Chapter 244 Successful Killing (Please Subscribe~)

Under a big tree.

The five of Su Ming gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"What should we do? Poros is blocked on the only way, and if we don't beat him, we can't move on." Said into Guanghe.

Su Ming thought for a while, then said:
"The durability of the equipment manufacturing machine is only 10 points. Every time a piece of equipment is manufactured, the durability will drop a little bit. If its durability will not recover, we can fight it a few more times until the durability of the manufacturing machine is exhausted. It should be able to beat it." gone."

"It seems that this is the only way to do it." Huahuo Yanlan said: "This time I have to escape early, and I can't die. Although there will be no downgrade in the dungeon, the 20% experience is also very valuable."

"Fortunately, there is no time limit for the first team to open the instance." Falling into Guanghe said.

Wisteria frowned and dismissed Su Ming's opinion, she said:
"Spore, your method may not work. It's okay to fight two or three times, but if you want to fight four or five times, I don't know if the durability of the equipment maker will be lost, but the durability of the equipment on our bodies must be lost.

When Boros attacks with the weapon of the crafting machine, the damage to the durability of the equipment is very high. "

After hearing Wisteria's words, everyone opened their equipment panels and found that the equipment's durability did drop more than normal.

Wisteria was very careful, but Su Ming didn't notice it.

"Then my method is useless..." Su Ming raised his head and asked Miu Mi, who was resting on the tree, "Miu Mi, do you have a solution?"

Miao Mi turned over, rubbed her back with a branch, and said lazily:

"Don't ask me, I'm just a kitten."

The team fell silent, and everyone was thinking of a way.

"Do you still have the two senses?" Wisteria asked, "When Poros was making weapons, he wouldn't fight back. Why don't we kill him right away?"

"Where is 20 blood? Will it drop in seconds?" Luo Shengguanghe was worried.

"It would be great if I learned a level 30 skill." Huahuo Annihilation said: "With two more skills, maybe I can be in seconds."

Su Ming nodded, he too, lacked 2 skills.

After a while, Su Ming broke the silence and said:

"Although it may not be lost in a second, we still have to try. After all, this is the only way. If we can't pass, we will exit the instance first to learn new skills and find ways to save our lives.

This copy should not be discovered in a short time. "

"That's the only way." Everyone agreed with Su Ming's opinion, and began to eat food again, improve status, and dispense potions.

Seeing that Zui Mingyue hadn't spoken, Su Ming thought she was unhappy because she couldn't beat the dungeon, so he jumped over to scare Zui Mingyue.

Zui Mingyue clicked her tongue, held down Su Ming's head, and said angrily:

"What are you doing... you suddenly startled me."

"Hey, sister Mingyue, what are you thinking?" Su Ming asked.

"I'm thinking... that equipment manufacturing machine may not be able to produce powerful weapons every time." Zui Mingyue remembered the hammer blueprint she dropped when she was searching for the manufacturing machine just now, and the weapon style drawn on it , exactly the same as the sledgehammer held by Poros.

The manufacturing machine manufactures equipment according to blueprints. If the blueprints are replaced with junk equipment blueprints, Poros may be useless.

Hearing Zui Mingyue's words, everyone who was preparing to act again stopped, and Wisteria asked:

"Mingyue, do you have any new ideas?"

Zui Mingyue nodded and said:

"There is a little bit, but I'm not sure. Which of you has the equipment blueprints on the periphery of the illusion? It needs to be complete."

Su Ming and Luo Zhiguanghe took out all of them, and asked:
"What do you want these blueprints for?"

Zui Mingyue uttered her guesses and thoughts, which was recognized by everyone.

"Then, I'll ask Sister Wisteria to replace the blueprint. Let's try it first. If it doesn't work, we'll kill it with Erjue." Su Ming said.

"Well, leave it to me."

Everyone rectified the team, Su Ming and Luo Shengguanghe traded the drawings to Wisteria.


Crocodile Camp.

Still a battle scene.

Poros was holding a halberd, sitting on a broken log with a golden sword, and his health had already been fully recovered.

As soon as Su Ming and the others approached, Poros stood up and said:
"How dare you come back, die!"

Poros dragged his halberd and charged towards the Su Ming people who were hiding behind the trees and were about to observe for a while.

"It's a long distance to hate. Everyone is ready to fight, sister Wisteria, go change the blueprint first."

Everyone opened up and fought with Poros. With the top 60% HP, Su Ming and the others were very familiar with Poros' skills and attack patterns, so the fight was easy.

Wisteria became invisible and ran to the equipment manufacturing machine. She tapped the machine with a dagger and knew that the machine only had 8 points of durability left. It seems that manufacturing equipment does consume durability.

She ran around the manufacturing machine and found a place where the blueprints were placed. There were more than a dozen blueprints inside, drawing various weapons.

"It seems... just throw away all the drawings, so there is no need to replace them?" Wisteria thought so, took out all the drawings, and then cut them with a dagger, but found that they couldn't be cut.

"'s ordinary paper."

Wisteria took the blueprints away, lost them far away, and was about to leave, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the new blueprints in the slot, which made her break out in a cold sweat.

Wisteria quickly ran back, rushed to throw away the drawings, and replaced them with garbage drawings.

This time, she deliberately guarded for a while, making sure that the blueprint would not be refreshed in the placement mouth, and then left.

"Fortunately, I noticed it, otherwise I would cause big trouble because of petty gain." Wisteria breathed a sigh of relief, and passed the news of the completion of the replacement to Su Ming and the others.

When Su Ming and the others got the news, they sped up the output rhythm, and after more than ten minutes, they beat Poros to less than 20 HP.

"Damn it! You forced me!" Poros said the same lines as before, and then ran directly to the manufacturing machine.

Su Ming and the others had the experience of fighting Poros once, knowing that Poros would not fight back when he ran away, so this time they chased Poros and fought fiercely.

Panting, Poros came to the manufacturing machine, laughed and pushed the start lever of the machine.

"When I make a good weapon, you will have a good look!"

Poros endured Su Ming's output and spoke harsh words.

Hua Huo Annihilation heard this and said:
"I'll retreat first."

"Okay, Guanghe is going to speed up his blessing, if the situation is not right, we will run away." Su Ming said.


Last time, it took 5 or 6 seconds for Poros to build the weapon after speaking harshly. This time, it took less than 2 seconds for a piece of equipment to be spit out from the exit of the machine, and the roar of operation stopped.

Poros picked up the jacket at the entrance, and said doubtfully:
"What's going on? Why is this kind of garbage being produced?!"

He pushed the starter lever again anxiously.

Seeing this, Su Ming was overjoyed and shouted:
"Sister Mingyue's guess is correct, everyone hurry up!"

Huahuo Annihilation did not run away, and began to stand up.

One piece after another of garbage equipment was spit out from the manufacturing machine, and Poros became more and more irritable. When only the last 5 blood was left, Poros roared:
"Ahhh, garbage machine, I smashed you!"

After roaring, Poros slashed vertically with his halberd, smashed the manufacturing machine, and rushed towards Su Ming and the others.

However, Poros' blood volume was too low, so he was killed by Su Ming and the others during the charge.

"I should... believe in my own strength from beginning to end." Poros murmured, fell back and died.

After his death, the armor on his body was scattered all over the place, and his strong muscles also shrank rapidly, becoming thinner than ordinary crocodiles.

(End of this chapter)

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