Chapter 245 Another Team (Please Subscribe~)

"The manufacturing machine was smashed, what a pity."

When Su Ming was fighting, he kept pointing to the number of equipment spit out by the manufacturing machine.

Counting the previous two pieces of equipment, Boros went crazy when the manufacturing machine consumed 8 points of durability.

If it doesn't have it to go crazy and destroy the manufacturing machine, Su Ming still thinks that when he downloads the book in the future, he can use the manufacturing machine to make equipment. After all, it seems that the manufacturing machine can be used as equipment without materials, which is amazing.

Poros dropped 3 pieces of equipment and more than [-] gold coins, very generous.

Among the third-level equipment, one is the stalker's oasis suit, which is allocated to wisteria.Wisteria had better equipment on her body, so she didn't put it on immediately.

The other two pieces are also gold equipment:
Warrior Earrings (LV30, Gold):

+80~120 physical attack power

+500 Health, +40 Magic Resist, +25 Subtlety
+80 Strength, +50 Constitution
Durability: 30/30
Occupational Requirements: None.

Reckless Crocodile Helmet (LV30, Gold)
+850 Health, +85 Armor, +80 Magic Resist
+140 Constitution
Stupid Mind: Passive: -60% to Charm, Fear, Mind Control, Hallucination time.

Durability: 60/60
Occupational requirements: none

The team Su Ming formed this time is a complete group of relatives and friends. When there are suitable equipment, there is no need to pay money, and they are allocated completely according to needs.

Although the warrior earrings Drunken Moon and Wisteria can be used, Wisteria has already taken an oasis suit, so this warrior earring is Drunken Moon.

Zui Mingyue came down from the dungeon and exchanged three pieces of gold equipment, which was considered a small take-off.

All the added attributes of the helmet are defensive attributes, so naturally it belongs to Su Ming.

After putting it on, two wide-eyed crocodile eyes appeared on Su Ming's head, which was still as weird as before...

"Okay, let's move on." Su Ming raised his head, called Miu Mi, and asked, "Do you want to move on?"

"That's right, just keep walking along this road."

Seeing that the battle was over, Miao Mi jumped back on Su Ming's head. The crocodile's head stretched forward a little like the head of an airplane, making it more comfortable to lie on top of.

So Su Ming and the others left from the back door of the camp, and assigned the same task as when they first entered the illusion—wisteria went to explore the way, and the others went to collect various materials in the dungeon.

About an hour later, everyone cleaned up several waves of monsters, found two oasis suits that no one was wearing, and came to a river.

The river is more than ten meters wide. Logically speaking, this is a distance that both stalkers and fighters can jump over with a running approach. Piranha Wisteria.

Wisteria twisted the water stains on her hair, tilted her head and said:

"This river is forbidden. I jumped about 5 meters and was forcibly dragged down. I was almost washed away. There are still piranhas in the river. There are so many piranhas that I have no experience in killing them."

Su Ming went up and helped Wisteria take off the piranha on her body and threw it back into the river, saying:

"On the way here, I saw a few broken wooden boats, probably prepared for a river."

"I saw it too, but these wooden boats are all tattered." Said into Guanghe.

"Stupid, how can I directly give you a boat to go there, otherwise this river will be empty." Sparks Annihilation put his left hand around his chest, put his right hand on his left hand, stretched out a finger, tilted his head slightly and said , "I must find a lot of broken wooden boats, and then collect materials to repair a boat. I have encountered similar scenes before."

"My wife is so smart."

"That's not."

"In that case, let's hurry up and collect the wooden boats." Su Ming said.

Everyone dispersed and went to the jungle to look for the broken canoe.It took some time, and a total of 6 dilapidated wooden boats were dragged out.

These wooden boats can be broken. After breaking, players can collect nails and planks. Players who have nails and planks can repair the damaged wooden boats.

Two bad ships can make one good ship.

"A boat can only accommodate 2 people, what if there is one person left?" Asked into Guanghe.

"You can go over four people first, and then send one person back to pick them up." Su Ming said.

"My husband, you are so stupid..." Hua Huo was speechless.

