Chapter 66
His Majesty the Emperor openly clashed with the auxiliary Prime Minister at the court meeting. This was the first time since the first year of Hongde.

And when the young emperor's Majesty launched an attack in the court, it also meant that the young emperor had already announced to the outside world that he was going to rule in person!
After the young emperor fired a fire in the hall, he returned to the harem, and came to the Kunde Palace where the empress dowager lived, and greeted the empress dowager.

This is one of His Majesty's daily schedules.

After leaving court, first go to the Kunde Palace to meet the Empress Dowager, and then return to the residence of the emperor to listen to lectures by several masters.

After arriving at the Kunde Palace, His Majesty the Emperor quickly came to the Empress Dowager, bowed his head and saluted: "Greetings to Mother."

The empress dowager sat on the soft couch, looked at the son who was growing up in front of her, and sighed slightly: "Sit down and talk."

The empress dowager's surname is Sun, and the outside world is called Empress Dowager Sun.

Although she is already a queen mother, the queen mother is not very old. Although she has been a queen mother for five years, until this year, she is only in her 30s.

People in their 30s, if they are placed in the court, may still be "ignorant" in the officialdom, and the Empress Dowager Sun is a female stream. Although she has discussed government affairs with the prime ministers in the past five years, she is limited by her ability and knowledge. Most of the court affairs are determined by the hands of the prime ministers.

However, the Empress Dowager Sun was not only the original spouse of the first emperor, but also the birth mother of the Son of Heaven. Before the Son of Heaven took power, she was the supreme ruler of Da Chen in terms of etiquette.

At this time, the Empress Dowager Sun spoke very loudly in the court.

The Son of Heaven found a chair beside him and sat down.

Then he glanced at his mother, quietly waiting for her instructions.

Empress Dowager Sun took a serious look at her son, and then asked, "Did you come up with the matter at the court meeting today, or did some masters in your palace give you ideas?"

When the Son of Heaven was a young prince, the first emperor selected several great Confucians to teach him to read. Later, when the Son of Heaven came to the throne, because he was still young, several masters still taught the Son of Heaven in the imperial palace and became the emperor's teachers of the dynasty.

What the emperor said today in the court hall, if it came from the emperor's intention, it's okay, if someone ordered it, then even the good-tempered Empress Dowager Sun would have to beat those so-called "emperor teachers".

His Majesty the Emperor looked at the Empress Dowager honestly, and said, "Mother, today's matter was thought up by the child himself, and has nothing to do with the masters."

Empress Dowager Sun looked at the emperor again and asked, "Is that really the case?"

The emperor nodded again: "Queen, I never lie to you."

Empress Dowager Sun breathed out a turbid breath and said, "Take the ruler."

The maids of Kunde Palace were obviously used to this scene, so they took a ruler and handed it to the Empress Dowager respectfully.

Empress Dowager Sun held a ruler in her hand, looked at her son silently, and asked, "Do you know why you were beaten?"

The emperor nodded: "I know."

"The queen mother blamed her son for making his own decisions. She didn't discuss it with the queen mother beforehand, nor did she discuss it with the masters."

Empress Dowager Sun closed her eyes and said, "Stretch out your hand."

The little emperor stretched out his palm obediently, but he was not convinced. Instead, he looked at his own mother and said, "But mother, if the son tells you about this in advance, and the masters, you And a few masters, will you let your son do this?"

Empress Dowager Sun's ruler, which was about to fall, stopped in the air. She looked at her son and asked, "Okay, tell mother, why did you do this?"

"My son is going to be 16 soon."

The little emperor looked directly at the queen mother with fearless eyes: "But the few prime ministers still regard me as a child, and don't regard me as the emperor of Da Chen at all. If the son is still the same as before, he will only be a nodding emperor, then not only those prime ministers I will not return the government to me, even those courtiers who want to support my son will hold back and dare not express their views."


The little emperor said in a deep voice: "Only when the son clearly shows the attitude of wanting to be a pro-government, Yang Jingzong and others will respect his son, and those in the court who support his son's pro-government will dare to stand up and express his position!"

The emperor's eyes were firm: "Mother, today's court meeting is the beginning of my personal administration!"

"But what about after you took office?"

Although Empress Dowager Sun put down her ruler, her eyes still had hidden worries. She looked at her son and said slowly: "Mother has heard that you are having trouble with Yang Jingzong in the court today because The war with the Beiren, you tell mother, what will you do when you take power in the future? Will you start a war with the Beiren?"

Hearing this, the little emperor smiled at Empress Dowager Sun, and said, "Queen Mother, my son will always find a reason to stir things up."

"We, Da Chen, have been bullied by the northerners for so many years. Many people in the court are holding their breath in their hearts, but Yang Jingzong has been holding his breath. I can only use this excuse to quarrel with him. In this way, Dayi is on my side."

"As for my personal administration..."

The emperor looked at his own mother, and his face became serious: "Mother, since Emperor Sejong went to the south, our country of Chen has been bullied by the northerners. After our son ascended the throne, although we will not immediately go to war with the northerners, we will also We can no longer be like Yang Jingzong and the others, bowing down when they see the northerners, giving way again and again!"

"Since Emperor Sejong, 60 years!"

"Two generations have passed away, and the current Da Chen has already lost his vigor. If he continues to retreat like this, if he continues to let it go, the country of Chen will be destroyed."

The little emperor was ambitious, he said in a low voice: "After my son takes office, he won't start a war with Bei Qi right away, but he will definitely make preparations for a war with Bei Qi!"

Empress Dowager Sun looked at her son, her expression was not very relieved, but she let out a long sigh.

Not because of anything else, but because of the emperor's ambitious appearance, which she had seen before.

Since Emperor Sejong traveled to the south, every emperor of Dachen was no different from the current young emperors at the beginning of his ascension to the throne. They were all ambitious, wanted to go to the north, and wanted to return their old capitals!

But the ideal is very full.

When I first became emperor, I was ambitious for several years, suffered a few defeats, and after being beaten, my bones and tendons were broken, I immediately stopped the idea of ​​​​the Northern Expedition, and retreated wholeheartedly. Being my own emperor of Pian'an, I am afraid that I will become the king of subjugation. Jun.

Since Emperor Sejong traveled south, the young Hongdeok Emperor is already the fourth emperor.

The first three emperors, it is better to be.

Especially the first emperor, the husband of Empress Dowager Sun.

The first emperor came to the throne at the age of 20. At the beginning of his ascension, he was exactly the same as the current little emperor. He was also ambitious, but not long after, he suffered several defeats and had to negotiate peace with the Northern Qi Dynasty, paying tribute every year.

In this way, the ambitions of the first emperor were quickly wiped out, and he only drank in the palace all day long, indulged in female sex and pleasure, and passed away in his early 30s.

Empress Dowager Sun looked at her son with bright eyes, as if she had seen her husband back then. She stretched out her hand and pulled the little emperor's sleeve, and sighed slightly: "Son."

The little emperor lowered his hands and said, "Mother's queen."

"It's good that you're ambitious."

Empress Dowager Sun sighed again.

"It's the future, don't make things difficult for yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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