Chapter 238 Escape Each Other (Please Subscribe~)

After Su Ming and the others were blown into the sky, they separated like a goddess scattering flowers.

Huahuo Annihilation was unlucky, and just fell into the encirclement of the crocodile people, which was the most dangerous one.

Fortunately, Huahuo Annihilation is not the kind of female player who is brought along along the way. During her several months of gaming career, she has also encountered and resolved many dangers.

She reacted quickly, and immediately drew out her staff, and a circle of flames erupted around her waist.

Resist the Ring of Fire!

The circle of flames instantly expanded, repelling all the crocodile men who came up.

Hua Huo Annihilation found the right opportunity, rushed out from between the two crocodile men, and then heard Su Ming's command.

She looked at the location of the stone house—the door was blocked by the high priest, so she could only climb the wall. Although she is not very good at it, she can only try it now.

So Huahuo Annihilation rushed towards the bottom of the window, and the crocodile people chased after her. One of the crocodile people threw a spear and pierced her calf, preventing her from moving.

If it was changed to the actual situation, Huahuo Annihilation was hit by this javelin, it should have been cool.But this is a game, so she only received more than 1200 points of damage, and the effect of imprisonment for 3 seconds.

And this confinement effect can be ended manually.

She held the javelin that passed through her calf and pulled it out forcefully. After pulling it out, the restraint effect disappeared.

Although Huahuo Annihilation moved quickly, it still couldn't help her out of danger.

Several javelins flew towards her, and it was too late to dodge.

As an elemental warlock, Huahuo Annihilation has a total of more than 6500 HP. It must be cool to be hit by these javelins.

"Ah Guang milk me!" Huahuo Yanmi subconsciously went to find her husband for help, and found that Falling into Guanghe was chased by a group of crocodile men to a tree.

Spark Annihilation: "..."

The fire-type elementalist has no other life-saving skills other than resisting the fire ring, and her husband is also unreliable, so Firework Annihilation closed her eyes, ready to die.

Huahuo Annihilation did not wait for the news of her death. She felt her feet were off the ground and she was moving quickly.

The jolting sensation came over, Huahuo Yanlian opened his eyes, and seeing the not-so-exaggerated six-pack abs, Huahuo Yanlian knew that it was Zui Mingyue who saved her.

As a fighter, Zui Mingyue can walk like flying even holding a person with one hand in the game. Her position is much better than that of Hua Huo Annihilation, and she will not be hit by a javelin. She can barely cope with the crocodile blocking from the front .

"Thank...thank you." Huahuo Annihilation said.

"Small matter, can you use your skills in this situation? Help me blast the crocodile man in front of me." Zui Mingyue said, "These guys are different from monsters. If you hit them, they will be scared."

"I'll try." It's the first time that Huahuo Annihilation was asked to cast spells in the air. Fortunately, her skills are not too bad, and she can barely release her skills. Just enough to scare them.

Huahuo Annihilation cooperated with Zui Mingyue, and the two rushed to the side of the stone house first.

Zui Mingyue dribbled the Hua Huo Annihilation to the back like a dribble, and then began to climb up, and was the first to enter the third floor of the stone house.

In the center of the room, there is a revolving green portal. Beside the portal, there are several mechanical machines, which look very similar to the ones carried by Oberth, but they are more refined.

Except for the color, the size and style of the portal are exactly the same as the entrance of the abandoned temple.

Don't even think about it, this must be the entrance to the oasis illusion. Zui Mingyue rushed over, but received the news that non-captains could not enter.

There was a knocking sound at the door.

Zui Mingyue put down the fireworks annihilation and said:

"I'll guard the door, you guard the window."

"Yeah." Huahuo Annihilation nodded, stood by the window, chanted magic, and knocked down all the crocodiles who were climbing up.


Miao Mi flew into the sky, turned her body in the air, and landed steadily.

Facing the crocodile man, she really had no ability to resist, so she was chased and ran around, and she was getting farther and farther away from the stone house.

At this moment, a gust of wind hit, and while avoiding the attacks of the crocodiles, Wisteria bent down and picked up Miu Mi who was running, and said with a smile:
"Kitty, don't move, I'll take you to the mission location."

As Wisteria turned around suddenly, the second wind blast broke out, smashing the crocodile men chasing behind.

The crocodile priest recovered from the dizziness, swung the scepter at the wisteria, and a red line shot out.

Although Wisteria didn't know what the effect of this skill was, she also knew that she couldn't be hit, so she jumped over and dodged.

Several javelins were thrown towards the wisteria in the air.

The wisteria dagger swung forward, cast a shadow attack and came behind the crocodile priest, then she forcibly interrupted the skill action, and immediately retreated, avoiding the sweep of the crocodile priest's turning staff.

"Damn human! Go to hell!" The crocodile priest aimed his staff at the wisteria, and fired several huge blue and white magic balls, each of which blasted a big hole in the ground.

Shadow Step!
Wisteria re-entered the stealth state, increased its movement speed, and swept towards the stone house, but Miu Mi was not invisible, so she could see a dazed cat moving at high speed, clumsily moving vertically on the stairs—— Wisteria went upstairs directly on the banister of the stairs.

