu At this time, Jiangdu suffered a three-year drought, and the ground was cracked. Shen Yi observed the people's conditions in Jiangdu, and was sweating from the sun.

Because of the hot weather in the dream, many scenes were not realistic.

Shen Yi saw from afar that someone was yelling something to him from afar, but for some reason, he couldn't hear clearly, only felt that the weather was getting hotter and hotter.

In the end, Shen Yi in the dream even took off his official uniform regardless of face, and was naked in the field.

Even with a shirtless body, I still feel hot and unbearable.

Just when Shen Yi was so hot that he couldn't stand it, it rained heavily.

The pouring rain fell directly on Shen Yi's head, making him very happy.

It wasn't until this time that Shen Yi heard the call clearly.

"Master Shen! Master Shen!"

The calls became more and more clear, and Shen Yi exhausted all his strength to open his eyes.

In the eyes, it is a fiery red.

A vague and tall figure appeared in front of Shen Yi.

This figure is very familiar.

It was only when this blurred figure gradually became clear that Shen Yi could clearly see who this person was.

Qi Dayou.

Neiweiqi has a lot.

For some reason, Shen Yi's mind was very drowsy, feeling a little muddled, unable to turn at all, and he couldn't even figure out why Qi Dayou, who was supposed to be in Jiankang, would appear in his bedroom.

He looked up and finally saw the source of the heat.

His bedroom was completely on fire!
The scorching tongue of flames almost blows towards the face!

Seeing Shen Yi finally opened his eyes, Qi Dayou was so excited that he almost cried out. He hugged Shen Yi, threw him on his back, and ran out with all his might.

"Master Shen, you finally woke up!"

"I thought something was wrong with you..."

"If something happens to you, the brothers will die!"

While talking, Qi Dayou struggled to walk outside. He was tall and strong, and he actually passed through the hot fire scene, breaking a path with his body abruptly!

Until this time, although Shen Yi's consciousness was still a little fuzzy, he felt that his whole body was soaked.

Obviously, when Qi Dayou saved himself, he poured a basin of water on himself.

The "heavy rain" in my dream probably came from here.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi wanted to move his arms, but he didn't have any strength all over his body, so he couldn't move no matter what.

Fortunately, Qi Dayou was very skilled, he forcibly carried Shen Yi out of the fire scene in the bedroom, and then strode Shen Yi to the open space in the yard. At this time, almost all the clothes on Qi Dayou were also set ablaze!

This skilled inner guard lay down on the ground and rolled, only then did he extinguish the open flames on his body.

At this moment, his hair and eyebrows were all scorched!
Even his face was black and gray!
After extinguishing the flames on his body, regardless of his injuries, he gritted his teeth and climbed up in front of Shen Yi, supported his upper body with his arms, and looked at Shen Yi: "Master Shen, are fine!"

Shen Yi tried his best to open his eyes, but he still felt very sleepy. He pulled himself together and asked, "Qi... Brother Qi, what's wrong with me?"

"Probably drugged..."

Seeing that Shen Yi had spoken, Qi Dayou heaved a sigh of relief, he let out a puff of smoke, and fell limply on the ground: "It's a good thing you're fine, it's a good thing you're fine..."

The school lieutenant of the inner guard seemed to have lost all strength.

"Otherwise I have more than 30 brothers..."

He didn't go on, just lay flat on the ground and murmured.

"It's a good thing you're fine..."

At this moment, Shen Yi couldn't hold on any longer, closed his eyes, and wanted to fall asleep again.

In a daze, he saw a group of big men running towards him in a hurry.

The first person was extremely anxious, with an expression as if he was about to cry.

It seems... the inner guard?

It seemed that it was Xue Wei?
Shen Yi really couldn't tell the difference...

This was the last picture Shen Yi saw, he couldn't hold on any longer, closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

In a daze, he felt lifted up.

Because the brain was too dull, the last thought flashed through Shen Yi's mind until he was about to go back to sleep.

Someone is going to kill him...

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(End of this chapter)

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