Jiang Sheng Xun Xian

Chapter 34 Gossip

Chapter 34 Gossip
Beiyuan Peak, inside Beiyuan Hall.

Su Wenjing stood straight, like a blue-black sword.

Hearing the death of the tall and thin disciple, his originally clear eyes dimmed a little.

"Didn't it mean that Zongli had already made an arrangement for disciple Jiedan to go?" Su Wenjing was puzzled by Tong Yan's thoughts of going down the mountain.

Tong Yan shook her head: "Only a dozen or so people went out, and each of them took care of three or four groups, so they definitely couldn't take care of them."

Su Wenjing nodded slightly: "Well, you can't spread it all out, the sect is empty...it's more troublesome. Are you worried about that Jiang Sheng?" He knew Tong Yan, and he must be worried about something wrong with Miaozi.

"It's not just him, I also have to go to group 22. There are two disciples from the peak in that group." Tong Yan looked at the list, Hou Jun and Zhou Mengling, and the mission area.

Even an unpopular place like the Soul Chasing Sect has a list, and there is no need to keep it secret in the sect.

Su Wenjing glanced at the list, and said, "Jiang Sheng's problem isn't that big, since Peng Liang is there." He knew Peng Liang's strength, and it would be useful at critical times.

"Well, I'll take a look at them and then leave. If the other disciples are not in any danger, I'll follow group 22."

Tong Yan knew that Peng Liang was not as inconspicuous as he usually looked.

Although his cultivation ability is not particularly strong, he has learned bow and arrow from Su Wenjing for more than a year.She believed in Su Wenjing's ability.

Su Wenjing was taller, and he lowered his head slightly, looking into her eyes: "You have to be careful yourself, the Zongmen has...been getting more and more wrong in the past few years."

Tong Yan forced a smile: "Well, don't worry, there are not many people in Jingping who can hurt me. The affairs of the sect are not our business. Lao Wang hasn't come back for more than a year..."

Lao Wang, Wang Qian, the master of Beiyuan Peak.


Nameless Peak, in a small courtyard.

Qin Wenting sat on the stone bench, listening to the sect's law enforcement - Elder Tao's report.Nie Huang, the elder on the left, and another old man in brocade clothes sat on both sides of him.

"Sect Master, in the past two days, the news of the loss of disciples who went out has spread in the sect." Elder Tao glanced at Elder Nie, carefully considering the words.

Elder Tao is under the management of Nie Huang, so it is natural to see his reaction.Nie Huang definitely didn't want to hear this news, but he had to report it.

Sure enough, Nie Huang frowned: "Who spread the news? We still don't know the exact situation of all the disciples, who dares to talk nonsense?!"

Elder Tao closed his mouth knowingly.

Qin Wenting looked at the elder in brocade clothes on the other side - the right elder Xing Kefan, waiting for him to make a statement.

Xing Kefan was younger than Nie Huang, and looked close to sixty years old, with a few white hairs neatly tied behind his neck.

With a ruddy complexion, no beard on his chin, and deep eyes, he felt Qin Wenting's gaze, tilted his head to look at the frowning Nie Huang, and then said: "The rumors are not a big deal, but if the news spreads outside the sect, it may damage the sect." The prestige of the door."

The wrinkles between Nie Huang's brows deepened: "Elder Xing, what do you mean? If someone outside knows, it's because my sect's management is not strict and leaked out?" He tilted his head and stared at Xing Kefan, even the usual old Xing didn't bark. .

Xing Kefan laughed loudly: "Sovereign, look at this old Nie, can't he be a little bit slower? I don't mean it."

He looked at Qin Wenting's reaction, and then said: "Sect Master, I heard from the disciples who came back from the alchemy that some people near the mission site have seen people from the Tianjimen and the Guiyuan Sect."

Tianji Sect is the second sect in Jingping Kingdom. Although it is not as good as the Five Elements Sect, there are quite a few masters in it.

