Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 241 Iron Jaw Warrior Boros

Chapter 241 Iron Jaw Warrior Poros (please subscribe~)

After untying the rope, Su Ming bent down slightly to support the crocodile NPC who was about to collapse.

The crocodile NPC opened his eyes in a daze, and the word "Wilbert" gradually appeared above his head.

Weibert glanced at Su Ming, then turned his head to observe the surrounding situation, and asked aloud:
"Adventurers, did Oberth lead you into the illusion? Where is Oberth?"

It was actually a female crocodile, and the voice sounded like it should be 4 or 50 years old.

"Aubert?" Hearing the familiar name, Su Ming was taken aback, and then replied, "Aubert is not with us."

"Then how did you enter the oasis illusion?" Wilbert asked, she remembered that the Iron Jaw tribe was very repulsive to humans.

Falling into Guanghe who stood aside replied for Su Ming:

"We come in from the Ironjaw tribe."

When Wilbert heard the news, the crocodile's mouth opened and closed slightly, obviously very surprised. She asked in a trembling voice:

"Then you are from the Iron Jaw tribe?"

"No, we broke in by force." Su Ming briefly told Weibert about the process of their breaking in and the relationship between them and Aubert.

"Excuse me... what is your relationship with Aubert?" Wisteria asked.

"I am his wife." Weibert said, "Since you are friends of Aubert, I would like to ask you to tell Auberte to live in another place after you leave the illusion. Don't think about it." Going to destroy the machine in the oasis illusion, he is alone, not the opponent of the Iron Jaw tribe."

System: Do you want to accept the team task "Wilbert's Wish"?
Su Ming didn't rush to agree, he saw Weibert's appearance of explaining the funeral, and said softly:
"We can take you to Albert."

Wilbert shook his head and said:

"I know my physical condition. I can't last until then. It's a blessing in misfortune to see you now and convey my wish. Please promise me..."

As he spoke, Weibert's pupils began to dilate.

Su Ming quickly agreed, and Weibert smiled, and then closed his eyes.

Su Ming tested Weibert's breathing, and said to his teammates:
"It's already hung up."

"Is the plot killing..." Wisteria said, "Let's dig a hole and bury Wilbert."

Everyone nodded and acted.

Su Ming and the others guessed that this was a one-time event that would only happen to the first team of players entering the dungeon, so they found a relatively remote place and buried Weibert in it.

The purpose of this is to prevent subsequent players from disturbing Wilbert when they enter the oasis illusion to spawn monsters.

The first player to discover the mainline dungeon can slightly change the small terrain of the dungeon—for example, "so and so came here for a visit"...

While digging the pit, Su Ming asked Wisteria:
"Sister Wisteria, you have more contact with Oberth, do you know anything about the relationship between Oberth and the Iron Jaw tribe?"

Wisteria leaned on a wooden stick for digging pits, raised her head slightly, and replied while thinking:

"I do know a little bit. The current stronghold of the Iron Jaw Tribe used to be the place where Oberth's tribe lived.

I heard from Oberth that the Iron Jaw tribe was originally a small tribe, but somehow they mastered the method of utilizing the energy of the oasis crystal and became powerful.

Those crocodile people injected with the energy of the oasis crystal were invincible, wiped out other crocodile people tribes in the oasis, and then occupied Obert's tribal territory.

In the Iron Jaw Tribe, there are many crocodilians from other crocodile tribes being imprisoned. Oberth also wants to rescue them, but he wants to destroy the machine in the Oasis Illusion that absorbs the energy of the Oasis Crystal before going to rescue them. Horde will not be able to create powerful crocodile warriors. "

Wisteria looked at Wilbert, who was covered with dirt, and said rather melancholy:
"Aubert probably doesn't know that his wife is in the oasis illusion..."

Su Ming nodded. These contents are actually not helpful to the exploration of the oasis illusion, so Wisteria has never talked about it before.

The crowd cut down some branches and surrounded the place where Weibert's body was buried.

After dealing with this matter, Su Ming led the team and began to inspect the various tents in the camp.

Inside, I found a lot of materials collected by the crocodile people, as well as some related information about "Wilbert".

