Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 196 Flintstone Tribe

Chapter 196 Flint Tribe (please subscribe~)

Su Ming heard that Quantum Lightning said that he didn't know the Sword Emperor of Stigmata, and felt that there might be a misunderstanding here. He drank a bottle of swiftness potion, and led Xiao Hei and the others to chase after him.

Rushing up the sand dunes, looking at the members of Shining Heaven fleeing in a hurry in the distance, Su Ming thought to himself, after becoming famous, there are really advantages and disadvantages.

The downside is that, just like before, when you walk on the street and do whatever you want, you will be watched by people. The upside is that now, when people hear his name, they run away without even thinking about PK, and the deterrence is strong enough.

While chasing, Su Ming shouted at the Winter Soldier and the others:
"Don't run away, I have something to ask you!"

Although Su Ming is a beast trainer, his equipment has a high movement speed bonus. He chased these people without much effort, and the distance was shortened a little bit.

The Winter Soldier did not expect him to show weakness, and Su Ming was still chasing after him. He turned his head and was even more surprised when he saw Su Ming getting closer. Come to a group to speed up blessing and struggle.

Anyway, he would be caught up sooner or later, so he simply stopped his teammates and confronted Su Ming.

The Winter Soldier brought Guardians, Fighters, and Quantum Lightning, and after receiving the Winter Soldier's order not to run, they were quickly divided into front and rear rows.

With such a lineup, the Winter Soldier wouldn't be too shy to replace a professional weekly leader, but it happened to be Su Ming, a beast trainer.

The attributes of the three pets were all calculated by the players through various data and posted on the forum. Although not all of them were accurate, they were not bad.

The Winter Soldier felt that their team could deal with a slime plus Su Ming, and they couldn't deal with the extra scarred pigs and fire elements.

This is the same as playing BOSS, as long as there is a mechanism that cannot be dealt with, what awaits the player is group destruction.

Therefore, after the Winter Soldier stopped, he did not prepare to attack, but asked Su Ming with an aggrieved face:
"I said I'd let you go, why are you still chasing me... Did you take money from 'Hongchen Pavilion'? You are a professional player, I understand, I understand, you accepted their commission, right? I spend money to eliminate you Disaster, ask Venus for a price!"

In many cases, as long as the money is enough, the entrustment of professional players can also be cancelled...

After Su Ming stopped, just as he was about to speak, he was confused by the question asked by the Winter Soldier, asking:
"What Hongchen Pavilion? I don't know, and I didn't accept the entrustment. Why did you get involved with Sister Venus? Have you misunderstood something? I came here just to go to the Flint Tribe, and then I was killed by your guild. Members attacked."

Su Ming pointed to Quantum Lightning, Xiao Hei and the others stared at Quantum Lightning together, full of pressure.

Quantum Lightning shrank its neck and hid behind the guardian next to it...

The Winter Soldier saw that Su Ming didn't seem to have any intention of doing anything, and he was also thinking in his heart, can a guild like Hongchen Pavilion invite a master like Su Ming?

"You don't know the Red Dust Pavilion?" the Winter Soldier asked.

"I've never heard of it." Su Ming said, "However, I probably know who they are."

Then, with a helpless face, Su Ming told the Winter Soldier about his encounter with the Sword Emperor of Stigmata and the news of the Breath of Darkness Gem, and that the other party found the clue NPC one step ahead of him.

"So that's the case, boss, you said earlier, although we have booked the venue, if we just want to go to the Flint tribe to do missions, we won't stop you." Quantum Lightning probe said.

Su Ming puffed his face and said depressedly:
"I was attacked by you when I first came here, so I don't have time to talk about it."

The Winter Soldier finally felt relieved. It turned out that everything was a misunderstanding. Su Ming didn't come to trouble the guild. He spoke for Quantum Lightning:
"Lightning is also a little nervous by those people in Hongchen Pavilion. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, then Lightning, you go back to stand guard. Spore boss, will you join us in the tribe?"



Su Ming and the Winter Soldier were chatting on the way back to the tribe.

The Winter Soldier analyzes the thoughts of the Red Dust Guild.

After hearing the news about the Breath of Darkness Gem, Hongchen Pavilion thought it was related to the Breath of Darkness potion.

Breath of Darkness Potion is the most popular potion sold recently. It has a rare acuity attribute, a long duration, and can increase dark vision. Apart from being expensive, there are no disadvantages.

The point is, being monopolized by the Venus Pharmacy, if anyone can find a breakthrough, they can get a big slice of the pie. The profit is so large that everyone in the Hongchen Pavilion Guild is dispatched.

Moreover, the people in Hongchen Pavilion knew that the Shining Heaven guild had been active in the Flint Tribe for a long time, and their reputation had already become very high. They were afraid that after the news leaked, they would not be able to compete with Shining Heaven, so they didn't disclose any news, and planned to rush in.

The Winter Soldier frowned and said:

"In their guild, there is only one Red Dust Sword Master who is a bit more powerful. The others are nothing to be afraid of. I asked the people in the guild to check. This Red Dust Sword Master is still exploring a new ruin and can't get out in a short time. Come on. Let me help you find the 'Breath of Darkness Gem' first."

"Thank you." Su Ming asked curiously, "What are the ruins?"

"Actually, it's a copy of the Esperne region, but it's just a one-off." The Winter Soldier said, "Under the yellow sand, there are countless bones and treasures buried. To be honest, I have also played a few, but the income is not very stable. , Give some materials and money to the bad ones, and the good ones will give you the same income as the abandoned temple.

The only thing better than dungeons is that there is no limit to the number of times. As long as there are enough discoveries, it is not a problem to brush more than a dozen times a week. "

"The relics are one-time use, will they be gone after someone else brushes them?" Su Ming asked again.

"No, it's independent for everyone. Someone summed it up on the forum. If you add a friend, I'll send you the link to the post," said the Winter Soldier.

"Okay." Su Ming and the Winter Soldier exchanged business cards.

The guardians and fighters who followed behind thought to themselves: As expected of the boss, he will be the friend of the number one player on the weekly list without a trace, strong.

In the post sent by the Winter Soldier to Su Ming, the host will only post the name of the ruins, coordinates and photos of the entrance, and the rest of the players will reply in the building within the building, telling what they have gained in that ruins.

Whether it is worth the time to play or not depends on the person who reads the post to judge.

Su Ming looked at it seriously. The Winter Soldier interrupted Su Ming's browsing. He said embarrassedly:
"Boss, are you looking for this Breath of Darkness gem to strengthen the Scar Pig?"

"Huh? How did you know?" Su Ming was surprised, because only he knew about Zaemon's evolution through gems. Su Ming rolled his eyes and asked, "Could it be that someone in your society also evolved from a scar pig?" gone?"

"That's not true." The Winter Soldier touched his head and pointed forward - the ribs of the huge beast formed a door, and two NPCs holding stone sticks guarded the door.

Both of these two NPCs have wild boar heads, spines on their backs, and a beast skirt as clothing.

"Because the Flintstone Horde, the tribe of the quilboar," said the Winter Soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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