The Guiyuan Sect belongs to the second-rate sect of Jingping Kingdom, which is obviously inferior to the Tianji Sect, and even more incomparable to the behemoth of the Five Elements Sect.

There was once ridiculed in Jingping Kingdom's practice circle that if the Five Elements Sect has two peaks, the Guiyuan Sect can be wiped out.

Before Qin Wenting said anything, Nie Huang was not happy: "Where did the news about Jimen come from that day? Could it be that it was also spread by my sect? Then what kind of onion is the Guiyuan faction, dare to join in the fun?!"

The implication is also obvious, you, Xing Kefan, are in charge of the external affairs of the sect, and the contact with the practice circle outside the sect.Can't even suppress this second-rate sect?

Qin Wenting smiled, and changed the topic: "Elder Tao, what news is still spreading among the disciples?"

Elder Tao saw that Nie and Xing were not very happy, so he thought of a closed phrase.Unexpectedly, the suzerain asked him again.

He deliberated for a while, and still had to speak: "Sect Master, there are some rumors that the spiritual stones of the outer sect were robbed, the elders were killed, and now the disciples of the inner sect have also been killed... The Five Elements Sect... is getting worse and worse than before." Anyway, I said it was a rumor, so the Suzerain shouldn't care too much.

A gust of wind blew by, and the weeds on the nameless mountain swayed around.

Nie Huang was obviously very angry, and his sparse short beard looked much tougher.How dare the disciples in the sect say anything!

Xing Kefan looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose. He acted as if he hadn't heard, and didn't say a word.

Qin Wenting waved his hand: "Forget it, the rumors only stop with the wise. When these disciples come back, we will no longer arrange group missions in the near future, let them practice for a while with peace of mind."

As he waved his hand, the other three left the courtyard.

Qin Wenting looked at the weeds swaying in the wind in the small courtyard with a solemn expression.Fingers tapped slowly on the stone table, once and for all, as if they were calling names to the crowd.

The disciples usually discuss at most which mountain is strong and which is weak, which elder is strict and kind, and how can they talk about the rise and fall of the sect?
Many preparations are required.


There is only a ray of fiery red left in the sun.Onitsumo Tomb was actually a bit cold on this summer evening.

Miao Wenzhi complained: "What kind of mission, what is the use of this kind of inner alchemy, it doesn't look like a cure." She was a little afraid of this kind of place.

"Some elixirs need this kind of yin and cold inner elixir, which can remove fire poison. There are also hidden weapons that need to be smeared with poison." Fang Shuibai said, stroking Miao Wenzhi's back.

Peng Liang also added: "It is said that some sects of refining puppets and evil ways of refining corpses also need this kind of vicious inner alchemy."

Jiang Sheng had a weed in his mouth, and he didn't think about the grass in this kind of place, it would not be clean.

"Let's deal with the Jade Phosphorous Snake for a while. Senior Brother Peng will observe vigilantly. Once the Nether Snake appears, we will kill it with one arrow!" He proposed a plan of action for a while.

Peng Liang thought for a while: "Try it. The speed and defense of the monsters that form the inner alchemy have greatly increased, and the power of the bow and arrow may not be enough." It is rare that he is so humble.

On Jiang Chao's chubby face, there was a trace of regret: "It's a pity that Senior Brother Si left, otherwise it would be easy."

"The mission belongs to our ninth group. Even if Senior Brother Si is here, it is impossible for us to complete the mission, otherwise the mission will be counted as a failure." Peng Liang is older and knows that there are many rules in the sect.

"Our Elder Feng said that monsters in this cold place are afraid of fire. I will try my best in a while." Miao Wenzhi relaxed a little.

She doesn't know whether she is afraid of fire or not, anyway, she is still very scared at the moment.

As the night approached, there was a slight rustling sound from the Ghost Cloud Tomb.

Peng Liang whispered, "Action!"

(End of this chapter)

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