Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 202 Zaemon, evolve again!

Chapter 202 Zaemon, evolve again! (Please subscribe~)

After defeating the jewel cat, Su Ming and the people from Shining Heaven came to the home of Great Chief Gobang and told it the news.

Gobang sent someone to check in the mine, and after confirming that the stone cat cat statue was broken and unable to move, he gave the Winter Soldier and Su Ming task rewards.

A level 30 dark gold giant sword, and the breath of darkness gem.

The ore produced in the mine is the source of income for the Flint tribe. After solving a serious problem in his heart, the old chief was in a good mood and took the initiative to say to Su Ming:
"Your pet may not be able to successfully use the Breath of Darkness gem. If you are willing to help me collect some of the most delicate 'cactus', I can increase the success rate of your pet's evolution."

Su Ming nodded and took on the new task.

Pet evolution is risky. The last time Zaemon evolved, something almost happened.

The task required Su Ming to collect 100 pieces of tender cactus. When passing through the territory of the jab cactus, Su Ming saw some "baby jab cactus", and he should beat them to collect them.

It's not a lot, and it will take some time, but it's worth it to make sure it's safe.

The Winter Soldier heard the conversation between Su Ming and the chief, and asked Su Ming:

"Boss, how many delicate cactus do you need for this task?"

"100 yuan, do you have any?" Su Ming was a little surprised. He didn't expect this to be not an exclusive material for the mission.

"It's only 100 yuan, so I'll ask someone to bring it to you." The Winter Soldier said with a smile, "For so many days, the brothers in the club guard the tribe, so they can only farm monsters if they have nothing to do. Various materials There are many."

"Thank you~" Su Ming thanked happily.

The Winter Soldier smiled. He felt that Su Ming's way of speaking matched his appearance, and he was not very old.

When fighting the boss just now, even if Bing Jing made an outrageous mistake, Su Ming took it lightly.

Here, apart from Su Ming's confidence in his skills, there should also be reasons for his personality.

Without the severe beatings from the society, the hostility will be less, and he will be extremely friendly in his dealings with others.

With good skills and good personality, the Winter Soldier is willing to help such people.

"Then I'm going to level up first, and try to use the dark gold giant sword as soon as possible, sir, don't reveal that I have a dark gold weapon." The Winter Soldier said.

Su Ming nodded and said seriously:
"Don't worry, I won't say anything."

After the Winter Soldier left, a member of Shining Paradise made a deal with Su Ming at the door, and gave Su Ming 100 yuan "delicate cactus".

Su Ming handed the cactus to the chief. The chief asked Su Ming for the Breath of Darkness gem back and gave it to an attendant around him. About 10 minutes later, the attendant returned with the Breath of Darkness gem.

"Take it, absorb this gem, even if it fails, it will not harm your pet."

Refined Dark Breath Gem: Refined gemstones contain more gentle energy.

"Thank you, Chief."

Su Ming took the gem and was about to leave when he remembered about the black cat and asked the chief.

"A black cat with white stripes on its forehead and gold ornaments?" The great chief said in astonishment, "The black cat you mentioned is very similar to Miao Mi, one of the ancient three gods."

"Meow?" Su Ming repeated, thinking that the name is quite vivid.

"Yes, Miu Mi. As the younger sister of the other two gods, she is favored by the god of reincarnation, Wosom, and the god of courage, Gegeyu. Shiny gems and gold coins are her favorites.

It is said that people who have met Miao Mi, no matter how rich they are, will become poor. You have to be careful recently. "

Hearing what the great chief said, Su Ming quickly opened his status bar, and after confirming that there were no debuffs, he was relieved.

Seeing Su Ming so nervous, the chief smiled and said,
"Actually, you don't have to be so nervous. The three gods are just ancient legends. Ever since Wolsom usurped the throne of the 'Eternal Dynasty', ruled brutally, and was overthrown by angry tribes, it has been hundreds of years since they appeared in Erth. Binnes area.

What you see may just be "money cats" that look a lot like Miu Mi, they are valuable ornamental pets.

If you can catch it, you can go to the nobles in the city and exchange it for a good price. "

Su Ming was beaten by Maomao before, and he didn't lose any blood. He agreed with the chief's statement in his heart - the one he met should be the money cat.

