Chapter 235 Level 30 (Please subscribe~)

Su Ming went to the coordinates sent by Wisteria and met Aubert.

Oberth was carrying a vacuum cleaner-like machine on his back.

After Su Ming submitted the task, Oberth pointed the thick straw at Su Ming, and the machine started humming.

"Very abundant energy attached." Oberth was very satisfied when he saw the bright light in the straw, and said, "After absorbing the remaining oasis energy from your body, I won't need to collect it anymore."

The meaning of Aubert's words clearly means that no more missions will be issued.

Wisteria was slightly surprised, and quietly asked Su Ming:

"How many missions have you accomplished? Why did you just blow up the mission?"

Su Ming checked the task bar and replied:

"156 rings."

Wisteria opened her mouth wide. She originally thought that it would be good for Su Ming to score 30 rings alone, but unexpectedly, Su Ming almost doubled the team record.

"Is your pet stronger when alone?" Wisteria asked curiously.

"No, I encountered some accidents in the dungeon and became stronger." Su Ming saw that the progress bar of the task submission was still a few minutes away, so he briefly told Wisteria about the troubles he encountered in the early morning and his growth. .

"Have you met Nightmare? Killed it? No wonder..." Wisteria also knew that Nightmare's rewards are very good. She smiled and said, "You may be rewarded with dark gold equipment if you reach 156 rings."

Su Ming nodded, also looking forward to it in his heart.

When Obert absorbed the remaining energy from Su Ming, Su Ming's experience bar increased rapidly, and after all the tasks were cleared, he reached 29% of level 80.

Another morning of brushing the Boundary Breaker Ant will be able to rise to level 30.

Oberth put the straw away, smiled and said to Su Ming:

"You have helped me a lot, I have a precious potion formula, I will give it to you."

Aubert gave Su Ming a recipe, and then he was about to leave. Wisteria hurriedly called Aobert to stop, saying:

"Mr. Aubert, I also want to help you clean up the periphery of the oasis illusion."

"You are really enthusiastic, but you are right. Before I destroy the machine in the oasis illusion, someone really needs to help clean it up." Oberth walked back, handed a broken claw to Wisteria and said, "This It's my claw that fell off, you can use it to draw on a tree that is more than 5 years old, and you can open the outer space of the illusion."

Wisteria looked at the properties of the claw and knew that it could be used three times, so she said:
"Thank you Mr. Aubert."

Oberth was about to leave again, but Su Ming stopped him again and asked:

"Mr. Aubert, are you going to the oasis illusion? Can you take me with you?"

Oberth shook the crocodile's head and rejected Su Ming:

"You are not strong enough to enter the oasis illusion."

After finishing speaking, Oberth drifted away from the sight of the two, and the bracelet on Wisteria's hand also lost its light.

In the future, even Wisteria will not be able to locate Oberth's whereabouts.

"Insufficient strength? It probably means that my level is not enough." Su Ming tried to understand what Aubert said.

Although I lost the opportunity to directly enter the oasis illusion with Obert, it doesn't matter, as long as I continue to break through the ants, and then enter from the Iron Jaw Tribe.

After Obert left, Su Ming checked the properties of the formula, and was shocked by the potion made by this formula.

Small Experience Potion: After drinking, gain +20% combat experience, last for 20 minutes.Drug resistance: 3.

Even though Su Ming is not very sensitive to the degree of cherishing the potion, he can tell the preciousness of the experience potion at a glance.

Gaining combat experience, this is one of the most valuable attribute entries.

Although Venus was not online yet, Su Ming immediately sent her an offline message, posted the recipe, and entrusted Venus to help him collect production materials.

The cost of making the experience potion is only about 2 gold. I don't know how much Venus will price it at that time.

After Oberth left, Wisteria was curious about what Su Ming got and asked about it.Su Ming sent the properties of the potion to Wisteria for viewing, but not the properties of the formula.

Wisteria looked at the properties of the potion and said enviously:

"You have found another cash cow. The pharmacist is so nice. Our tailors don't make any money at all."

"What can a tailor do?" Su Ming asked, he really didn't know much about other occupations in life.

"Sewing some magic tops, pants, mending cloth armor, and leather armor are durable. Some tailors can make more money by taking the fashion route, but you must have a strong sense of fashion. I don't have it..."

The two were chatting, and Su Ming said that he was going to do a task after level 30, and he couldn't accompany her to clear the world-breaking ants. The team happened to be short of one person, so he asked Wisteria if he would come, and Wisteria agreed.

Then the two casually brushed monsters in the woods, waiting for the other three to come online.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the three of Zui Mingyue went online one after another.

After re-forming a team of five, Su Ming entered the outer space and continued to break through the boundary ants.

After a whole morning, Su Ming successfully rose to level 30. His initial level was low and he had pet points experience, so he was the last person in the team to reach level 30.
Su Ming shared the task of "Golden City" with the team so that everyone could understand the content of the task and facilitate cooperation.

