Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 233 Strengthening Coordinated Attack

Chapter 233 Strengthening Coordinated Attack
Nightmare will drop items according to the equipment on the player and the characteristics of the current map.

Su Ming's equipment is luxurious, so Nightmare generously exploded a piece of dark gold and a piece of gold.

Haunted top (LV29, dark gold):

+900 Health, +85 Armor, +90 Magic Resist, +50 Subtlety
+130 Dexterity, +145 Constitution
Joking Ghost: Passive: The wearer will cause 1.3 times hatred to monsters.

Ghost Shield: Active: Release a shield, immune to the next incoming abnormal state.Hold for 5 seconds.Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Durability: 60/60
Occupational requirements: none

This is a dark black windbreaker, with thick red thread embroidered on the back. The red thread will bend and open and close continuously, revealing the eyes. It looks a little scary, but it doesn't matter if you can't see it. The front is still quite handsome.

This piece of equipment has the effect of deepening hatred, and it is definitely a tank artifact.After all, the criterion for judging whether a tank is powerful or not is whether it can hold the hatred.

1.3 times the hatred can definitely turn a rookie tank into a normal tank, and turn a normal tank into a tank of the pioneer group.

However, it is not a waste if it falls into Su Ming's hands. After all, the attributes it adds are what Su Ming needs, and there is also a bonus of 50 points of acumen.

The second piece of gold equipment is a pitch-black log shield with a pair of bleeding eyes drawn on the shield surface. The equipment that emerges from Nightmare looks quite scary...

Nightmare Torment Buckler (LV28, Gold):

+1000 health

+100 Constitution
Nightmare Torment: Passive: Enemies within 5 yards of the wearer have -10% magic resistance.

Durability: 130/130
Occupational requirements: none

Small bucklers like this without professional requirements are relatively rare, and they belong to off-hand equipment.

Except for a few professions that use shields, if other professions want to equip them, they must abandon the equipment on the glove part.

Su Ming is still wearing the level 17 Power Gloves now. Because Xiao Hei will give skill points for devouring dark gold equipment, Su Ming doesn't really need the effect of the Power Gloves' "skill impact +1" now, so he changed to Nightmare Torment Buckler.

The magic wand is a one-handed weapon, so the buckler can take effect as long as it is hung on the waist. If you use it to resist attacks, it will also reduce the damage by 10%.

When Su Ming put on these two pieces of equipment, his life value skyrocketed, surpassing Xiao Hei.

"With this top and buckler, I can also be the main tank."

Su Ming remembered a post he saw on the forum before.

The title of the post is: Devil's Routine, All-Agility Earth Elemental Warlock, Tyrannical Stalker.

The poster is an All-Agility Earth Warlock, and he described in detail the advantages of an all-Agility plus elementalist when using unconventional equipment (magic dagger and one-handed shield) to face Rogues.

He deceived some people. After many people tried it, they realized that this person was completely crushed by technology, and it was not the reason for adding points or equipment at all.

He made this post just to increase the traffic of his video.

Later, this guy also ordered many times, not only abused food, but also found actors, and made various non-mainstream routine videos... It has deceived many newcomers.

Su Ming thought to himself, beast tamers are different from elemental warlocks. It is definitely not right for elemental warlocks to give up damage to do these things, but beast tamers are different. Beast tamers are originally developed in the direction of meat lumps. If you have a suitable weapon, you can also try Let's melee...

If you are equipped with a magic wand, you must pay attention to it if you want to fight in close combat. You cannot hit someone with the magic wand, otherwise it will be directly judged as physical damage, and you will not be able to send a "magic ball".

"You can't mess around either. When it's time to fight melee, it's time to fight melee. When it's time for long-distance combat, it's long-distance. After all, the attack distance is also an advantage."

Su Ming is quite rational, and the appearance of the small buckler just added a kind of thinking to him.

After the two pieces of equipment, there is a blueprint fragment of an epic equipment, which belongs to the characteristic item of the map...

Nightmare Boots (3/33).

Although the item in purple font looks very attractive, it is actually a piece of waste paper, 33 fragments, and there will be repetitions. Who knows, it will take until the year of the monkey.

Throw it directly to the corner of the backpack and look at the last item, which looks like a skill book.

Normally, the skill book is silver, with a skill icon painted on the cover, but this skill book is gold, with a "∞" painted on the cover.

LV1~LV30 Optional Skill Strengthening Book: You can choose a LV1~LV30 professional skill for permanent strengthening.

This is something Su Ming has never heard of, but Su Ming thinks of the task he did for Menghu.

Skill enhancement is most often seen on summoners, and other professions seem to have never heard of it.

If it can be strengthened, Su Ming must strengthen the most powerful second-rank skills, so he used the strengthening book to drag the second-rank skills up.

System: Second-rank skills cannot be strengthened.

"It's clearly written about the skills of 'LV1~LV30', isn't that a lie..."

Su Ming muttered and dragged the "Coordinated Attack" up.

This time it worked.

System: "Coordinated Attack" has been enhanced successfully, and the skill description has been changed.

Su Ming opened the skill bar to check the updated skills.

On the basis of marking by the animal trainer, now after the pet causes damage to the monster, it will mark the target for 1 second, and the animal trainer or another pet will add an additional (150+0.2 adaptive attack power of the marker) ) of adaptive damage.

If multiple pets are allowed to attack together, the markings will alternate.

In addition to the original effect, the active effect can also make a monster be marked by all pets, and the mark lasts for 5 seconds, but only the animal trainer can trigger the mark damage at this time.

The enhanced coordinated attack allows the animal trainer to get feedback from the pets, thereby increasing the damage. The active effect is that the more pets there are, the stronger the effect will be.

"Enhancement book... I don't know if there is any other way to get it besides the nightmare."

Su Ming opened the forum and searched for keywords, but found nothing, so he could only give up and start spawning monsters again.

When spawning monsters at the entrance of the cave, Su Ming discovered that after Xiao Hei released the viscous liquid, a Q version of Xiao Hei's head would appear on the heads of all the boundary-breaking ants.

"It's actually able to mark in groups!" Su Ming's eyes lit up.

Due to the lack of attack methods of the animal trainer, most of the skills are counted as pet damage, so if you want to mark the monster, you can basically rely on basic attack, which is inefficient.

But when pets are marked, they only have range damage, and a dozen is a large area.

"Xiao Hei, don't attack yet, let Zaemon try." Su Ming took two steps forward and said to Xiao Hei.

"Okay." Xiao Hei also realized that there was a special force in its attack.

Facing the regrouped Boundary Breaker Ants, Su Ming asked Zaemon to use his trample skill.

With a bang, besides more than 3000 damage figures, an angry Q-version wild boar head appeared on the heads of all the boundary-breaking ants.

Then Su Ming swung his staff and used perfect tactics.

Xiao Hei landed in the middle of the boundary-breaking ants, and the image of the boar's head flashed for a moment. All the passive damages of the coordinated attack were triggered, causing 600~650 points of damage to each boundary-breaking ants.

Coupled with the damage from Perfect Tactics, a group of Boundary Breaker Ants were also dropped in seconds.

"Haha, it's really a mark on the group, and the group does damage. Now Zaemon can cooperate with the hammer and kill a group of monsters!"

Su Ming tried it excitedly, and the brushing by himself was no slower than when he teamed up with Wisteria and the others.

The number of task rings soared, and when it was close to 6 o'clock, it had already broken through 150 rings.

(End of this chapter)

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