Chapter 197 Helping with Tasks (Please Subscribe~)

Su Ming followed the Winter Soldier into the Flintstone Tribe, looking left and right.

In the tribe, there are all wild boars with tusks and simple patterns painted on their bodies.

When these wild boars meet Su Ming, they will take a second look at Su Ming... Zaemon next to him.

"Little guy! Can you talk? Hahahaha! Hahaha."

"Where is the domestic pig! Come, come, call one, hehehehe! Hahaha."

"Oh, why is there a little pig here? I haven't seen it for a long time. What do you think I am doing? Is it because I want to?" A female wild boar shyly covered her face and said, "Oh, no, you are too thin No, I don't like it. Besides, if I mate with you, it will give birth to a stupid child just like you, who can only whine and whine."

These wild boars will imitate the pig's cry to mock Zaemon...

The wild boar is not very friendly to the wild boar.

"Zaoemon, do you want to go back to the pet space first?" Su Ming asked Zuoemon in his heart.

"No, these guys..." Zaemon recalled, and said, "I look like my dad."

Su Ming was startled:

"Your father... is a wild boar?!"


"What about your mother?"

"Wild boar."

The knowledge Su Ming learned in science textbooks collapsed, but he immediately hypnotized himself—this is a game, everything is possible.

Horses and donkeys can give birth to mules, and wild boars and wild boars can give birth to wild boars, and there is no big problem.

"Boss, now I'll take you to the great chief of the Flintstone Tribe and ask him if he knows the whereabouts of the gem." The Winter Soldier asked, "If you find out, can you help me pass the quest? The last link of the mission is stuck."

The Winter Soldier stayed in the Flintstone Tribe for a week. He was mainly working on a quest chain whose final reward was a dark gold sword. To reach the last link, he had to fight a boss. He and the people in the guild tried several times, but they couldn't beat it. .

It happened that Su Ming came. Seeing that Su Ming was easy to talk to, the Winter Soldier asked.

"What kind of mission?" Su Ming asked.

"A level 28 gold boss." The Winter Soldier said, "I will find someone to cooperate with you. If there is equipment suitable for a beast tamer, you can also get it first."

Just to fight monsters, Su Ming nodded and agreed.

The Winter Soldier was very happy, and brought Su Ming to the great chief's house.

The chief is named "Gobang", and he is an old wild boar. Unlike the wild boars outside who are usually 2 meters tall, he is about the same height as the Winter Soldier, about 1.8 meters.

When Gobang saw Zaemon, he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't laugh at Zaemon like other wild boars.

Gobong asks the Winter Soldier:
"You came to me, have you already dealt with the monsters in the mine? I have given you two days."

"Sorry, Chief, the monster's strength is relatively strong, and it hasn't been resolved yet, but I've already driven it deep into the mine, and the periphery of the mine can already be mined," said the Winter Soldier.

Gobang nodded expressionlessly and stopped talking. It could be seen that it was not very satisfied.

The Winter Soldier took a few deep breaths. When an NPC is in a bad mood, it is the correct way to avoid it. Otherwise, if you mess with it, you might be taken back from the mission.

In fact, if the Winter Soldier and all the guilds hadn't been helping him to earn his reputation, raising his reputation to more than 7000, the mission should have been withdrawn and given to other players.

However, the Winter Soldier thought that he had already agreed to Su Ming, and he definitely couldn't let Su Ming wait for him here for a day or two, so he took the initiative to say:

"In order to eliminate the monster as soon as possible, I found a powerful helper, this is the spore."

The Winter Soldier pushed Su Ming forward a small step, patted Su Ming on the shoulder and said:
"He heard that there is a breath of darkness gemstone in the Flintstone Tribe, which can help its wild boar pet evolve. Does the great chief know about it?"

The Winter Soldier is also an old mission player. First stabilize his mission, and then in a word, add both keywords to increase the probability of triggering missions as much as possible.

Gobang smiled kindly and looked at Su Ming:
"I probably also guessed your reason for coming. Although the blood flowing from this wild boar is not the wild boar of our Flint tribe, it is also the blood of the wild boar. It wants to make progress, and it will be fine if I help it.

Since you are here to help the Winter Soldier destroy the monsters in the mine, as long as you succeed, I will give you the gem.If you fail, try again for a while. "

After finishing speaking, it looked at the Winter Soldier, and his face became serious:
"There is also the Winter Soldier. After you fail, you also take your people and leave the Flintstone Tribe temporarily."

