Chapter 215 Mummy Viper
Su Ming and Hongchen Sword Master continued to attack.

When the blood volume of the mummy poisonous snake was worn down to only 30% by the two, it suddenly twisted the snake body and returned to the interior of the temple. Fortunately, the blood volume did not recover.

The Sword Master of the Red Dust was very decisive, he did not stare at the poisoned state, and immediately followed the mummy poisonous snake, slashing its tail, but the mummy snake still ran towards the temple with its sharp teeth.

Su Ming had no choice but to follow in. The poisoned status of the two people increased rapidly. The Red Dust Sword Master had stacked up to 8 layers, and his blood volume dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Su Ming had stacked 6 layers, and the decline was slower. .

"It's only 30% blood, and you should be able to kill it by eating poison." The Sword Master of the Red Dust said, "When it has about 10% blood volume, you should also use the second consciousness to explode."

"En." Su Ming agreed and continued to output.

Zuemon and Hammer didn't have the ability to recover blood, so they couldn't hold on at first, and Su Ming asked them to go outside the temple to wait for the blood to recover.

As long as the mummy snake has reached the killing blood volume, he can activate the second awakening, let Zaemon and the hammer rush in with the full state, cooperate with Xiao Hei to fight, and kill the mummy snake in seconds.

While fighting, Zaemon and Hammer outside suddenly sent news to Su Ming that the two cobra statues at the door were alive, and they are now blocking the statue at the entrance.

Su Ming opens the battle message record, which will record the time and damage of each character's spellcasting skills in the team, as well as the monster's attack and skills.

Through the battle news records, Su Ming knew that the two cobra statues in front of the temple are 35-level elites, and they will recover blood when they come into contact with the poisonous fog, thousands of them per second. If they are in the poisonous fog, it may be difficult to kill them kill.

Su Ming was shocked into a cold sweat. If these two elites rushed in to make trouble, it would be troublesome. Sending Zaemon and Hammer out just to stop them, it was a mistake.

After Su Ming told the Hongchen Sword Master this information, he said:

"Hold on for a while, I'll take Xiao Hei to kill the two elite monsters."

"Okay, hurry up." The Sword Master of the Red Dust narrowed his eyes, as the poisonous fog became thicker, his vision began to become blurred, and the mummy poisonous snake also grew up in the battle, deliberately trying to deceive his Huilong, Unfortunately, its AI is still not high enough after all.

The Sword Master of the Red Dust has used his dragon-returning skill at least tens of thousands of times since he got the enhanced "Dragon-returning" suit. It is still very difficult for the mummy poisonous snake to deceive him.

While resisting the attack of the mummy poisonous snake, the Sword Master of the Red Dust is also paying attention to the outside situation through the battle news records.

After the statue of the elite poisonous snake was swallowed by Xiao Hei, there was no more news. The sword master of mortals guessed that he was spit off the cliff again. The remaining elite poisonous snake was besieged by Su Ming's three pets and fell down soon. down.

The elite poisonous snake statues did not explode, and Su Ming didn't know whether it was his bad luck or other special reasons. For safety reasons, he let the hammer sweep the gravel of these statues down the cliff before taking Xiao Hei back into the temple.

"I'm back." Su Ming said, he narrowed his eyes, and quickly found the Red Dust Sword Master in the poisonous mist.

The two began to attack the mummy poisonous snake again. Soon, the blood volume of the mummy poisonous snake dropped to 10%. It opened its mouth and sucked the poisonous gas into its body. venom.

"It's going to amplify its moves." Hongchen Sword Master said.

"I am coming too."

Su Ming slapped the mummy poisonous snake once, seeing that it could cause damage, he blew his whistle and released Erjue.

Hammer and Zaemon, who were on standby outside the temple, rushed into the temple like the wind under Erjue's 45% movement speed bonus, attacking the mummy poisonous snake.

Sword light and flames swept across the mummy poisonous snake, its blood volume dropped rapidly, and the damage it dealt was not much lower than that of the mortal sword master who had dealt real injuries.

