marquis of jingan

Chapter 59 The Crazy Xinzhi County

Chapter 59 The Crazy Xinzhi County
The job of a food stall is at best to help Xu Fu and a few little guys get enough food and clothing. Even if Shen Yi loses [-]% of the shares in it, it is impossible for these little guys to get rich, and it is even impossible for them to get rich. To reach the middle class, let alone let Shen Yi realize the freedom of wealth.

Therefore, starting a food stall is only the first step for these children. In the future, one of the six children may run the snack industry, or they may hire others to do this industry. For the other children, Shen Yi has other arrangements.

After these children work in food stalls for a few months and have exercised their social and business skills, Shen Yi will arrange other things for them to do.

Of course, as a mature adult, Shen Yi didn't believe that the original kindness could bind the six children for a lifetime, and he didn't want the relationship between the two parties to stay at the level of "kindness".

What he hopes more is to be a behind-the-scenes boss, and these six children will become his golden wage earners in the future.

However, because Shen Yi has no way to do business in person, it will be difficult to restrict them when the business grows bigger. At that time, the maintenance of this "employment" relationship cannot be based on the fragile kindness that used to be.

According to Shen Yi's plan, when the "small company" under his command reaches a certain scale, he will exert control over this small group to ensure that the company is always under his control.

But it's too early to talk about these things now. Now the six children under Shen Yi are just six children, not to mention the job Shen Yi made for them, that is, the small yard and the new clothes on them. It was enough for these six children to be completely devoted to him within a year or two.

After leaving the pancake stall, Shen Yi took the two little girls to wander around Jiangdu City.

At this time, Shen felt a little guilty.

Because he is not as rich as he looks.

The gold left by his father Shen Zhang has been converted into silver by him, and the total is only a little over 100 taels. During this time, Shen Yi can only go in and out, and he has already spent three to forty taels.

You know, this is the "living expenses" that Lao Shen left for the two of them for a year, and now only about a month has passed, and Shen Yi spent [-]% of it alone, and...

Not distributed to younger brother Shen Heng yet.

Now, Mr. Shen only has ten taels of silver with him. Naturally, such a small amount of money is enough for daily shopping, but it is a bit stretched to go shopping with a beautiful girl. Not to mention anything else, if Miss Lu passes by a rouge shop, After seeing some good rouge, it was difficult for Shen Yi to spend all the money on his body.

Fortunately, Ms. Lu is very sensible. Although she walked around for a whole afternoon accompanied by Shen Yi, she didn't spend any money. She only bought a mahogany hairpin by the roadside and ate a few roadside stalls by herself.

In the evening, Shen Yi hired another carriage and sent the master and servant back to Ganquan Academy. After getting off the carriage, Shen Yi took Miss Lu all the way back to the courtyard of the Lu family. The young lady waved her hand and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Lu, if Mr. Lu doesn't ask about today's matter, then don't take the initiative to bring it up, lest Mr. come to trouble me, okay?"

Miss Lu looked at Shen Yi, and snorted softly, "You know you're afraid too? When my father comes back, I'll tell him that you tricked me out secretly..."

Shen Yi smiled in his heart.

"Your father asked me to help you stay away from Fan Dongcheng. I'll get closer to you. If Fan Dongcheng finds out, he won't get close to you again. This is barely enough to complete the task. He can't blame me..."

Thinking of this, Shen Yi looked at Miss Lu, smiled and said: "Then do as you wish, my husband will hand in the strategy theory assigned to me tomorrow, and I have only written half of it, so I will go back to write the strategy theory..."

After saying this, Shen Yi waved to Miss Lu, and then ran back to the dormitory.

Today, when he asked Miss Lu to go out to play, not many people saw him, but when he sent Miss Lu back, many students from Ganquan Academy noticed him!
Being able to hang out with "Yuanhua" is undoubtedly a very hated thing, so in the next few days, Shen Yi will stay in the dormitory honestly and study hard for a few days, so as not to go out too ostentatiously and hate people.


Jiangdu is too close to the capital Jiankang.

Therefore, only three or four days after Mr. Feng left, Jiangdu County Magistrate, the new Jiangdu County Magistrate took office.

Early in the morning, the officials of the Jiangdu county government gathered at the west gate of Jiangdu to welcome the new county magistrate who was dispatched from the capital.

When it was close to noon, a carriage slowly stopped at the gate of Jiangdu West City Gate. After the carriage stopped, an ordinary-looking young man in plain clothes who looked only 25 or [-] years old jumped off with the help of a servant. carriage.

After the young man got out of the carriage, he first glanced at the officials of the county government waiting at the door, then lowered his eyebrows slightly, and said, "You all must be colleagues of the Jiangdu county government?"

Hearing the words, the Jiangdu county magistrate hurried forward with the officials of the county government, and bowed his hands to the young man: "Dare to ask, but my new county magistrate in Jiangdu, Master Zhang Jian?"

The young man smiled, nodded and said, "It's Zhang Jian, my colleagues, please be polite."

The county magistrate and the others saluted respectfully, then stretched out their hands, and said, "Forgive me, according to the rules, I will verify the documents of the official department. If it is not convenient for you, we can go to the county office to do the verification later."


Zhang Xianzun glanced back at the servant beside him, the servant immediately understood, found the documents and seals of the Ministry of Officials from the bag, and handed them to the officials of the county government for verification.

After the body was verified, the expressions of these county government officials became more obsequious. The county government servants stepped forward one after another, helping Mr. Zhang with luggage, and those who carried things. The new county lord welcomed the Jiangdu county government.

After entering the county office, the magistrate of Jiangdu County, surnamed Jiang, stood in front of Zhang Xianzun, bowed his hands to the new county magistrate, and said: "Xianzun, the banquet for you to welcome the wind, the subordinates are ready , but according to the official practice, you have to go to the government office to pay respects to Chen Fuzun, and the subordinates have prepared the sedan chair, after you get on the sedan chair, go to the magistrate's office, and then we will go to the banquet together."


Jiang Xiancheng glanced at the newly appointed county lord, and said cautiously: "What do you think?"

"It's a matter of course for the new county magistrate to pay a visit to the Shangguan. I will naturally go to see Mr. Chen Fuzun, but..."

The young county magistrate Zhang stood up, stretched his waist, and then said: "It's just that scholars of my generation, after arriving in the new place, can't just see the superiors and disrespect the gentleness."

"Prepare the sedan chair."

Zhang Xianzun said indifferently: "This county will first go to Ganquan Academy in Jiangdu to pay a visit to Master Lu Shan."

"After paying respects to the gentleman in Jiangdu, go to Fu Ya to pay respects to Fu Zun."

Hearing Zhang Xianzun's words, Jiang Xiancheng standing behind him immediately widened his eyes.

He looked at the young county lord and was dumbfounded.

How can there be any reason for a newly appointed official to go to the academy first instead of paying homage to the superior official? !
Is the new county venerable going to fight the mansion lord, or... or is he lost his mind after studying? !
(End of this chapter)

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