Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 234 The Sun Scarab

Chapter 234 The Sun Scarab

Miao Mi closed her eyes tightly, opened her mouth wide, and yawned ferociously.After yawning, Miao Mi looked lazily at Su Ming who was tirelessly killing monsters.

At first, Miao Mi thought that Su Ming was like Wosom, who could stop other people from quarreling. Now, she felt that Su Ming was like Ge Geyou, who practiced martial arts every day.

Even worse than that.

"Human beings." Miao Mi called Su Ming.

"What's wrong?" Su Ming turned his head, but his eyes were still on the skill bars of Zaemon and Hammer, Trample, Perfect Tactic, Molten Sweep, Mudstone Shield, Meteorite Hammer...

A bunch of group attack skills, combined with the enhanced coordinated attack, Su Ming can cycle group seconds without interruption.After one night, Su Ming's experience bar reached 29% of level 60, which was faster than forming a team.

"Gem, I feel it." Miu Mi said suddenly.

Only then did Su Ming stop, let Zaemon and Hammer follow Xiao Hei to check for leaks and fill in the gaps, and then went back to the cave to talk to Miao Mi:
"Feel it? What do you mean? Didn't you say the gem was in the Ironjaw tribe?"

"It was like this at the beginning, but after staying in this space for a long time, I really feel the breath of gems." Miao Mi said, "The breath is stronger than that from the Iron Jaw Tribe."

"This..." Su Ming looked outside the cave and asked, "The oasis is boundless, how can I find it?"

Miao Mi's body glowed, and she gradually transformed into a human form, but... except for gold and silver jewelry, she didn't wear any clothes.

Su Ming quickly turned his head away.

Miu Mi rolled her eyes and said:
"I've touched your feet, why are you so shy?"

Miu Mi opened the backpack that can only be opened in human form, took out a set of clothes from it, and said:
"It's all your fault. You didn't give me gems to eat, so I couldn't change my clothes directly, but I had to wear them myself. Okay, okay, I'm dressed, turn your face away."

Su Ming turned his head and found Miao Mi with a smirk on his face, lightly lifted the tulle top, and swayed his body twice at him, he was even more flamboyant than Xiao Hei.

"what are you doing……"

"Don't you like it?" Miu Mi asked, blinking her eyes.

Su Ming walked up angrily, helped Miao Mi put her clothes flat, and said:
"Girls can't do that.

No wonder you have to be 18 years old to play this game, as well as the hotel, which is obviously a place for people to live in, but everyone uses it to do bad things..."

Su Ming was rumored before, so he went to find out by himself. After learning the real reason, he didn't dare to stay too long every time he went to the hotel...

As a result, the unscrupulous media began to report that Su Ming was not doing well.

Su Ming didn't know much about the relationship between men and women, so he couldn't understand it at first, so he went out of his way to ask Venus what was wrong.Venus explained it to Su Ming, and finally assured Su Ming that he was definitely above the normal level.

Although he didn't know why Venus knew about this kind of thing, Su Ming felt relieved.

"What are you mumbling about?" Miao Mi approached Su Ming and asked.

When she was a cat, she was always touched by Su Ming, as if she was really treated as a pet. Now that she has become a human being, seeing Su Ming's shy appearance, she feels a little bit of pleasure in getting back on the spot.

"It's nothing, let's talk about how to find gems quickly. Also, don't just wear clothes, put on the vest too!"

Miao Mi pouted, put on a full set of clothes honestly, and said:

"How about feeding me an extra gem in the future? So that I can change with my clothes."

"Okay. Two."




"You should still be naked. I just don't want to look at it."

"Okay, three is three, and then I will tell you how to find gems."

Su Ming saw the golden lines on Miao Mi's forehead again. He recalled the previous scene in Tovic's tomb and asked:

"It's a beetle, isn't it? Are you going to rely on them to find gems?"

"What kind of beetle, this is the sun scarab, one of the primitive beliefs in the Esperne region." Miu Mi put her hand on her forehead, grabbed a golden scarab from it, and said, "But you guessed right , really rely on it to find gems."

Myu Mi came to the entrance of the cave, spread her hands, and the scarab flew out.

Soon, the scarab disappeared.

"How?" Su Ming asked.

"There is a deeper space, but there is no entrance here." Miao Mi frowned and thought, and after a while, she suddenly realized: "I know, the real entrance to the secret realm is in the Iron Jaw Tribe, and there was no news from the Scarab at first. wrong.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, we're still going to the Ironjaw tribe. "

After speaking, Miu Mi changed back into a cat.

She jumped into Su Ming's arms and said:

"I just ate such a few gems, and it takes a lot of effort to become a human. It must be very difficult to grab the gems from you... When you were away just now, I should have turned into a human form first, and took the gems away. Oh, eat The gems were too happy to eat and forgot."

Hearing Miao Mi's tired voice, Su Ming stroked the fur on its back and said,

"Then you should rest for a while."

"En..." Miao Mi said, and was about to close her eyes.

Su Ming suddenly saw the scarab flying back and said:
"Wait a minute, the scarab is back."

"Let it follow you first, I'm tired."

Miu Mi snored.

The scarab flew back and bumped into the tuft of white hairs on Miu Mi's forehead, but missed it and was bounced away.

Only then did Su Ming realize that the pattern of white hair on Miao Mi's forehead resembled a beetle.

The scarab backed up a little and continued to bump. Su Ming worried that it would disturb Miu Mi's rest, so he blocked it with his hand.

The scarab was not very smart, and then bumped into Su Ming's hand, perhaps because Miao Mi had given the order in advance, so it did not cause any harm to Su Ming.

Su Ming wanted to catch the scarab, but the scarab was so strong that Su Ming failed.

Su Ming remembered that he had mastered the insect language, so he switched to "insect language" and communicated with the scarab:

"Your master is resting, let you follow me temporarily."

The scarab hovered in the air, as if digesting and understanding what Su Ming said.

Seeing that it was still, Su Ming squatted down and put Miu Mi on the ground. At this moment, the scarab suddenly accelerated and penetrated into the back of Su Ming's neck. Su Ming felt a tingling pain in the first cervical vertebrae.

System: You are parasitized by sun scarab cubs, -100 maximum health limit/24 hours, +100% life, mana recovery speed.

Su Ming froze in place, touched the back of his neck, and found a smooth beetle shell.

"How is this going?"

"Come out quickly."

"Don't suck my blood..."

Su Ming anxiously spoke to the scarab in insect language, trying to make it leave, but the scarab ignored Su Ming at all.

"It's all over."

Deducting 100 life limit every day may not seem like much, but if it accumulates over time, it can destroy a character...

Compared to punishment, the bonus of +100% health and mana recovery speed seems to be a joke. After all, these two attributes can only be seen when they are out of combat. Even if they are doubled in battle, it is of little use.

Su Ming really wanted to wake up Miao Mi immediately and ask her to take the beetle back, but seeing Miao Mi's exhausted appearance, Su Ming's heart softened. He thought that anyway, the upper limit of 100 health points for today has been deducted, so it's better to wait for Miao Mi to take the beetle back. Ask again when Mi wakes up.

beep beep-

Wisteria went online and sent a message to Su Ming:

"I found Albert, I can come out and hand in the task."

"Okay, come right away."

Su Ming smashed a Boundary Breaking Orb, a portal appeared in the air, Su Ming hugged Miao Mi and left the periphery of the illusion.

 Thank you "Cai Xukun kunkunkun" for your 100 point reward.

  ~ oh oh oh oh ~ baby
(End of this chapter)

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