The mummy poisonous snake absorbed the poisonous gas in the temple, and the temple became clear instantly.It opened its mouth and sprayed out a fan-shaped venom. When the hammer touched the venom, it was instantly melted and died.

"Xiao Hei! Charge up and eject, and eject toward the outside of the temple! Zaemon changes back into the form of a wild boar, and charges and retreats!"

Su Ming let Xiao Hei and Zaemon use the invincibility time and high speed to avoid the venom respectively. He is far away from the mummy poisonous snake, so it is okay to run a little later.

The Sword Master of the Red Dust retreated while using the dragon back.

The venom corroded all the pillars of the temple, and the stone bricks on the ceiling smashed down. Su Ming and the others had no choice but to exit the temple and take shelter temporarily.

After about 5 seconds, there was no movement in the temple.

"There is no news of the death of the boss." The Sword Master of the Red Dust scanned the system message interface and said.

"Go in and have a look, be careful."

The Red Dust Sword Master nodded, stepped over the gravel, and walked in.

In the temple, the place where the mummified poisonous snake was originally was buried by rubble. After the Sword Master of the Red Dust approached, a bone snake head with pieces of cloth suddenly rushed out of the rubble, and it bit at the Sword Master of the Red Dust.

Between the blasted gravel and dust, the sword master of the world of mortals immediately entrenched a white dragon on the blade, facing the snake head.

After returning to the dragon's wounds, the huge bone snake's head was disconnected from the spine, rolled away from the temple with a grunt, and finally hit a stone pillar to stop.

Su Ming took Xiao Hei and Zuoemon past Snakehead and asked:

"do you died?"

With a happy smile on his face, Hongchen Sword Master said:
"Dead, dead, the equipment exploded, big explosion!"

The Red Dust Juggernaut posted what the mummy poisonous snake exploded on the team channel.

Spine Long Blade (LV35, Gold), Shen Yuan Snake Eye Ring (LV32, Gold), Special Mummy Spice (quest material), two pieces of silver, 30 gold coins.

Four pieces of equipment are indeed a big hit.

According to the principle of distribution according to needs, the Sword Master of the Red Dust first bought the spine long blade for 500 gold, and then the gold ring was naturally distributed to Su Ming.

When the special mummy spices were distributed, the Sword Master of the Red Dust was very anxious and offered a high price of 1500 gold. Since the materials were picked up freely, he directly picked up the materials without Su Ming's consent.

Su Ming stared at the Red Dust Sword Master with doubtful eyes.

The Sword Master of the Red Dust chattered a few times, trying to change the subject, but Su Ming ignored him and kept staring at him.

The Red Dust Sword Master raised his hands in surrender and said frankly:

"Well, actually, I also have a mission in the ruins... It's for the NPC who gave us the detoxification beads. He needs this. You think, I can't find the ruins first, and then find an NPC to make the detoxification beads, right? This probability is too small.

In fact, I first received the mission, and then went to find the ruins that no one has explored before, and found this ruin. If it is completed by a single person, the mission rewards will be better..."

The Sword Master of the Red Dust said that one person completed the task, referring to the situation that there is no shared task. If he does not share the task, even if he asks 100 people to help him, the NPC will think that he has completed it by himself.

"You also said that the cannon fodder is unwilling to share the task, but in the end you are also lying to me..."

Although a little depressed, Su Ming didn't deliberately raise the price of this material with the Sword Master of the Red Dust. He lowered his head for a while, and then said:
"Share the things below, do you want silver equipment?"

The Red Dust Sword Master didn't answer, he bumped Su Ming with his shoulder and said with an embarrassed smile:
"Sorry, to make up for you, I'll give you a spider ring for free, don't be angry..."

When the Red Dust Sword Master faced Su Ming, he always felt that Su Ming was like a relative who came to play at his house, and he was not a bear.

When children are not bears, adults will become bears. When they meet obedient children, they always want to tease them, but they fail to grasp the scale and make children cry...

At times like this, I usually have to spend money to buy some snacks and toys to coax me, and I feel sorry if I don’t coax...

Su Ming nodded, saying that he was not angry, but a little depressed. He told the Sword Master of the Red Dust that if such a thing happened in the future, he would tell him directly that he would not grab the task and would be willing to help.

