Chapter 237 Group Stealth (please subscribe~)

The place Wisteria chose to gather was a hidden wooden house, relying on the sunlight coming in from the skylight, there was a glimmer of light in the wooden house.

Zui Mingyue squatted at the dusty window, wiped a small area with a finger, and observed the crocodile people outside, then she turned her head and asked in a low voice:
"Speaking of which, after we come in, how do we get out?"

Su Ming touched his head, he hadn't thought about this question either.

"I have a solution." Wisteria took out a gray crystal ball and posted its attributes on the team channel.

Shadow Diffusion Crystal Ball: After being used, friendly targets within 3 yards around the owner will enter a level 3 stealth state, and a 5-second cooldown will be built in for stealth breaking units.Cost: 100 mana/second.

"My mana is too low, and I can only let everyone sneak for more than 50 seconds." Wisteria said, "However, I can lend it to the person in the team who has more mana. Who has more mana, you or Su Ming? "

In the team, the beast tamers and blessing masters are all spiritual attributes, although after the recent revision of the coordinated attack, a large number of beast tamers have taken the overall route.

Su Ming and Luo Shengguanghe reciprocated each other's strength, and the two were evenly matched.However, Su Ming was parasitized by scarabs, and his return to blue after leaving the battle exceeded 100 per second, so the crystal ball was handed over to Su Ming.

"The kitten hasn't arrived yet, let's practice how to move in stealth mode first." Wisteria suggested.

Movement in stealth is very different from normal movement.After entering stealth, a warning value will appear around the character, and various actions and sounds will increase the warning value.

After the warning value is full, the stealth state will be released.

For stalkers, the higher the stealth skill, the higher the correction of the warning value, and it is easy to master, but Su Ming and the others can't.

So, except for Wisteria, the other three gathered around Su Ming.

Su Ming activates the crystal ball, and the shadow under his feet quickly expands into a circle. As long as his teammates are in the circle shadow, they will enter stealth.

System: You have entered a level 3 stealth state, -10% movement speed.

The first few levels of the stalker's stealth are deduction of movement speed, and the movement speed will not be increased until level 5.

Wisteria pointed aside and said:

"If anyone's warning value exceeds 50%, you can report it, and everyone will stop and wait for the warning value to disappear before leaving."

"Understood." Everyone said in unison.

Su Ming and the others got used to the reduced moving speed, and walked around the wooden house twice. They cooperated very well, and no one showed their feet.

Wisteria watched from the side, smiled and praised:
"Very good. You have mastered the essence of stealth. You don't want to be fast, but to be steady. Anyway, with Su Ming around, you can achieve unlimited stealth. It's okay for everyone to walk slowly."

"I didn't expect the scarab to still play a role." Su Ming said, "Everyone practice two more laps, and wait for Miao Mi to come over."

"it is good."

Su Ming and the others practiced in the wooden house again.

Suddenly, there was movement outside the wooden house, and the four of them stopped in fright.

"What happened?" Luo Shengguanghe asked.

Wisteria came to the window and enlarged the area that Zui Mingyue wiped away just now, and saw the scene outside the window - a black cat was running towards the wooden house, followed by three crocodile men holding spears.

Wisteria waved to Su Ming and the others and said:

"Go and hide aside!"

The four of Su Ming moved sideways around the door like crabs on the same hands and feet.

As soon as he moved away from the door, the window was smashed, and Miao Mi broke in.

Wisteria by the window copied it with his hand and kept Miao Mi's waist. Just as Miao Mi was about to attack, Wisteria threw Miao Mi to Su Ming like throwing a discus.

Su Ming hugged Miao Mi and included her in the invisible list. Miao Mi, who entered the invisible state, saw Su Ming and the four of them, but she couldn't see the wisteria.

When Miao Mi found out that it was Su Ming and the others, she calmed down. She also guessed that it was Wisteria who stopped her just now.

"Miao Mi, what happened?" Su Ming asked in a low voice.

"I met a crocodile who hates cats and sent someone to catch me. I wanted to ask you for help, so I rushed over." Miu Mi licked the hair on her feet and said, "Now I will take you to the oasis illusion Well, go out and go to the right."

Su Ming nodded, then looked at the three people around him, Zui Mingyue and the others gave Su Ming an OK sign.

Seeing that Su Ming and the others were going out, Wisteria stopped Su Ming and the others with gestures and said:
"Wait a minute, the crocodiles are about to rush in. I will lure them away and find a chance to follow you later."

As soon as the words fell, the wooden door was knocked open with a "boom", and the wisteria also rushed to the skylight, smashed the skylight and left the wooden house, and also let out a "meow" by the way.

Wisteria's stealth level is LV10, and she can do a lot of big moves without raising her vigilance.

When the crocodiles saw the shattered glass, they reacted and immediately left the cabin and chased outside.

Su Ming and the others took this opportunity to quietly move out of the wooden house, and the wisteria jumped down from the roof and landed beside Su Ming and the others.

"Nice job."

"a piece of cake."

Then Su Ming and his group followed the route given by Miao Mi, sometimes sticking to the wall, sometimes shrinking the corner, and coupled with Wisteria's reconnaissance, they moved forward in the Iron Jaw tribe without any danger.

Soon, Su Ming and the others saw a three-story circular stone house.

For the original crocodile people, this stone house is almost like a high-rise building.

"The entrance is on the third floor meow." Miao Mi said, bringing Su Ming here, she has no plans to snatch the gems.

Because her current strength is too weak, she plans to continue cheating and drinking with Su Ming to accumulate strength, and when she is looking for the next gem, she will snatch it all in one go.

She had been secretly proud of her genius plan for several days.

"Do you want to climb the wall?" Huahuo Annihilation asked in the team channel. She was a little worried, because she rarely experienced this kind of content in the game, and she only focused on fighting monsters on weekdays.

This is also the state of most players.

"Don't, it's too easy to get into trouble at level 3 stealth climbing the wall." Wisteria replied in the team channel: "I'll go to unlock it, and wait to go in openly."

"We're all invisible, how can we be aboveboard." Falling into Guanghe joked.

"Then... swagger?" Wisteria approached the stone house while replying to the message. She fiddled with the door twice, and the door opened.

A crocodile priest with pale scales, wearing a long robe, equipped with a mechanical jaw, and decorated with feathers on his head happened to be blocking the door.

Miao Mi said to Su Ming angrily:

"It's just that this guy doesn't like cats. He said he wants to make me a pussy. Sooner or later, the second brother will beat him up."

Holding the scepter, the priest stared at Su Ming and the others, and shouted angrily:
"Nasty humans! And cats! Catch them!"

Then, as soon as it pointed its scepter, a big explosion occurred under Su Ming's feet, blowing Su Ming and the others into the air, and everyone suffered more than 1000 damage.

The crocodile people around saw four people suddenly appearing in the tribe, and immediately reacted, they howled and conveyed information.

The crocodiles poured out from all directions, shouting "How dare you break into the Iron Jaw Tribe!", "Kill them!", and approached Su Ming and the others with spears.

Because the people were scattered and it was too late to gather, Su Ming shouted:
"Rush straight to the third floor, don't get trapped!"

The crocodile people in the tribe have no hatred and are not as easy to deal with as monsters, let alone they have a priest who looks very strong to help.

The crocodile man can blow them all up with a single sacrifice, so his strength is definitely not weak.

The priest looked at Su Ming who was giving orders, picked up the scepter, and started chanting spells.

At this moment, a dagger suddenly struck its temple, interrupting its singing.

Seeing the wisteria showing its figure, the priest was taken aback—there was actually a human being in front of him, and he didn't even notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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