Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 201 Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow!

Chapter 201 Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow! (Please subscribe~)

Su Ming ran back to where the jewel cat was. Xiao Hei had lost half of his blood. Without Su Ming's command, the success rate of Xiao Hei's dodge was greatly reduced, and he could only rely on viscous liquid to resist.

Su Ming immediately threw a Taming Beast on the jewel cat, and then directed Xiao Hei to avoid it. About half a minute later, Su Ming took the hatred back.

"Let's take the gem cat around first, and wait for the ice crystal to come back." Su Ming glanced at the status of the Winter Soldier and the peninsula iron box in the team, and praised: "You guys did a good job, and you didn't lose much blood."

"It's still a big boss, from the time you chased the Sword Master of the Red Dust to the time you killed him, it took a total of 2 minutes." The Winter Soldier said.

"Yeah, yeah, that's amazing," said Peninsula Iron Box, "Red Dust Sword Master is at least among the top [-] players in the weekly rankings, and he is known for his defense, yet he was killed by you so quickly."

"Why is he known for his defense? He's not an iron guard or a magic-controlling iron guard." Su Ming said with a smile, "it just relies on 'returning to the dragon', and it's easy to fight after being fooled."

After being able to go to the forum, Su Ming also looked at the weekly list.

The weekly list will list all kinds of information about the selected players, which can be regarded as a bad thing, and it will make others prepare.

Many players who enter the weekly rankings are short-lived.After they were exposed, when others targeted them, they exploded their awesome equipment and props, and immediately wiped out everyone.

It's not considered great to be on the list last week, but it's great to be on the list every week.

Su Ming said it easily, but the Winter Soldier and the others also knew that the Sword Master of the Red Dust relied on "Huilong" for his food, so he must have a deep understanding of the skill of "Huilong".
In the final analysis, there is still a gap between him and the boss.

It is not an easy task to take the jewel cat around in the mine.

Su Ming couldn't be brought into a dead end, otherwise he would be blocked by the jewel cat.This requires a deep understanding of the internal structure of the mine. Fortunately, this is not difficult for Su Ming, who has a strong memory.

After five or six minutes, Bing Jing arrived, and beside him was a blessing master who accelerated his movement speed.

At this time, because the jewel cat suffered less damage, its blood volume recovered to more than 50%.

After the blessing master brought the ice crystal, he said,

"Come on, President, I'll slip away first."

"You stay," Su Ming said, "help share the pressure of the milk, and add some BUFF by the way, so you can play faster."

With the Blessing Master, the output of the Winter Soldier and the Peninsula Iron Box will be raised to a higher level, so that they can play faster and avoid complications.

"Ah? But I will be shot to death by the laser, I can't hide..." The blessing master was not very confident.

"It's okay, when I say 'hide', just roll to the side."

"But..." The Blessing Master looked at the Winter Soldier, wondering if the captain wasn't the president?

"What do mothers-in-law and mother-in-law do? Whatever the big boss says, do it quickly and join the group. It counts as 15 guild points for you." Winter Soldier said.

The Winter Soldier spoke, and the Blesser joined the team.

In the next process of fighting monsters, the blessing master also felt the thrill of operation.

Su Ming said "hide", and he rolled away, and he easily dodged the laser beam that he couldn't dodge before.

The "hate-looking" lucky cat that had killed him five or six times also looked very docile today.

"Do you have a feeling that you are the boss's pet?" Bing Jing asked the blessing teacher with a smile while breastfeeding her.

The blessing teacher was stunned, then smiled awkwardly, and said,

"It's really not bad haha, but if I can keep fighting monsters like this, I'd be happy too. How cool. It's the same as turning on the script and hanging up."

With the addition of the Blessing Master, Su Ming's output became stronger. After a while, the gem cat's health dropped to 10%.

"Meow meow!" The jewel cat roared, entering a short invincible state.

"Boss is going to make a big move, focus on preparing skills." Su Ming shouted.

"Yes!" The other four responded.

The gem cat stretched out two cat paws forward, the flesh pad composed of 5 gems lit up, and the laser cannon blasted out from inside.

Boom boom boom!
The densely packed laser cannons bombarded the not-so-spacious mine. There were five of them including Su Ming and three pets. There was nowhere to hide.

Fortunately, the gem cat was not in an immune state when it amplified its moves, so Xiao Hei swallowed the gem cat directly.