The crocodiles of the Ironjaw Tribe seemed to be doing research on crocodiles from other tribes, and would send in a few to torture them every once in a while. This was the cause of Weibert's death.

In addition to these, there are many treasure chests. Wisteria opened another Oasis suit jacket for fighters. Zui Mingyue directly hugged Wisteria to stick it...

Su Ming assigned the shirt to Zui Mingyue, and said with a smile:

"The explosion rate of the oasis suit seems to be quite high."

"After all, we are the team that opened the mainline dungeon. I heard that the team that opened the first floor of the abandoned temple took 20 or so for the enhancement stone alone. At that time, everyone was only around level 20." Zui Mingyue happily changed into her shirt , activate the two-piece suit effect, and become more powerful.

"A level 20 enhancement stone. I remember that when the enhancement stone first came out, the price was 100 gold, and then slowly dropped to 50 gold. Now you can buy one for only 20 gold." Huahuo Annihilation said , "The oasis set should be more valuable and preserve value than the reinforcement stone."

"That's for sure. This is gold equipment, or a set, but I don't know how long it will take to complete a set." Said into Guanghe.

"In the future, many people will brush together. If you have money, you should be able to buy a set soon." Huahuo Yanmi said.

They still don't know that after the oasis illusion is permanent, the follow-up team will spawn the oasis suit, which will carry the "seal" status.

Sealed equipment cannot be traded. Only by brushing out specific materials can the seal be lifted and traded. After the trade, it will fall into the sealed state again.

Therefore, it is not the oasis equipment that will make money in the future, but these materials that can unseal the seal.

Of course, there is also a small chance of directly brushing out unsealed ones like Su Ming and the others, which are worth money.

Because Su Ming and the others were the first team to enter the Oasis Illusion, they would not produce sealed equipment, nor would they produce materials to unseal the seal.

While chatting, everyone explored all the tents in the camp. In the last tent, which was bigger than the others, Su Ming and the others saw a huge machine.

Zui Mingyue raised her head, looked up at the machine, and said:
"It looks quite like my booster. My poor booster is still being suppressed by the old woman."

This machine is as high as 5 or 6 meters. The gears rotate, and there is a rumbling sound inside the machine. There is a material input port on the top and an exit on the bottom.

Now in this exit, lies a giant sword.

Since there are many weapon racks in this tent, and the items on them are not magic equipment, Zui Mingyue and the others think that this giant sword is the same as the weapons on the weapon rack, not equipment, so they ignore it and go to find other things .

However, Su Ming was more sensitive, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart, so he walked over, picked up the giant sword to check, and found that it was another golden weapon.

"It's a pity that it's a two-handed sword, not suitable for Zaemon." Su Ming threw the giant sword into his backpack.

"Damn, it turned out to be equipment." Zui Mingyue, who was looking around the machine, saw the extra giant sword in the team's backpack, dropped the blueprint picked up from the side of the machine, and said, "Why doesn't it shine..."

The blueprint fell to the ground, on which was a design drawing of a hammer, but Zui Mingyue had checked it before, and there was no attribute, so she ignored the blueprint, walked away from the huge machine, and began to grope around the weapon rack.

"Picking up gold equipment for nothing, the rewards for exploring the mainline dungeon for the first time are really rich." Wisteria smiled and opened a silver treasure chest, threw the contents into the team's backpack, and said, "The treasure chests I opened today are more than the ones I opened a week ago. Yes, happy~”

While everyone was rummaging through the tent, Su Ming heard footsteps outside, and quickly shouted:
"Assemble, there is a situation outside."

Su Ming's teammates this time are more reliable. Hearing Su Ming's words, without any hesitation, he immediately put down what he was doing and leaned towards Su Ming.

Just after the assembly, a crocodile man in armor descended from the sky and trampled down the tent. It held a halberd in its hand and watched Su Ming and his party covered by the white tent cloth.

"You are the intruders Priest Si Luo said, I am Boros, the crocodile warrior, and I am here to take your lives!"

Speaking of which, it waved the halberd in its hand, and swept towards Su Ming and his party under the white cloth.

(End of this chapter)

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