Chapter 535
A big fire illuminated the sky of Yueqing city.

The fire quickly alarmed the Yueqing county government. Fortunately, the place where the fire caught fire was not too close to the county government. After hearing the news, Ying Zhao, the county magistrate of Yueqing, almost ran out of the county government, bringing all the officials in the county government with him. , rushed to the scene.

When they arrived at the scene, the fire was completely burned, and there was still some tung oil smell on the scene.

When a group of officials from the county government rushed to Shen Yi's bedroom, they happened to see a strong man with a person on his back rushing out of the fire.

After the man rushed out, he was already seriously injured. A moment later, he lay down in the yard and passed out.

At the same time, seven or eight men in plain clothes rushed into the yard almost at the same time. After these men inspected the injuries of the two people lying on the ground, two of them rushed out, while the others took the two Protected in the middle, everyone looked serious.

After inspecting the situation, the remaining inner guards lifted the two people on the ground and moved them to a safe room. Then four inner guards guarded the room, and two inner guards guarded the door, prohibiting any people enter.

At this time, County Magistrate Ying had just arrived at the scene. He looked at these men. Although he was a little hesitant in his heart, he still approached boldly. Before he approached the door of the room where Shen Yi was, he was stopped by several men. Zhao glanced at him and shouted, "Back off!"

Waiting for an idle person to be so drunk, maybe they will be scared to death, but after all, Ying Zhao is also a second-ranked Jinshi, a title official in the same year as Shen Yi, he just took two or three steps back, then looked up at the man in front of him, Shen Yi He said: "I am Ying Zhao, magistrate of Yueqing county. Who are you?"

"The one lying on the bottom just now, but I, Shen Qilang from Jiangdu?"

Hearing this, the man took a deep breath, but still had a serious face, and said in a low voice: "The internal guards are on business, and idlers are not allowed to come near!"

"Five steps closer, more weapons!"

Ying Zhao was taken aback by this sentence, he looked up at the man in front of him, summoned up his courage and said, "I want to see your badges!"

Without further ado, the man took out his inner guard badge from his pocket, threw it to Ying Zhao, and said coldly, "Magistrate Ying, there is a huge case of murdering an imperial envoy here. What a disaster! Your local government is only responsible for fighting fires, and you don’t care about other things!"

Ying Zhao secretly gritted his teeth, but he was still a little unwilling, and asked again: "A few servants, is that Shen Qilang lying on the ground? I'm from the same town and classmate as him, and it's also the same year. Anyway, I have to ask, Otherwise, my heart is really not at ease!"

"Please tell Ying a few servants whether he is dead or alive..."

The inner guard stared at Ying Zhao with wide eyes: "You bird officer, why are you so noisy! If you don't back down, I will ask you for obstructing official business!"

At this time, Shen Yi's situation must be kept strictly confidential.

Whether he is alive or dead, he cannot tell.

After all, there may be hidden enemies in Yueqing City. If the enemies know that Shen Yi is still alive, they may take advantage of this gap and try to make up for it!

Ying Zhao was yelled at twice by the inner guards, but there was nothing he could do. He glanced at the two people surrounded by the inner guards from a distance, sighed, and began to direct the firefighting.

The fire was still spreading, and the clerks of the county government began to search every room in Shen Yi's residence. Not long after, the two clerks carried Jiang Sheng, who had already slept like a dead pig, to Ying Zhao, and reported : "Master Xianzun, found in a room, it seems to be Master Shen's entourage."

Ying Zhao glanced at Jiang Sheng who had passed out and was still snoring, frowned and said, "The house is on fire, how can he still sleep so soundly? Take a basin of water to wake him up, and ask about the situation!"

Ying Zhao didn't have much experience in the Jianghu, but the yamen's servants below were all people who struggled at the bottom, so they naturally knew the situation, and one of the team leaders bent slightly and said in a low voice: "Master, this should be someone who has been sent down. It's medicine."

The county magistrate Ying frowned and said nothing. He glanced at Shen Yi's yard, but he was still not at ease, so he looked at the county government's team leader and said in a deep voice: "Qian Liu, you go out of the city immediately and go to protest The camp of the Japanese army informed the two thousand households who were fighting against the Japanese army, and they said that Mr. Shen’s house was burned, and now his life and death are unknown..."

"Let them go into the city immediately to take a look at the situation and get the situation under control."

The incident was urgent, and Ying Zhao was not sure whether those people were imperial servants or not.

At this time, it is safer to ask the anti-Japanese army to enter the city to control the situation.

After the team leader responded, he immediately went out of the city to report.

At this time, the doctor from the largest medical clinic in Yueqing City was almost carried by two guards by the neck and slipped over to give Shen Yi and Qi Dayou a pulse.

After checking the pulse, the captured doctor explained the situation to the inner guard.

Shen Yi's condition is alright. Although he was caught in the sea of ​​flames, before he came out, Qi Dayou poured a basin of water on him, so his whole body was soaked. He was not burned, but his nose and mouth were black. Ash, probably choked on by the smoke.

And Qi Dayou's injury is not serious, there are not small-scale burns on his arms and soles, in addition to needing to rest, he also needs to use medicine to remove the fire poison, otherwise the root cause of the disease will definitely fall on his body in the future.

According to the symptoms, the doctor prescribed medicines for both of them.

Just now, Qi Dayou fainted just because his heart was on fire for a while. After sleeping for more than half an hour, he woke up faintly. Shen Yi was lying on the bed next to him.

The Captain Qi's voice was hoarse: "Master Shen... is it okay?"

An inner guard at the side, squatting down beside Qi Dayou's bed, said in a low voice, "Captain Qi, don't worry, Master Shen is fine..."

"The doctor said that he was drugged, so he hasn't woken up until now, and he will wake up when the medicine wears off."

As he spoke, the inner guard's tone was a little choked up: "Thanks to you this time!"


The inner guard still had lingering fears: "Otherwise, I'll wait for the whole family..."

These people were ordered to secretly protect Shen Yi.

It's fine if it's just for protection, but Master Shen is now wearing the status of an imperial envoy, if he is harmed by someone under the protection of the inner guard, the emperor will be furious when he finds out.

At that time, it will definitely not be enough for these inner guards to pay for Shen Yi's life.

Most of them have to bring their family members with them.

"It's fine..."

Qi Dayou closed his eyes, only feeling that his chest was on fire, he let out several breaths, and then he felt better, and continued: "Take me..."

"Take me out, don't let me share a room with Master Shen, so as not to disturb his rest..."

Qi Dayou had just finished speaking when he suddenly heard a commotion outside.

After a while, someone came in and reported to Qi Da who was lying on the bed: "Boss, the anti-Japanese soldiers have arrived. There are more than a hundred people here. They insist on meeting Mr. Shen. There is a young man who is so excited that even we I didn't even recognize the brand of the inner guard, so I started directly..."

Qi Dayou closed his eyes and took another deep breath.

"The two thousand households of the anti-Japanese can come in and see Chief Shen, and let them leave immediately after the meeting."

"As for the rest of the Anti-Japanese Army..."

Qi Dayou's voice was hoarse: "No one is allowed to come in, if anyone breaks in, just use the knife with them!"

"I see if the Anti-Japanese Army dare to rebel!"

Hearing this, the inner guard's subordinate bowed his head respectfully.

"Subordinates obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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