"So, shall we go to the Iron Jaw Tribe next? I really don't want to be here." Said into Guanghe.

Fireworks Annihilation taught:
"What are you reluctant to do? Didn't you hear what the boss said? Oasis Mirage may be the main line book in the Esperne region. The first time the main line book is opened, the explosion rate is very high. Equipment must be more important than level."

"Aren't I just joking?" Luo Shengguanghe said to Su Ming, "Boss, let's go back to the city, and I'll get the skill book from the warehouse."

Su Ming nodded and said:

"Everyone, go back to the city and take a rest, throw all the debris in your backpack to the warehouse."

So, everyone returned to the small town of Tenik together, dispersed, and made preparations for the next book.


Su Ming first went to the exchange in the small town to look for the skill book of the level 30 skill of the animal trainer, but he couldn't find it. He then went to the market where the players gathered, but couldn't find it either.

The current players are almost all around level 30, and there is a great demand for new skill books. Therefore, Su Ming can't buy skill books directly when he reaches the level like before, and needs to learn by himself.

But now, Su Ming definitely doesn't have time for him to brush.

After all, if you're lucky, it will come out in an hour or two, and if you're not lucky, you won't get a copy in two or three days.

So Su Ming just went to repair the equipment, and stored the fragments of the equipment drawings in the warehouse by the way.

There are a dozen of them that have already been assembled, and Su Ming keeps them in his backpack, thinking that if he encounters a blacksmith in the future, he can make them directly, and then sell them in a store, and he can earn a dozen gold...

Then Su Ming took a look at Xiao Hei's "Swallow" skill, and found that he was going to swallow epic equipment.

"Let's not talk about epic equipment, even dark gold equipment is enough."

Su Ming thought in his heart, after completing Miao Mi's mission, he would fly back to the original place, and go to clean the ruined temple a few times, hoping to produce some dark gold.

"Eat the edible equipment first."

Su Ming raided the market and bought 7 pieces of whiteboards, 6 pieces of bronze, 5 pieces of silver, and 4 pieces of gold.

These equipments added 7400 health points, 5500 magic points, 230 armor points, and 230 magic resistance points to Xiao Hei.

The percentage bonus of passive armor and magic resistance effect of devouring skill has reached 25%.

Su Ming surpassed Xiao Hei's life value just now, and gave Xiao Hei more than the past.

Leaving aside the epic equipment, even if Xiao Hei swallowed all the remaining dark gold equipment, his blood volume would exceed 4, which is about the same as that of the bronze boss.

The ejection skill has been upgraded to LV8, and the range and damage have been improved.

Then Su Ming also obtained 4 primary energy crystals, and gained an additional 80 free attribute points. This time, Su Ming directly invested all the attribute points in the physical attribute.

For Su Ming, the increased spiritual attributes of equipment alone are enough to support his frequent release of skills, so there is little need to invest additional resources in spiritual attributes.

As for adding points, it is actually not very important, most of the attributes in Fate still come from equipment.

It cost Su Ming more than 2 gold coins to buy these equipments for Xiao Hei.

The game has been running for so long, and the prices of equipment on the market have stabilized.

The pricing of mainstream equipment is roughly a few gold for a white board, tens of gold for a bronze, a few hundred gold for silver, and thousands of gold for gold.

Jumping in the tens of digits, ordinary players can probably complete a set of silver with the money they earn in the game, without selling the gold coins, and then spend a little money to add one or two pieces of gold.

If you have a lot of gold equipment, you are basically a krypton gold player.

As for the dark gold, due to the capture of the third floor of the temple and the opening of the Espine area, it is sold on the market, but it is still very rare.

It takes both luck and money to get it.

Although tens of thousands of gold coins were spent at once, Su Ming just got a "money tree" today, and with the money in the warehouse, he really couldn't tell whether it was his own or Venus's, so he didn't Feel distressed or something...

Depositing more than [-] gold coins on his body into the warehouse, Su Ming felt a sense of satisfaction looking at the jumping numbers in the gold coin column.

At this moment, he understood Wisteria's eccentricity of opening treasure chests. The contents of the treasure chest are not important, but the "click" that is important...

Su Ming used to make money to make Su Qiaoqiao's life better, and now he has done it, so now the only thing left to make money is spiritual satisfaction.

After Venus went online, she was very happy to see the formula sent by Su Ming. If Su Ming was by her side at that time, she would have passed out with her kiss...

Venus said that the experience potion may be more profitable than all the previous potions combined, and Su Ming must not disclose the way of obtaining it.

Su Ming told Venus what happened today.

Although Oberth probably won't release this task again, Venus still found Zui Mingyue and four people to negotiate, gave them money, and signed a non-disclosure agreement with them to ensure the secrecy of the formula.

Falling into the River of Light and the Huanhuo Annihilation couple slept for a while, then took the money again, very happy...

Half an hour later, Su Ming came out from the alley with Xiao Hei who had devoured all his equipment, gathered with Zui Mingyue and the others at the gate of the town, and marched towards the Iron Jaw Tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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