Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 243 Iron Jaw Equipment Manufacturing Machine

Chapter 243 Iron Jaw Card Equipment Manufacturing Machine

"Ants and human beings, prepare to become meat!"

Poros roared, raised his halberd above his head, and spun, the wind pressure destroyed the surrounding tents and trees.

However, when it raised the halberd, Su Ming and the others had already avoided it, so its attack did not hurt anyone, but instead became a target, annihilated by fireworks.

Su Ming was always within Poros's attack range except when Poros was using his skills. The hatred dissipated very slowly, so the hatred was very stable. Even if he kept hitting Firework Annihilation, he would not be OT.

After Poros finished spinning, Su Ming and the others surrounded him again to output.

"Crystal energy!"

Poros yelled again, a green light burst out of his body, instantly restored 2 HP, and at the same time shook away the wisteria, Zui Mingyue, and Zaemon who surrounded him.

When Wisteria and the others were shaken away, Falling into the River of Light immediately set off and ran towards Poros.

Poros leaned on the halberd, raised his head and roared, the green light on his body became more and more vigorous, and there was a counter on its head "Immunity Control: 2".

The bondage of light!

Falling into the river of light and shooting a strip of light, the counter on Poros's head became "1".

Spear of Light!
After falling into the river of light and throwing the light spear, breaking the immune control state on Poros' head, Su Ming released the scolding, interrupting the roaring Poros.

After falling into the river of light and finishing his own work, he returned to a safe position and waited for his skills to cool down.

Others also surrounded Poros again for output.

If Poros is allowed to roar for 2 seconds, it will recover 10 HP and enter a berserk state that lasts for 10 seconds. The first time Su Ming and the others faced this skill of Poros, they suffered a disadvantage.

Boros has now been hit back to 60% HP. Su Ming and the others are already very familiar with Boros' skill mode and can deal with it very well.

"Ants and humans..."

Spread out, wait, and keep attacking.

"Crystal energy!"

Leave at least 3 control skills to interrupt, and then continue to output.

Soon, Poros' blood volume dropped below 20.

"Damn it! You forced me!" Poros roared.

"It's a new line, everyone be careful, spread out to see the situation." Su Ming directed.

Everyone dispersed.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is no hatred for the melee that suddenly leaves, Poros will chase after 1 or 2 times to get a prize, but this time it ignored Wisteria and the others.

Since Su Ming and the others moved while fighting, they were now more than two hundred yards away from where they started.Poros left Su Ming and the others directly, and ran to the rear.

"what happened?"

"Is it going to run away?"

"Chase or not?"

Su Ming saw that Poros did not heal and leave the battle, and he had the charging skill "Crystal Energy" before. He was worried that Poros would become very strong by tricks, so he made a judgment to pursue and led his teammates to follow Poros. behind.

"Sister Huahuo, please don't output. Now the hatred is unstable." Su Ming said.

"Yeah." Huahuo Annihilation nodded. When Poros used her skills before, she output seamlessly, and her damage has gradually pulled to the second place. Since it is long-range, the actual hatred may be higher than that of the first Xiaohei higher.

Poros was big and moved fast. He ran a distance of more than 200 yards and came to the side of the collapsed tent.


Poros ripped back the torn white cloth, revealing the huge machine inside.

Seeing that the machine was not moving, it punched the machine twice and kicked the machine three times...


The battered machine was in motion.

Zui Mingyue saw this scene, laughed and said:

"This is exactly the same as repairing the booster."

"What is it going to do?" Huahuo Annihilation asked.

"I don't know, give it a good beating first?" Zui Mingyue looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming nodded and said:
"Okay, but Sister Mingyue, you and Sister Wisteria, don't do anything, fight from a distance first."

Then Su Ming, Huahuo Annihilation, Xiao Hei, and Hammer launched an attack on Poros.

The attack hit Poros, which could cause damage, and Poros didn't fight back, but said viciously:

"When I make a good weapon, you will have a good look!"

"Build weapons?" Su Ming frowned, commanding the hammer with the lowest output to try to attack the machine.

The flame of the hammer fell on the machine and exploded into small sparks, which did not affect the operation of the machine at all.

Iron Jaw Equipment Maker (9/10): Invincible building status.

"Hahaha, you are so naive to want to destroy the machines made by the Iron Jaw Tribe!" Poros laughed at Su Ming and the others.

"Boom!" As the machine exploded, a big hammer was spat out by the machine.

Poros laughed and said:
"It's your time to die!"

Poros grabbed the sledgehammer, leaped forward, raised the hammer above his head, and smashed it at Su Ming with great momentum.

Seeing something bad, Su Ming immediately retreated out of Poros' attack range.


The hammer hit the ground, and the shock wave sent vegetation and rocks flying, knocking everyone down to the ground, causing more than 8000 damage.

Huahuo Annihilation, which had a low blood volume, was directly killed, and the hammer barely survived by relying on Su Ming's "Guardian" skill and its own shield skill.

In the team channel, Huahuo Annihilation said depressedly:
"Damn, what the hell? I've been overwhelmed by the aftermath?"

"My wife, I have learned the resurrection technique, so I can resurrect you."

Resurrection is a new level 30 skill that fell into Guanghe.

Its real name is "Resurrection Blessing".

Resurrection Blessing (LV1):
Passive: After the light chaser dies, it will become a "spiritual body" state. In the spiritual body state, the mana value state will be retained, +100% movement speed, and the active effect of "Blessing of Resurrection" can be released.

Active: The Light Chaser releases a dead player within 5 yards, revives it within 5 seconds, reduces death penalty, recovers 40% of maximum HP and mana, increases movement speed by 50%, and lasts for 3 seconds.

Cost: 500 mana, cooldown: 1 hour.

"Don't waste it on Jill, it's an hour of cooling time, save it for the boss and the others, I'll run over here."

After the shock wave passed, the green light in his hand flickered, adding blood to everyone in the team. However, before adding much, Poros jumped up again and smashed the hammer at Su Ming and the others again.

"Damn, such a strong skill, continuous use? Is there no interval?" Chuo Guanghe quickly interrupted the skill, and ran with Su Ming and the others.

Just as Su Ming wanted Xiao Hei to swallow Poros, he saw Poros' hammer disintegrate in the air.

The broken hammer hit the ground without any power at all.

Poros threw away the hammer angrily, and shouted:
"You wait, I'll go make new weapons right away!"

After speaking, it ran away in big strides, and returned to the equipment manufacturing machine. The manufacturing machine was buzzing again, and Poros looked at Su Ming and the others proudly, as if victory was in sight.

Su Ming thought of the number behind the manufacturing machine when the hammer attacked the manufacturing machine.


It should be the durability of the manufacturing machine.

If it was really 10 sledgehammer attacks, the team would definitely be wiped out.

Su Ming made a decisive decision. Although Poros would stand still and hit them when he was making weapons, the blood of about 20 can last at least 4 rounds.

Even with three big hammers, Su Ming and the others couldn't stand it, so Su Ming made a decisive decision and ordered:
"We retreat, there is a manufacturing machine, we can't beat it."

The equipment manufacturing machine made a sword this time. Poros took the big sword and swiped it hard. A huge sword energy flew out, almost hitting Su Ming and the others who were a hundred yards away...

Poros watched the four fleeing in dismay, and did not pursue them, but let his jeers echo through the jungle.

 I still owe one more~
(End of this chapter)

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