Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 213 The Temple in the Black Mist

Chapter 213 The Temple in the Black Mist (please subscribe~)

Seeing the appearance of the pumice road, the Sword Master of the Red Dust threw his fist excitedly and praised himself:

"Hahaha! I'm such a genius! Come down, Spore, let's go together."

"Okay." When Su Ming climbed down from Wosom's head, he was not as proficient as the Red Dust Sword Master. He didn't dare to descend for the time being, and climbed down step by step.

After changing the equipment with the Sword Master of the Red Dust, Su Ming looked at the pumice road ahead and said:

"I was at a high place just now. From a distance, these roads seem to be in a circle, and there are no monsters."

"Maybe it's like a poisonous snake on the steps. It's only refreshed when people arrive." Hongchen Sword Master jumped onto a pumice stone with his sword in hand. The pumice stone sank for a while and rose again. "When I used to play non-virtual games, I would die at least twice when jumping similar paths. Virtual games can control my body, which feels much easier."

Su Ming touched his head and said:

"I don't really play other games."

The Sword Master of the Red Dust did not expect that Su Ming, who has such outstanding skills, would actually say that he would not play games. He said half in doubt and half jokingly:
"I read on the forum that you just became an adult, right? You didn't play virtual games or other games before, so what are you doing?"

"Study." Su Ming said naturally.

"I don't believe it, you, a guy who spends 24 hours a day in games, actually said that he was studying when he wasn't playing games..."

"Really, I didn't lie to you, I lied to you as a puppy." Su Ming also jumped onto the stone where the Sword Master of the Red Dust was, and the stone sank a little.

Seeing the stone sinking, Su Ming put the hammer on standby. Although the hammer is an elemental creature, it is very heavy.

The Red Dust Sword Master laughed loudly when he heard Su Ming say this:
"Puppy, how old are you?"

While he was talking, he was jumping on the rocks, Su Ming jumped behind him, and chatting with the Sword Master of the World.

Jumped nearly a hundred pumice stones, and walked around. As Su Ming said, there was not a single monster on the pumice stone road, but I encountered 3 silver treasure chests, and opened two pieces of silver equipment from inside, and a book. Life Occupational Skills Book.

Stonemason's Experience (Special Item): After reading it, an apprentice stonemason can be promoted to a junior stonemason immediately.If you are already a junior mason, your masonry experience will be increased by 24% within 100 hours; if you are an intermediate mason, your masonry experience will be increased by 24% within 50 hours.Number of reads: 5.

There are not many people who change jobs for a life profession like masonry.Their main service objects are various guild stations, buildings and even ships.

Putting their carved stone statues in the resident can get various bonuses, such as experience bonuses, attribute bonuses, and even explosion rate bonuses.

They also carve small statues, which belong to the "talisman" part. Due to the low explosion rate of amulets, most of the amulets circulated on the market are made by players.

By rolling the dice, Su Ming won the stonemason's experience at a price of 2000 gold.

The reason why I won the stonemason's experience is because Venus came to the Esbyne area for a walk, and after quickly winning the core areas of several central cities with a money offensive, he ran back to the port city of "Modia". up.

According to her own words, she made a little mistake when she was doing the task, which made her almost unable to get along with the consul and related noble NPCs, and was planning to go to sea to become a pirate.

Since pirate ships are cursed by the sea, a stonemason is needed to carve high prows for her ships to avoid the curse.

If the NPC doesn't carve the pirate ship, she can only find the player to carve it herself.It was a female player in the Dreamland Guild who sculpted for her. She sculpted several works, but none of the attributes satisfied Venus.

Su Ming felt that this book of stonemason's experience should give Venus some help.

After Su Ming and Hongchen Sword Master divided up the contents of the treasure chest, they stood on the pumice stone and stared wide-eyed.

"The ruins of this cheating father are gone? Then I might as well sell the gemstones that I worked so hard to exchange for at the auction house! You can also earn thousands of dollars from it, so why waste this effort?" The Sword Master of the Red Dust was quite depressed.

Su Ming didn't answer. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the black fog around him - on the pumice road, the green poisonous fog had disappeared, replaced by this kind of black fog, which could block the sight even more than the poisonous fog.