"How much can I change?" Su Ming asked.

"It depends on whether it is a male or a female. A male cat is only about 1 gold coins. A female cat is more valuable because it can give birth to cubs. It can be sold for more than 2 gold coins."

"2 gold!" Surprised, Su Ming secretly made up his mind that next time he meets a money cat, he must catch it!

Afterwards, Su Ming bid farewell to the great chief, crushed the return stone, and returned to Yero City.

Su Ming deliberately found a hotel, hoping to give Zaemon a quiet and undisturbed environment to evolve.

Entering the hotel, Su Ming discovered a strange phenomenon. The players who entered and left the hotel were all in pairs...

Realizing that they were doing something embarrassing, Su Ming blushed.

Passers-by players saw Su Ming, who looked like a child, enter the hotel, and they also talked a lot:
"Did it start at such a young age?"

"Even if it's in the game, it's not allowed for minors, right?"

"I think he should be here to do the task."

"This person... seems to be the spore, right? This is big news."

Su Ming took the room key, passed through the talking big sisters, and rushed to his room.

After slamming the door, Su Ming leaned against the door, breathed a sigh of relief, and summoned Zaemon.

Su Ming knelt down, took out the gem of the Breath of Darkness, put it near Zaemon's mouth, stroked its head and said,
"Come on and evolve."

Zaemon lightly rubbed Su Ming's face to express his gratitude, and then ate the Dark Breath gem in one bite.

System: Your pet Zaemon has swallowed the refined Dark Breath Gem, which fits the blood of the "Wild Boar" and is evolving (success rate: 96%).

Seeing the 96% success rate, Su Ming felt relieved.

Zaemon has very strong skills, even if he fails, he can undergo a second evolution, and this time there is a 96% success rate, so it is unlikely to fail.

Zaemon's expression was also much calmer than last time.

Su Ming browsed the forum with ease to kill time.

About five or six minutes later, Zaemon suddenly cried out in pain, which made Su Ming's heart tighten. He wondered if he had to fail again first?
But in the next second, Su Ming received the system message that the evolution was successful.

System: Your pet Zaemon's wild boar blood is fully activated and successfully evolved into a wild boar.Physical attack power growth +10~30, attributes have been corrected and compensated according to the level, original skills have been updated, and new skills "dual sword wielding" and "hybrid" have been learned.

Zaemon, who was originally on all fours, evolved into a wild boar with a height of about 1 meters after successful evolution.

However, compared to the wild boar in the flint tribe, Zaemon's mutation is not very thorough.

Zaemon's head is completely in the shape of a wild boar. The hair on his upper body covers all the way to his abdominal muscles. His lower body wears loose pants that have evolved from hair, which looks a bit like a beggar. His feet are still pig's trotters.

Zuemon stared at his big pig eyes and snorted. Su Ming could understand that it was calling him.

It seems that Zaemon, who became a wild boar, is still unable to speak.

"Master, I need two swords." Said Zaemon.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you later."


When Su Ming checked Zaemon's attributes, he also summoned Xiao Hei and Hammer to let them get acquainted with Zaemon's new form.

The hammer recognizes people by its magical aura. As long as Zaemon's aura remains unchanged, even domestic pigs can recognize him.

"Wahhaha, is this a stupid pig?" Kuro jumped onto Zaemon's pig's head, laughing loudly, "After becoming like this, it seems to be even more stupid."

Zaemon reached out to catch Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei jumped on Su Ming's head with a slam duang,

"Slightly slightly, I can't catch it. Speaking of Zaemon, why do you still have pig heads? I saw those wild boars of the Flint tribe, some of the characteristics of the pig heads have degenerated, and they have no hair on their bodies."

"Maybe it's because my mother is a wild boar." Zaemon replied whimperingly, "Not only does my head still look like a wild boar, but I can also turn back into a wild boar..."

Saying that, Zaemon turned back into a wild boar with a "chuckle", but his size was bigger than before.

When Zaemon changed back to his original appearance, Su Ming also happened to see this skill of Zaemon.

(End of this chapter)

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