System: You have accepted the random task "The Uninvited Guest in the Mine".

After receiving the mission, Su Ming happily left the chief's house and went to the mission location with the Winter Soldier.

In addition to the Winter Soldier, a fighter named "Peninsula Iron Box" and a guardian named "Ice Crystal" also followed.

After the fighter's second turn, it is called "Wu Chi". The sign is that there are some scars attached to the system on the body. If you don't like it, you can also remove it.

After the guardian's second turn, it is called "Field Doctor". The symbol is to carry two white iron tanks like oxygen tanks on its back. According to the guardian profession, there is a thin tube in the iron tank that is directly connected to their shoulder blades. It's called a field doctor, it's better to be called Frankenstein...

"Are there only four people? And they are all front row output?" Su Ming asked.

"Ahem." The Winter Soldier coughed awkwardly and said, "The boss is too strong. As long as the iron box and ice crystal technology are passable and can escape the attack of the boss, others will give it away. Those brothers have died too many times. Have the heart to let them come again."

Su Ming nodded, sometimes the player's strength is more important than the lineup.

"Boss, you must pass, but my dark gold equipment will be ruined!"

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

The mines in the Flint tribe are not big, but intricate.

Entering the dark mine, Su Ming took out the fish lamp cap, put it on, and lit it.

"That's right!" Bing Jing gave Su Ming a thumbs up and said, "This is exactly the same as the photos on the forum."

Su Ming: "..."

"Big brother, where did you get this hat?" Peninsula Iron Box asked, "It's so convenient."

Su Ming directly posted the link to the post on how to get the fish lamp hat in the forum to the team channel.

With Su Ming's fish lamp cap, there is no need to light a torch.

The Winter Soldier took the map and led Su Ming and the others to look for the boss in the mine, but half an hour passed, and there was no boss.

"That..." Seeing that the surrounding environment was somewhat familiar, Su Ming stopped the Winter Soldier from continuing to lead the way: "Have we been here before?"

In fact, this is the third time I have passed by this repeated place. It was only the second time that Su Ming saw that neither the peninsula iron box nor the ice crystal raised any doubts. Su Ming thought he had made a mistake...

But now repeating for the third time, Su Ming is 100% sure that the Winter Soldier has been going around in circles.

"Have you been here? I followed the map..."

"Look carefully again? It must have been there before." Su Ming pointed to the stone spit out in the upper left corner, and said, "Did you see that stone? I saw it for the third time. The position, size, and angle are all exactly the same. Absolutely It's the same stone."

Asked by Su Ming, the Winter Soldier scratched his hair, smiled embarrassedly, and admitted:
"Well, I'm actually a bit of a road idiot. But don't worry, boss, if you go around twice, you will always find it."

Both Peninsula Tin He and Bing Jing crossed their arms, nodded with their eyes closed, and said in unison:

"That's right, this mine is too complicated. Although I have been here many times, I can't remember the way at all. The system map doesn't fully clear the fog. It's too difficult."

Feelings are three road idiots...

"Let me do it." Su Ming stretched out his hand to the Winter Soldier and said, "Give me the map."

The Winter Soldier honestly gave the map to Su Ming.

Su Ming glanced at the map. The map should have been drawn by the wild boar, but there are many new marks on it, which are all marked by the Shining Paradise Guild in the past few days, where they encountered the boss.

"Where are we now?" Su Ming asked.

"It should be here." The Winter Soldier was not sure, so he called the Peninsula Iron Box and Ice Crystal over and asked them to watch it together.

"I think it should be here." Peninsula Iron Box pointed to a new location.

"Isn't it? It seems to be here?" Bing Jing also pointed to a location, but judging from his tone, it seemed that even he himself didn't believe it.

"How did you fight the boss before..." Su Ming was speechless.

"Ahem, after walking around for two or three hours, sometimes the boss will bump into it by itself." The Winter Soldier said.

Su Ming rubbed his temples, suddenly he felt something was wrong, shouldn't this kind of silly character be his image?He thought to himself that he had really grown up...

"Come with me." Su Ming raised his head to distinguish the surrounding scenery, and began to walk according to his previous memory.

Su Ming drew a map in his mind, compared it with the map in his hand, and quickly found out the team's position on the map. Then, he led the team to run quickly in the mine, and quickly approached the location of the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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