Chapter 214 Mummy Viper
After Su Ming came to the stone platform, he disbanded the pets, waited for a minute to cool down, and then summoned them, and took Xiao Hei and them all over.

In this minute, the scratches on Hongchen Sword Master's face have almost healed.

Su Ming shines the flashlight on the temple in the black mist, which looks a bit like ancient Greek temples.

At the door, there are two statues of cobras. Su Ming approached, tried it out, and said to the Red Dust Sword Master:
"It's just an ordinary statue, let's go into the temple and have a look."

The Red Dust Sword Master nodded, holding a long sword, and Su Ming stepped up the steps and walked into the temple step by step.

Neither of them knew what monster was ahead, so they walked very slowly.

After stepping into the temple, orchid flames floated around.

Su Ming observes the temple through the flame of Youlan.The interior of the temple is spacious, except for the few pillars supporting the temple, there are no other extra decorations, torches are inserted on the wall, and the flames are emitted from these orchid flames.

On the ground, there are some fragments of cloth strips.

The empty temple allows people who come in to see the tall and motionless cobra at a glance.

A cobra seven or eight meters high stands in the center of the temple, wrapped in cloth.However, over the years, some of the cloth strips have loosened or rotted. It can be seen that the person who wrapped the cloth strips around them was not very skilled.

Where the cloth strips were spread out, one could see its dried meat and snow-white bones, as well as the familiar black on the bones—the crystallization of magic energy.

"This ghost thing must be the final boss." Hongchen Sword Master turned his sword, walked up to Su Ming and said, "I will use Huilong to resist in front, you can try output."

With the infinite return dragon, the Sword Master of the Red Dust can fight monsters without injury, which is one of the reasons why he dared to explore the ruins just by calling Su Ming.

"it is good."

Su Ming allocated the positions of the three pets and waited for the Sword Master of the Red Dust to start the monster.

The Red Dust Sword Master saw that Su Ming was ready, so he walked up, not daring to move too fast, because such bosses are generally aggressive, and he must be careful of sudden attacks.

Players are already familiar with the urine of monsters.

Facts also proved that the Red Dust Sword Master's caution was correct.

When he stepped into the range of 15 yards in front of the giant snake, suddenly there was a rapid sound of piercing through the air, the giant snake came alive, its tail leaning against the wall pierced the air, and whipped towards the sword master of mortals.

Back to the dragon!

Hongchen Jiansheng stood in front of him, and the white dragon was entrenched, blocking the tail attack. The tail and the sword wanted to collide, and the air flow was blown, blowing the bangs of Hongchen Jiansheng.

Return to the dragon and return to injury.

Mummy Viper (LV35, Gold): 309511/310000.

The shaking bangs of the Sword Master of the Red Dust gradually calmed down, he turned his head and grinned at Su Ming and said:

"Level 35 Gold Boss, let's kill it together, so we don't have to worry about the ranking in this week's rankings. If you keep the first place, I guess it will rise to three or four places.

Wait for a while before outputting, I will hit it first with Erjue! "

After finishing speaking, Hongchen Sword Master changed the blade of the sword four times in a row, superimposing the physical attack power to 140%. Then, at the junction of the hilt and the sword body, a virtual dragon emerged, swimming on the sword body, Finally wrapped around the long sword, the dragon's whiskers fluttered.

There were faint transparent fluctuations on the body of the Sword Master of the Red Dust.

All of this comes from the second-rank skill of the swordsmanship apprentice - the man of a hundred battles.

The Man of Hundred Battles (LV1):
Passive: After hundreds of battles, the master of swordsmanship has become more meticulous in observing the opponent, the number of "observing weaknesses" attacks is reduced to 2, and the movement speed is increased by 25 points.

Active: The number of observation weak point attacks is reduced to 1, all damage types are changed to real damage, the movement and casting speed are increased by 35%, and last for 5 seconds.Consumption: 1000 magic points.Cooling: 4 hours.

