Chapter 239 Oasis Suit (Please Subscribe~)

There are dense plants in the oasis illusion, stepping into it, a mixed smell of soil and grass rushes to the face.

Su Ming summoned three pets.

Into the River of Light unleashes the Blessing of Daybreak, which increases damage ability by 15% for all.

However, Su Ming has two powerful pets, Xiao Hei and Zaemon, even if they don't nurse, they are better than most people.

After entering the instance, everyone unanimously took out various foods from their backpacks.


After entering the Espine area, more and more foods that can temporarily increase attributes appeared. Because the price is not expensive and the attributes are strong, they are very popular.

With these super cost-effective food, many teams with slightly poorer equipment can challenge the dungeons that they could not beat before, obtain stronger equipment, and thus snowball.

Now many players have the habit of eating attribute food at the entrance of the dungeon, and they also eat extravagant daily leveling.

Su Ming looked around and saw a path trampled by people among the thick grass leaves, so he said to the wisteria:

"Wisteria, go ahead to explore the way, we will follow behind you, and then explore around."

"En. If you find a treasure chest, remember to leave it to me."

Everyone laughed and said no problem.

Wisteria drew out her dagger, entered a stealth state, and entered the dense forest first.

There are many monsters in the dungeon, and some elites and bosses will hide and attack. When entering an unfamiliar dungeon, letting stalkers explore the way first is usually the way most teams choose.

Su Ming is not exempt,
After Wisteria left, Su Ming patted Miao Mi who was lying on his head, and asked:
"This path should be correct, right?"

"At least it is correct for now." Miu Mi said, "I will remind you if something goes wrong."

Su Ming nodded.

Because Su Ming was going to be a tank, he was at the front of the team.

"You can pay a little attention to the surrounding environment. If you see precious materials, you can collect them together. The collected things will be distributed after the dungeon is completed." Su Ming turned to Zui Mingyue and the others.

Zui Mingyue and the others nodded.Since no monsters were seen, the members of the team were not very close, and the search area was relatively large.

In just a short while, there were 5 more materials in the team's backpack, including herbs, fruits, and even minerals.Each has a quantity of 7 or 8 units, some are on the market, and some are brand new materials.

According to the existing market prices, Su Ming and his team have earned more than [-] gold coins.

This is the benefit of being the first to enter the mainline dungeon. These unexplored resources can only be obtained by the first team to enter the dungeon, regardless of whether they have cleared the level or not.

If you enter for the second time, the dungeon will become a normal dungeon - you can choose the difficulty, there are interfaces such as leaderboards, and various materials in the dungeon will be refreshed randomly. your face.

In addition, Su Ming and the others found several treasure chests, most of which were white boards and bronze.

When encountering whiteboard treasure chests in the wild, everyone may skip them directly, as it is a waste of time to open them.

But in the dungeon, even if it is a whiteboard treasure chest, everyone will open it.

Because these treasure chests in the dungeon may contain some hidden information or items needed by the task NPC, which are very important.

"Coordinates '4043, 484'. There are more than a dozen plants on both sides of the road that can eat people. They should have a strong control effect. Be careful, they will disguise themselves as ordinary flowers."

"Coordinates '4056, 685', the place covered by the grass is a swamp, you go around '4144, 691', walk forward for more than 50 yards, and you will be out of the swamp."


In the team channel, news from Wisteria continued to spread.

She is an excellent stalker, whether it is the spawn point of monsters or the traps on the road, she has been screened out for the team.

It would be very comfortable to have such a stalker when opening up wasteland.

If there are no stalkers in the land reclamation team, or the stalkers are too weak to protect themselves in danger, the whole team needs to face the danger together, which will increase the risk of destroying the group.

For players, danger often comes from the unknown.

Su Ming, as the captain, has to take on the responsibility of remembering the dangerous coordinates and reminding his teammates.

This kind of thing is not difficult for Su Ming. He glanced at the news channel and printed all the danger coordinates in his mind.

He can always stop before danger, organize the attack, and advance the route, and he walks smoothly along the way.

Suddenly, the blood bar of Wisteria in the team dropped sharply, Su Ming asked:
"what happened?"

"There is a group of crocodile guards blocking the road, and there is no way around it."

"Then you come back first, let's fight together."

"Okay." Wisteria sent another message after a while: "Then shall I open the treasure chest first?"

Looking at the location of the treasure chest given out from time to time in the team channel, Wisteria felt a little itchy.


Anyway, it is land reclamation, and there is no time limit for the first dungeon opened, it is mainly for exploration.

However, Su Ming also brought a task with him. Earlier, Su Ming had asked Zui Mingyue and Wisteria to help him grab the gems, but Miao Mi had already given up...

Wisteria was retrograde, and after a while, the team heard the sounds of various equipment.

"By the way, after the piranha died, I opened a treasure chest, which was covered by the piranha's body. Look for it." Su Ming said in the team.


Zui Mingyue soon came to the place Su Ming said, lifted up the petals of the cannibal flowers that had been killed, and a golden light flashed out, Wisteria said happily:

"That's right, there's a golden treasure chest."

"The rewards for land reclamation are better." Zui Mingyue answered in the team: "This dense forest is full of level 3 and level 4 open-pit mines, and you can get more than 100g of harvest with just a hoe. It's so cool."

Minerals are currently known to have 5 levels. The higher the level of minerals, the more difficult it is to mine, and the smelted equipment has better attributes.

Wisteria opened the treasure chest, took out the equipment inside, and threw it into the team backpack.

Because it was a golden treasure chest, everyone paid special attention to the things found in the treasure chest.

Oasis Duel Gloves (LV30, Gold):

+150~240 physical attack power

+100 strength, +90 agility
Fist to Flesh: Passive: When attacking, ignore the target's 100 points of armor.

Oasis Set (1/8): Inactive.

(2): +1500 health, +200 magic resistance
(4): +120 strength, +120 agility
(6): +2 'Wu Chi' cap

(8): +20% physical attack power, +20% skill damage.

Durability: 55/55
Occupational needs: martial arts
Although there is only one piece of equipment, everyone is surprised.

"Wisteria, I love you!" Zui Mingyue sent several kissing emojis. She was the only fighter in the team, and she must have lost the glove.

"I'll rub it, the gold suit!" Falling into Guanghe said, "It's still an eight-piece suit!"

"After collecting the eight-piece set, both physical attack and skill damage have been increased by 20%, isn't that too exaggerated?" Wisteria was surprised, and said: "My deadly rhythm stack is fully activated, and the active damage is increased by 50%. stay at..."

"It also adds a level 2 professional skill limit, which is quite comprehensive." Huahuo Annihilation said.

"There seems to be no such equipment on the market before. Could it be a special product of Oasis Illusion? It's like strengthening stones from abandoned temples." Su Ming said.

Everyone felt that Su Ming's guess was reasonable.

Falling into the River of Light said excitedly:

"With the word oasis, it's still an 8-piece set. It should be gone. Let's go to fight monsters quickly and see if other professions can emerge."

"Then let's also kill the monsters that went around before." Su Ming suggested.


So the ordinary monsters in the illusion suffered.

(End of this chapter)

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