The Red Dust Sword Master thought brokenly:

"Maybe the real passage is under the cliff, I should find someone to go down and explore for me."

As he said that, as if he had become enlightened, he took a "hiss—" breath before continuing:
"These pumice stones are all floating up from the bottom, and the statues are also standing. Yes, the cliff is not high at all, but it is blocked by poisonous fog, so it looks scary. So the real road must be at the statue's side soles!
Spore, do you think I'm right? "

"No." Su Ming replied perfunctorily, he was not listening to the Red Dust Sword Master at all, he continued to observe the surrounding black mist, and found something strange.

"Oh? Do you have a better idea?" The Sword Master of the Red Dust was a little dissatisfied. After cracking the "Pumice Road", he was already full of confidence.

"Hammer!" Su Ming shouted suddenly.

Hammer, who had been standing next to the kobold statue, raised his head, looked at Su Ming, and asked Su Ming what's the matter.

"You jump over and take a look." Su Ming shouted again.

The distance between each pumice stone is only two or three meters away. For a hammer that is more than three meters high, it is not a big problem, and Su Ming is not worried that the hammer will slip and fall.

The Red Dust Sword Master asked curiously:
"What's the use of letting your fire element jump over?"

"I have an idea, but it may not be right." Su Ming took a searchlight and took a photo of the stone wall on the right, and asked, "Did you see it?"

The Sword Master of the Red Dust looked along the light beam and found a triangular protrusion, which was obviously an artificial creation.

"What is this?" Hongchen Sword Master asked.

"We won't know until the hammer comes." Su Ming replied.

"Why wait for the fire element to come over, is it related to it?" Hongchen Sword Master asked again.

"It doesn't matter, but we just need to wait for the hammer to come over. Let's wait for a while." Su Ming said.

The hammer jumped onto a pumice stone in front of Su Ming and the others. The pumice it was standing on sank at least two meters deeper than Su Ming and the others.

Su Ming handed the searchlight to Hammer and said:

"Hammer, take this and shine it on the stone wall."

According to Su Ming's instructions, the hammer shot the light over. This time, it was directly in front of it. Su Ming and Hongchen Sword Master saw it clearly—it was a temple embedded in the stone wall, and the triangular protrusion was the eaves of the temple. .

"Damn it, it's amazing!" The Sword Master of the Red Dust grabbed Su Ming's arm and shook it, "How did you think there was a temple under the pumice stone?"

Su Ming chuckled, and told the Sword Master of the Red Dust what he thought:
"I noticed that the pumice stone would sink due to the weight, and I thought to myself that if other teams came over, they must have more people than us, and they would be heavier than us, so they would see things differently from us. Try to turn down the light, and then you will find the eaves of the temple."

The Sword Master of the Red Dust exclaimed that he was awesome, and the rainbow farts continued, which made Su Ming's face turn red.

"Stop praising me, let's go into the temple and have a look." Su Ming said.

"Okay, let's go and have a look... Uh, what do you think?" The Sword Master of the Red Dust noticed that they were at least twenty meters away from the temple, and the pumice stone couldn't run up at all, even if he was a force-sensitive professional, he couldn't jump past.

"Come on, hold me tight." Su Ming put his arms around the waist of the Red Dust Sword Saint.

"Damn it, what are you doing?" The Sword Master of the Red Dust tried his best to avoid it.

"Do you want to separate? It's not impossible, it's only more than [-] meters away." Su Ming saw that the Sword Master of the Red Dust was unwilling, so he let go. He greeted the hammer, and the hammer lifted Su Ming up. .

The hammer turned the big windmill with its arm, and precisely threw Su Ming towards the temple.

"Wuhu!" Su Ming made a superhuman flying motion, a donkey rolled and landed successfully.

Su Ming stood on the small raised platform in front of the temple, waved his arms, and shouted at the Red Dust Sword Master:
"Don't move when the hammer catches you! Don't move in the air!"

The Red Dust Sword Master swallowed a mouthful of saliva facing the big red hand that was grabbed towards him, and said in a low voice:
"Wouldn't this be a little too exciting..."

Amid the screams as if being robbed, the Hongchen Sword Master successfully landed with his face.

(End of this chapter)

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