Sword Apprentice's second turn skills have invincible real damage, but the duration is very short, the skills are a little weaker, and even the skills can't be used up. The most important thing is that they are not immune to control. Many times, Sword Apprentices open cool second turns Skills, and then being held in place by others, the entire skill will be wasted.

The Red Dust Sword Master was obviously not among the rookies, he held his sword in both hands, and galloped towards the mummy poisonous snake, constantly dodging the attacks of its tail.


As soon as the dragon's head touched the body of the mummy poisonous snake, the Sword Master of the Red Dust changed his blade, forcibly interrupting Youlong's back-swaying movement, and then quickly slashed twice.

Slash quickly.

The mummy snake stretched out its head to bite, the sword master of the world of mortals raised the blade directly, and the dragon's mouth precisely bit the snake's head, allowing the mummy snake to raise its head again.

Rising Dragon!

The Sword Master of the Red Dust also followed You Long into the air, and swung his sword for a general attack.

After the general attack, seeing that there was only one second left for the second awakening, the Sword Master of the Red Dust launched the second part of the dragon in the air, and he fell like a preying eagle, hitting the long sword on the belly of the mummy poisonous snake.

After one slash, the dragon pattern on the blade disappeared, and the faintly visible transparent fluctuations around the Red Dust Sword Master also disappeared.

In five seconds, the Red Dust Sword Master slashed 34156 points of damage.

"I stole a general attack and broke a boss's normal attack. It's not bad." The sword master of the world is very satisfied with his own performance. The second feeling of a swordsmanship apprentice is still easy to perform in the face of such a stupid big boss. It's too easy to be charged.

"Spore, you can go up now." Hongchen Swordsmanship began to retreat, and he used the return dragon to block the attack. He had to concentrate as much as possible, so that every return dragon could resist the damage, so that he could carry it all the time.


Su Ming and Hammer began to read skills and basic attacks from a distance, while Xiao Hei and Zaemon were forward to attack and output.

After a while, the blood volume of the mummy poisonous snake was hit below 70%.

The mummy poisonous snake opened its mouth wide, and spewed out a mouthful of poisonous gas towards Hongchen Jianshu, and was then separated by the "Huilong".

Although the damage from the frontal impact was avoided, the poisonous gas quickly spread to the entire temple, causing continuous damage to other creatures in the environment.

This mouthful of poison gas is poison attribute damage mixed with magic damage.

Of course, poison attribute damage still accounted for the majority, and only relying on magic damage, Su Ming and Hongchen Sword Master could overcome it by drinking blood medicine.

Next, every time the mummy poisonous snake drops 5% of its blood volume, it will spray poisonous gas once, making the lingering poisonous gas in the temple more intense, and the poisoned state of the sword master of mortals has been superimposed.

When stacking to 5 layers, relying on red medicine can no longer cover the dropped health.

"Try pulling it out a little bit." Su Ming shouted, "The farther you are from the boss, the shallower the poisonous mist is. My current poisoning state is only two layers."

Hongchen Sword Master nodded, trying to pull the mummy poisonous snake out.

"The vertical coordinates are around 725 to 635. The poisonous fog in this area should be in the 4th layer state." Su Ming said.

The Sword Master of the Red Dust was dubious, pushed to the corresponding coordinates and waited for a while. After the poisoning state on his body was turned around, it really disappeared.

"You can see this too?" The Sword Master of the Red Dust was surprised. The color difference between the 5-layer poisonous mist and the 4-layer poisonous mist was very shallow. Anyway, he couldn't tell the difference.

"En." Su Ming said, "When the poisonous fog in this area has stacked to 5 layers, you can continue to retreat."

With Su Ming identifying the range of the poisonous gas, the two of them can spend more time in a relatively safe area to attack.
The two tried while fighting, found a suitable style of play, and successfully suppressed the mummy viper completely in their attacking rhythm,

(End of this chapter)

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