The Red Dust Sword Saint nodded again and again, promising Su Ming that he would not lie to him like this in the future.

The two pieces of silver equipment exploded by the boss were finally taken away by the Sword Master of the Red Dust, and he used them to replenish the guild's warehouse.

Shen Yuan Snake Eye Ring (LV32, Gold):

+850 Health, +950 Mana. +90 magic resistance
+118 Perception, +116 Spirit

Durability: 45/45
Occupational Requirements: None.

Now Su Ming has used his skill points to reach the full level of "Coordinated Attack", so apart from the 15% movement speed provided by the two Unity Rings, other attributes have very little effect.

"It would be great if the perception attribute of this ring was replaced with the physical attribute." Su Ming couldn't wear it yet, so he put the ring in his backpack.

The Red Dust Sword Master smiled when he heard what Su Ming said, and said:
"After you go back, I will take you to the 'Wishing Hut' controlled by our guild, and get you some materials. If you're lucky, you can exchange it twice."

"Well, I'll trouble you then."

"No trouble, I have to change the attributes of my bone sword, so we just go together." The Sword Master of the Red Dust said, "I will take you to get two 'peerless gems' later, and you can install them directly."

Su Ming nodded. He also knew the Peerless Gemstone, just like the strengthening stone, it is a specialty of the Espine area.

Embedding one on the equipment can reduce the equipment requirements by 3 levels, up to 9 levels.Although it needs to occupy the position of gems, if low-level equipment wears high-level equipment, the attribute bonus provided does not need to be inferior to gems.

The two chatted all the way, and when they were about to walk out of the temple, Su Ming suddenly turned his head and stared at the pile of rubble.

"What's wrong?" Hongchen Sword Master asked.

"Did you hear any sound?" Su Ming asked.

"Sound? No. Did the gravel roll down?"

"No, it's the sound of fighting." Su Ming said, walking towards the inside of the temple again.

The Sword Master of the Red Dust knew that the acuity attribute of the beast trainer was higher than that of other professions, and he usually had unexpected gains in the wild, so he hurriedly followed.

Su Ming closed his ears and listened, stepped over the gravel, and came to the place where the mummy poisonous snake first entrenched, and he put his ears on the wall.

Following Su Ming's appearance, the Sword Master of the Red Dust also put his ear on it. He also heard the voice and said excitedly:

"Really! And a hidden map?!"

"Break the wall and see." Su Ming made room for the Sword Master of the Red Dust. The Sword Master of the Red Dust is more powerful, so he is suitable to break the wall.

The Sword Master of the Red Dust took a deep breath, stepped on the wall with one foot, stepped on the wall to create a big hole, and a ray of light came from the opposite side.

Su Ming and the Sword Master of the Red Dust exchanged a glance and were overjoyed.

The deeper the map is hidden, the better the proof reward.

Su Ming and the Sword Master Hongchen hurriedly pulled the bricks and stones away, got in, and crawled through a passage less than two meters away. Su Ming and the Sword Master Hongchen came out.

Behind the wall, there is actually a verdant valley surrounded by mountains!

The light from the unknown source of light presents a Tyndall effect in the valley, making the surrounding green plants appear extremely hazy.

Su Ming also locked the source of the battle sound at a glance - an iron guard wearing a silver and white armor stomach and holding a golden shield in his hand was fighting a tall mummy.

And behind the iron guard, stood a dancer with black skin and white hair, eyes as blue and pure as a clear summer sky. The dancer was holding a magic staff and was constantly healing the iron guard.

"Cannon fodder! Snica!" The Sword Master of the Red Dust was so happy, he didn't expect that the passage on the left was really the right path as he thought!The cannon fodder used him as a thug, and he should grab some rewards from the cannon fodder's mission.

Cannon Fodder was also shocked when he heard the sound and saw Su Ming and Hongchen Sword Master.

Seeing Su Ming, Snica shook her head angrily—this guy is like a brown candy, and she can't shake it off.

 Thank you for the 1500 point reward from "Enlightenment of Tianze".

(End of this chapter)

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