Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 242 The Crocodile Adventure Team

Chapter 242 The Crocodile Adventure Team (please subscribe~)

The appearance of Poros caused Su Ming a lot of trouble, and the tent cloth shrouded it, causing a blinding effect.

Only when facing the first team to enter the oasis illusion did Poros suddenly appear in this way.

After the copy of Oasis Illusion is fixed, Poros will become half out of control, guarding in the base camp, waiting for players to come to challenge.

The equipment manufacturing machine in the tent will not be equipped for nothing.

"Zaemon, split the cloth with your sword." Su Ming shouted.

"Hmph!" Zaemon swung his swords and tore apart the cloth.

Wisteria also cut the cloth with a dagger.

At this time, the hammer roared loudly, and the flames on his body exploded, burning all the cloth in one fell swoop.

"Good job hammer." Su Ming praised.

The cloth was burned by the flames, and Su Ming and the others saw the light of day again, and saw the halberd sweeping towards them.

"Be careful! Pull back!" Su Ming shouted, "Xiao Hei, block it with a charged ejection!"


Xiao Hei jumped to the front of the team, the edges of his body were wrapped in gold thread, and he entered an invincible and uncontrollable state, successfully intercepting the half-moon blade of the halberd.

After everyone dispersed, they saw the appearance of Poros clearly.

This is a muscular giant crocodile, half a body taller than the tall machine in the tent.

"No wonder the machine is so tall, there is no ladder, so it was used for it." Zui Mingyue complained.

"I hate fighting big monsters..." Wisteria said.

Large monsters, even ordinary actions, will cause injuries to close occupations.

Hanabi Annihilation is just the opposite of Wisteria, she likes big monsters the most, so it's easy to aim at.

"What, dare to block me!" Poros roared, and the war halberd kept cutting down on the invincible Xiao Hei.

Su Ming used the beast taming skill on him to attract hatred to himself.

"Leading human beings, die!" Poros had an extra hatred bonus for the team leader, and together with the ghostly coat that Su had obtained not long ago, he immediately attracted the hatred away.

Of course, Su Ming and the others don't know about this feature of Poros yet, and it won't be analyzed until there are more players and someone does a detailed strategy.

After Su Ming attracted the hatred, he ran in circles to let Poros expose his back so that others could output.

Falling into the river of light and seeing Su Ming start to run, he quickly followed Su Ming to make sure that Su Ming was within his spell casting range.

"Wait until I fight Beast Taming again before you output!" Su Ming shouted.

"Okay, Wisteria and I will kill the new crocodile guard first." Zui Mingyue said.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Su Ming copied Poros' clone and began to output it, stabilizing Poros' hatred as soon as possible.

Except for the two designated tank classes of Iron Guard and Magic-riding Iron Guard, most of the melee classes, with fast-cooling skills such as level 1 and level 5, will have a bit of hatred amplification function, and occasionally they can be used as tanks.

Beast tamers, as a medium-distance output profession, can have a skill with the characteristic of hatred amplification, which is also due to the connection between them and monsters. Under normal circumstances, the skills of long-range professions will not have this characteristic of.

Although the Beast Tamer is a long-range tank that can be used as a tank, the slowness of hatred stability is a relatively big disadvantage, and generally it will not be used as the main tank.

When Su Ming's hatred was solid, Wisteria and Zui Mingyue attacked together and stopped the five crocodile men brought back by Poros.

These five crocodile men went out on patrol with Poros, and their eyes were not fully rolled, so it can be seen that they still have a certain amount of intelligence.

Among the 5 crocodiles, there are 2 fighters, 1 mage, 1 shooter, and milk. They will jointly attack and defend, and their strength is not weak.

Oasis Mirage is actually an eight-player game, and players will have more ways to deal with this team.

But if five people like Su Ming and the others enter the dungeon, it is still difficult to rely on only two or three people to deal with the 5 coordinated elite crocodile squad.

But for Wisteria and Zui Mingyue, the problem is not so big.

The two of them didn't know that there was a job assignment among the five crocodile people at first, and suffered a little loss. After knowing it, Wisteria said to Zui Mingyue:
"I'm going to kill the milk crocodile."

Zui Mingyue nodded, and even with a gear, he was able to fight against two crocodile elites alone, and the two crocodile men barely matched Zui Mingyue with the assistance of the three long-range crocodiles behind them.

Wisteria entered a state of invisibility, touched the back of the milk crocodile, but was not found, and then the dagger spun in her hand, cutting the back of the milk crocodile, superimposing a deadly rhythm.

When the shooter crocodile found that the milk crocodile was being attacked, he immediately turned his arrow and aimed at the wisteria.

The milk crocodile panicked and ran wildly. Wisteria completely ignored the shooter crocodile and followed closely behind the milk crocodile. The dagger moved in and out quickly, and chopped 5 or 6 times in a blink of an eye. Each knife could cause 1500+ damage to the milk crocodile. , the last move "assassination" ended, double the damage, and instantly killed the milk crocodile.

After picking up the silver equipment dropped by the milk crocodile, Wisteria pounced on the shooter crocodile who attacked her, and continued to slaughter.

Wisteria was in charge of the back row, and Zui Mingyue was in charge of the front row. With the cooperation of the two, they quickly defeated the crocodile team.

Although the two of them can easily deal with it now, this crocodile team will become the point of destruction for many teams in the future-if the milk crocodile cannot be killed immediately, the warrior crocodile will return to defense, and Boros' attack , the situation becomes troublesome.

This has also led to teams that want to enter the oasis illusion to fight, basically find a stalker to join the team.

In the future, stalkers who can't kill the milk crocodile will be ridiculed and hung up on the forum...

Wisteria and Zui Mingyue finished handling the crocodile team and harvested 3 pieces of silver equipment. The two of them glanced at the battle message panel and Poros' status.

Crocodile Warrior Poros (LV33, BOSS): 425210/495000.

When the two of them were fighting, Su Ming had already stabilized his hatred for Poros, commanded the pet, and slammed the boss.

Huahuo Annihilation stood in the distance, held up the staff, chanted non-stop, and kept blasting flames to attack.

With more than 6 damage, she can account for 1.5, which is not bad.

Zaemon's original output ability surpassed Kuro's, but after Kuro swallowed a batch of new equipment at level 30, he was surpassed by Kuro again. In addition, Poros's size is huge, and he is not easy to output in close combat. No more black.

But Zaemon did not feel discouraged.

When fighting Poros, you need to concentrate on dodging and looking for opportunities to attack. The intensity of the battle is very high. Compared with him, the enemy is stronger than himself, and Zaemon is very happy. He doesn't have time to think about other things.

"Poros knows three attack methods: trampling, sweeping and chopping. Just pay attention to both of you." Su Ming said to Zui Mingyue and Wisteria who joined the battle.

Zui Mingyue and Wisteria gave the reply they received.

Every time Poros made a move, Su Ming would remind him aloud. After one or two reminders, Wisteria and Zui Mingyue had mastered the style of play and were able to dodge by themselves, reducing the burden on Su Ming.

In the distance, who was in charge of showing Su Ming's grandma's blood, fell into Guanghe's heart, and he was frightened - the boss had to carry the monsters by himself, command the pets, and remind the team to pay attention to the monsters' moves. This energy is really strong.

After Zui Mingyue and Wisteria joined in, Poros' blood volume dropped faster.

(End of this chapter)

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