Chapter 35
The Ghost Cloud Tomb at night is really not like the world.

The faint green will-o'-the-wisps, like hell's eyes, can be seen everywhere.There are more fireflies than Wushan Town.

A cold breeze was blowing from nowhere, and the panting of the evil spirit was nothing more than that.

The young disciples were inexperienced, so they didn't know the habits of monsters in advance.

The green phosphorous snake does not come out to hunt at night.It was when the sky was dim and the prey were all asleep.

The five people in Group Nine were about to collapse, especially Miao Wenzhi.

Throughout the night, she didn't know what she stepped on, or when she turned her head, a will-o'-the-wisp appeared in front of her, which made her shiver.

From dusk to dawn, I searched cautiously all night, not to mention ghost snakes, not even a green phosphorous snake.

The true energy has been concentrated in the eyes, for fear of being attacked by monsters under the dim light at night.

After a lot of trouble, there was a glimmer of light in the east, and they were going to retreat to rest for a while.

At this time, the prey appeared, two at a time.

Two green phosphorous snakes, one snakes from behind, with light green eyes, staring in the direction of humans.

The one on the left front was only discovered by Jiang Sheng when it was more than ten feet away from them.

"Here we come!" Jiang Sheng yelled, and the Cangyuan sword jumped up and ran towards the target.

The rest of the people tensed up when they heard Jiang Sheng's greeting, and turned to look in the direction of his sword.

Taking advantage of the light of dawn, I saw the head of the snake protruding from the weeds. The head was slightly flatter than the mouth of a bowl, with a long scarlet tongue protruding from its mouth.

As if feeling the attack coming, the tail forcefully rushed forward, and the Cangyuan sword pierced the middle and rear of the snake.

The Jade Phosphor Snake didn't care about the sword on its body, and ran forward again, a puff of green smoke from its mouth enveloped Jiang Sheng and Jiang Chao, who were relatively close.

Receiving the reminder from Jiang Sheng just now, the other three people had dispersed.

Fang Shuibai took out his sword and hung a fence-like wall in front of Jiang Sheng to block the cloud of green smoke.

Jiang Chao's sword had already reached the top of the Jade Phosphorus Snake's head, and a large pile of fist-sized clods fell on the Jade Phosphorus Snake's body, leaving only the snake's head struggling.

Peng Liang did not do anything according to the previous plan, but he found another attacker behind him.


The two second-order monsters are about the same strength as the people from the Chasing Soul Sect, and they can be solved in just a few breaths.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Only the unknown is fearful, and now it is easy to kill the target, and the sky is slightly brighter, so it is much more at ease.

After killing seven Jade Phosphorous Snakes one after the other, the Lord appeared.

The body of the blue-black snake is as thick as a water tank, and it is seven to eight feet long when bent. The thinnest neck is thicker than a water tank.

The eyes are dark yellow, with a narrow vertical green stripe in the middle, and a dark green triangular pattern on the top of the head, stretching from the neck to the tail.

What troubled the members of the nine groups was that the Nether Snake did not appear alone, but four Jade Phosphorus Snakes also appeared at the same time.

These four are thicker than the ones killed just now, and they must be four feet long.

Peng Liang knew that the plan would not work, so he didn't wait, and acted first!
"You guys be careful!" The bow was like a full moon, circulating its true energy, and shot the arrow first.

Right in the head of the Nether Snake!However, the black arrowhead, which was omnipotent, did not shoot in, but only left a small hole in the snake's head.

The Nether Snake ate the pain and made a "chi...chi" sound.

The four thick green phosphorous snakes all rushed towards Peng Liang when they heard the leader's signal.

The four of them hurried forward, casting spells each, and intercepting the one closest to them.

The back half of the ghost snake slammed down, shooting at Peng Liang with a stench.

The huge snake body gave the impression that it was not much slower than Peng Liang's arrow.

The snake's mouth opened, bigger than its neck, and its poisonous fangs glowed with a dark black light, and they stabbed fiercely towards Peng Liang's neck.

Peng Liang knew that the strength of his true qi could not be compared to this beast, after all, it was a third-tier monster that had already condensed its core.

Seeing that the arrow failed, he began to retreat quickly, the sword flew out, and between the Nether snake and him, a wall of water more than one foot thick was condensed.

The Nether snake's fangs drilled out of the water wall, followed by the upper half.

The moment the water wall was pierced by the fangs, it instantly turned black and green. It would be unimaginable if the fangs stuck on Peng Liang's neck.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Sheng and Fang Shuibai dealt with the Jade Phosphorous Snake in front of them, ignoring the other two who were still fighting, and swept towards the Nether Snake from left and right.

Peng Liang released three walls of water one after another, but due to his true energy, one wall was thinner than the other.

Fortunately, the monster's strength was about the same after sprinting, and after penetrating all the water walls, it fell to the ground.

It was less than ten feet away from Peng Liang, and the tail flew into the air again, ready to repeat the same trick and slap the ground.

However, what the tail slapped was thick, soft grass, like cotton, soft and effortless.

It is the green light cast by Fang Shuibai's sword in the air, condensing the meadow.

Jiang Sheng also arrived, holding the Cangyuan Sword, circulating his true energy, and slashed at the Nether Snake's body.

At about two-thirds of the snake's body, a big deep cut was made, but the cut continued.

The hardness of the snake skin was beyond his expectations, and the Cangyuan sword was embedded in the snake body, it was too thick.

With a flash of blue light on the soles of Jiang Sheng's feet, he stepped heavily on the snake's wound and drew out his sword.The shoes were stained with green liquid, flowing down.

Because of the pain, the Hell Snake instinctively twisted the back half of its body, and swept its tail towards Jiang Sheng.As for the front half of the snake, it straightened the curved part abruptly, and within four feet of Peng Liang, it spewed out a puff of black smoke.

Jiang Chao was at a loss under the attack of the Jade Phosphorus Snake, and his sword could not hit the vital position.

The Jade Phosphorous Snake is also somewhat intelligent, and every time the sword is approaching, it bends an arc, which minimizes the damage.

But Jiang Chao himself was contaminated with a little green poisonous smoke from the Jade Phosphorous Snake.Although he held his breath in time, the left half of his body felt a little numb, and his left hand, which was stained with poisonous smoke, began to turn green.

Miao Wenzhi's condition was slightly better. After the prediction, a flame caught the falling snake's body, making a stabbing sound and an unpleasant stench.


Beiyuan Peak, below the waterfall.

The sky had just dawned when Deacon Yu An appeared by the pool.

After searching for a while with sword energy, another person appeared beside him.

The second person did not speak, and handed Yu An a tiny jade bottle.Then, before dawn, Yu Jian flew away.

What Yu An got in his hand was Ningdanlu, which had a similar effect to the Foundation Establishment Pill, but it was used in the later stage of Foundation Establishment to increase the first-line chance of forming a pill.

Yes, he has been an inner sect deacon for several years, but he still hasn't given up his dream of forming alchemy.

More than ten days ago, after Jiang Sheng and his new disciples finished drawing lots, he came to Wuming Peak to present the lottery results of Beiyuan Peak.

When the deacon disciples of Wuming Peak filled in the group numbers of the [-] disciples on the summary page, Yu An scanned all the pages.

No one knows that although he has a mediocre level of practice, he has the talent of photographic memory.

(End of this chapter)

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