marquis of jingan

Chapter 65 The Little Emperor and the Old Prime Minister

Chapter 65 The Little Emperor and the Old Prime Minister

Just when Shen Yi took his brother to the academy to take the "entrance examination", the last batch of the 16 shi of grain that the household department ordered Jiangdu Prefecture to raise was finally delivered to the capital.

At this time, Mr. Zhao, the head of the household department who had returned to Jiankang, also successfully submitted an errand to the household department and completed the task assigned by the household department.

Although the fact that the household department bought grain in Jiangdu this time caused a lot of fluctuations in Jiangdu, the matter has calmed down anyway, and the fluctuations in Jiangdu will not affect the capital.

No matter how big the matter in Jiangdu was, it would be an inconspicuous matter in the capital.

As the food from Jiangdu Prefecture was escorted to the capital, the grain purchased by Hubucai from other places was also sent to the capital one after another. Most of the errands of the Hubu had been completed.

After completing the imperial errands, it is natural to return to the imperial court. Therefore, at the court meeting on the first day of July in the fifth year of Hongde, after the emperor went to the court, Zhao Changping, the household servant in charge of the matter, came out with a wat in his hand. Ban Chen played this matter.

Zhao Shilang was born in the second place, with a three-stroke long beard, and his appearance is also very outstanding. He is quite famous in the court. After this Zhao Shilang came out of duty, he bowed to the young emperor sitting on the throne and said: "Your Majesty, Two months ago, the imperial court ordered the household department to raise 200 million shi of grain and send it to the front line of the navy. On the way to the front line one after another.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Shilang raised his eyes to look at the old man who was the first civil servant standing on the left, and continued to bow his head and said: "I was ordered to take charge of this matter. Now that the errands have been completed, I report to His Majesty."

At this time, sitting on the throne of the Great Chen Court was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

The young emperor wore an imperial crown, and some pimples representing the imprint of youth could be seen on his face, as well as some immaturity visible to the naked eye, as well as a fluffy mustache that symbolized that he had entered puberty.

Although His Majesty the Emperor is young, he has been sitting on the throne for five years. Five years is enough time for him to change from a "immature emperor" to a "senior emperor". There is a style.

At least it looks good on the surface.

After all, the real court affairs are not in the hands of the young emperor, but in the hands of several ministers and the queen mother.

His Majesty the Emperor glanced indifferently at Zhao Shilang who was bowing to him, and then said indifferently: "At the last court meeting, Prime Minister Yang already said that for the sake of the common people in the world, there is no conflict with the northerners."

"After all, when the sword moves, the blood will flow."

The emperor's words sounded a little weird.

And the eight words "when the sword moves, the blood will flow and drift" are also the original words of Yang Jingzong and Yang Xiang at the last great court meeting.

Dachen started a grand court on ten days, which means that His Majesty the Emperor has memorized this sentence for ten days.

After saying these yin and yang words, His Majesty the Emperor glanced at the grey-haired Prime Minister Yang, and said, "Since Prime Minister Yang doesn't want to have any conflicts with the northerners, what else is there for the food raised by the Ministry of Households?" Useful? In my opinion, we might as well send all these grains to the northerners, and hope for another ten years of stability.”

The northerners, that is, the dynasty in the north.

In Chen Guo folks and even in local official circles, Beiren are called "Bei Man" or some more ugly titles, but after all, it is the court meeting of the Chen Guo court, and they cannot be called Bei Man openly, otherwise it will cause "diplomatic conflicts." ".

Because in fact, the northerners have already established a dynasty in the north, so it cannot be said that they are northern barbarians.

60 years ago, the northerners broke through the old capital of the Chen Kingdom and drove the monarchs and ministers of the Chen Kingdom to Pian'an, the accompanying capital in the south of the Yangtze River.

Although these northerners were indeed nomads in the north 60 years ago, 60 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the northerners have learned a lot about the Han dynasty. Now the dynasty in the north, or "Northern Qi", no matter the army Whether it is the establishment system or the court regulation, it is no different from Chen Guo.

Of course, because it wasn't the Han Dynasty, the Han people in Northern Qi were naturally inferior. Some Han people were born as servants of those nobles. Coupled with the cruelty of the barbarians, the life of the Han people in Northern Qi was quite difficult.

