Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 198 Stone Statue Jewel Cat

Chapter 198 Stone Statue Jewel Cat

After running in the mine for a while, Su Ming slowed down.

"Boss, what's the matter? Are you lost too?" asked the Winter Soldier.

"No..." Su Ming looked at the map and said, "We're almost there, get ready to fight."

Although Su Ming was a novice when he entered the game, he spent most of his team time as the captain and core.

This is undoubtedly the most difficult role in the team. Taking the initiative to take on these responsibilities will grow much faster than players who have always been bastards in the team.

Su Ming assigned tasks in an orderly manner according to the attributes of everyone. He said:

"I will be the main tank, Iron Box you will be the sub-tank, Uncle Dongri, look for an opportunity to output, pay attention to Zaemon... that is the position of my scar pig, don't conflict with it. Bingjing, you are optimistic about my blood volume, you don't want it Just be affected by the monster."

All three of them explained clearly, and Su Ming led the team to move on.

Walking around a few corners, Su Ming heard "click, click", similar to the sound of eating biscuits.

After hearing this voice, the Winter Soldier and the others also knew that they were about to meet the BOSS—they were in the mine before, most of the time they did not rely on the map, but relied on this voice to find the BOSS.

The Winter Soldier took a special look at the time - from the time he handed the map to Su Ming to finding the boss, it took a total of 10 minutes.

The Winter Soldier is very envious of players like Su Ming who can quickly get out of the maze.

"Is this voice from the boss?" Su Ming asked.

The other three nodded, took out their weapons, and entered a fighting state.

The Winter Soldier is a relatively professional berserker. After entering the cave, he has been using the active effect of blood energy control to stack blood energy. Now he has stacked up to 100 blood energy points and is surrounded by a layer of blood mist, which increases his damage by 30%.

"Iron Box, go and put in some torches first," said the Winter Soldier.

Peninsula Iron Box nodded. After the battle, it would definitely not be enough to rely on Su Ming's fish lamp cap to provide light.

"Are there any precautions for attracting monsters?" Su Ming asked.

"No, we were always on the offensive," said the Winter Soldier.

Since there was nothing worth noting, Su Ming boldly walked forward with the three pets.

The light from the fish lamp cap dispelled the darkness and illuminated the surrounding scene - at the end of the passage, a three-meter-high gray stone statue that looked like a beckoning cat was facing Su Ming with its back.

From the mouth of the stone statue, colorful gem fragments kept falling, shining brightly in the light.

Lucky Cat felt someone approaching behind it, so it turned around, and the name on its head was also displayed.

Stone Statue Gem Cat (LV28, Gold BOSS): 250000/250000.

The jewel cat obviously did not welcome Su Ming and the others. The emerald inlaid on its forehead turned red, and it yelled "Meow Meow" and jumped towards Su Ming.

It is huge in size, and every time it jumps, it will cause the ground to vibrate, and stones will fall from the top of the mine, hitting people, and causing a little damage.

"Boss, when you resist it, be careful not to be knocked down by it, or you will be eaten." The Winter Soldier came to Su Ming and said, "Its hatred range is about 150 yards. If it exceeds it, it will kill you." Go back, if you really can't hold on, you can stop your hatred."

"Okay, I understand." Su Ming received the message, rushed up, first made a general attack, and broke the effect of weakening the judgment of the second turn's hatred value, and then released the animal tamer at the jewel cat.

Beast taming skills fail, can cause a lot of hatred.

Looking Glass - Beast Taming.

Now that the coordinated attack has been weakened, there is no need to keep the mirror to cooperate with the coordinated attack, and there are more flexible usages.

After two times of animal taming, the hatred was relatively stable, but Su Ming was still not at ease with Xiao Hei, so he released another scolding.

Rebuke is a strong control skill, and it will also cause more hatred.

After the three skills were released, Su Ming signaled that everyone can start playing normally. He circled around the jewel cat, and painted on the jewel cat with a brush to help it dye.
467, -373...

The damage of Su Ming's normal attack is definitely not enough, the main thing is to look at Xiao Hei and them.

After receiving Su Ming's order, Xiao Hei first used the viscous liquid to slowly output it from a distance. It had to wait for Su Ming to release the taming beast a few more times before hitting it close up.