Wisteria came to the entrance of the third floor, threw the dagger out, and used the "spinning blade" to drive away the attacking crocodiles, shouting:

"Mingyue, here I come, open the door!"

The door opened, Wisteria rushed in, and then fought off the crocodile with Zui Mingyue, and closed the door again. She saw the teleportation in the room and said happily:

"It's really the main line book, it's really a lot of money, there must be a lot of treasure chests in it!"

Zui Mingyue smiled and said:
"At that time, I will leave it to you."

"Sure, whoever doesn't give me the prescription, I'll knock him out, haha."

Miu Mi looked at the two women who were talking and laughing happily and could block the attack of more than a dozen crocodile men, thinking that her plan of not snatching this gem was indeed correct, even if she still had the strength of Tovic in the tomb, she might not It may not be able to stop the wisteria...

After all, these adventurers are not afraid of death.

Miao Mi jumped onto the bookshelf to ensure her own safety, thinking: Damn human beings!I found such a powerful helper.


Su Ming immediately asked everyone to go to the third floor, and then he summoned three pets in the air.

As soon as Xiao Hei, Zaemon, and the hammer landed, they effectively killed the crocodiles. Under the cover of the three pets, Su Ming rampaged all the way, and he should be the first person to enter the third floor.

However, Su Ming found it a bit unlucky to fall into the river of light.

Falling into the river of light, he was blown into a tree, and was directly surrounded by a group of crocodile men.

Several crocodile men also picked up big axes and started to chop down trees.

Falling into the River of Light put a healing spring on the tree, then dodged left and right to prevent being pierced into a hedgehog by a spear, and struggled to support it.

As a blessing teacher, when encountering danger, it has become an instinct to fall into the river of light like a teammate calling for help.

Falling into Guanghe was the first in the team to send out a distress signal, but because he was too unlucky, he was the farthest from the bombing and encountered the most crocodiles, so neither Zui Mingyue nor Wisteria found a chance to help him out.

"Guanghe, pull me!" Su Ming stopped and shouted.

"Ah? Boss, what are you talking about?" Falling into the river of light, those crocodile men had already taken out their chainsaws, buzzing, full of noise.

"Pull me with kindness, hurry up." Su Ming sent a message in the team channel.

Falling into Guanghe was overjoyed when he saw it, someone finally came to help him, and he immediately tried to be kind to Su Ming.

A light beam pulled Su Ming over.

At this moment, the big tree was sawed off and fell into the river of light screaming and falling.

Su Ming waved his paintbrush in the air, called "Lord Protector", and summoned the hammer. The hammer caught the fall into the river of light with one hand, and swung the round-headed hammer with the other.

The molten flame swept across, forcing the crocodile man to stop.

Taking this opportunity, Su Ming took the hammer and ran towards the stone house again.

Many crocodiles gathered in front of Su Ming and shouted:
"Humans, get out!"

Green light appeared on their bodies, their size became larger, and their eyes turned white, as if they had entered a state similar to "madness".

Facing more than a dozen berserk crocodiles, Su Ming had no intention of stopping at all. He broke out in a cold sweat after falling into the river of light, and reminded:
"Boss, be careful."

At the same time, he has already pinched the quick blessing in his hand.

"Don't worry." Su Ming turned around and smiled.

"Roar!" The crocodiles roared, their clothes burst, and they attacked with astonishing momentum like Su Ming.

Falling into the river of light, he threw "Quick Healing" on Su Ming, but only the number "+0" jumped up.

Falling into the River of Light to take a closer look, he found that Su Ming's slime pet had crossed a distance of more than 40 yards and stunned all the crazy crocodiles.

"Master!" Xiao Hei shouted to Su Ming who passed by it: "I will help you to be the queen!"

"Thank you Black~"

Su Ming continued to move forward, and the remaining crocodiles in front of him were already intimidated by Zaemon, and watched Su Ming run past helplessly, not daring to step forward to stop him.

In this way, Su Ming successfully arrived at the bottom of the stone house, and let the hammer throw him and Luo Xianghe into the third floor.

Seeing everyone in the room, Su Ming smiled and said:
"It's great that everyone is safe and sound."

"Spores, fast forward to the copy, the priest has strengthened these crocodiles, and they will be unstoppable." Zui Mingyue knocked back a crocodile with a punch. Green light, eyes rolled white.

Su Ming nodded and rushed into the portal.

Immediately, the five people in the room and the three pets outside the stone house disappeared.

"Wait for me, meow!" Miu Mi jumped off the bookshelf and rushed into the portal.

Those crocodile people caught up, but they didn't dare to enter the portal and reported the news to the priest.

"Enclose the entrance of the oasis illusion, and increase the power to absorb the energy of the oasis illusion. The guards in the illusion will make these intruders look good." The crocodile priest said.


The crocodiles who received the order picked up the scattered machines around the room and inserted them into the portal. There was a loud buzzing sound in the room, and the whole stone house was surrounded by a layer of hazy green light...

 Thank you "Jun Xing Zhi Dao Ren" for the 3000 point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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