At first, every year, many Han people wanted to cross the Huai River and return to the Han Dynasty.

However, the Southern Chen was weak, especially when the Han people had crossed the Huai River after all the hard work, as long as the northern barbarians asked the Southern Chen court for money, the Chen Guo court would obediently send these Han people away. go back.

After a long time, there will be no Han people who can't escape across the river.

Up to now, there are already many Han people in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and they are proud to be servants of the Northern Barbarian nobles.

Hearing the emperor's words, Yang Jingzong, Yang Xiang, who looked a bit old and faint, stepped forward silently, bowed his head to the emperor, and said, "Your Majesty is benevolent, it is my blessing to give up the sword..."

"The old minister is on behalf of the common people in the world, thank you for your kindness..."

After saying this, Yang Jingzong knelt down and kowtowed to the emperor.

At this time, Xiang Yang was over seventy years old, kneeling on the ground trembling, looking a little pitiful.

But none of the people in the court dared to look down on this elderly Xiangguo.

"Yang Xiang should thank me."

The emperor glanced at old man Yang, and said calmly: "Using the name of the household department to buy grain, Yang Xiang's students made a lot of noise in Jiangdu. I heard that the household department's money just arrived in Jiang. The little Xiangguo in the family also received a piece of money from Jiangdu, which is really loyal to the country."

Hearing the little emperor's words, most people in the court hall changed their colors slightly.

Some people are guessing in their hearts what His Majesty's words mean, while more veterans are silently sighing in their hearts...

His Majesty the Emperor... is too young after all.

Too young to hide things in my heart.

For the imperial court, the matter in Jiangdu can only be said to be a little big news, not to mention that it is not harmful to Mr. Yang, even the prefect of Jiangdu may not be able to move it, but the emperor brought it up at the court meeting. Obviously lost his temper.

The old god Yang Jingzong was there, bowing his head to the emperor and said: "The old minister has also heard what your majesty said. As far as the old minister knows, the 5 taels of silver that Mr. Zhao brought to Jiangdu from the Ministry of Households not only bought what the Ministry of Households requested. The amount of food has been saved by nearly half, and all of it has been handed over to the treasury of the household department. As for His Majesty, the dog has collected the money..."

Yang Xianggong looked up at the little emperor, then bowed his head again and said: "I don't know if the old minister is true. After the old minister returns, he will immediately question the dog. If there is such a thing, the minister will immediately take him to prison for questioning!"

Sitting on the throne, His Majesty the Emperor looked at Yang Jingzong who was kneeling on the ground with a sneer on his face.

"Let's forget it. I'm afraid no one in the court can find out what Yang Xiang didn't know. This matter is nothing more than that. Just pretend it never happened, but..."

His Majesty the Emperor stood up, looked at Yang Xiang, and gritted his teeth slightly: "Yang Xiang, the northerners have been bullying us for 60 years!"

"Gong every year, every year! They won't give up!"

"A few days ago, they even sent envoys to Jiankang, saying that they wanted to marry their princess to me!"

"A great shame!"

His Majesty the Emperor looked at Yang Jingzong coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Every time Prime Minister Yang is full of morality, benevolence and righteousness, the common people in the world, and the northerners repeatedly provoke, why doesn't Prime Minister Yang let them take care of the common people in the world?!"

Old man Yang was still unmoved, he knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, the northerners are brutal and uneducated, they..."

"I can't understand the common people in the world."

"very good!"

The emperor glanced at Yang Jingzong angrily, stood up from the dragon chair, and walked away: "I can hardly understand it!"

After finishing speaking, the little emperor left the hall angrily.

When the emperor walked away, all the talents stepped forward and helped the 70-year-old prime minister up. Some of them sighed at Yang Xiangguo.

"Old Xiangguo, Your Majesty is already so big, you should just follow your Majesty, don't go against the Holy Will like this again, in the the future..."

Yang Xianggong, who was lifted up, also let out a long sigh.

"Maintaining half of the country is already at a loss. If you can fight, if you can win..."

After saying this, Yang Xianggong, who was born in the north, looked complicated.

"The old man also wants to return to the roots of fallen leaves..."

(End of this chapter)

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