After 3 seconds, the gemstone cat came out of Xiaohei's belly and was unable to fire. It yelled angrily and carried out a normal attack decadently. With 25000 blood left, it couldn't hold on for even 2 minutes, so it was taken away by Su Ming and the others. gone.


When Jewel Cat dies, its stone belly explodes, and a large pile of gold coins slides out.

"Damn, isn't a piece of equipment exploding?" Peninsula Iron Box jumped back to avoid the pile of gold coins.

"So it's not a beckoning cat, it's a piggy bank." Bing Jing said.

"It should be a special monster, just explode gold coins," said the Winter Soldier, "This pile of gold coins should be at least a few thousand, which is not bad."

"Let's pick it up together." Peninsula Iron Box said, with so many gold coins, even if you pick them up one by one, it will take some time.

Su Ming frowned when he saw this pile of gold coins—this didn't seem to be an animation special effect of equipment dropped by monsters. He also encountered a similar situation in "Dark's Tomb".

"Iron box, wait a minute," Su Ming said, "There may be monsters."

"There are still monsters?" Peninsula Iron Box is used to listening to Su Ming's command. After hearing Su Ming's words, he immediately retracted his outstretched hand.The same goes for the Winter Soldier, both of them took two steps back and asked Su Ming why.

Su Ming told them about his concerns.

After hearing this, they also felt that it made sense—everyone is a monster, so why is this jewel cat so special after death, that the gold coins exploded from its stomach?
"Then what about this pile of gold coins? Call NPC to come in and deal with it?" Bing Jing asked.

"Let's break up this pile of gold coins with stones and see."

As Su Ming said, he picked up money stones from the ground and threw them at the pile of gold coins.

A clatter.

Dozens of gold coins were smashed open, and there was a unique light on them that only players could see. This is what the exploded items should look like.

After being hit by a stone by Su Ming, the name was displayed on the pile of gold coins.

Weird wealth (???): ? ? ? /? ? ?

Seeing this name, all four of the Winter Soldier were shocked:
"Damn it, boss is indeed a boss."

"Not only is the technology awesome, but the brain is also good."

"Since you have blood, you should be able to attack directly, right?"

"President, stay away from the iron box. I have dart props on me. Let's play with them." Bing Jing said.

"Why do you play with darts then?"

"I did the rest of the task before." Bing Jing said.

Every player will go through some strange tasks, and then there will be some strange things in the backpack...

Then, five people stood in the distance and began to attack the pile of gold coins. Soon, the gold coins exploded all over the place. In order to save time, Peninsula Iron Box and the Winter Soldier stopped fighting and went directly to pick up the gold coins.

About 5 minutes later, amidst the sound of gold coins exploding, there was a sharp meow, and a black shadow rushed towards Su Ming.

The pile of weird wealth also exploded directly, and at least two thousand gold coins exploded.

Almost as soon as the black shadow rushed out, Su Ming raised his paintbrush and released the scolding.

The sound wave rushed past, but the black shadow did not fall into a state of fear.

This is at least a 32-level reprimand, but the reprimand was not successful.

Su Ming was pounced upon by a black shadow, a black cat with white stripes on its forehead and wearing gold ornaments stepped on Su Ming's neck, its sapphire-like eyes stared at Su Ming firmly.

"Ha~!" It opened its mouth wide, showing its fangs, and then—

The cat's paw curled up and waved on Su Ming's face. While waving, he called:

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!!"

After finishing a set of cat boxing, it quickly ran away.

Everything happened in a flash, and everyone was stunned. They didn't react until the black cat disappeared.

"Master!" Just as Su Ming wanted to sit up, Xiao Hei jumped onto him with a worried face and pushed him down again.

Xiao Hei rubbed Su Ming's face with his body, and asked:
"Master, are you okay?"

"It's all right." Su Ming rubbed Xiao Hei, stood up holding it, and patted the dust off his body.

"What?" Peninsula Iron Box asked.

"Looks like a cat, black cat," said the Winter Soldier.

"What's the matter with this cat? It seems to be of a high level, but it doesn't cause any damage. Is it an ornamental monster? It meows in a rhythmic way." Bing Jing glanced at Su Ming's health and lost more than a dozen drops of blood. Automatically fills up.

"Although I don't understand, it feels like the cat is scolding the boss, right?" The blessing teacher touched his chin and said, "I will export it when I go offline and let my cat listen."

Su Ming: "..."

 Thank you for the 1500 point reward of "What You Le Mei is packed in plain water".

  In other words... Fei Yanda was stunned for actually cheating on the corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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