Falling into Guanghe and touching his head, he laughed "haha" twice to hide his embarrassment.

Su Ming quickly made arrangements for the staff, falling into Guanghe and Huahuo Annihilation, Zui Mingyue and Wisteria, he was the team leader, and finally asked Wisteria to pick him up.

Everyone pushed the canoe into the water, bubbles bubbled up on the surface of the water, and black and blue piranhas emerged from the water, crunching and chewing on the canoe.

Next to the wooden boat, a 1000-point blood bar is displayed. Every time the piranha bites, the wooden boat will forcibly deduct a little blood.

Just after entering the water, the wooden boat was detained with more than ten points of blood.

"Row quickly, if the wooden boat sinks, you won't be able to get through. The piranhas will do a lot of damage." Wisteria shouted.

She and Zui Mingyue jumped into the canoe and slid quickly with the oars.

The wooden boat moved forward quickly, and reached the opposite bank when there were 200 health points remaining.

After Zui Mingyue landed, she shouted loudly, lifted the canoe directly to the shore, and then shot down all the piranhas biting on it.

Falling into the Guanghe River, the two of them are not strength-based occupations, and they paddled poorly. When they were 2 or 3 meters away from the shore, the wooden boat began to leak and sink.

Seeing this, Zui Mingyue and Wisteria went straight into the water and rescued them from falling into the Guanghe River and Hua Huo Annihilation.

In such a short time, all four of them became half-blooded, showing the harmfulness of piranhas.

"The ship has [-] health points left... what should I do?" Wisteria asked.

"I'll just pull the big guy over here." Luo Shengguanghe said.

"Hey, husband, you've become smarter." Spark Annihilation said.

"What if it falls down again?" Wisteria asked.

Fell into the river of light and fell silent.

Su Ming shouted from the other side:
"It's okay, let's pull it first. I have Xiao Hei, who can bounce in the air once."

After Su Ming said so, he fell into the river of light and made a move directly. He waved his staff, and a beam of light fell on Su Ming, pulling Su Ming over.

In the middle of the story, the skill was as expected by Wisteria, it suddenly failed, and the inertia disappeared directly, and Su Ming fell into the river with his fingers.

Miao Mi screamed and clasped Su Ming's hat tightly with her claws.

In the river, a bunch of piranhas emerged, opening and closing their mouths, waiting for Su Ming.

"Master, don't be afraid, I'm coming!" Xiao Hei, who had been waiting for the situation, took off and landed precisely at Su Ming's feet. With a push up, Su Ming regained his momentum and resisted the other side.

Xiao Hei fell into the river with a plop, and immediately emptied the piranhas with a viscous liquid. Unfortunately, he has no experience. If he had experience, the leveling efficiency of this river is probably not worse than that of the outer area.

After Su Ming stood firm, he used the "Lord Protector" skill to pull Xiao Hei over.

Xiao Hei shook his body in a "dululu" manner, shaking off all the water stains on his body.

Su Ming let Zaemon and Hammer cross the river easily by unsummoning and re-summoning.

After all five people passed the river, they continued to move forward, but within a few steps, they heard the sound of an engine behind them.

All five of Su Ming turned their heads and saw the source of the voice.

"Damn it, what the hell is this? A speedboat?" Luo Shengguanghe opened his mouth wide.

"Is it a monster?"

Su Ming took out the binoculars from his backpack and looked towards the speedboat. When he saw the person operating the speedboat, he said with a little doubt:
"It's a player..."

Su Ming moved the binoculars slowly, saw the guild badges on their chests, and continued to provide information:
"It seems to belong to the God of War Guild."

Zui Mingyue also said strangely:

"Strange, how could other players enter the dungeon? Judging from the direction they came from, it is obviously different from ours, right? Is this dungeon placed randomly?"

"There's another question...why do they have speedboats..."

While Su Ming and the others were talking, the speedboat had already docked, and the piranha bit the speedboat, and its teeth were about to snap...

Five players with damaged equipment got off the speedboat. When they saw Su Ming and the other five, their eyes were full of shock.

 Thank you for the 1500 point reward of "Know the word Chang".

(End of this chapter)

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