But even so, Xiao Hei's output is much higher than that of Su Ming. Every mouthful of mucus spit on the jewel cat can cause more than 5700 damage, and it will also come with an additional 600 more damage from the revised "Coordinated Attack" harm.

After the revision, the more than 600 damage will be counted on the animal trainer, and the hatred will naturally be attributed to the animal trainer.

Zaemon's attack speed is about 2 times in 3 seconds. The armor of the gem cat is much higher than the magic resistance. The 1500 attack power of Zaemon's attack on the gem cat can only cause 7 or 8 damage.

When Zaemon uses skills, it can probably be equal to the DPS of Xiao Hei's unusual attack, with more than 2000 damage per second. However, when all the skills enter the cooldown, Zaemon's output efficiency will drop by about half.

As for the hammer... you can only paddle, put a shield on Su Ming, increase the speed of moving down, and then try to help out the damage of the coordinated attack. The output is only 20 higher than that of Su Ming who does not count the damage of the coordinated attack. %about.

In the team's damage panel, Black ranks first, but the second is not Zaemon, but the Winter Soldier. From the stack of anger at the beginning, it can be seen that his skills are good.

After the battle, he directly used the "Blood Tornado" to approach the jewel cat, and then kept using the "Blood Violence" skill to lower his own blood line, and cooperated with "Killing Lust" to increase the attack speed and damage bonus.

Violent Blood (LV1): The Berserker causes (8+100 physical attack power) physical damage to targets within 1.0 yards around him, and applies a layer of "blood poison" to the target. Reduce 20 points, and receive 100 points of real damage per second, for 5 seconds.Consumption: 10% of maximum health, cooldown: 3 seconds.

After the Winter Soldier lowered his blood volume to 50%, his output ability surpassed that of Zaemon. Relying on the "bloodthirsty" skill, he sucked while hitting, and exploded while sucking. The blood poison on Gem Hair The state has been maintained at about 4 floors.

The technology of the Peninsula Iron Box is weaker than that of the Winter Soldier.

The cycle of his basic attack and skills will be interrupted due to the movement and attack of the gem cat, wasting the damage of the "Wu Chi" skill to strengthen the basic attack, or the skill cooling cannot be shortened, resulting in an unsmooth cycle. On the damage statistics panel, it ranks first fourth.

The jewel cat's stone arm cannot move flexibly. It can only attack by rotating 360 degrees like a lucky cat. Its arm is very long and can hit the ground directly. Every time it hammers, it will cause a shock wave type of area damage.

Su Ming tried his best to dodge, but it was inevitable that he would be affected by the shock wave. After all, it was area damage, but with ice crystals in his milk, the injury was not a big problem.

When Bing Jing was milking Su Ming, she found it very comfortable.

The front row resists the output of monsters, and it is inevitable to move and dodge. If you don't dodge any damage, you will definitely not be able to keep up with the output of the golden boss.

If the position of the front row changes, the position of the milk is required to change. The milk is always bound to the front row. When fighting large monsters, you have to face a problem of occlusion.

Whether the guardian shoots a gun or throws a potion bottle, the target needs to be within his field of vision. Many times, monsters block between the guardian and the front row. If the guardian fails to provide support in time, the front row will die.

But now, the jewel cat has lost almost 10% of its health. Bing Jing feels that he has moved no more than a hundred yards. Su Ming has always been in the middle of the monster and him. He only needs to aim and shoot. When you're done, you don't need to adjust your position at all.

A guardian who does not need to run and shoots accurately has a much higher milk volume than a blessing teacher.

The pathological analysis stacked 5 layers on Su Ming's body, and the continuous healing effect was more than 1000 per second.

Heal 1000 per second, plus two shots per second, [-] healing per shot, basically as long as the front row doesn't do anything stupid, they won't be able to fall.

clap clap!

One needle after another was injected into Su Ming's back, and occasionally he could give an injection to Peninsula Iron Box and the Winter Soldier. Bing Jing felt that his operation had never been as smooth as it is today.

On weekdays, Shining Heaven's Tank is not as good at playing and taking care of grandma as Su Ming.

Just when Bing Jing was immersed in the unprecedented pleasure of being a baby girl, Jewel Cat suddenly jumped up and pressed towards him.

Bing Jing glanced at the team panel and panicked—he was too cool, which led to OT.

(End of this chapter)

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